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Everything posted by BrightBow

  1. I think I know why this is. In FE6 the promotion gains of the male General are near identical to the FE7 one except the former gets 2 more def and 1 str. So they probaby calculated the stats for General Wallace using the FE6 promotion games and after altering the promotion gains they forgot to update Wallace stats. If you play Lyn's mode the stats transfer directly so he suffers from FE7s lower promotion gains. Look: FE7 HP+4 Str+2 Skl+2 Spd+3 Def+2 Res+3 FE6 HP+4 Str+3 Skl+2 Spd+3 Def+4 Res+3 Edit: Note to myself: Don't copy and paste several values at once from tables.
  2. Sisko doesn't get enough love. That guy did punch Q in the face after all. Sure, Q acted like he didn't care but it is noteable that this was his first and last appearance on DS9.
  3. I actually like the original avoid calculation. All those next to zero hit rates in the GBA games really bugged me and the true RNG didn't help matters. Enemies should at least have a decent chance to hit their target.
  4. Well, I meant in particular the skills which multiply strength. The ones that only multiply the damage after the enemies defense has been taken into account pretty much work like critical hits and can indeed be survived. But to expect someone to survive Rend, Roar or Savage who pretty much multiply attack power before defense is taken into account are absolutely insane and yet for some reason all have an additional effect attached that never gets used.
  5. I have a hard time to believe that they really knew what they were doing with those anyway. I mean who thought that the Black Knight dealing 120+ points of damage was to low and he needed a separate skill to have it increased to 200+ ? And who thought adding secondary effects to moves that were guaranteed to kill enemies anyway, made any sense? Like Roar preventing movement for 1 turn in addition to multiplying strength by 3. Has anyone ever had and enemy survive that attack so the effect could actually be activated? It just adds to my impression that the game is a huge mess, and I don't like that feeling at all.
  6. I guess you could justify Garet's lack of an actual weakness to water justify with him being from Vale, which has all kinds of different Adepts while Saturos's team is specifically from the "Fire Clan of the north" or whatever he called it. Also for whatever reason the lighthouses restore 4 PP regardless of whether the fire is lit or not as long as you are anywhere in the lighthouse. Also, Saturos is a serious treat at the mercury lighthouse, thanks to Eruption which can easily cause more damage then you can heal in time before the next Fireball barrage since you lack area-heal spells at that point. He might even downright one-shot Ivan and he should move faster then Mia. And your abilities to revive allies are still quite limited at that point. I think you can very well loose this battle, even when well prepared.
  7. Oh, I love the game, even though I'm not particularly good in it. Well, at the very least I'm not as bad as in the beginning when I played it like I would Fire Emblem and only used veteran units in the campaign. Since enemies in this game can at times wipe out your whole army let alone single veteran units, this wasn't a very effective strategy. I can't believe it's unknown, though. I thought it was fairly known. What a shame.
  8. I don't really think it was an uneasy truce since the FE7 opening referred to it as "a peace forged in wisdom" until mankind invaded, so it considers the peace as a good thing. This contrasts people in-universe like Niime's in her B-support with Fa where she paints the dragons as the aggressors so I think the opening roll is accurate since it isn't just a reflection of what people in-universe are thinking.
  9. For some reason the german version of the script refers to the two "Trainee" weapons as "Bronze Sword" and "Bronze Axe" respectively. In other words, before actual weapons with those names would show up in the sequel and with the same properties to both. (low attack, high hit, negating critical hits)
  10. Well, I think the main reason for the games popularity is that for a lot of people it's the first game of it's genre they played. The popular Final Fantasy VII was on a Sony console and the N64 didn't have any RPGs like this (or any RPGs for that matter) as far as I remember. It definitely was for me though, so it is a very memorable game for me even though there is nothing particular amazing about it. Graphics, music and effects were as good as it gets on the GBA but there was nothing to special beyond that, what I haven't seen a lot in other games since then and the characters are rather simplistic. However, I actually liked the Antagonists. They were just as simple, sure. But I think they were used rather effectively. My jaw pretty much dropped when they defeated you in 1-2 rounds in the prologue and it made them intimidating foes for the rest of the game. Heck, when I reached the final dungeon I leveled up to level 30 before I dared to enter it. During the whole game I always wondered how well I would do when I would have to fight them again. You really felt like you were making progress as you climbed the levels as you came closer to the strength of your opponents and when the Fireball spell that Saturos used so effectively in the past appeared in Garet's psynergy list I rejoiced. Sure, things like this are used a lot in other games but I can't help to think Golden Sun used them particular skillfully. I mean, if I compare Saturos & Menardi to, let's say, the recurring bosses of Tales of The Abyss: It doesn't matter whether you are level 5 or level 50, those bosses are always just strong enough to challenge you, with no story justification for their varying performances. It reduced it's leveling system to a mere game mechanic rather then being a representation of your actual power. In fact it actually feels like that your opponents are the ones getting stronger, since bosses that earlier couldn't beat you with their allies, suddenly think they can take the party all by themselves after said party grew like 10-30 levels and yet they are somehow so strong that they might actually do it. In contrast to that, in Golden Sun the only time you actually defeat your opponents before the showdown, there was a story justification for it, and Saturos didn't felt like he became weaker when he fought in a team. Oh and about Kraden, from what I remember his background is explained by the scholars in the cellar of the castle in Tolbi.
  11. I was merely listing games with covers featuring the antagonists. The stones don't qualify so I left the game out.
  12. FE1 and FE3 both had Garnef and Medeus appear FE2 - Well, I guess that guy in the background is totally an important antagonist FE6 had Idoun and Zephidel FE9 had Ashnard in the background FE10 had Micaiah in the foreground Anyway, it would be nothing new.
  13. Going by his expression I say there is just something icky in the direction they are facing and he doesn't want to get to close to it. On a lightly less silly note, it seems rather weird to me to have an antagonist who looks so significantly physically weaker then the hero. Even Marth looked bulkier in his previous appearances.
  14. Well, like Ayra he faces the problem that he is too slow to get a piece of the action. How much However he suffers less from Ayra's lack of canto because his durability actually surpasses the qualities of sandpaper, so that it doesn't matter all that much where he stands at the beginning of the enemies turn. This is thanks to his high bases and with his high Hp growth it just becomes better from there. Holyn has less of an edge in the arena though. She and her Astra clearly win here. His promotion also kind of sucks in comparison, since the class is simply inferior to the Swordmaster stat-wise, having lower speed in exchange for...well nothing. However if he is a father, his kids will love him for their Odo blood and more importantly for their unequaled HP which I think is really neat since you can never die hard enough and HP doesn't hit it's caps all to easy anyway. 5/10
  15. Well, without being able to recharge you can only play for like 4 hours? Well, I guess if nothing else there are adapter for that.
  16. I for my part hope it isn't Marth. Being put against an developed cast didn't do the Dawn Brigade any favors.
  17. As with way too many things I'm not an expert but wouldn't you be unable to recharge an european 3ds? Anyway, great news. Nice to see that NoE doesn't let us down this time.
  18. Yay! This is great. Now let's just hope NoA isn't passing up on this one. The 3ds is region logged after all.
  19. Personally I think the Soul Society Arc is overrated. After rereading the books I must say that there was a lot of idiocy going on. It just was a lot easier to miss then the nonsense occurring later. It might be the pinnacle of the series but that's not saying much. I wish that I stopped reading the books after volume 6. Tite Kubo didn't resolve any of the implications of the then occurring conflict. I should have realized that the Author was somebody who likes to make stuff up and then just ignores it when it's inconvenient rather then allowing it a proper resolution or conclusion. But back then I was more ready to think that if something didn't add up, that I missed something or that it would be important later. As a result Volume 6 is the first book to really bug me and as the series went on there came more and more elephants into the room that the smell was unbearable, things didn't add up and the characters behaved like idiots for the sake of railroading the plot to a destination that turned out not to be interesting anyway. Well, I might actually be too harsh to the author. Tite Kubo has to create a chapter on a weekly schedule after all. It is probably very hard to keep track of anything when you have so little time. Especially if your series runs so long. I wonder how the series would look like if he could work with his own schedule.
  20. Even without Cyas there are still 9 Leadership stars to ensure the accuracy of Reinhardts army and Reinhardt himself with maxed magic, Daimthunder and Vantage. And the bridge removed behind you and the area in front of you protected by the series finest ballistas cripple your movement horribly as Reinhardts Thoron-equipped Mage Knights approach you. It's insane. Edit: Well, I can only say, that I noticed how out of the way most things are and came to the conclusion that if I didn't know things in advance it would have been difficult, to say the least. If Crash checks all the Gaiden requirements in advance it's a lot less of an issue.
  21. Yes, there are quite a few ways to get past that chapter but it is very possible that a first time player might find himself in this chapter without having access to either of them. So it's easy to hit a brick wall if you go in without any previous knowledge. On the top of my head: -Most warps need to be stolen besides the one given by Corpel, which granted is the result of a sidequest most people would do. -The good staffs aren't just handed out like candy and can never be bought. It comes again down to stealing but enemies are likely to have used them up by the time you reach them. -Thief's would be very lucky to have enough Bld to steal Daim Thunder, even assuming one gets the bld ring and was smart enough to use it on one. -The Thief staff is in an optional chapter and it's user is low on Magic. -A-Staff users, assuming they are even available, might be fatigued and fatigue potions are hard to come by.
  22. No, because it was still done with ticks that are unlikely to have worked. Lifis had an highly unlikely amount of Bld to steal Reinhardts weapons. That's important since Reinhardt alone has the potential to curbstomp the whole team. Also Savestates were used at last once, when Olwen was killed after getting the Holy Sword.
  23. What do you mean? I just think that you need at least some preparation, Thief staff, Fliers, Status staffs, whatever. If you don't know what to expect you might hit a brickwall here, no matter how strong your units are. Edit: Also while watching this video it reminded me that you can never buy restore staffs and all the ones you can get are easily missable. So just enduring the status staffs is hardly an option. Edit2: I also watched both parts of the video and I still don't understand what you were saying. The player didn't use staffs. However he used instead savestats and a Lifis who somehow got enough con to steal Master Swords.
  24. I can't even imagine how to win this chapter by brute force alone without disabling some of the stuff that the chapter throws at you first. It's probably worth it to emphasize that Warp is really important in that chapter.
  25. Best: Rolf Worst: Fa Well, the Fire Emblem series is about war... well obviously... but this series in particular has always emphasized that war is a bad thing, as well as a complicated one. The former is for example expressed that your characters, with their unique personalities, backgrounds and dreams, actually die when they are killed. The subject of slavery is brought up every now and then and what Lakche talked about in FE4 chapter 6 sounded particularly disturbing. (Though maybe it was just the translators being creative.) The latter is represented by putting you against opponents who are supposed to be sympathetic and that you wouldn't want to kill but can't avoid to do so. Camus, Ishtor, Reinhardt and Shiharam for example, there are tons. The resulting atmosphere is probably one of the biggest reasons I love the series. But those "innocent characters" serve mostly the purpose to destroy that atmosphere. Especially in the GBA games where supports gave them the opportunity to speak after they were recruited and they seem to be completely unaffected by the dead and destruction around them. And Fa is the worst of them because she is the most childlike of them, she is always cheery, innocent and stuff... and a freaking dragon. And not just any dragon, a Divine Dragon. Imagine how Fa's contribution to the battles would look like realistically. She would be able to torch huge parts of the Bern army, racking up a body count of thousands all by herself... and then in the evening she would pay a visit to Elphin and ask him whether he is a boy or girl. Does nobody have a problem sending out a little girl like her on the battlefield? Why is she so unfazed by the death she causes? The whole thing feels so horrible awkward. Rolf is the whole opposite if that. FE9 wasn't just throwing those kids into your army and then ignoring the obvious elephant in the room. The game tried to actually deal with the issue of children on the battlefield. Rolf and Mist didn't just join the fights for no reason. They joined because while they were afraid of killing and getting killed, they were even more afraid of their family members dieing if they would not fight themselves. Rolf and Mist are both characters I can take seriously and the game turned the attribute "innocent", a weakness for so many previous characters, and turned it into an actual strength. The reason Rolf is up there is because while Mist contributes to the battle, she is just a healer. Rolf, as a fighter and the younger of the two, is a lot more affected by those things and it really shows in the supports. I also liked the A-support with Shinon who claims that the motivation of adults trying to protect children is mostly self serving, which was definitely something to think about. I guess everybody who read through all of this, will feel like they just wasted their time and my poor grammar probably doesn't do me any favors here. Sorry about that. But I think there is not much point of just throwing out your votes without also giving your reason behind them. Edit: Btw, I went through Fa's supports and going by her support with Igrene, which shows that she doesn't understand death. This is the level of innocence we are talking about here. This makes me wonder what she thinks she is even doing when she is deployed and the people she kills, to use quotes from Rolf as a contrast, "squirm on the ground and gurgle in pain" and "make the grass slippery with blood". Though she does mention to Sue that she has "lots and lots of fun" because she "gets to play outside" now... *sigh* The more I think about Elibe, the more disturbing that world becomes.
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