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Destiny Hero

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Everything posted by Destiny Hero

  1. The first one is OBESE and the second one is just plain fugly.
  2. Haven't seen you in a while. Guess I've gotta put the bomb shelter back up. *hides from angry forum member*
  3. I was having a blast playing this thing, and I must've lost a lotta calories. Although the BMI thingy is innacurate. It says I'm average weight when I'm really very (VERY) skinny. Except every time I tried to do something, my frickin dog would start humping my damn leg and I'd lose balance and fall over. I swear, she does NOT want me playing that. And yes, my FEMALE dog humps. She's got the whole thrusting motion down, too. I blame that perverted dog across the street for poisoning her with the first thing he did when he saw her.
  4. 1st: Too fat. 2nd: That's a shuriken. No, I got a Sweet Potato Ocarina. Not only is it pretty (opposite of ugly!), but it's also purple and has a Triforce on it. Win! ^__^ Magic :o
  5. How is it lazy? I say that only idiots would waste their time by typing so much more than they need to.
  6. http://www. is tagged on automatically.
  7. Never had to do that before. Usually I just have to type: website.com To get to something.
  8. Those are the four ugliest musical devices I have ever seen in my life.
  9. What the Ephraim is Kirby Avalanche?
  10. Strange... That's the same Mario character that a child molester would be.
  11. Wrong and wrong. And the picture of my dog really is her sleeping. She sleeps on beds and chairs, and when she's really tired, she flips over, mostly when she thinks nobody's looking.
  12. All I play on mine is Zelda tunes. The Zelda Ocarina is a sweet potato one. The ocarina you're talking about is a Pendant Ocarina, which I think are pretty ugly and stupid.
  13. No, but I've been through a hell of a lot more than most people.
  14. No, she's not. My dog has no problems with me.
  15. There you go. I got the Ocarina on Christmas and I've played it quite a bit (although quietly). I've got the Song of Time memorized. It doesn't take long to get used to the Ocarina, and you don't need much "lung power".
  16. CAPTAIN PLANET!!!!! Or is this something different? I've got no clue what Kirby Avalanche is.
  17. Sort of run away. She never has the intention of getting away from us (she always likes to stay right next to us), she just likes running around. She thinks that if she's outside, she doesn't have to listen to anyone, and she gets carried away and thinks I'm playing chase with her. It gets annoying.
  18. No, she's a very happy dog, and she likes me and my family very much.
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