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Everything posted by BrightBow

  1. Currently downloading. Though, I am not so exited that I have to play the game before I go to sleep, since I will have to go through the demo part again.
  2. Friendlier? Priam? You mean the guy who wasn't going to help save the world unless humanities only hope was engaging him in fight that probably killed a few dozen people? Actions speak louder then words, and I don't remember Ike requiring Elincia to prove that she can beat the Greil Mercenaries before helping her.
  3. My fundamental issue with non-mounted units in FE4 is more related to the enemies always coming in groups. A mounted unit can charge in, cause damage and position itself so that the counter attack on the enemy phase would be minimal. Foot units can't do that, so when they engage the enemy they are always in the midst of the enemy army. So they will either be ganged up and killed or they survive and effectively destroy the entire army by them self, at which point the game is officially broken. Which means that unless they are already overpowered, they will either be set up to counter on enemy phase or charge in once the enemy army is already so weakened that they won't survive the turn. As a result, they won't get much EXP and fall back. It's not that bad for units like Ayra and Jamka, since they can completely crush the arena. So they are usually immensely powerful enough to survive tons of enemies. But someone like Azel simply can't risk getting close to the enemy unless someone immediately steps in and covers his ass during enemy phase. But yeah, Balmunk and Holsety are ridiculous. I have no idea why they would give the player no less then two weapons that make the user near invincible. I guess they underestimated the changes in the avoid formula.
  4. While I didn't buy my 3DS for just Awakening, it's upcoming release was a nice motivation to see what else the 3DS had to offer. And as it turns out, it's plenty. So I find it difficult to believe that the 3DS library really offers nothing else for the TC. I love almost my entire 3DS collection. Kid Icarus Uprising, Kingdom Hearts, Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, Mario 3D Land, etc... Though, the Street Fighter IV port sucks.
  5. Personally I only want a remake of Thracia but not FE4. The thing with Thracia is that it's interface limitations put quite a dent in the experience. Like the inability to change a unit's starting position on maps where starting position is more important then anywhere else in the series. Or an extremely limited item storage space. Those things were all not a problem in FE4. And the few balancing issues aren't really worth the effort. (Besides, after Shadow Dragon, I think IS would change these things for the worse.) And I love the game's visuals and sound. They are still an absolute favorite. It would be enough for me if we get finally the Virtual Console port. I would gladly take it without a translation.
  6. Hmm, as much as I like Nanna as a unit, I don't care much about her as a character. I guess it's Hardin then.
  7. I'm confused. Before starting a chapter, you are always asked if you want to skip dialogue. The text isn't translated, though. Anyway, the only thing that drove me insane, was the cursor's inability to move diagonal and to move outside of a unit's movement range. I can't describe how much more comfortable to play FE4 was, just because it fixed those two things.
  8. Well, Antivote...Quite frankly, I am surprised to see Heath and Celica even getting that far. That Heath has enough fans and enough people actually played Gaiden.
  9. I guess I am going with Joshua then. He might be effectively Levin 2.0. But on the other hand, he is effectively Levin 2.0 so I'd say that he has more to offer then the others in this round. His relationship with Caellach was also a nice touch. Not to mention that he has an awesome hat. And he knows that his hat is awesome, so he doesn't even need to remind people about it with every line. That's some quality writing right there. And of course I choose Paper because most people will start with Rock. So it's usually the smartest move.
  10. I guess if Robin isn't considered, then I would say Chris is the next best thing. People like Elice will share her most intimate thoughts with him on their first meeting, Marth will make him a royal guard despite him being a green recruit and everybody just loves the guy in general. The fact that he is often forced in the spotlight in a plot that was written without him in mind makes the game feel even more like fanfiction. Unlike his Awakening successor, the story doesn't resolve around him, though. But that can make scenes like him overshadowing Jagen when he is about to call out Lang even more irritating.
  11. The problem with that is that the story doesn't acknowledge Emmeryn as a flawed individual. Instead she is treated like a saint and the best human being ever without her doing anything to deserve this reputation but acting like a lemming. Even her introduction scene has everyone gushing about her, despite that all we are told about her is that she is "a symbol" and "a reminder" of stuff that happened 1000 years ago. The story never cares about what she actually does.
  12. But the wind dragon looks cool. Though, it's a shame that it doesn't show the battle sprite when it uses Large Breath. And there is no point in attacking them since they are invincible. So you never actually see them.
  13. Thanks a lot. I will correct this then. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  14. My favorite is probably chapter 36 from Tear Ring Saga. Unfortunately I can't state the chapter's name in the moment due to a lack of data online. The chapter has you fighting in the ruins of a burned down city against enemies charging from all directions and another one of the Holy Dragons, capable of dealing tons of defense negating area damage. The map feels really great and benefits from beautiful sprite work and music. 3E from Radiant Dawn is pretty cool for pretty much the same reasons. Laguz Kings on both sides, a black dragon and most importantly an ominous death counter counting towards an unknown number while making increasingly strong heartbeating noises. And nothing one can do about it but working towards the chapter objective. I also like PoR chapter 13: A guiding wind. Fighting across several ships while watching out for the ravens circling outside the range of the grounded troops. It was pretty sweet too.
  15. Innes is the guy who stopped Grado's Blitzkrieg in it's tracks and turned the whole war about. Also, trying to trap him is a mistake and failing to do so a fatal one. And he will keep going even if he has to crawl. He is legitimate badass. I would have been disappointed if he lost that bad.
  16. I would like to point out the importance of the difference between class skills and personal skills. Class skills are hardwired to a class and therefore won't be inherited. For example, Alec and Jamuka both have Pursuit. But in Alec's case it's a Personal Skill, so his kids will both get Pursuit. But in Jamuka's case it's a Class Skill, so his kids won't inherit Pursuit. Also, items are inherited as well. Though, only if the kid can actually use them. Most Items that end up not inherited by anyone will eventually show up in the shop or be dropped by bosses over the course of the second generation. Oh, and btw: Astra, Luna and Sol can only be inherited by kids who can use swords.
  17. No, I wasn't talking about Ninian's clothes. I was talking about Tethys clothes and and I was merely listing the things I like about her. This is because I am fairly indifferent towards the other two and don't feel about anything strong enough in order to list it.
  18. True about Lalum. But she lacks Tethy's maturity in body and personality. While we don't have an age for her, I find it hard to imagine this underwear dancer as anything above Roy's age, aka 15. Which is kinda creepy. This is not helped by her childish kind of confidence that I can never quite take seriously. Not that I mind her much either. As for Ninian, in her case I just don't like her. Granted, as a character she is just an average damsel in distress to fall in the love with the hero who dies an entirely meaningless death that gets reverted at the end for no reason. She is definitely nothing to hate. But what somewhat upsets me about her is her wasted potential. She is the daughter of the main villain Nergal and her mother fell victim to the war, which also gives her a connection to Athos. But these connections are never actually used for anything during the story and merely implied in extremely hidden events. It's kinda frustrating.
  19. Well, in my case it is definitely Awakening. The story is about as bland as the NES games.but the writing itself is beyond awful. Like how the characters barely react to the calamity in chapter 1 and let the person who knows what's gong on just walk way. And that is just the earlierst example. It gets way worse from there. The worldbuilding is effectively non-existent. To the point where they don't even explain what countires are at the continent and what size they have. Heck, they don't even explain what the Shepheards actually are. A small division or the core of the entire Ylissean military? Not to mention that the thin story is even more thinned out by the tons paralouges which by design can have nothing to do with the main plot, else you couldn't choose when to enter them. The characters are another point where the game just dropped the ball. The male characters are merely a collection of random quirks, telling the same joke over and over in the hope that it will eventually get funny, while the female ones are a collection of completely barebone female anime stereotypes. Either way, they are boring and annoying and it doesn't help that this game goes out of it's way to shove their blandnss into your face at every opportunity. They are also poorly integrated into thegame world, having no investment into the war beyond being coincidently a soldier of Ylisse. The main characters do little to deserve their status as heroes beyond opposing a bunch of guys who won't go to bed without fulfilling their daily puppy kicking quota. The defenseless Plegian population that we completly ignored after throwing their country into chaos was feed to Grima? Chrom and Robin have no shits to give about that revelation. And the characters are also boring as hell. They will often go into Golden Sun talking mode, where every single line could come from every character present due to lack of characteristics. And it's not like there is any actual character development to keep track of. Fittingly, the battle voices have all the characters turn into complete psychopaths. It's so bad, when I played the demo I actually thought there were different soundclips for human and Risen enemies. Because clearly our heroes wouldn't get that much of an erection out of killing other human beings. To think that when I heard the japanese battle voices, my concern was that the game was going to change to the tone of the "Tales" games. Instead, it's more like No More Heroes. Except that game wasn't shy to point out what an pathetic asshole and generally messed up individual it's protagonist was. But what really kills this game is the blandness of the maps. Every map is just entirely random enemies rushing from all directions. Effectively the only thing that changes between chapters is the level. So there is a slight adjustment of the probability of success depending entirely on how lucky you were during level ups and how willing you were to munchkin. Not to mention all the times where the devs didn't even pretend that the random tiles of terrain changed the course of the battle and simply delivered an entirely open field. I found even FE4's maps to be more exiting. At least the armies all had their theme to it, so they had particular strength and weaknesses that would allow to approach them differently. This is also the only Fire Emblem game where I hate having someone die. Because when it happens, it wasn't because I made a mistake but because I had bad luck. Restarting a map simply meant doing the same thing again and hoping that things would turn out better. Since the children are so weak, there are next to no replacements for fallen allies after the first few chapters. And because of the absurd state inflation, the old characters can't even be considered. So the solution is to go through even more bland and generic encounters in order to farm exp. Speaking of the kids, since there is no love and no actual romances and parent and children take each other for granted, the generation system is a complete waste. For example, the scene were we learn that Jaffar used his own child as an instrument of evil and murdered it's mother, it would have been the perfect moment for Chrom to speak his mind on the manner as a father and husband. But nope. Yes, the system has potential but it's not actually used anywhere. The graphical representation leaves a lot to be desired. The models constantly clip into each. And the criticals never fail to give me the impression that the game just froze. Usually games have an additional effect that goes along with a screen freeze: An immedite sound effect, a camera zoom, sparks. But in Awakening, this is delayed for a moment befor it gives a feedback of any kind. And I think executing the tile based battlegrounds of the 2D games into 3D was a horrible idea. It became irritating after a while that you are always fighting around the same peice of grass. Also, zooming the camera out like that highlights that during this supposedly big battle there is nobody there but the three fighters we see. Even the music is bland. One thing I can say about Shadow Dragon is that it's music made even the most boring maps look meaningful and epic. Not to this one. One thing I can say is that I like the system used for the transition between map theme and battle theme. But the battle versions lack the energy to set themselves apart. The music also tries to be more atmospheric and epic, which contrasts with the characters treating those life and death battles like a joke. I am sorry that this is all a bit brief. But effectively it always came down to this: If the game wasn't boring, it was either annoying, disgusting or an absurd degree of stupid.
  20. Definitely Tethys. She is very well written and developed. And quite frankly, she is the only dancer that has the self confidence and strength of personality that I would expect of someone who can dance in skimpy clothes in front of an audience.
  21. Personally, my issue with chapter 3 is more that it's not obvious how the map even works. Like, the Dragon Knights in the left won't move but the ones on the right will. Making the wrong guess here can easily end with a restart. And if you get baited by the dropable silver lance the guys on the left carry, you will figure out that all of them will move once they are attacked and will mostly likely curbstomp the poor flier attacking them, forcing yet another restart. But of course, there is another intuitive way to get them to move, which is to buy items in the shop. And the only hint to this is the message that the shop keeper is in league with the rebels, which could mean anything.
  22. 11. The name of her promoted class in the german version of the script is simply "Master". Or "Meister" as the case may be.
  23. 31. Her completely useless access to bows upon promotion. 32. That the Matti Katti has no backstory. It's supposedly a sacred sword that is stuck in a shrine that people pray too. You would think there would be some more to it. Why pray to the sword? Where does it come from that it has such significance? Why is only Lyn capable of using it? No explanations whatsoever. 32. The Sol Katti does not only completely negate the only advantage that Lyn has over people with actual durability but it's actually weaker then a mere Silver Sword. 33. The fact that the Soul Katti has no backstory either. That it's just a random weapon which just so happens to be on the level of those Holy Weapons that extinguished the entire dragon race, that Athos kept hidden under his bed or something. 34. Which is made all the worse because of the fact that there is a perfectly fine holy bow of Sacae available: The Murgleis, the perfect choice for a proud Sacean capable of using bows. But apparently Athos had the time to face the challenges of ancient tomes protect by magic long forgotten and the spirits of warriors fallen long ago in order to retrieve the Durandal and the Armadas... but it was too much effort to retrieve the Murgleis from an ordinary tent.
  24. No, it's worse then not affecting anything at all. Back in FE1, sword users had the advantage of having the lowest weight penalty. In FE11, they are effectively the only units who might even get a weight penalty at all. And to make matters worse for them, the weapon triangle always works against them because of enemies always using lances. Naturally, that was no issue in the original either.
  25. This news definitely raised the likelihood of me eventually getting a PS3 quite significantly.
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