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Everything posted by BrightBow

  1. It's probably Shadow Dragon. Let's just take the game exactly as it was 20 years ago and introduce a bunch of newer mechanics with absolutely zero consideration on how this would affect the rest of it. Like having the weapon triangle in a game where every enemy uses lances. Genius!
  2. Well, a good example of me not caring one way or another. I guess I go with Oscar because he is a cool guy. In order to take care of his brothers after the dead of their father he left the crimean knights and he found a value in being a mercenary that being a knight doesn't have. And he is an excellent cook.
  3. Best: Tear Ring Saga Worst: Shadow Dragon I generally liked the somewhat more random movements from the TRS AI. Like how an injured enemy might go for an attack or might try to escape even when she can't heal herself. It has a nice natural feel to it. Thracia is nice too but the AI sometimes does stuff that makes fundamentally no sense, like AI partners capturing enemies and not releasing them, leaving them sitting ducks. As for Shadow Dragon, In the GBA games it was annoying how enemies would attack targets that they can't damage just because they won't take any damage themselves that way. Shadow Dragon is the other extreme, where the AI will always focus their attacks on the most vulnerable unit, no matter how many of their own troops die that way. It felt extremely artificial. Also, I feel the FE4 AI is a bit underrated. It's the only AI which is capable of recognizing the course of battle. When things go south, the leader can retreat and get reinforcements by himself. And the AI can perform the Triangle Attack. (Though admittedly, that one will most likely bite them in the rear.)
  4. It's nice seeing all that artwork right next to each other. Cordelia's drunken pose and maniacal grin makes her stand out like a sore thumb. Truly a drawing that beautifully expresses her character. I am kinda surprised that Sain is doing so badly by comparison. Not that I would vote for him. I think I am sitting this one out.
  5. And I am still the only person voting for 3D Land. I feel lonely.
  6. 26. She is absurdly obsessed with family to the point where she will just get herself involved in other people's private matters. And of course, she doesn't let the fact that she doesn't know anything about their family situation stop her from telling them what to do.
  7. 24) She is absolutely unwilling to compromise when it comes to bandits and even rejects the aid of a group of pirates on principle. Which would be understanding and all. But she just so happens to compromise that iron rule when she deals with the Ganelon bandits and is perfectly willing to just let them go. Because those bandits might have tried to kill her and sell her best friends into slavery but they obviously have less to do with the destruction of her village then a bunch of pirates operating on the side of the continent.
  8. It's 3D Land for me. Though, admittedly it's merely a competition between 64 and 3D Land. And the latter easily wins that one. In Mario 64, you are mostly just running around until you find something. Not that Mario 64 isn't awesome. It beautifully showed how to properly design third person games. Sure, it wasn't the first third person game every made. But compared to the other 3D games of the time like Tomb Raider, it just plays so much better. I mean, in those games your character could jump high and run fast but something as simple as turning around was a complicated maneuver because Lara kinda controlled like a car. Still, beating the linear stages of 3D Land was a lot more satisfying. It's just too bad that the developers have forgotten to add bosses to the game. Edit: Oh yeah, and I vote Leaf because of being a near character and a versatile unit due to his Light Sword.
  9. Because he was taught by a sage. There is no reason to assume he had any talent in particular. The sage that trained him only thought he had because he assumed his brand was the mark of a spirit charmer.
  10. Majora's Mask is quite a faszinating game. An incredible short development time and the same engine as OoT with pretty much anything being reused in some way. And yet it feels so different through the sheer creativity that went into it. Quite frankly, having the same engine isn't even that bad anyway. I loved the combination of familiarity and strangeness. And most importantly: Goron rolling through the Termina Fields never gets boring. Though, Four Swords Adventures is still better. Well, if it wasn't for the way the game deals with disconnects.
  11. Lord: Leaf He got a great character arc that knowledges that you don't automatically make for a good leader just because of your blood. Also, his mother's sword is beautifully versatile and a sweet memento. Cavalier: Titania Strength, experience, wisdom, axes. Titania got it all. She is also useful for the narrative since a kid like Ike would require such people in order to get anything done. I really liked how PoR would occasionally hint on her deep grief over Greil's death. Stuff like that was always a nice reminder on just how bad the mercs were hurt by the death by Greil. After all, it's hard to care about Greil himself since the genre demanded that he would die. Mercenary: Eyvel Did a great job to create a place of stability and safety during the rule of the Grandbell Empire. Beyond that, she demonstrated her badassness by making Leidrick piss himself. Okay, the guy is a coward but Eyvel was trapped in the arena and Leidrick was protected by the whole Manster military, one of the most powerful Bishops of Lopoto and a sword that even Holsety can't beat. And I have little doubt that Eyvel would have made truth of her words if the stone spell would have allowed for a saving throw. Pegasus Knight: Elincia Her character arc in Radiant Dawn was just great. Too bad it got overshadowed by the mercs stealing the show. She is also fun to use. While she is nothing great in PoR, she was still quite nicely written there. Dragon Knight: Jill An absolutely amazing character. She's got a well crafted character arc during the main game which is not only good for herself but also goes a great way to humanize every single person of Daein due to the implication that every Daein might change their perspective if they would have gotten the opportunity to see the same things she did. Not to mention that she shows just how hard it to switch sides. Not just because of changing your own outlook but because the people you want to protect just so happen to be in the enemy country and that those people you love would hate you for your decisions. ....hmm, the more I think about her, the more obvious it seems to be why she isn't a Spotpass character despite all the efforts that obviously went into her. Mage: Soren A great character and really nicely written during the whole of PoR.I love how his backstory is so subtiley hinted at in PoR so that when you have watched his supports it really hits you when you play through the game again. Also, like with Titania, it's good he exist even if just for the reason to make Ike more believable. Also, every quote he makes in battle is made of badass. But something that confuses me about him, is how he seems to be so unaffected about Grei's death. It was subtitle handled with Titania, Mist and even Shinon but in his case there doesn't seem to be anything. Shaman: Micaiah She makes for a great antagonist and foil to Ike. Unlike Zelgius, she actually has a few things in common with Ike, so I think she makes for a better rival. Her extremist devotion to her country forms a nice contrast to Ike's "I fight for my friends" attitude. It's also interesting to observe the relationship with her and the Daein people, like how their affection ot her turns into blind fanaticism. Also, she actually gives a few fucks about burning thousands of people to death. Not that I think that someone should get a cookie for something so basic. Dark Mage: Sierra (TRS) Like all the witches in the game, Sierra can teleport anywhere on the map and then move and attack. Needless to say, that is pretty awesome. While her stats are low, she can still sap life with her dark magic. Thief: Sothe Kicks armored soldiers in the face. He also develops nicely as a Jeigan over the course of the game from a good of war with legit 20/1 stats to somebody who somewhat falls back. It's cool how the script acknowledges his weakness in his last few boss battle quotes as every boss seems to wonder what such a pick pocket could possible fight for in such a place? It's also great how Sothe narrows his motivation down every time he is asked that question. That is just so subtile and sweet. Archer: Rolf A pretty cool character since through him the game actually acknowledges the subject of child soldier and what could possible drive a kid to take up a weapon and start to kill people. Armored Knight: Tauroneo A pretty cool old guy, He also a really nice backstory for one thing. It's also interesting how every boss has a custom conversation wit him but Tauroneo never speaks himself. I think it's more effective to let the player imagine just how Tauroneo must feel about betraying his country. Not to mention that all this silence pays off by the time he confronts Ashnard. ".Now that I've confronted you and traded words with you, I have come to a decision. Throughout Daein, I, Tauroneo, will be known as the king killer. Come! Let me earn my name!" So badass. Cleric: Mist Mist neatly demonstrates how hardship can bring out the best in people. She will go to any length to help her friends and family and yet still got tons of emphatic for people that wouldn't need to be her concern. Like Titania, her occosaly cracks in her seemingly upbeat personality show just how hard the mercs where hit through Greil's death. I also love how she gets her own battle quote against the Black Knight, which gives the game the opportunity to show for once what Ike's sister has to say to the guy who killed her father. And I really love how she said that he took her father and her brother. This specific wording has quite subtle implications about the true weight of the actions of the Black Knight. Anyway, she is an extremely great person and well written during the entirely of PoR.
  12. Well, one can actually choose a class in FE12. So it's not much of a contest.
  13. Not to mention low level scrubs jumping high into the air at low levels, despite that at this state they are unable to even scratch the grunts later in the game, as if those 8/15 mooks would be powerful enough to strike down the likes of Godzilla with a single blow or take a bullet to the face without injury.
  14. Jagen is definitely pretty rad now that he has the Silver Lance for himself. As for FE12 Gordon... Well, I would say his issue is that he has pretty much the same state advantage over Ryan as in the previous game... except that Ryan has a ton more availability and the growths to make that little advantage painfully insignificant by the time Gordon actually comes around. I think his growths are fine. It would take quite a while for Ryan to gain an advantage just because of them. The problem is that Ryan will have already surpassed Gordin by the time they are both playable. So I think that Gordon just needs a nice little boast all around.
  15. If that's the case, then definitly the XL. It doesn't scratch it's own screen, for one thing. Start, Select and Home are now actual buttons, it feels way better in the hand and the big screen is super comfortable. Of course, now that I used it for so long, it is surprisingly hard going back to my DS Lite to play New Mystery.
  16. Well, initially they called the crosses boomerangs and the holy water Firebombs among other changes. Not sure when they stopped doing that but I would have guessed that even during the GBA era, they would at least avoid these kind of controversies with games they develop themselves since their own developers don't have the option to develop for other platforms,
  17. Wow, I can't believe I never noticed that. Of course NoA wouldn't have accepted the FE6 Bishop anyway because of the cross on his coat.
  18. Do Bishops even have different sprites? The only thing I remember is the Sage critical being silent and Ballistiae actually having battle animations. Which definitely was better then seeing a siege engine poke in the vague direction of the army.
  19. Quite frankly, I never quite understood the complain about a lack of objectives. Doesn't Route, Seize, Escape and boss defeat pretty much always end with the entire map cleared anyway?
  20. Honestly, I find FE4's final chapter to be quite diverse. An army of stuff users with long range support to off sleeping allies. A charging army lead by the Swanchika user. An entire army of freaking Baron's. A mounted Archer brigade. ReMove and ranged attacks. Dragon Knight Sneak attack. And another army lead by Ishtar and supported by three Pegasus Knights using Earth Swords. And of course the pushover that are the 13 Warlords. All entirely different armies requiring different approaches... or simply Holsety of course. It's not that great but better then having entirely random units all over the place with no visible pattern with the first and only step always being to enter "Attack Formation Alpha". And it's been a while since I played FE6 but it just has to have better maps then that. Except for the final chapter of course. Not sure what they were thinking with that.
  21. Didn't notice it. I would guess it's just something you adapt too. Like the fact that people supposedly talking to each other despite looking at the screen or the absence of any kind of animation, including the mouth.
  22. I think that Stuff like red eyes would just be trying to hard and would have the opposite effect. A villain who looks exactly like you and knows you better as you yourself, knowing even the most intimidate feelings and weaknesses is very intimidating. There is also the implication of Grima's form meaning that she already won once and knows how to stay two steps ahead, no matter the efforts of Lucina or MU. Sure, I couldn't take him seriously either. But that is merely a matter of writing rather then appearance.
  23. I am a bit confused. If we are talking about FE10 NM, are we taking into account that NM is actually hard mode which got renamed during localization?
  24. Cain is fine. It's the later cavaliers that need some help. As for Cecile... Luke and Rody got buffed. Cecil gets -2 defense, -1 Str and a lot less availability. Yeah... I would like to restore her status in FE3 as the initially most powerful of the three rookies, who falls back later due to her weaker durability growth. So for one thing, she would get her old stats back. Which means +1 Str and +2 Def. She also gets two levels to make up for her later join time. And she will start with D rank in both Swords and Lances. And she gets +15 % for her strength growth to keep her offense steady. This would be evened out with a lower HP and Def growth.
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