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Everything posted by BrightBow

  1. Mustapha is really only one example. Earlier there was a traitor who was litterally introduced to us 30 seconds before he turns out to be a traitor. There is no explanation given why this longtime family friend would betray them. He is simply killed by the boss and is never mentioned again. Compare that to PoR. Nasir didn't just appear in chapter 20 to steal the Fire Emblem. Nasir was around ever since chapter 11 and had been a valuable ally and advisor. When he betrayed the group, it had an actual impact. And he still stays a main character after that. His betrayal is a mystery that accompanies the story until the end of the game. And the obligatory sympathetic antagonist was also foreshadowed, seeing how Shihiram was Jill's father. Jill got plenty of screen time and can't shut up about him, so all of this falls back on Shihiram to varying degree. Not to mention that knowing that his death hurts one of the characters we care about is reason enough to get invested. And Shihiram himself got enough screen time before the battle... and even afterwards. We see how devastated the survivors of his army and the locals are... and of course Jill. And his death stays relevant as Haar joins later on. It stays relevant in Jill's supports. It stays relevant as Jill tracks down Ashnard and attacks him in a blind rage. I am still in the "good" part of the story and I could already write for hours about the story's shortcomings. Take chapter 4 for example. The battle makes absolutely no sense. Why would Chrom have to risk his life in a tournament, so that Flavia can take charge and forge an alliance... when her rival isn't even opposed to an alliance in the first place. The only way for this to make sense, is if Flavia tricked Chrom into this. Nobody brings this perspective up, so I would assume that I am not supposed to see Flavia this way. Also, it's irritating how easy Chrom takes it, that he has to risk the live of his men in a pointless fight... but the mere fact that Flavia is female is enough to leave him shocked. The script has the unpleasant habit to set it's priorities wrong. Any why is Chrom so clueless about the Feroxi leadership in the first place? You would think that they would brief their diplomats about something so basic. And if the Feroxi value strength so much that they decide that someone must speak the truth just because they happen to be strong... then how come the leader herself doesn't actually need to prove her combat abilities? The explanation given is that this would cause blood feuds... but that just shows how pointless the whole thing is to begin with. And apparently killing foreign diplomats doesn't cause blood feuds... Other issues I have, include the lack of explanation for Marth's participation. How does this aid her task in any way? And if she doesn't want to be recognized, then why is she using the Falchion as a weapon? Also, nobody is ever given a reason to assume that the feminine figure with the feminine voice is actually male, yet they do it anyway. I would also like to nitpick the scene were we learn that Marth defeated Lon'qu. Giving his fear of girls, this could have been a subtle hint towards Marth's identity. But that's not the Awakening way. Instead Basillo says that he still can't believe that Marth could defeat Lon'qu. Even Lissa is surprised to hear that Marth beat him and she is the one who gushed over her at the beginning of this chapter. Marth was already established as a powerful swordfighter. And she has a legendary sword. There is no further explanation necessary for her victory. But they just had to beat you over the head with the "Lon'qu lost because his enemy was a girl" thing.
  2. Personally I think that Lucina replacing Marth is rather likely. Normally I would say it's likely that Chrom takes over Ike's slot as the clunky one, but given her popularity I simply can't see Lucina not joining. Between her and Marth, there obviously wouldn't be much of a difference in terms of fighting style and even appearance. Fire Emblem doesn't give much to work with in that regard. So if they would want Lucina in the cast, I simply can't see Marth staying there. ...Well, either that or they simply add Tharja as a Awakening representative. They already made figurines of her, if I remember. Not the most likely scenario but I'd say that she has a good shot.
  3. Either way, I would advice to play Path of Radiance before Radiant Dawn. RD is a lot better as a sequel then as a stand alone title.
  4. Lute? Personally I don't appreciate people who try to kill their own comrades. And I found it to be irritating that Vanessa was merely amused by Lute trying to kill Titania. I did like her "there’s no one better than us" at the end, though.
  5. ...you should really see my face in the light of this revelation. ...Oh...My...God. Edit: And to think that Lissa was the main reason that I decided after the demo that I am really not masochistic enough for Awakening.
  6. Isn't that already Lissa's stick?
  7. Not to mention the implication that such absurd clumsiness has for someone who rides a flying horse. Such a person wouldn't even need an enemy to get killed.
  8. At least his upper half looks like it belongs on the lower half.
  9. Well, the most loved on would be Jill. Let's face it, few people would have the strength to go against everything they've learned and go against their friends and family... and really abandoning litterally everything they have in order to do the right thing. It's just so much easier to live with a lie. She is also a hothead and a Tsundere, which shows that this kind of characters can in fact have more to them then this one quirks. Besides being simply an absolute wonderful person, she is also a great character. She has her own story arc and enhances the players perspective by showing things from the perspective of the average Daein. And man, did she become badass over the years: "Strong, weak... It doesn't matter. I fight on the side of my conscience, and have yet to regret my battles." And I have to mention Mist. That might be and odd way to start this but she reminds me a lot of my grandma. Mist is an incredible kind and strong person, willing to keep pushing her limits for the sake of others. You see it first in chapter 2, where she keeps up Rolf's spirit in the face of their desperate predicament, acting tough when as noted by Ike, she is actually a crybaby. And she keeps doing things like that throughout both games, not just taking care of her family and the mercs but also anyone else who joins along the way. She is just one step away from a breakdown and yet she keeps going like the Energizer Bunny. War shows no mercy on anyone. Not on men, women and children. In such critical situations, anyone got to do what they can do for the sake of their loved ones. Through all those difficulties, she just keeps proving herself immensely admirable. I bet very few people possess her strength. And since PoR is awesome, the game also shows what sort of desperate situation would make a child want to enter the battlefield, something that all past titles simply took for granted as if killing someone was that easy. She did so not only shortly after Greil's dead but also right after the group just barely avoided total party wipe. Two situations that highlighted just how mortal each and every member of her family was. So she had to enter battle herself to do what little she could do to protect them. The scene where Mist says that she would rather die then living without them is just heartbreaking. A great person and a great character. Oh, and Elincia was great too. She just started as a damsel in distress in PoR, who only existed because there would be no plot otherwise and couldn't get anything done without Ike. But man, did she grow in Radiant Dawn. Lucia: People of Crimea... Behold a true queen! YOUR queen! Long live Queen Elincia! Part 2 was just awesome. Bonus points for doing all that while her counterpart Pelleas' got himself tricked into signing a contract with his own blood. Too bad that the appearance of the mercs overshadowed the weight of her sacrifice. Doesn't make her any less awesome for it, though.
  10. I would say that there simply shouldn't be a CON value to negate the effect of weight. If I may give a few examples on how Tear Ring Saga handled things. Most grunts in the game can reliable be doubled by moderately weighted weapons like Iron Lances and Steel Swords. But then there are enemies with a certain kind of lance that is more powerful then a Silver Lance while still being moderately accurate. But it butchers the users speed, so they can quickly be annihilated by slow and powerful attacks before they can do much damage. It's similar when dealing with Gatling Bow, which gives the user four attacks in a row. But it forces Agility all the way into the negative double digits, so heavy weapons work like a charm to take them down. And they are often needed, because the heavy armored Wood Shooters are particularly found of them. Catapults and Undead Dragons have absolutely devastating attack power that turns Defense effectively meaningless. But they have absurdly low hit, so anything that helps to keep the penalties to avoid as low as possible, makes a massive difference. Shields can make even regular enemies near invincible: So one might want to destroy that destroy the shields, using weapons that are light and get a lot of attacks in, even if those weapons wouldn't do any damage without the shield. The bigger guns can be used once the shield is out of the way. Most monsters are actually quite speedy. Light weapons might actually be needed in order to merely avoid being doubled... but they might be frail enough that a more powerful weapon can actually take them down in one blow. So it is very possible to have plenty of varied situations were Weight can have a huge impact on how you approach obstacles.
  11. Yeah, she is a Yandere. Just because blood isn't involved, doesn't make her any less of a psycho. And her interactions with... Gregor. Seriously? He is one of the guys where she doesn't just settle for merely threatening him with physical harm. Since her spells didn't work, she dealt with his request because she had no other way to get him to shut up. And in Libra's case, she is using him as a test subject for her spells and pursues his memories for the purpose of researching spells. Amd as much as I would like to pretend that actually experiencing other people's pain would cause her to reflect on her own actions, I don't see her questioning herself. Oh, and the support as her admit that she tests her spells by casting it on something... which given that she was asked how she was going to cast a memory spell, probably means that she doesn't just limit herself to plants and lab rats. In other news, she also casts spells on Frederick and was going to turn Kellam into a newt. Continuously hurting people is not suddenly evened out by occasionally petting a kitten. Well, I still fail to see the humor about her being "just" sexually harassed. And the writers wanted it be rapy. Otherwise they wouldn't have added that whole "helpless" and evil laugh bit. Especially by adding a pause before having her say "helpless". They very deliberately gave that impression, so I don't see a reason why it can't just have happened like it was implied.
  12. Well, Tharja because... well, I don't even know where to start. For one thing, she is an absolutely awful character. She is a stalker and a chaotic force of evil. And that's it. Besides trying to get into MU's pants, she has no drive whatsoever. No dreams or ambitions, whatever. If she wasn't busy being an evil stalker, she wouldn't have anything to do., She is as shallow as it gets: A character who has no live besides serving as a Yandere fetish for the player avatar. And as a bonus, she wears the most awful outfit one can imagine. An all see through with heavy metal rings on the most inconvenient places and the most insane high heels I have ever seen. Seeing how she is a coward who tries to keep her head out of danger, such an practical and comfortable outfit definitely suits her... Besides, few things grind my gears more then villains who don't get their just desert. Especially if you have some fluffy phantasy world that make the Silver Age come across as an Era of serious story telling by comparison. It's like having the Joker from the Christopher Nolan movies on a rampage in Ponyville. But this evil person is tolerated by the army, not by tricking the leader like Lifis or because she can be controlled like Jaffar or even Oliver... No, but by attacking people at random and raping the most trusted adjutant of the group leader. And generally being pretty open about the fact that she is Awakening's equivalent of Valter... Except of course I don't remember Valter ever being alone with an unconscious Eirika while giggling to himself before the end of the scene. And I don't think he got to freaking marry her for that! So on top of being an awful character herself, she makes anyone else in the party look insanely incompetent by simply existing. And besides, if supposed "Heroes" are unwilling to protect even their supposed closets friends from a monster like that, then they deserves to get their future eaten by a giant dragon!
  13. This is a bit difficult in regards to spoiler. How can I use spoiler tags, when the name of the work itself would be a spoiler in this case? Anyway, Blizzard loves those. Kerrigan won at the end of StarCraft: Broad War and Arthas and the Lich King at the end of WarCraft III: The Frozen Throne. Also, the Orks canonically won in the first WarCraft. And the book version of The Hitchhikes Guide to the Galaxy series ends with an hell of a downer ending. But the villains who win, technically don't have a presence. Unless you consider the Guide MK II the villain.
  14. -Just to be sure: The first generation and the second generation are not playable at the same time. -Each female character will get two children for the second generation. The female child will get the full growths of her mother + half the growths of her father and the other way around. They will also inherit all items of the parent with the same gender (it's reversed with Ethlin and Briggid's children) as long as they can use them. And all the Private skills of both parents. -Each skill can be either a Private skill or a Class skill. Private skills are part of a unit and will be inherited by their children. Class skills are shared by all units of the same class. They won't be inherited. So Sigurd and Jamka both have the Pursuit skill. Sigurd's Pursuit is a private skill while Jamka only has it as a class skill. In Sigurd's case, this means that his kids will inherit the skill. But Jamka only has it because he is a Bow Fighter, so his kids won't inherit it. -If a couple's love points reach 500, they WILL change their status to lovers. You are not asked for permission. Also, characters will stop gaining love points at turn 50, so you can't just have anyone fall in love in the same chapter they joined. -You can't check the lover points directly but the fortune teller actually gives you valuable information in that regard. -If a female character has no lover (or died) before the end of the second generation, their children will be replaced by substitute characters. -Holy Blood gives you bonuses to your growth rates and weapon ranks. The boni depend on the kind of blood. For example Odo blood gives a huge boast in skill and increases your sword rank while Ulir boasts luck and increases the bow rank. Each kind of Holy Blood comes in two variations: Major and Minor. The growth bonus from Major holy blood is twice as high as minor. Also minor blood will only raise weapon rank by one while Major puts it all the way to max. Minor holy blood will be inherited by both children. Major Holy blood will only be inherited by one child, while the other gets minor. -Technically Major blood also allows you to use the respective Holy Weapon. But since these weapons can't be traded, the characters who get them are those that have major blood anyway. And the weapons will be inherited by the child with the Major holy blood, so it really doesn't matter. -You can check a unit's holy blood by pressing A on the unit's status screen. -A unit's status shows which ally they can currently talk to. You get plenty of items that way, so check that ever now and then. -Getting Ayra is chapter 1 is rather troublesome since she guards the very castle that you have to conquer before you can talk to her. You pretty much have to lure her away first. Use Alec since his Nihil skill prevents Ayra from killing him with Astra. Once Sigurd is done with the castle, make him talk to her. -Weapon weight lowers your speed. There is no Con or Build stat to negate that. Also the game conveniently directly displays your agility. -Weapon rank is determined by class and holy blood. That's why Sigurd's sword rank is already at max. The only way to raise it, is to promote or to arrange parents with holy blood. -The level cap is 30. Promotions can be done any time starting with level 20. The level will stay the way it is and will not reset to level 1. Also the promotion gains are the difference between the caps of the old class and the new one. Which means that a character who has stats capped in his first class will already have all stats capped immediately after promotion. So you don't need to worry about wasting levels if you don't promote immediately. That is very convenient because you can only promote at your main castle. So you can just wait to the beginning of the next map to promote. -A mounted unit can still do all tasks when using their remaining movement after attacking. So they can still talk to others or visit a city and stuff. -Critical hits are a bit funny in this one. You need a skill for them. If you don't have it, there are a few ways to get around that. -be next to a lover -be next to a sibling -have a weapon that gives the skill, like the Killer Bow. -use a weapon with over 50 kills. But I would say that the game is so easy, you should be fine either way.
  15. I also read an article about children being traumatized by the seeing a female nipple. But that article was on The Onion.
  16. I got the impression that you can show pretty much anything in TV these days. What I don't get, is what makes the female nipple so special that it's effectively the only area that has to be covered. Censors obviously aren't worried about objectification, so it seems like they think that nipples are somehow directly corrupting children, regardless of context.
  17. In most votes, I probably would have done otherwise but for this one I was clueless on how personality could have factored in. I mean, we are talking about Lords. Most of them are Marth clones. And he already has no real personality. They are generic good and that's it
  18. I always figured that it would be a great addition if IS would just get their act together for once. It gets me so mad, that they axed this feature just because they sucked so badly with it's inclusion. Especially when they started with the GBA games. I can't comprehend why they would suddenly stop displaying the AS value. They always did in the old games. And of course, they never ever told you about the relation between the values. Not even in the manual. No wonder people got problems with it. And then they had the genius idea to have weight negated by Strength... Anyway, Tear Ring Saga confirmed to me that it can work was wonderfully as I imagined, when one puts a bit of thought into it.
  19. Well, Ephraim declared in his epilogue that the people of Renais and Grado are under his protection.
  20. Well, Neverwinter Nights can be tedious and Temple of Elemental Evil is buggy as heck. With Icewind Dale, I also got bored. It just drags on and on and on. I didn't got the impression that it's more difficult then Baldur's Gate, though. My favorite is the original Baldur's Gate. I like it a lot more then Baldur's Gate 2. With BG2's high levels, there is just so much stuff to take track off. It's such a tedium to keep track of all those spellbooks and artifacts. Also, does Knights of the old Republic not count? Where is the big difference to Neverwinter Nights?
  21. How? I don't see how they have more in common besides being the tactician of their respective groups. And Soren never got any story relevance. He is a good addition to the cast to be sure but the story wouldn't go any different if he didn't exist. Sure, he is Deghinsea's ancestor, the son of Ashnard and the rightful heir of Daein's throne. But that's just trivia and never important for the main plot.
  22. Most attractive Male: Chrom He is the least feminine looking of them. Not that this is saying much. Least attractive Male: Roy Well, he is 15, so he probably shouldn't even qualify for the list. But that hair wouldn't do anyone else any favors either. For the females it's more difficult. I mean, they all look the same. You are effectively just choosing between haircuts. Well, I already started this post, I might as well finish it. Most attractive Female: Micaiah Because I don't even know why. I guess l just really like those reddish, purple tones. Especially in combination with black. Least attractive Female: Celicia Because 90s artwork. And unlike Alm, her DLC artwork doesn't help her, given that it makes her look like a grade schooler.
  23. Well, it was kinda nice in FE12. But only because your character was in an observer role. He didn't actually influence anything. Even the fact that everyone became good friends with MU and shared their most intimate feelings with hir could simply be considered an alternative to have these characters talk to themselves. But in FE13, I really don't know what they were thinking. I mean, he is just a bland character with no characteristics Now that's how a lot of self-inserts work in order to be better identifiable by the player. But what makes this case special is that this is already how the Lords work. I would have expected that they would have realized that. But nope, Chrom is just another Marth clone. PoR had for the most part three main characters: Ike, who is the leader. Soren, who is pragmatic and cold. And Titania, who is experienced and moral. Three characters who provide something vastly different in any scene. But Awakening has two main characters with the "generic good guy" personality. They should just make the Lord customizable and leave it at that. But I don't see the point anyway, considering how much control over every single aspect of every character you already have.
  24. Sure there is. Whoever sibling isn't being played, is stated to be accompanied by Frelian knights. And considering that Ephrahim is often referred as the leader of the Frelian army, they are probably with him either way. Besides, it was the Frelian army initially lead by Innes' who beat Grado's main army in the first place and brought the war to a turnaround.
  25. Best: Innes: Bah... I am in NO way inferior to this so-called Demon King. Worst: Garret: "A truly powerful enemy! Haven't met one in years!"
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