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Everything posted by LunaSaint

  1. Why would you even pair Lonk with Lissa? ):
  2. Killers are great. Good availability, excellent stopping power, but enough inconsistency to not be broken. Braves vary a lot. Main factors are how enemy defenses scale with player offenses. If enemy defense is too low, then they're not OP because they're unnecessary. Too high, then they aren't hitting hard enough to break the game. Legendaries are fun too. The high availability ones (FE6, FE8, FE4) are good because there's usually a few opportunities where you want the big guns. FE4's are broken because of repairs and Forseti. Others are usually quite weak, for many varying reasons.
  3. Tricksters are so cool. ♥ Valkyrie and Dark Flier take #2 and #3 spot.
  4. 1: Tharja is a 10/10. Nowi is Kid with green hair that actually DOESN'T look good. Nowi's costume is also awful. T 1 - 0 N 2: Tharja is a fastish Dark Mage, joins with Nosfy, has GK/Pavise access, and can pass down Bowbreaker to Noire to boot. Nowi has Manakete access, and passes that on to Nah. Tharja's much more versatile as a parent, but Nowi's niche is really, really powerful. Actually gonna call a tie on this one. T 1 - 0 N 3: Both are pretty fun characters, I like them both a lot. Nowi's got that extra layer of character though; her childlike nature is actually because she's so old - she's actually pretty mature and thoughtful. T 1 - 1 N 4: ¯\(°_o)/¯ Both are pretty fun characters with amazing classes. I can't really say either one really stands out.
  5. Oh yeah that's a lot of gryphs on Yen'fay And a lot of Assassins in plegia And wyverns on walhart/24 and snipers/warrs on walhart2 Yeah come to think of it this game isn't friendly to lone pegs
  6. Come on Brady, you can beat the obligatory stoic swordsman! Ah well, at least Maribelle and Gaius are winning.
  7. You know what, I'll just draw a big circle around the right half. Picking between Vaike and Inigo was pretty hard though. D:
  8. Emerald: Lairon (crapped my pants, these guys know Roar!) Pearl: Golbat ~_~
  9. Ah, this is an interesting topic. I've gotten so used to professional standards (and putting things against them) that I find it hard to appreciate anything I do. Even when I know where I should go or what I should do to improve, it's hard to continue. I think that's a large part of the problem. I've drawn some (relatively) impressive things when I've been able to really take the time. But usually, I never give myself that opportunity.
  10. Come on Norne, you're way cooler than FE12 Katarina~! FE13 Katarina, however...
  11. Luna~ Who would have guessed? Vengeance has a special place in my heart for combo-tastic value. Sol is amazing for content where enemies aren't particularly tough (most of campaign), but it's actually so good for it that I dislike the ability. (Plus I like a good excuse to spam staffers!) I also love Luna for it's breedability. My current postgame team has it on every kid but Owain, who runs vantage/vengeance.
  12. About time Ampharos got Dragon type. <3 Also Mega Ampharos is super badass in general, pumped about this. Still needs Tail Glow though (don't care if the JP move is firefly light!). T_T - Mega Mawile looks totally sick too. This is pretty exciting~
  13. Y-y-you can't claim Medli! I don't know what to say! She's... she's.... No! T_T First crush was probably Zelda. That one lasted a while. Aside from that, Fiora from FE7 sticks in my head. She was best peg. <3
  14. I'm currently hooked on Oyasumi Punpun. 70 chapters in a few hours, still plugging through. The manga is thoroughly dark and horrible, but also pretty damn enlightening. It focuses on the life of a young boy and his family. Since it's viewed from his perception, they're all representated as ducks. The real magic of it though is how it goes through their perspectives; identifying how easy it is to lose yourself, fail to communicate, miss other peoples' concerns, do something stupid, blame yourself... When I first read it, it seemed like it just had a really depraved sense of humour. But once it starts to pick up, it's full of life lessons and reminders that we need to worry less about the past.
  15. Favourite? Probably Maribelle. Least favourite? I'd say Miriel's pretty boring, though I've started to warm up to her after reading her playful support with Lon'qu.
  16. Lissa's adorable, my favourite waifu, provides the same utility as Maribelle, joins earlier and has much better durability throughout the game. However, Maribelle has some of the best writing in the game. She's smart, open minded, thoughtful, and seeks to improve her character. On top of that, her endings show that she is perhaps the most responsible and hard working character the game. Just look at her ending with Lon'qu. Along with that, she mothers Brady, my favourite child.
  17. FP2 crew. Watching the dads talk Owain and Inigo over their heroic sacrifices, and convince Brady and Yarne to stop panicking and get their own job done. It's soooo good.
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