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Everything posted by Othin

  1. This is probably the case, so yeah, a few hours later. I've checked a few times immediately after the SpotPass release and it wasn't there.
  2. Age is arbitrary. It can be useful for estimating stuff for humans, but there are still exceptions, and Nono isn't human. As L95 pointed out, this is not a matter of physical age: it's a matter of mental state.
  3. Sure. They'll be shitty cell phone photos, though - remember the Dark Pegasus image I posted a couple of days ago? Well, Overlord couldn't be passed, either...
  4. I haven't tried it with those. I assume at least Mug doesn't work, though.
  5. You can have 20 active at one time in each file, and 99 saved to the list shared between files. In terms of the actual downloads, the game will hold all of them to fight/recruit again when desired, although only in their base condition.
  6. Well, despite my characters' high stats, on their own, none of them have an Avoid stat above 90 or so. Could get some chance of dodging with the right setups, and of course the chance of a Dual Guard which is always fun, but these enemies are meant to hit, and you have to plan as if they'll hit whenever they can. Which, as you noted, is really exciting and amazingly satisfying when it works. Nah. Doubling the two of them wouldn't add anything in particular in comparison to MU/Krom. MU's best combat advantage is probably War Experience. It's obviously inferior to Paragon, but Paragon doesn't have a whole lot of presence in this game - not in the story mode, anyway, when not grinding. The thing is, Double is so great and so important that it's pretty much always in effect, so War Experience is pretty much half a Paragon. And half a Paragon is still a hell of a great bonus in terms of advancing and staying ahead of the rest of the team with no Exp-boosting skills at all.
  7. Sad? Seems to me like it's more interesting than expecting to not get hit and then randomly getting crushed for massive damage.
  8. Cellica was every bit as effective as I had hoped. She's pretty much tied with Sairi as my second best character at this point. Making her a Valkyrie was as great of a choice as it sounded, although she was way too busy fighting to actually use any staffs. Basilio also was great, although I ended up using Flavia mostly for Double support. It was also fortunate that I happened to run into a merchant selling a set of Brave weapons after the previous map; Lucina and Basilio used the Brave Sword and Brave Axe to great effect. I'm running low on gold now, though, especially after forging a Beastslayer to help deal with certain enemies and after needing to buy pretty much a full set of Rescue staffs after spamming them a ridiculous amount to survive the chapter. The gold the boss dropped helped, though. And now I reach Ch25. This seems like the finale, in a way: since the game doesn't save after the actual Final, I'll have no real reason to worry about avoiding character deaths there, opening up more options for how to approach it as long as I can succeed in killing the final boss. The final boss that will have 15 more Spd than Krom and the ability to cleanly OHKO him with a Magnificent Flame activation... shit. But one thing at a time - Ch25 is scary enough on its own. Inverse has capped four stats and nearly capped the rest, and her team doesn't look much weaker. The enemy Swordmasters have 44 Spd, just a point below Sairi and Dion and doubling the entire rest of my team, including Lucina. And all the enemies continue their trend of havng their designated best skill alongside Accuracy +20, with other stuff tossed in for good measure. The Swordmasters all have Sword Expert, the Berserkers all have Axe Expert, the Dark Pegasi all have Lightning Speed, and the Tricksters all have Lucky 7. Sorcerers are slinging Slime everywhere, and constant Magic Slayer means I can't use Dion to blast them like I could in Ch21. And I know this map has plenty of reinforcements showing up from behind, when I have no idea how to deal with the enemies in front. Two Swordmasters, two Berserkers, and two Generals all right in my face, with six fliers swooping in from the sides and I have to kill all of these in the first two turns or my entire team is probably dead. And who knows what the other enemies are going to do in the meantime. Was it here that I said Lunatic enemies don't miss? The Swordmasters sitting in front of me have 204 Hit, counting Accuracy +20. The Berserkers have 155-160. For all intents and purposes, Avoid is basically worthless for player characters on Lunatic because there's no way in hell you're going to dodge things - yet Spd somehow manages to still be the most important stat. Of course, it's still worthless if your other stats don't back it up.
  9. Generic enemies' skills are randomized on all difficulties, aside from certain set things like the accuracy bonuses. The skills aren't as prominent on lower difficulties, though. I didn't like the idea of it, but it's actually very workable: it means that instead of having a specific best strategy for a situation, you need to pay attention and have room to adjust to deal with whatever issues might arise from certain skills. I would have preferred it if skills were fixed, especially Lunatic+ skills, but at least on the lower difficulty levels, I can't complain much; it works out just fine regardless. --- Edit: Aha! Poking around a bit with resets, I noticed a trend. No matter how many times I reloaded the map for different skill configurations, every Dragonmaster always had Sword Slayer. Not only that - every Bow Knight always had Bow Slayer, every Paladin always had Holy Shield, every Great Knight always had Luna, and every Valkyrie always had Secluded Lady. It seems that at this point, the classes are always set to have whatever is designated as their best skill, alongside Accuracy +20, and then 0-3 other skills from their class. So at least right now, it's not entirely random. Earlier maps weren't quite this way, but it seems that at this point, it's how it's determined.
  10. So I noticed I was having some issues trying to have Lucina use her Falchion to kill the Dragonmasters in Ch24 due to them often having the Sword Slayer skill. I decided to take a look to see how common the skill is. Lunatic Ch24 has 11 Dragonmasters, and in FE13, skills are distributed randomly to classes able to get them, more often on higher difficulty levels and later in the game. Checking one random layout for the enemies, all 11 Dragonmasters had Sword Slayer. I don't know the odds of this distribution, but wtf is the point of having swords meant to slay dragons if you can't hit dragons with swords?
  11. The impossible +8 weapons take over completely starting in Ch21, but even before that, when most enemies are using +4 Silvers, enemies with weaker weapons will use +8 forges. As early as Ch17 I recall seeing +8 Hammers, Killer Bows, and Longbows, all hitting at least as hard as the +4 Silvers and more accurately. Ch17 is also the point where promoted enemies take over completely and all enemies start using Accuracy +10, aside from special bosses that don't have space - at least until Ch24 when they swap it out for Accuracy +20. Lunatic enemies do not like missing.
  12. I pronounce it "nwahr". It is a French word.
  13. No, it does not. As far as I can tell, you can still grind through replaying them.
  14. Loptos blood allowed Julius to use the Loptos book, as well. It just came with some unfortunate side-effects. As for Gimle blood, Fauder shares it, and he seems to have been screwing around with dark magic more than others - perhaps not a coincidence. He picked up that whole changed appearance along with special abilities like the Evil Dragon Scale skill. MU didn't get any of that, but he/she also didn't mess around with dark magic as much, and it's plausible that the Gimle blood was what allowed Fauder to do so to that extent.
  15. That one's an exception because it's male Mark's only sibling support.
  16. You won't. It's really not a big deal.
  17. It's possible that it's not at a set pace. Wasn't Tiki in some sort of hibernation state for a long time? If that slowed her aging even further, the same may apply to Nono. Nn may be aging at a more "natural" rate. Nono's support with Nn lends evidence to another direction of this: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=32301&st=1780&p=2050813entry2050813 We could interpret this as meaning that Dragonstone use accelerates their aging. Nn had to fight throughout most of her life so far, while Nono presumably did not have to fight much before joining in FE13, so that could contribute to her "catching up" in age. We could also extrapolate from this and figure that
  18. Interesting. 1) It works regardless of which unit has it, but it doesn't stack with itself. So they'll both get the 8th rank bonus even if both have it, but if only one has it, it works whether that one is the field or support unit. 2) No.
  19. Not likely; those parent/child supports seem to be generic.
  20. I thought Ena was older than Kurthnaga.
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