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Everything posted by gringe

  1. I suppose the easiest way to check the accuracy would be to check it against the Japanese version. The actual order, as arranged in the screenshot is... Tactics (I think) Battle (Not really sure what this is determined by or what it's called in FE7, assuming it was there) Survival Experience Funds Strength (I guess this is determined based on your characters' final levels?) Probably best to check the terminology against FE7. Here's a savestate at the credits. You'll have to wait a little bit for it to get to the ranking part though. https://www.mediafire.com/?1eyurrwzk5mh0nb His name is actually supposed to be pronounced like "clayn" so "Klein" is actually possibly a mistake by IS. Wade is the official name, if it was intended to be "Ward" I believe the katakana would be rendered differently, and "Ward" as a name for a character with no defense is very unfitting. Yep.
  2. I've always thought Deke was basically one of your best options through the whole game thanks to his monstrous bases and Con. Also pretty sure Niime is only a god in LTC. The patch was made with normal play in mind.
  3. To be completely fair, even WITH 15-use lockpicks, you should have enough to go all the way to the end of the game after chapter 8. And thanks for using the patches!
  4. No, wasn't aware of this. Sort of. There's the translation patch, which is JUST a translation, and there's the numbers patch, which is JUST a numbers adjustment (balance) patch. They can be used independently or together.
  5. FE12 was a DS game and emulators mimic the stylus control by using the mouse. Stylus control was likely in the game to begin with, and not added by the translation patch. FE6 is a GBA game, which had no touchscreen, so mouse control is definitely impossible here. Milady was nerfed because she was pretty much inarguably the best character in the game. She often rammed her strength, skill, and speed caps, which, along with her solid defense and HP (and not to mention hard mode bonuses), made her pretty much untouchable. Idun is called a demon dragon because that's what she was called in the FE7 epilogue. FE12 used mage dragon, but I'm considering that to be in a different universe. In the original patch she was called a dark dragon. With this patch, I've aimed for consistency with FE7 above all else, because it's the closest related to FE6.
  6. Elen is the official spelling and the name of a Welsh saint. Ellen is a perfectly valid Romanization of the Japanese, but it seemed more appropriate to go with the mythological reference.
  7. Enjoy! VBA is still widely considered the best GBA emulator to my knowledge. As for things that still need to be done, there are still some text-graphics that need to be inserted and some hex editing to make some things look a little nicer. The last bit will be ASM hacking the opening movie and the opening class scroll, but getting that done will hinge on someone who knows how to do that coming and helping. A theoretical 1.0 would be a "complete localization", but that may not be possible without assistance from a better hacker than myself. In any case, it's perfectly playable in its current form and later updates will be mostly cosmetic.
  8. Maybe the weapons were a bad example. Characters and locations, though, have different pages for their appearances in different games. I think this would also be good for classes, so the class pages could be written based on how they are in a specific game rather than generalizations across the whole series, which are often difficult.
  9. Have you ever seen the UESP wiki? http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Main_Page It's divided based on game, probably at least in part to keep pages from getting overly cluttered. So if this were to be applied to an FE wiki, there would be an FE1:Iron sword page, FE2:Iron sword page, FE3:Iron sword page, and so on. I find it to be a very effective sorting system for a series of games. It would be quite an overhaul, though.
  10. The game may be lacking by today's standards, but the lore and the world are some of the best of any game I've ever played. The modding community is still active with province mods and an open source reimplementation due out shortly so any issues with the game may be modded out eventually. Great game if you can get it cheap, but definitely keep an eye on the mod scene if you do.
  11. Want to change "The Dark Continent Ereb" to "The Continent of Elibe" for the translation patch. Anyone know how to do this?
  12. I can tell you from my experience in Nightmare that the chapter 22 throne room enemies seem to generate their stats at the same time as anyone else. In other words, not when Roy opens the throne room.
  13. It is, but for testing purposes he was using an outdated version of the patch. It looks fine in the actual ROM.
  14. In my opinion the brightness makes it a little harder to read, so I personally will go with the later version.
  15. Cool! Got it inserted. Looks good! By the way, I remember you agreeing to some changes to chapter titles before. I'm just curious how many graphics there are left that you intend to do.
  16. Oh yeah, that looks great! EDIT: Put up v0.93. Also updated the numbers patch to improve Jahn's stats and Lot and Wade a little more. At this point, the only things left to do are aesthetic repairs and thorough testing!
  17. For what it's worth, I personally would be fine with something like the Japanese Rekka no Ken title screen instead of the scroll-looking thingie it's got now, if a big change is considered acceptable.
  18. I find a lot of the grammar and spelling on the Wikia to be pretty poor and a lot of the articles are filled with opinions or baseless assertions. I find this pretty common in Wikis written by very young people. I don't mean this as a personal offense, but judging by your posts here, you're not the best person to be authoring or checking articles. I think you should find a grammar and spelling Nazi who's also willing to weed out the needless information and get an article strictly to the point with as little opinion or rambling as possible. Thinking about it a little more though, I really question the value of a Fire Emblem wiki to begin with. I mean, most of the information is catalogued if not on Serenes Forest then elsewhere on the Internet. Things only really change when a new game comes out, which isn't very often, so does the series even need a database that can be edited by anyone?
  19. The font looks pretty good, but yeah, maybe a bit compressed. I didn't realize it would be so cramped when I wrote that. In that case, I'll come up with something shorter. I guess there's a few ways we could take it. We could just do something that isn't exactly an accurate translation but fits fine, like ...And honestly nothing else is coming to mind right now. But I'm fine with the above if other people are. I would like to include something about the Eight Legends, but it doesn't seem possible in English without going a bit too long. By the way, while the title screen looks good, and while we'd have to put it someplace else in the ROM to accomplish this (though I recall cam or someone mentioning some pages back they'd be willing to help if we got to the end... and we have), I think maybe it should be a little bit wider. The Japanese text uses only four characters while the English uses about 15 if you include spaces, so the title looks a little squished. I mean, look how big the Sacred Stones subtitle is in comparison to the Japanese version. I think it's fair to say they did that for a reason.
  20. The FE6 translation patch available in the thread linked in my sig isn't quite complete, but it does fix a lot of glitches from the original patch (not to mention revise the script). As such, it's probably more complete than the original patch was. Any chance it could get some representation in the first post of this thread?
  21. Are you using a Mac, by chance? Macs can't open EXE files. If I could make the patch in IPS format this wouldn't be a problem but IPS doesn't seem to support the current filesize of the ROM (it's 17 MB right now). I feel if it were 32 MB it would probably be possible, but any artificial bloating will have to wait until the patch is done, unless someone can do it for you. In other news... -I've gone through and revised supports, fixing up the writing and repairing errors! That didn't take nearly as long as I thought it would. Still, I'd like to make another pass over the entire script. -I tested Tate and Juno's support conversation and it worked fine. I'm guessing the person who reported that problem was using an outdated version from before I inserted supports. Having revised them, I'm now considering supports fully functional. -v0.93, which will have menu commands updated courtesy bartre and a revised script will be out when I finish the tutorial. Should be doable by this weekend. After that, basically all that's left is the hard (cosmetic) stuff.
  22. Thanks. The idea was I thought it was the "capitol" building but I think that's wrong after all. Oh well. That word is so confusing in English.
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