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Everything posted by LunaSaint

  1. Oh boy, the quality of this production has been something else. The attention to detail, the really tight tuning on chapters, it's all fantastic. Not played through too much of it yet, between yesterday's exhaustion and today's business, but this is proving to be a gold standard I need to hold to with my own work in Shatterlight. My own release feels pretty underwhelming by comparison, but that's a challenge I will look up to.
  2. Treetrunks Ike is a really good choice for SSB; he makes a much more intuitive look at the powerhouse alternative to Marth. His model even looks quite a bit better than the RD art, so I'm really happy to see that. I didn't really see the benefit to adding Chrom when he was just a side character anyway when he's just somewhere between the spectrum of RD Ike and Marth, and not really as developed. I think a tactician would've been cool; it'd have provided a playstyle that SSB doesn't really have yet. Otherwise, only other thing I've been hoping for is a Lucina skin for Marth.
  3. Similar disposition here. I feel able to consider if a man is attractive, and I have no issues getting cuddly/touchy-feely around other guys. However, only females actually get my hormones going and trigger any sexual desire from me. To me, that's a simple enough way to say I'm straight, and not bisexual.
  4. Keep it up. The dedication you're showing on getting this perfectly is great to hear.
  5. I didn't say that you abandoned us or anything. o.o
  6. Oh boy. Klok's eccentricities aside, we were supposed to get him a copy of patch 0.0.95 but missed it, hence the slight preference. I have a pre-release patch ready if anyone else still wishes to provide some coverage, though. It's just missing the dummied in chapter to signify the demo's end. Just pop me a PM and I'll hook you up asap.
  7. Frankly I don't see how it can be anyone but Greil, given the reasons BrightBow provided. However, 2nd best best is more interesting. Elbert and Eliwood are pretty cool for this, and we have Sigurd too (though I'm not sure how much Sigurd qualifies, as he wasn't much of an actual father). Seeing Chrom's dad in the list reminded me of the cool sounding stories of Ylisse going on crusades and ruining everyone's day. That sounded awesome and I'm sad it was never explored or given detail.
  8. Why would you do this to yourself. What spell of insanity caused you to make this compilation? That said, this is cool stuff. I nearly made a NoF style chapter for one of markyjoe's ragefests, so this could be useful if I ever get round to making that idea I had.
  9. Really looking forward to this, Kamon - it's amazing how thorough this project looks.
  10. LunaSaint

    FEE3 2014

    Oh cool, dates Project Name: Shatterlight Base Engine: FE7 Creator: LunaSaint & Pals Submitting: Second public release
  11. LunaSaint

    FEE3 2014

    Mmm, would be great to Shatterlight involved in this. I'll have to check out the previous years to get a good idea of what I need to get done.
  12. Whew, just shipped revision 0.0.98 to Klok (he called dibs!). Interested to hear what he has to say. Should be pretty funny, I haven't even swept it for new bugs. EDIT: Now I have, and he hasn't received it yet. Boo, no fun.
  13. No, she mentioned as such. She said as long as we didn't mind, it was fine by her. Frankly, I was all too happy with that. However, it was pretty thoughtless of me to not investigate where it was and check out that end, too. It works pretty well, though I think it could use some ironing out. It pauses for a moment on a pose with very angular looking hair, and that bugs me. ><
  14. Hiya, let me introduce myself as the 'nice guy' - the doormat, the boring guy, the insecure fellow. Not necessarily the reddit-esque creeper, though I did almost slip down that route at one point. I grew up in an environment that plugged selflessness and care for others, and I sucked it alll in. I became so focused on doing others a kindness, that I neglected myself to the point that I don't have much of one. I seldom form strong opinions about much of anything, and prefer to hear others' - I'm utterly incapable of arguing or debating as a result, because I instinctively try to understand/accept what is being reasoned against me. This kind of mild mannered, don't-want-to-get-in-the-way attitude became a huge impediment in life in general, and led me down all kinds of bad routes. In this sense, nice guys really do finish last; they're lacking the assertion and force of will to actually announce what they want, let alone try to get it. (NB This is not a 'woe is me' post; I am getting a lot better, and it's gotten easier for me to see what I did wrong in the past)
  15. Just released the last internal patch before things go public (don't expect a title screen with this first release though >< ) Big first post revamp incoming in the next couple days \o/
  16. Glancing over this thread, I think Extra Credits covered a very strongly related topic extremely well. It's 2 years old, yes, and the focus is specific on two genres, but it very accurately addresses some of the issues brought up here. Parts 2 and 3 are especially worth the watch. Part 1: Part 2 Part 3
  17. Oh gee, there were so many things that annoyed me about this game (like how it was too damn long, how stupid the masteries were, character availability...). But FE10 really is a great sandbox. I remember spending a couple hours trying to steal silver longbows early with disarm, only to realise that... A: They were really terrible B: Rofl didn't have the rank to use them C: They were completely useless when Rofl hit tier 3 anyway It was just such a good game to explore.
  18. LunaSaint


    If there's a reason to play this game, it certainly isn't quality gameplay, an immersive environment or deep, interesting mechanics. However, there is certainly a case for recommending pso2 to others.
  19. There has been a few supports where I'd describe things as 'competition' or rivalry. The characters might not like each other, but they're desperate to one-up each other, improving their performance. That's how I'd rationalise it.
  20. If you were to live in isolation, with only a nonhuman creature of the land as a sole companion, what creature would that be?
  21. I share very similar views to RFoF, though I do indulge in it quite a bit. Fantasy is a huge draw of porn, getting to immerse yourself into something forbidden and exciting. Is it shameful? I believe that it is, if only because of the social taboos. Though for some people, that only heightens the enjoyment. I suspect that a great deal of people would be totally open to casual sex if there weren't the existing social stigmas, or fear of offending/abandoning their loved one.
  22. Hmm, I do think the text needs something to highlight it. Maybe just an outline around it with the darkest tone. Glenn's contrast toggle makes the eye motif look gorgeous, though. I didn't realise quite how beautiful it was.
  23. That would probably be Ciraxis, then. I knew he inserted Pascal's, wasn't sure about Kestrel's.
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