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Book Bro

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Everything posted by Book Bro

  1. MC: Both are some of my favourite characters in the series but Ike is number 1. Cavalier: Titania, as a character and unit she is great. Mage: Soren. Myrmidon: not a huge fan of any of them but Lucia for her role in the story. Fighter: Boyd, usually one of the first to promote. Soldier: Nephenee by far as the first playable foot lancer in the West. Knight: Gatrie is one of like 3 knights in the series I actually like. Archer/Bow Knight: Rolf, even if he isn't the best unit. Thief: Sothe if we take RD into account Medic: Mist, a great supporting character Pegasus: Sigrun... ok she's only in RD but I don't really like Marcia or Tanith. Wyvern: a rough one because both are awesome, but Jill has a much better arc. Cat: Ranulf for his story presence. Tiger: Mordecai, such a lovable guy. Hawk: Tibarn is probably my favourite of the laguz leaders. Dragon: Ena, for her role in the story Other: Reyson, though I didn't like him at first
  2. Other: Roy, I like his character even if he is young and naive. Cavalier: none of them particularly, but I usually train up Lance and Alen. Archer: Klein, but honestly it's mostly due to Heroes bias because I've always had Wolt as my only archer. Knight: none of them Cleric: Saul, funny guy. Mercenary: Dieck, great unit. Fighter: none of them Pegasus: I always use Shanna but I'm not really attached to her. Thief: Astolf is the most interesting of them, but I like Cath too. Mage: Lilina, hope she gets bumped up to lord in the remake! Troubador: Cecilia as a character, but I don't really use either of them Myrmidon: Fir. Rutger isn't that interesting to me and Karel shows up too late. Nomad: Sue, because she looks like Lyn and supports my headcanon. Brigand/Pirate: Geese, though Gonzales is likeable too Refresher: Always gotten Lalum so I don't even know much about Elphin, but I don't particularly like Lalum. Shaman: Raigh, don't like Sophia and Niime is cool but comes late. Wyvern: Miledy, but I like Zeiss too.
  3. Spent about 200 orbs so far. After around 140 I pulled Ayra while sniping for Lyn or Camilla and being presented with only reds and blues. I wanted Ayra too, so I wasn't upset, but the other two were my main priorities. Then today after getting some more orbs I pulled Lyn after about 180 orbs total. Super happy about that, and she's going straight on my horse team. I really doubt I'll get lucky again and pull Camilla before it's over. But at least I got two of my three.
  4. I think in general FE stories are good, with Jugdral and Tellius being the closest to outstanding. Some are pretty standard and most have certain flaws, but overall they're all told competently and are enjoyable. There's definitely room for improvement though. They should take more risks. Less dragons and cults, a change of the usual setting, more complex themes, more mature writing in the sense of telling stories that are gray and not plainly black and white.
  5. Work, mostly. Weekend trips or going out when I'm not working. And I've been going to the gym so there's also that. When I have free time at home I prefer to play other games (right now I'm juggling BotW, Odyssey, and Bravely Second). Actually, when I do play Heroes it's mostly at work in short bursts or on auto, hahaha. So for me it's not really an obsession or hobby anymore as much as a quick and entertaining distraction.
  6. And yet, I'm willing to bet that if Loki was the exact same character but instead a handsome male with his chest showing and his legs exposed in such a way as to emphasize his dong people would object much more. And rightfully so. It doesn't actually have much to do with the character we've seen despite what some would say. And before anyone points out Odin, he is a comical character and his outfit plays into this, while Loki is meant to be taken seriously.
  7. Light v dark Linde, Delthea, Seliph, Julia, Raigh, Henry, Sophia, Odin Sweet v sour Fae, Mist, Selena, Lute, Gordin, Lukas, Jaffar, Raven (I just realized how hard it is to think of stereotypically sweet boys and sour girls in the series, as opposed to the truckloads of sweet girls and sour boys, and especially within the limits of who's already in Heroes). Brains v brawn Lute, Merric, Lilina, Reindhart, Ayra, Hinata, Titania, Ogma
  8. My priorities are Brave Lyn first and foremost and then Ayra and Camilla.
  9. Kinda cringing at how "Children of Fate" is a phrase that could refer to so many games, especially recent ones. Awakening kids, Fates kids, Alm and Celica, Jugdral kids... Let's maybe come up with more creative monikers IS. Also bummed it seems to be the Fates kids as I'm not interested at all in pulling them, and it confirms Micaiah is not coming before next year. But at least this way I can go all out on Hero Fest.
  10. Interesting if not unexpected results. I think the most surprising thing is how many people rank Conquest as "nothing wrong with it".
  11. An RD or Thracia banner, that's all I wanted. I especially want Micaiah because I still haven't had the luck to draw Linde and the blue mages I do have aren't characters I really like. Someday...
  12. Not really a fan of the new characters. Aside from Loki (why?), Fjorm is showing way too much skin for someone who comes from an ice kingdom. Fire king is pretty standard and even more in your face evil than the 3DS villains. The fire girl is ok. I just hope this isn't a precedent to what FE16 designs will be like.
  13. Tend to like dynamic ones better after SoV. I don't mind battle themes but the best approach with them is what RD did and have them pick up from where they left off every time instead of restarting. I think remakes should keep their battle themes.
  14. Oh, I thought book II was coming today as well, but it's not until the 27th? Then they can still add one last chapter to book I before moving on. I guess that will be the one featuring the 12 focus banner characters.
  15. Oooh, Brave Ike boss? Does that mean PoR/RD final map? What could it be? Maybe 3-13? You face Ike as a boss there in RD after all.
  16. The art is all excellent this time. Just wanted to point that out.
  17. Weapon updates is cool. Staff boost is cool. New plot is... eh? We haven't exactly finished with the current plot and now they're introducing a new lord and villain? New banner is... ok. I'm not a huge fan of any of those characters, so I may just save orbs for now. I wanted Leif or Micaiah. ;-; Kind of underwhelmed, personally, though I admit this is objectively a good update.
  18. I only base my opinion on watching LPs since I haven't personally played the games with dismounting, but I don't really like it in practice. It's a cool concept, and it makes sense, but it basically takes a rider and demotes them into any old myrmidon/archer/etc. for a chapter. To me having a variety of unit types on the field is much more exciting than fielding a bunch of foot swordies. If it does return then the characters should keep their weapon type and ranks when they dismount, though. I wouldn't mind it this way.
  19. I feel a little bad saying this but I just find this hilarious. I was on team Soren, then Takumi. Shanna somehow winning this is so wtf that I just have to laugh. For the record, Shanna is always on my FE6 team in some capacity, so I don't mean to insult her. It's just, she was up against Takumi .
  20. It's a nice idea, but at this point I have no doubt we would only get random "comedic" shorts featuring Awakening and Fates with the odd sentimental one thrown in, and maybe one or two about Marth.
  21. Praying that Micaiah and Leif are confirmed to be coming by year's end. The last two lords we're missing.
  22. Darn! I was busy for two hours and come back to see we just handed this to Takumi. Oh well, he was the rightful winner and obvious gauntlet champ from the start anyway. And I like him, so no hard feelings.
  23. Nothing wrong with that. That's probably an important part of his character, to those posting that. I'm team Soren, but if he loses I'll go to Takumi, as I like him better than the other contenders.
  24. Holy crap, Soren actually did it! Sucks for team Ryoma. I know how it feels to lose to the multiplier. But I'm glad Soren gets to continue a bit longer as he's literally never in the spotlight.
  25. Again, maybe a few people did this, but probably not that many. I'd wager most people who only know Fates and Awakening would vote for characters from those games. We've seen with Warriors how a limited number of slots quickly fills up between just those two games. I do agree that Smash contributes to his popularity, I just don't think it's the main cause or that it means he isn't popular for other reasons within the FE fanbase.
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