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Everything posted by BrightBow

  1. Warp Staffs are used to teleport other people. Rewarp teleports the person actually using the staff.
  2. The Mercurius has about the same stats as an ordinary Silver Sword except it doesn't have any Arts besides Recovery. The Parthia is pretty good but unfortunately it is completely outclassed by the Killer Bow. It still has it's uses though. It's art may lack the crazy power of the Killer Bow but it can extend it's range even further. The Mercurius on the other hand just doesn't do anything special. I would like to note that while the Mercurius starts out with higher stats then the Silver Sword, it doesn't stay that way because ordinary silver weapon can be upgraded 5 times while the Regelia can only be upgraded once. And even ignoring the massive costs of turning a Blessed Sword into the Mercurius, upgrading silver weapons is still far cheaper since they don't cost you any gold coins.
  3. They can only be gotten by forging. You need to upgrade Blessed Bows and Blessed Swords to the max level. Then you can upgrade them into the Regelia. That process costs an absurd amount of gold coins though. IS needs to trick you into buying their cheat code DLC somehow after all. Fortunately you miss not out on much if you don't get them. They are both far worse then the Gradivus. The Mercurius in particular is really underwhelming.
  4. The Thief Staff is pretty awesome. Thieves are held back by their build but this staff can literally steal anything as long as the user's magic is higher then that of the target. Tina starts out with very low magic but since non-mages usually have no magic at all, that's not much of an handicap. And since Magic and Resistance are the same thing in this game, you can simply boost Tina's magic with Holy Water. Keep in mind, even if the staff is broken you can still use the Repair Staff on it. Anyway, this map is weird. My usual approach is to warp Lara to Pahn to talk with him on turn 1 and then have Pahn steal Tina's Thief Staff to prevent her from using it up (because for some reason she keeps attacking even after her boss has switched sides and everyone is leaving) until I can reach her with Safy. But that way Trewd leaves the map before I can get to him. So I'm not actually sure how to best approach this one. But most importantly, while both Lifis and Lara can recruit Pahn, you will want to have Lara recruit him in order for Lara to promote into a dancer. While her stats will drop as a result, she will keep all her thief abilities.
  5. Only one thing to say about these screenshots: Can't wait to see them in action. As well as Arc's take on the Yamcha pose. Having an all new character is also good news. That suggests that the story is going to be about more then just evil palette swaps.
  6. That's sweet. Normally I wouldn't really care about Tenshinhan, but I still don't think that he deserves the awful treatment that Super has given him. So it's nice to see him get some love for a change.
  7. The Constitution of the Thief needs to be higher then the Weight of the weapon you want to steal. PCC stands for Pursuit Critical Coefficient. Not sure if this is a official term in any way but it's what we call it. The PCC is a hidden stat that ever character has. It multiplies your critical hit chance on your double attack. So let's take Mareeta who starts out with 7 Skill and has a PCC of 5. On her first hit she will have a critical hit rate of 7. But if she can double attack, that second attack will have 5 times the critical hit rate of the first attack. 7 times 5 equals 35, so she would have a 35% chance to deal a critical hit. Maybe you noticed that your characters would unusually often deal critical hits. The reason for that is the PCC. Since the PCC is a hidden value, you might want to check the PCC of your units up on this page: https://serenesforest.net/thracia-776/characters/base-stats/
  8. Mareeta is very easy to train. Despite her low level she starts out with enough destructive power to kill most enemies. For one thing there is that personal Brave Sword she has. And even without it, she still has a PCC of 5. With that she can easily get a 100% critical hit rate on her second attack with just about any critical boosting weapon. Although I would like to note that as insane as her offensive power is, the fact that her durability is rather average prevents her from being all that great.
  9. But the question remains: Was he stronger then all his classmates in the Sonic Fighting Academy?
  10. While I am absolutely not happy how everyone was so quick to jump at the opportunity to burn all the bridges that had been build two years prior, killing an ambassador is a very huge deal. ...and one that probably shouldn't have happened offscreen. Not sure what IS was thinking with that whole "Btw, there is a war now" approach.
  11. Yes, just like in FE7. But those were Game Boy Advance games. The GBA did not have a system language setting. Or any kind of menu for that matter. It would just play the game and that's it. So the games needed to include such an option themselves.
  12. I don't think I've ever seen someone highlighting this in any way and I think this convenience deserves some recognition. PAL versions of games usually support a variety of languages but these days almost nobody bothers to include a language selection in the actual game. The games simply check whatever the system language is. I think Capcom games are the only ones who consistently include an actual language setting. I suppose it's kind off a non-issue for native English speakers. But as a non native speaker I find this to be very helpful. I don't know about the other PAL languages but at least German translations often seem to be based on the English translation instead of the original Japanese script. Some series like Zelda seem to have consistently good localization but most Japanese games seem to be very cheaply localized. Then there is the issue with voice acting. No matter how good the translated script is, if the voice acting is only available in English I would rather keep the script in English as well. Maybe I'm the only one but being feed two different versions of the same dialog at the same time is rather irritating to me. So which language I would like to use is pretty much different for every game. And having to change the entire system language every time I want to play a different game is a bit of an hassle. So I think that it's amazing that Echoes bothered to include a language select and I would really love for this to become more common.
  13. It's really good to see her in. Focusing on Fates and Awakening is one thing but with a cast of that size there is no excuse not to throw in a bone or two for everyone else.
  14. This Resistance looks surprisingly organized. Maybe the Sonic Fighting Academy is now actually canon as well.
  15. In that case I suppose I should note that when you meet Jedah again he will no longer have the Draco Shield but he will have a magic ring that enables him to counter against attacks from any range. So you will have to take into account that you will eat a counter attack no matter what.
  16. Ragnarok Omega is not really a good skill. Celica usually deals more damage by simply attacking twice with her regular spells. Also, if Cellica were to use Ragnarok Omega against Jedah, I'm pretty sure she would get killed by his counterattack. That skill costs a lot of HP and can only be used at 2 range. Quite frankly, I would say the Beloved Sofia is a waste of valuable gold coins. It's other skills are Subdue and Swap, nothing that in any way compares to the Double Lion of Alm's Regal Sword. And being a Mage, Cellica doesn't get much of a benefit out of using a sword in the first place. Anyway, as has been pointed out you don't actually have to defeat Jedah on this map in order to progress. But since you will have to fight him eventually this might be good practice. Jedah's gimmick is that he will negate any attack thrown at him. Only every fourth attacker will be able to damage him. Note that I said every fourth attacker, not every fourth attack. Double attacks don't matter for this at all. Since his attacks are crazy strong I would recommend to outrange him using the Mage Ring and your archers. You can simply trade the Mage Ring around for this. Once you are at your fourth attacker, make sure to hit him as hard as you can because this is the attack that actually counts. Btw, when it comes to learning spells the game is kind enough to take promotion into account. For example Cellica learns Ragnarok as a Priest at lv.20. So let's say Cellica promotes to Princess at level 15, then she would only need to gain 5 more levels in her new class to learn Ragnarok.
  17. I don't quite understand your first line but just in case this is unclear: The Odo Scroll boosts Skill. The Sety Scroll is the one to boost speed. It's been a long time since I used Thracia's arenas but I recall them to be very unpredictable and dangerous. I would like to note that if a weapon's durability is used up, it will not actually disappear. It will merely become "broken". And broken weapons can still be repaired at your leisure. On a related note: broken weapons also have a weight of 20, so having a broken weapon equipped makes you very vulnerable. And while there are plenty of powerful personal weapons, none of them are needed to beat the game. So don't be afraid to use them when they seem useful. Meteor tomes could be useful. The problem is that it's very hard to get someone to the point where they can actually use them. There isn't really a mage who starts out strong in fire magic and Weapon Rank raises very slowly in this game. It also doesn't help that Fire tomes are not all that common. For the majority of the game enemy mages will carry Thunder or Dark tomes. So personally I don't bother with them.
  18. I suppose I should have compared the story to Conquest. That may have been less controversial. I mean, I can't exactly afford having a huge argument about another game's story in an Echoes thread. My point was merely that as flawed as Echoes story may be, it still surpasses the bar that has been set by the previous two games by miles. Because those stories were not just bad, they were genuinely soul-crushing painful, with self-centric or even downright sociopathic protagonists and self-congratulating avatars whose role as a representation of the player is nothing short of insulting. Like, Alm may be a Mary Sue that everyone loves and all... but one of the differences towards the likes of Corrin and Robin is that he actually lives up to all the praise. He actually is a genuinely good and compassionate person.
  19. If there is going to be a N64 classic, I would really like to know how they would handle it. I mean, forget about the games. One of the big features of the console was that it supported multiplayer for up to 4 people. But if such a console was made I would love to see Castlevania 64/Legacy of Darkness on it. I absolutely adore Legacy of Darkness but I never played it on the actual console. I only played it on an emulator just a few years ago. So I would love to have an opportunity to play that game "properly". Not to mention these games have never been re-released in any fashion.
  20. Congrats on making it to the end. And enduring that ridiculously long unskipable ending sequence. Now you only need to play through the game 14 more times to unlock Ashnard for the Trial Maps. On the subject of the Branded, the reason they are shunned is because the union between a Beorc and a Laguz is seen as a crime against the goddess. It's worth nothing that being a Branded does not necessarily mean that one of your parents was a Laguz. Stefan for example mentions explicitly that both of his parents were Beorc. It just means that you have an ancestor who is a Laguz, but that union may very well have happened many generations ago. And the whole thing with Soren is explained in his A support with Ike. I would recommend watching or reading the support yourself since I really can't do it justice. That support mentions that the mark of a Branded can be mistaken for the mark of a Spirit Charmer. Spirit Charmer's is someone who let a spirit into their body in order to gain magical power. It's not explicitly stated but I would guess that the reason Soren wears his mark in the open is because he puts a deliberate effort towards coming across as a Spirit Charmer. Either way, what it is explicitly mentioned is that the Sage who "adopted" Soren thought that he was a Spirit Charmer, which is why he was interested in him. The support also mentions that Soren and the Sage lived in Gallia. While Soren himself does not address how he was treated by the Laguz (at least until Radiant Dawn), the support between Stefan and Mordecai mentions that the Laguz refer to them as the "parentless" and that they treat them as if they literally don't exist. So this means that Soren is very familiar with how the Laguz treat people they deem as "subhuman". Considering this, I would say that it's no surprise that Soren had little patience for Lethe's whining back when they first meet. This also explains where his savage speech on the people of Toha came from. You may recall that back then Soren had some harsh words to say on the subject of people who "pretend not to see".
  21. As you may already know, Capturing is important in this game. The game will never give you actual money and there aren't really any items that exist for the purpose of selling them either. So you will mostly have to rely on the weapons that you steal from enemies. And since you are on chapter 3 this is probably a good time to point out that a unit without a weapon can be captured without a fight. So you need to watch out for someone like Safy who cannot use any weapons. Of course you can do the same thing to enemy priests. Also, if one of your units gets captured by an enemy, they will automatically steal everything from your unit's inventory. So usually you will want to capture that enemy in return, in order to get your stuff back. Thieves are pretty powerful in this game. They can steal everything from an enemies' inventory as long as their Constitution is higher then that item's weight. Including the weapon that they are currently using. Although they usually don't have the con to steal most weapons. Still, Lifis has enough Con to troll some enemy mages by just taking their tomes. Also, if you are playing an Escape map, you must let everyone escape before Leaf. Otherwise you will automatically loose those units. As has been pointed out, Fatigue doesn't become an issue until the battle preparations screen becomes available. Because the only thing Fatique does is to prevent you from deploying that unit. So until the game actually lets you choose who to deploy, it's not something you need to worry about. Also, Leaf is completely unaffected by Fatigue. As for the long term, Status staffs are the biggest bane of the later parts of Thracia. They have infinite range and they will always hit. The only limitation is that the user needs to have higher magic then their target. And the worst part of it: Status effects last indefinitely. Unless you cure that unit, they won't recover until the map is over. That is why it's important to have capable staff users in the late game. You need to be able to disable the enemy's staff users before they get the chance to incapacitate your entire army. (As a side note: technically speaking status staffs actually can miss. But the accuracy of status staffs is the same as the one for the basic heal staff. And there is literally nothing the target can do to affect the odds in their favor. It depends entirely on the user's stats. So they are extremely unlikely to ever miss.)
  22. Cavalier all the way. Unfortunately in this game Knights don't have anything going for them. Cavaliers have 7 movement and Knights have 4 and that's pretty much it as far as inherent differences between the classes go. It's important to keep in mind that in this game one's class doesn't affect one's growths at all. Which means that the only stat difference comes from the promotion gains. Which would be sufficient in other games where the promotion gains are defined by the difference in base stats between the two classes. If that was the case Amelia would get a whooping 8 defense from her promotion to Knight. But that's not how things work here, so she only gets +2 defense. So promoting to Knight would not give Amelia a significant durability boost compared to the Cavalier. Most certainly not one that compensates for the crippling loss of mobility.
  23. Alright, thanks for the help. So far the only games that are confirmed as far as I am aware of are Hotline Miami and Shovel Knight. Now Shovel Knight is from Yacht Club Games. So is there a reason you think that this will mostly revolve around Devolver Digital games? I would bet there are plenty of indie devs who would jump at the chance to get involved in this project.
  24. Obviously the artists would never have been able to do justice to what the characters are describing without it severely affecting the game's age rating but It would probably have been better to keep the screen black and let one's imagination do the work instead of showing everyone freaking out over an empty room. Although looking at it again, I'd say that the CG is a bit more graphic then it looks at first glance. There is a fair amount of blood on the floor. It just doesn't really contrast it's surroundings so it's hard to notice, especially with the CG's low resolution. And it seems there is a lot of fur hanging from the chains which is also drenched in blood. I suppose I'm just going to post the image:
  25. Good lord, what about this trailer triggered you to whine about those evil sjws hiding under your bed? Must have been a real Desperate Struggle to come up with an excuse. To the matter at hand: Halle-fuckin-luyah! Hard to believe that it's already 7 years since the last game. And this looks pretty promising. I don't know how this cooperation is supposed to look like but pairing up Travis with various indie games sounds like a fantastic idea to me. Will Travis finally come face to face with the Baz? Probably not but one can dream. And hopefully this is going to involve Freedom Planet. Still, the music in this trailer is awfully loud. I can barely make out the dialog. Does anybody happen to have a transcript of the trailer?
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