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Everything posted by Othin

  1. I'm more concerned about that kind of appearance on a character it doesn't suit than on one it does.
  2. Yeah after buying a 3DS for Awakening and getting the whole game and all the DLC twice, this is nothing. I'm sure I'll get everything for the English version, so I'll have to see how much I can restrain myself from buying for the Japanese version. I'm sure I'll end up getting the two main stories both times but maybe I can convince myself to hold off on the third story for English only?
  3. The two sides seem balanced to me. Hoshido has the new classes and weapons, while Nohr has the new story and structure. Nohr seems like the real meat of it, so I figure I'll ease into it with Hoshido in a week, see how it goes, and then inevitably feel compelled to get Nohr right afterward even though it means I'll end up buying them both twice once the English versions come out because HOLY SHIT THIS LOOKS SO GOOD.
  4. Calculate damage normally, including replacing negative damage values with 0, then add a random number from ~10-20. No, I don't know why.
  5. okay so if it was released in japan and didn't influence the games made in japan why would it have influenced the games made outside of japan if it was released outside of japan
  6. Did you have him re-mount after learning the skill dismounted and see if he had the skill then? It could be only available to certain characters while mounted, even when learned. Isn't that how Re-Move works?
  7. Hey, yeah, that is a lot of space. Not much that's longer than "Royal Army Crossbow"; shouldn't be an issue to fit things with that.
  8. Awesome having the rest dumped! But looking it over, that's almost 2300 things, and while it has things like skill and food and horse descriptions, I didn't see the weapon descriptions, so there's at least those on top of it, and possibly other things. This isn't going to be a fast process. Now, many of those shouldn't be much trouble, but still.
  9. Well, if it's easily doable, that'd be nice. In any case, I decided to make some trimmed-down alternatives for the names exceeding 12 characters. They're listed next to the originals, so both versions are available. In a few cases, something along those lines is probably necessary to make them fit comfortably in any standard font, although others are just kinda squished and ugly. Being able to do like 14 instead of 12 would let a lot of them fit as their non-crushed originals and be really nice.
  10. TRS is on PS1, but this is Berwick Saga, for the PS2. Like most patches, I'm assuming this is being designed for a PC emulator meant to run games for the original system.
  11. Awesome! It looks like the main issues are the several-word weapons, which would probably be cumbersome in any circumstances. We could cut the military weapons to "Army (weapon)", "Imperial" (weapon)", and "Old (weapon)", I think. I'll add shorter versions on the doc. It looks like 12 characters is a good standard max, so I'll see if any others need trimming. and I'm sure Banzai wants to say "I told you so" right now
  12. Added. If you have any ideas for cleanup or alternate suggestions (like David), go right ahead. But I want to be able to keep track of changes if anything gets overwritten in an existing cell, so if it comes to that, just make sure to say something, alright? With names like David, I'm sure there will be some disagreements, as there are a lot of names to make and a lot of flexibility where people will have their own preferences. I really think we shouldn't sweat the details too much for now if we have something workable, as there are a lot of names to get through and there'll be plenty of time for adjustments once we have a working patch in action to look at.
  13. Hmm, I'm not sure what the difference is in the original text but anything could help make sense out of this. Did you get a chance to check the "line 1" and "line 2" descriptions for any weapon? If you can post the original text of those for just one weapon, it should tell me what to do with the descriptions for all of them.
  14. Alright I took another look at the text dump and added a new "Misc" page to work on it specifically; I've gotten about a tenth of the way through so far. I was able to figure out the sources for some of the commands, but I'm not sure about some of the others, where I had to guess the purpose. And there are a couple I was just clueless on; if anyone has any suggestions for the ones I skipped over, feel free to speak up. If not, I'll get to them after sorting through everything else.
  15. Sure, just PM me your email so I can add you specifically rather than making it publicly editable and opening that whole can of worms. And of course if there's anyone else with you who needs to be able to edit, feel free to add them.
  16. Alright I did the knives based on the visible part of the description, splitting up the two lines where appropriate to make sure. Is this an accurate display of the "two lines", and does the format work? I want to be sure we're on the same page with the descriptions before continuing; I'll go back to the names in the meantime.
  17. Okay so I want to make sure we're on the same page for the descriptions. For the description of the weapon ロードグラム (Lord Gram), most sources list the following: 致命+18%、攻撃数+1 (Critical +18%, Attack number +1) 奇跡の護符の効果 (Miracle Talisman effect) Are these two lines the first and second lines of the ingame description for it, or are they the second and third? Berwick Saga lists three lines for the weapon descriptions when viewed ingame, with the first being a generic description of the weapon's current durability status and the other two being the weapon-specific description. I don't know enough Japanese to tell a font difference between the lines, so I'm not sure which is which according to the classifications you found. If these are the two lines you find for the weapon's description, then I can get all the translations with my current sources. If not, I don't have a text version of the durability-based first line, so I won't be able to get those on my own, but I can translate them if you post them. They should be generic, so there won't be much to translate, making it easy, although it would be odd for them to be listed with the weapon-specific descriptions in this case. Alternatively, if it's something else entirely, I'm sure I can work with that too once I see what it is. Thinking about it again, is the first line often blank, or otherwise generic? If that's the case, it might actually be just the name of the character or class certain weapons are assigned to. In this case, that would mean the first line of Lord Gram's description would be リース (Reese). If this is the case, it would explain the fonts better, since that text actually does look like the weapon's name, unlike the description text. This would be particularly easy to translate.
  18. Been working on cleaning up the other weapons on my lists first; it's easier for me since I have translations for them already and I actually know what they are ingame to have a basis for sorting through translations. For the others, anyone who generally has as good or better knowledge of Japanese should be able to do at least as well as I could, since it's really not dependent on Berwick Saga knowledge. I can give them a shot once I've finished sorting everything I know, though. In the meantime, to fit the classes with the patterns I've been sticking with otherwise, I'm inclined to say: ロードナイト Knight Lord 補給兵 Transporter 修道士 Templar ローグウォーリア Fighter What it really boils down to, though, is that if it's not on one of my lists and it's not just because I haven't finished putting that list on the doc, it means I don't actually know what it is. The lists I've been using are typically different from and more expansive than the ones I have on the site, but I'll get them all on the doc in good time.
  19. Yeah, I've been doing this one step at a time. I'm likely to be busy for the next couple days, but I should be able to plug in the rest soon. Of the ones on that list, I notice a few things that sound like classes at the beginning, then there's the weapons I haven't added yet, but do you know what the other things are? It seems somewhat miscellaneous; like there's things like "Lady" and "Secretary" which sound like NPC titles but then there's stuff like "Building" and "Item Bank".
  20. Alright well if you find that any of the names have space issues, just let me know by how much and I can come up with an abbreviated version. I'm particularly worried about ones like "Royal Army Crossbow".
  21. Oh, I should ask: do you know the length limit for the names? Some of these get a bit lengthy, and if it's necessary to trim them down, I can figure out ways to do that.
  22. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AmgAmMojnPkLdDJJbjNWRGRCbkFCNEsyQnNrVGVPTUE&usp=sharing Working on it here. I decided to have two English columns, one with the most literal version, the other being one where I take a bit more liberties in making it match up with FE naming patterns. Up to you what to make of the two, although the non-literal versions are ultimately my personal recommendations. I should mention that some of the non-literal versions come from collaboration with Banzai, and a couple of other people not active on this site, so this isn't all my work. It is, however, all for precisely this purpose.
  23. Sure. It'll take a bit of time, but I'll put it all together.
  24. Yeah, if you've managed to make a patch adjusting even a bit of ingame text like in the OP, would you be able to make a brief video, just to remove any shred of doubt?
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