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Lord Raven

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Everything posted by Lord Raven

  1. I find that his intent and that the intention of that quote are actually a bit different.
  2. When exactly did he investigate her past? Was that ever specified?
  3. I already sorta refuted this, but I know many people in real life that say they "never trusted x person" which was quite clearly a lie. There's a chance that, early on, there was a lot of trust between Brendan and Sonia but not long after marriage it sorta began to dissipate -- of course, there's also the chance that Brendan could be in denial of this dying trust, but it's not at all too much of a stretch.
  4. Yes, he is, but the point stands that you don't have to be good at what you're judging to judge it. I'm well within my rights to say something like Avatar the movie was shit when I know for a fact that I couldn't write a movie or produce those special effects, for instance. Banzai is well within his own rights to say that FE7's writing sucks dick regardless of whether or not he can write a better story or anything, especially because he has a very good case in favor of saying so. It's all opinion in the end, but jesus christ just give it up and argue the right points.
  5. And people will still criticize regardless of how good they are at writing. You're allowed to criticize a written work regardless of talent.I feel like this can be explained quite easily by "Brendan really loves to fuck." Whenever Brendan expressed any degree of mistrust towards Sonia, she seduced him and they had another "caress" session. Obviously this didn't apply to Linus and Lloyd because they're either gay or not as horny (old people tend to be hornier and she'd probably not have much to take from them -- they distrusted her but didn't strike her down). Could've also been a bunch of extortion going on too, like Sonia (she IS powerful after all) vowing to kill a bunch of Brendan's men if he didn't comply with her wishes... after the initial attraction/marriage. People say they "never trusted/liked someone" when in reality, there was a point where there was a lot of trust and liking (the beginning) but eventually it goes down the gutter. I know some people IRL that are guilty of doing that, by the way. The person was probably just exaggerating, to be honest.
  6. Apples and Oranges. Books are different because there's just so damn many of them and they've been written for a long time. A 12 year gap between novels is absolutely nothing.In the video game industry, even a couple year gap is a massive difference; imagine a game 1.5 decades ago being compared, in plot, to a modern day game. FE1 was more "gameplay with plot" (considering the small amounts of dialogue and stuff) than FE7's "plot&gameplay" intentions.
  7. Not kidding when I say that I hear PMD games are very depressing.
  8. I never thought Ike was a meathead in FE10, just a lot less cavalier with Daein after FE9.
  9. yeah yeah probably, I thought TotA blew in the plot department so I didn't like it too much.
  10. I'm glad we have come to terms and have begun life anew. Furthermore, I liked FE7's plot because it was just so different in nature to the others. You weren't fighting a war; you were fighting against a mafia-esque organization, and then a crazed man who was obsessed with fucking around with death. I feel like its characters weren't setup all that well, to be honest -- I can see what you mean, but I liked the general atmosphere. Of course it doesn't compare to FE9. FE9 reminds me of FF6 in that I truly felt the final battle against Ashnard. Every single person had their reason to fight that you knew in game, and every single person had redeeming qualities and sympathies, and every single person grew. PoR had fabulous writing and, while it used many cliches, it shows why they're not so bad. But that's beside the point. FE7 was more plot-driven compared to like FE9, FE4, or FE5 (FE5 was both plot and character even if not many characters got their own personalities, but they all had reasons like in FE9, and of course FE4 had a good dose of both).
  11. I liked FE8's plot and I thought Lyon was one creepy motherfucker.
  12. Really? I was fuckin impressed with the plot and characters after Abyss, and I liked the gameplay despite it being barebones-simple. TotA will have the "early RPG for 3DS" thing going for it.
  13. Therefore we conclude that Merlinus, who I concede cannot do shit, is above characters who can do shit. So Merlinus <<< Karel and everyone in the CURRENT state? As for Karel > Bors, Dorothy... nobody said anything.
  14. Ward or Lott; Bors wouldn't want to do it alone at all. Highest attack cavaliers easily gang up on him, though. There's a lot of them and they have a bunch of move, after all; not like you'd want to put Bors up front anyway considering Marcus/Alan/Lance would want to take the lead. So you can get them out of the way and you can progress more tiles in less turns? And then Bors acts like another sitting duck again, and he's *still* an easy target. How would Bors even be with your units for when that happens? Once again, his move is only 4 and you have 7/8 move Cavs and Paladins rushing the early chapters, and even the five move chars can get ahead of him pretty easily. Rutger shows up on enemy phase and you *honestly* don't want him going up against any of your units except *maybe* Marcus who still has a bunch of attacks to survive anyway. Buying stuff from C4 shop/armory and sending them all to Merlinus? I already mentioned that he can lure Rutger without getting "killed" (he'll get killed but he'll come back) on top of luring enemies away from the main path, if applicable, but that's a small thing that Merlinus has over Bors.~Waiting To Hear On Karel~ (With my Karel points I meant ORKO not OHKO, but he still has a good chance to OHKO).
  15. One Angelic Robe + a Wyrmslayer or two = 3HKO'd by Wyverns/Mamkutes, he can take Boltings and he has a pretty good chance of OHKOing the Dragon enemies. There's easy ways to get an Angelic Robe to him.As for C24 he can deal with any sort of residual Mamkutes that follow you provided he has an Elixir (one again, he gets 3HKO'd and he only should be getting hit two at a time). Ward and Bors together are the best way to retrieve Lugh and to prevent them from being completely killed, Merlinus can draw attention away from them.In C4, there's shitloads of Cavaliers that can easily gang up on and kill Bors; Merlinus can also get ganged up on and killed but to no detriment because Merlinus will come back to life next chapter anyway. He can do the same to lure Rutger out to talk to, and most importantly he can die and comeback the next chapter to act as a sort of trump card again which Bors cannot do. On top of the fact that you can take weapons from the supply thanks to him (provided he's fielded). Minor points in his favor, but this pretty much leads to "all Bors can do properly is visit like two villages and chip a soldier in C2." Sure as hell does better than Bors, who doesn't do anything to shave turncounts when used and when used throughout the game ABSOLUTELY does not shave turncounts. In fact, the opposite. Same is the case with Dorothy. Wolt shaves turncounts early on since dondon provided the strategy, and Merlinus has potential but only in one chapter.
  16. i don't have a wii until wednesday night and monday is when i am free again (due to family stuff) so :(
  17. I've covered much of this. Merlinus lures enemies away and comes back from death every chapter. Already beats Bors. Bors has little movement and low hitrates early on (visits three villages but doesn't at all work as a combat unit; in C2 Marcus is better off as the Village visitor because it's easier than trading it out of Bors and C3... pretty much anyone can do that), and when he doesn't have low hitrates he gets ganged up and 2-3HKO'd easily. (posted a much more solid numbers argument earlier). Bors is generally fairly inconvenient to have around simply because of that low move and how it doesn't even really net him any kills to be a great offensive unit. Dorothy does some chip in her forced deployment chapter and that's just about it. (already posted stats) Karel's performance being "unremarkable" doesn't mean anything because that's always said in relative terms; his Str is 20 or 21 which is already on par or better than Rutger and Fir's, and his Spd is enough to double. His Skill is automatically maxed or near maxed for the purpose of criticals, and his base 44% critical rate actually helps his use with Wyrmslayer for Mamkutes or Wyvern Lords. (Posted stats earlier) Karel has some remarkability, the problem is that he's outclassed; not that it matters, the purpose of this tier list is to judge efficiency assuming the unit is fielded so he is a 6 move person with some pretty decent offense much like many other characters. He has far more potential to shave turncounts with much less resource allocation (exp mainly) than many characters that exist, and while that only lasts 1.5 chapters he is doing well. Especially since an Angelic Robe actually changes many of the hits from a 2HKO to a 3HKO quite easily. I once again repeat, outclassed not at all means pathetic, which sadly is the main point of my argument in favor of Karel considering that's one of the few justifications i've heard in favor of keeping Karel as "well, at least he's better than Wendy and Sophia. Do Dorothy, Bors, or Merlinus have that sort of potential? Merlinus pretty much exists as either a nice decoy for some random enemies (it is likely he can shave some turns pre-C5, mainly in C4, but I need to see dondon's strategy for this in order to make a judgment. I saw Merlinus visiting a village in that particular chapter, at any rate; Bors COULD do it too, though. Any fucking unit can visit a village. If we're going to disregard the Sophia > Wendy argument because "the only argument is the Guiding Ring" then why the hell is visiting villages a point in favor of Bors over Karel? Anyone can visit a village, but Bors is absolute dick at combat. Dorothy can at least chip and (wait for it) visit the massive amounts of villages in C7, Bors doesn't have the accuracy to do it and eventually his durability comes to question too.
  18. smh someone else misses the important points in this thread
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