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Green Poet

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Everything posted by Green Poet

  1. Think about this if Euklyd were scum. He just realized he got investigated, and now knows there's a town alignment cop. Scum!Euklyd then claims to have conversed with said alignment cop, knowing that there's a chance that this cop will be outed when they confirm/deny in-thread. If scum!Euklyd cannot provide logs, this corroborates the idea that scum!Euklyd fabricated the conversation. This is the motivation behind my question.
  2. Mm, I think I understand. Would it be possible for you to post logs of your conversation with this other cop, with their name and whatever was in "[redacted]" omitted, to get a better idea of context?
  3. Green Poet

    The Well

    [spoiler=my leftover questions] @Quote Song - probably a clarinet concerto that's super convoluted and technically challenging and makes the performer's fingers hurt FE game - FE8 FE character - FE9/10's Ilyana, girl has her priorities straight (and by that I mean sleeping all day and getting other people to bring her free food) Mafia role - ascetic Color - green lilac Animal - a dolphin Bird - a black noddy Food - a loaf of white whole wheat bread Avatar - Eukyld's current Touka avatar @Refa I haven't played it, so my thoughts of FF6 can basically just be summed up by my experiences in FF14, where getting Terra's Triple Triad card is... very, very time-consuming :( People often tell me that it's the best single-player FF and that I should really play it, so I may consider trying it sometime? [spoiler=Prims' impressions list] Kaoz FI: super serious prince of tennis avatar, seemed to be the head of this subforum. I remember being surprised to learn that he wasn't actually a mod. Kaoz CI: probably the most levelheaded player and I would like the opportunity to play a game with him someday. Rein FI: first I heard of him was ofc "NOW IT'S REIN TIME" I didn't actually understand the reference (or realize that it was one, had just thought it was an original catchphrase) until I recently looked it up. From the way it sounded and how he just rolled with it, I assumed he was a silly and carefree player. Rein CI: Not much has changed, and I still haven't played in a game with him. He thinks of cool mafia game titles. Paper FI: "lol nice avatar" Paper CI: town!Paperblade is pretty op and always seems to be able to parse between lies and unlikely truths. Not surprised he was nominated for GoMC this year. eclipse FI: I remember being very surprised that a forum mod actually participated in games such as these. In the last online forum that I had spent substantial time on, the mods were barely ever seen outside of posting mod-related work things. They didn't interact much with the community on a personal level, unlike eclipse. eclipse CI: I don't envy how much clipsey is tasked with sorting out, lol. It seems like every time she signs up for a game she's bogged down with drama occurring on some other part of the forum. She's also the player whose alignment is second hardest for me to discern from her written mannerisms and the way she posts (first being Refa). Blitz FI: first impression was from CG mafia (I think?) where he and Via were suspecting each other ED1, didn't think much of it then since I thought they were both misguided town Blitz CI: the person who gets me to join games. seems to be pretty familiar with OC, and resourceful in OC games/setups with LOC elements Via FI: (sometime in 2013) "oh, he caught me lurking the mafia subforum uhh am I in trouble" Via CI: pretty cool person who seems to be rather apologetic in instances where he doesn't really need to be :( RD FI: Sorry I got you mislynched in EO2 D1 D: At first I was like 'well, it's either you or me and idk if you're town' but afterwards I realized town probably would've won a lot more smoothly if I'd just gotten lynched instead. RD CI: someone who doesn't sign up for mafia games all that much anymore due to not having time. Juliette FI: Rein's mysterious waifu Juliette CI: surprisingly perceptive, in Almost OC mafia she was one of the only two people to guess the correct cc'd doc at lylo. Hope she plays more games in the future. SB FI: "Oh, this guy got selected to represent us in GoMC, he must be super pro." Also, I remember thinking that SB was pretty apathetic towards mafia games due to a combination of the :l face drawn on his banana avatar, and how he would type. Also there was that trick he pulled in EO2 mafia with the second letters of his first three posts spelling out "cop" for when he would use this later in his claim, which made me go "whoaaa I didn't know you could do that. this mafia stuff is pretty kewl" SB CI: I usually either think that SB's obvtown or obvscum, and don't always guess right, so I guess in that way he's a little hard to read. Seems to be able to not get too emotionally invested in mafia games and take things casually instead. Prims FI: "Interesting name. I wonder why he chose it." Prims CI: can play a great scum game due to being aggressive enough that it feels thoroughly unlikely he would be scum (see: Elie's FFTA mafia, I think it was?) Would probably be my first fearkill target in any game where I roll scum and we're not aligned the same. Xinnidy FI: "Is your name pronounced 'ZIN-ih-dee'?" Xinnidy CI: I've played like one game with Xinnidy before where she subbed out rather early iirc, or otherwise somehow really lacked a presence, so I really don't have much of an impression. BBM FI: I remember BBM as BigBadMarshmallow during EO2 mafia. awesome name. never forget. BBM CI: someone who can quit playing mafia anytime he wants a good town player (I'm reminded of FFTA in particular) who I haven't seen play scum before. I'm curious to see how he'd go about it. Questions for Eury: 1) How do you manage to still write meaningful wallposts as scum, and how conscious are you of your town posting meta when you make them? 2) How do you think your recent effort of condensing your posts has affected your play? Would you recommend others to try it? 3) Which are your favorite League champions?
  4. Green Poet

    The Well

    Hmm, sounds good, I'll look into it. Is there one particular translation/title in the series that I should be looking at? I actually don't listen to mainstream American music all that much... or music in general, now that I think about it. I mostly listen to utaite covers and soundtracks from things. My roommate plays osu a lot so whenever I listen in and hear something I like, I just find it online and start listening to that for a while, lol. Favorite song... I'd say this. Paper pls, do you even need to ask if my last ten-ish games are any indication, I'm literally not able to roll scum
  5. Green Poet

    The Well

    @Blitz 1) Hmm, not sure. Maybe I just like dramatic themes. 2) yus 3) iirc, the maximum amount of time the note allows a sentenced person to live before their death is 24 days? So it wouldn't be very effective in that capacity. 4) First impression, from CG mafia: takes RVS very seriously, like it's not actually RVS. I thought he was probably going to get an ED1 wagon on him because of this. Current impression: approaches everything from a highly methodical and logical manner. Could use a bit more humor! :p 5) Oh, I don't hate it at all. 6) Nope. 7) Eh, maybe. I'm not really sure how EIMM works, and I didn't spectate the last one(s). 8) At first I'd wondered if I had played particularly well in CG mafia or something to make him want to play with me more. Or do Proto and I know each other from somewhere and he just isn't telling me? :p 9) I don't have much experience with OC/LOC, so I'm going to go with NOC. @eclipse I haven't, no, but I've heard of it and the art style is really appealing. I might give it a try sometime. Is it a title you'd recommend? @kirsche 1) *backs away shyly* 2) I really had no idea how to approach it at the time, so I talked about how trends in consonant use (i.e. plosives vs. fricatives) indicated a changing flow in the poem's expression from "this is intense/important" to "this is not," and back. I remember trying to analyze figurative devices like epanalepsis and antimetabole from other literature classes, but this fell apart when I realized I had no idea what half the words actually meant, so I defaulted to discussing consonants, as the nonsense words still had normal, understandable phonetic qualities. 3) Mm, I don't really program for fun. I'd say project I'm most proud of is a modified hangman game with artificially high difficulty, where the mystery word is constantly revised so that it's still consistent with revealed letters, but it only concedes letters as correct when otherwise impossible. With an expanding word bank, it was pretty difficult to write and make bug-free. 4) [spoiler=]Kiritsugu realized that the Grail could only grant his wish under a large-scale manifestation of his own methods, which he found both numerically inefficient and morally disagreeable (e.g. in the simulation, trying to save 300 people out of 500 still resulted in an unintended 300 deaths, in a manner so horrific that even he himself was repulsed by it). So it could be said that the Grail demonstrated to him that he had been neither pragmatic nor moral. @Junko Great so far, thank you for asking. I did just get up but I have coffee and no obligations for the day, a very comfortable match. @Proto Oh, I just mentioned F/sn because of how it's currently airing and all, and I was trying to recall the shows I'd liked out of the most recent. @Marth Chem practicals are by far more interesting to me, as I get to interact with the materials rather than observing them most of the time, as in bio. They're also easier for me in that I can develop expectations as to what solution I should be getting and extrapolate correct answers, whereas bio practicals come down to detached observation, some guesswork ("is that sample actually moving/adapting in the way I think it is, or the way that I'm biased towards wanting it to appear?") and being able to recall how a particular ecosystem/body part/molecule functions rather than eliciting responses in them. Whether or not organic samples retain their integrity affects if they will yield accurate measurements, and discovering that they don't after you've already started can be frustrating. It probably sounds from this that I'm really against biology, but uhh, it's not bad. @Vhaltz I haven't watched either of them, no. But after looking them up, they do sound interesting, particularly Kaiji.
  6. Green Poet

    The Well

    @Marth 1) probably because it's awesome and poetic 2) Stoichiometry, because it involves very concrete math and was therefore the easiest for me to learn. There's a lot of factual memorization in biochem coursework, but stoich problems avoid being tedious in this way because determining their solutions involves more than recalling a specific term or the workings of a system. 3) [spoiler=]The first exchange between L and Light over the television broadcast, where L is able to learn Light's location and prove that the latter is human. I was kind of blown away by how smart the move was. 4) I have, and I actually like F/Z more than F/sn. Kiritsugu is a much cooler character than Shirou imo; I thought that Kiritsugu being flat-out morally bankrupt was a far more interesting concept than Shirou being overly morally generous ("hurr durr I gotta sacrifice myself for everyone else and I fight for my friends"). [spoiler=] I also felt that F/Z captured the strategic elements of a Holy Grail War more than what F/sn did. Most of the masters in F/Z actually tried to discreetly kill one another, and tried to avoid fighting servants whenever possible. Also, Saber in a suit jacket. Automatically better than F/sn. 5) Uhhh, I guess Saber, by virtue of there not being many other very likable characters :( 6) Godfather. I've always wanted to roll scum be able to get away with making not-so-townie suggestions and coerce people to investigate me to my own advantage. 7) First impression: P3M, where I thought you were really townie and helped by spotting things that other people had overlooked. Current impression: I realize that you're good at making yourself look townie regardless and that's something to be wary of. @LG 1) Mm, I think he's pretty funny due to how his English dub clashes so much with his character. Like his voice is so deep but his candy obsession is so childish/cliched :p 2) I think the biggest thing that impacted my play was that I started just being honest (as town, ofc, but then again the only thing I seem to be able to roll is VT). When I started prioritizing speaking my mind accurately rather than trying to look townie, I felt that I could scumhunt in earnest, and others' lies became more apparent. For my first few town games I would play under pretense just trying not to get mislynched, which isn't something that really benefits town. 3) Levi. 4) see above (somewhere...) response to Junko @Euklyd 2) manga, because the second anime season was pretty bad imo 3) Seido, because in season one he's one of the few characters that isn't good at fighting and you don't really take him seriously, until the scene where he writes his will and it's like o.O Also in :re where he basically becomes [spoiler=]like Kaneki and you just feel really bad for him :/ 4) I assume you mean the original manga's/anime :re's ending? I really liked the manga's ending because I legitimately thought that [spoiler=]Kaneki was going to somehow kill Arima, so I didn't see the actual ending coming at all. I didn't like the anime's ending as much because [spoiler=]Hide wasn't actually involved according to the manga, right...? Doesn't Kaneki just hallucinate that Hide is with him? o.O Also you can't even tell what happened in the final scene so w/o having read the manga, I would assume most viewers were just like 'wait wat is all this snow doing here' @BBM Chemistry is a lot more understandable imo, though that may be due to how much of it involves associating numbers with pretty much everything, which I find easier to work with than the pure fact-based memorization and regurgitation that is 80% of biology coursework. Biology crops up a lot more in seeming relevant to my everyday life outside of the classroom, admittedly, and so there's that nice "ah, I guess this was worth it" feeling that crops up each time I draw parallels between something I see and a concept in biology courses. @eclipse The "New York" sushi roll is probably my favorite. It's not a great entry point for cooks who haven't made rolls before, though, and I would recommend beginning with a California roll for its simplicity and wide appeal to people who may not have had sushi before. @Proto 7) This was an unexpectedly tough question. I actually don't know. 8) Anything with a good story, so typically RPGs. Persona 4 comes to mind as one of my recent favorites. My friends have been trying to get me to play LoL for forever now but I'm probably not ever going to give in on that one. 9) I don't read VNs very often, no. The only visual novel I've ever played to completion was "don't take it personally, babe, it just ain't your story," due to a friend bugging me about it until I finally relented. 10) I did mean UBW, yes. I'm enjoying it largely by virtue of ufotable's animation quality, but I'm not thoroughly amazed by it like I was with F/Z. @Euklyd 5) yus 6) I play Melee because there're a bunch of GameCubes conveniently set up in one of the lounges in my residence hall. I think I like Brawl more though for its music and sharper models, despite having seen or played little of it. 7) I really liked playing Marth because landing tipped dair kills with him was sooooo extremely satisfying. Though I couldn't get this to happen very often and I wasn't all that good at Smash, lol. @kirsche 1) I'm involved with a few of the literary magazines here on campus. Artistic prose/poetry writing is really interesting to me but it's not something I would actually study so this is kind of the middle ground. 2) Hmm, probably Elie's. 3) I stopped taking dedicated math courses after multivariable calculus, which was admittedly rather hard for me even though I considered myself a pretty bright math student. The level of math used in most of my classes now is much more comparatively simple. I would say that I like math because it's fundamentally a very precise field where the answers are always definite and quantifiable, whereas in humanities courses you can end up writing a more subjectively-backed argument that's taken issue with because the instructor's opinion differs :( 4) I don't watch it, but I've seen a few funny clips from it, so I suppose yes. 5) Two years ago or so, I wrote a fifteen page analysis on Jabberwocky without having any context as to what it meant; I'm not sure if that answers the question but it probably does somehow. 6) Probably computer science. still working on prims' impressions post
  7. Green Poet

    The Well

    SB, Refa, Eury, Elie, Marth, Prims, Boron, eclipse, Mancer, #HBC J, Junko, Manix SB, Refa, Paper, Baldrick, Mitsuki, Vhaltz, BBM, Proto, Via, kirsche, Euklyd, Elie can I get a list of candidates i'm not sure how to answer that tbh I'll get back to you on this in a bit, I promise.
  8. Green Poet

    The Well

    @Proto 1) nah 2) Well, typically the institution one works for would be the public identity that would come under scrutiny, that lawsuits are filed against, in such a case. As you probably notice, news reports of medical malpractice will almost always give the victim's name, but refrain from giving the name of the people who operated on the victim, due to the difficulties that stem from libel charges and the like. But hypothetically, if I managed to do something that made me uniquely qualified to be the sole caretaker of said important figure, and then messed up... I think I would use my influence and wealth to seek professional counsel on how I made the mistake, and some psychological counseling as well. I'd then assume a different identity for a while to assess what I could still do. 3) Kana is kinda dim/obsessive... [spoiler=Parasyte spoilers follow] Shuichi expressed to her multiple times that she had to discontinue seeking out the parasites she perceived, but she continued to do this and was consequently killed. It's not as though it wasn't explicitly proved to her how dangerous parasites were. Like, come on, what are you doing, your survival instinct is literally nonexistent. /endrant I really like Murano because, despite fulfilling the role of the protagonist's understated love interest, she's notably and believably empathetic towards animals and other people, and never gave me the feeling like "This show could operate just as well without this character." 4) Makoto. He has the most mature charm imo (something about that mellow look with those downwards-slant calming eyes mmph), and his voice is the most appealing fits his character the best. 5) I would first spend as much time as I could going through the forum archives seeing if there's anyone, say, believably claiming to have been diagnosed with terminal cancer, and choose them. Worst-case scenario, I'd pick low-postcount people in the member registry who haven't logged on for a long time. tbh, I don't think I would be morally generous enough to refuse to write the names, if I really believed that doing so would result in my death. 6) I don't, as I'm not a particularly prolific watcher/reader. I usually just watch whatever mainstream stuff that's hyped enough to get my friends to make me watch one of the episodes. @Paper Ehh, I don't usually stick around for a full episode if I don't think something's very good. But, as far as what I have sat through to completion... Sword Art Online's ALO arc was super unnecessary and uninspired imo. While I did enjoy SAO overall, at the end of it I was like "This show/season would have been significantly better in my eyes if it had ended with the end of the Aincrad arc."
  9. Green Poet

    The Well

    Probably Soichiro, for being pretty much the only completely virtuous character in a show populated by shady people. L comes a close second for (imo) being the most intelligent of the series' four "genius" characters.
  10. Green Poet

    The Well

    I am personally very much looking forward to playing DotFESBaWSV:TPCTIFoESF7:FPWAV mafia Mm, when I created my SF account, I just sort of grabbed the first words that came to mind that sounded phonetically good together. I enjoy writing poetry in my free time, so I guess that qualifies me as a poet? :p As for "Green," see my member title for what I've determined its significance to mean for now (read: idk myself) [spoiler=mits why would you do this] f kirsche marry proto kill marth I'M SORRY From recent seasons/memory: Parasyte (was surprisingly so good I watched the entire season in a single sitting, a first for me), Fate/stay night, Kuroko no Basket, Free (don't judge pls), Tokyo Ghoul My all-time favorite would probably be Death Note.
  11. Green Poet

    The Well

    ohhh I see, lol. I was raised by a Japanese father and a Taiwanese mother, so admittedly part of it comes from the stereotypical Asian parent pressure. Practically speaking, having an occupation in the medical field, particularly if one is an independent practitioner, is the closest guarantee to job stability and financial security in the future. While the schoolwork can be extremely difficult at times, I believe that the 5-8 years of hardship is well worth the benefits secured for the rest of one's lifetime and retirement. I suppose it also helps that I do relatively enjoy what I study and what medical practitioners represent in society. Growing up, I thought doctors were generally very cool people because they spend their time directly aiding others, which I considered very selfless and appealing.
  12. Green Poet

    The Well

    Hi all, I'm Green Poet, commonly abbreviated "GP." Here on SF, I've pretty much just stuck to the mafia subforum for the last year, though I've been lurking the FE:if section a bit recently. I was encouraged to try SF mafia by Via sometime in late 2013, and I lurked for a few months before joining my first game, Manix's Etrian Odyssey 2 Mafia, in February 2014. irl, I'm an undergrad who does dumb and unhealthy things such as studying biochem and taking premed-route courses. I would not recommend following my example. Wh-why are we random lynching 96 pages into the thread :p Uhhh *makes bad joke about town leaders doing everything in OC games* AoT is one of my favorites, yes. Though I actually preferred the anime to the manga (super unpopular opinion, ik) After going over my earliest and then my most recent games: First impression of myself: Someone who focuses too much on where votes are placed rather than what people are saying about the votes. Someone who's rather timid earlygame and becomes more outspoken as the game goes on. Would probably try to lynch first-impression!GP if the present me were to hypothetically play a game with her, lol. Current impression of myself: Someone who has a tendency of townreading people who talk a lot (esp. people who I'm OC'd with) and scumreading people who don't talk a lot. Someone who effortposts earlygame and fades into obscurity as the game goes on and has an unfortunate tendency to be town-but-suspected-to-be-scum during *YLO. Currently, I live in NorCal. ##Vote: Paperblade Well, I'll be playing in Rein's OC game, that one with the really long name. Afterwards, I'll probably just keep joining games when asked to, or if I'm particularly interested in the setup's theme/host.
  13. doesn't seem like it's hammer yet so I'll vote Randa now unless we want to wait for his claim? otherwise I can also be around at phase end
  14. There was the one other anon viewer who was never accounted for though, so I'm not sure how helpful the list would be in PoEing people who couldn't have been online.
  15. Would prefer a Eury lynch over Randa because the latter has just about no recent content and relevant interactions. As I said earlier his last scumread was Terrador, and idk if I'd have any associative reads after lynching him regardless of alignment. Echoing/sheeping what eclipse said about Randa: I don't get the feeling that Randa is likely to be scum from anything that he's said. The last/only game I played with him where he was scum was... Reclass Mafia I think? And he was comparatively many times more active that game, even talking towards the end about how he was disappointed in the activity levels from the rest of town. Randa's play this game is nothing like that, clearly.
  16. I think I'm caught up on everything now, and will send a PM to unvote correctly. I don't think scum!BBM would risk faking his role to clear Rapier since a flip/investigation of either of them would result in the lynch of the other. And with all the day roles seen so far, and Rapier being alignment cop, I think it's significantly more likely BBM and Rapier are just both town. I'll ISO Eury and go over Via's case on her soon. I had a null read on Eury previously and what stuck out to me most was a lack of any really big wallposts, and not much more than that. Hugh/eclipse is worth a look as well. In my last post I talked about how Blitz's use of "in thread" might indicate him being scumbuddies with Hugh but it's a slight thing, meh. eclipse's ISO isn't very telling but she did have a post expressing how it's likely that one between SB and Refa are scum. She makes cases on both and ends up voting SB, then unvotes SB later. Possibly influenced by being informed scum, possibly just coincidence. Randa's recent posts don't say very much about the game... it's hard to form a read when his last scumread was Terrador. I have no solid scumreads anymore since Rapier is basically confirmed town and Poly seems more likely to be town due to Blitz interactions... sigh. Just a general fyi, I have sig display disabled. I think I have been referring to Via appropriately though.
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