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Green Poet

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Everything posted by Green Poet

  1. Exchanging multiple townie hydra slots to kill one mafia hydra slot seems like a good deal, but only if we know for certain that one of the hydra slots is definitely maf. otherwise it's basically just random lynching since we aren't certain that one or more maf hydra slots exist. Maybe if at the end of the day we still don't have anything to go off but this setupspec, I would consider it more at that time
  2. Hmm ok, I can see that. So you think scum!Baldrick was spooked by proto's vote and consequentially voted someone to look active? Why do you think he didn't immediately vote after Proto's vote? He posted twice with no votes asking eury about the seriousness of her vote before actually voting her on the third post. also is paperblade playing or like what's going on lol
  3. the question feels like it's been asked for the sake of asking a question, basically. It feels unlike Eury's responses to Baldrick: where I could say "yes, that's a fair way of explaining yourself because rvs votes could be motivated by ambiguous things or inside jokes and etc." whereas when reading her questions to proto I think "I've missed the purpose of the question/the questions don't have a substantial purpose."
  4. though now that you do have proto's response though, eury, what are your thoughts on it and him? these read like "I asked in order to hear what you thought, and now that you responded, I'm good" but it doesn't inform me as to why you accept his responses are adequate or what information you were missing that you now have.
  5. okie, thanks Also I like this post because it reads like an honest defense for where there's no other real answer. ed1 reads are meh and admitting that is more constructive than posing empty questions. Not sure if relevant but I haven't talked with Mistuki yet so everything so far is just my own thoughts
  6. Proto's vote wasn't a serious one, though: It wasn't threatening to Baldrick, and I think "being caught red handed" is an exaggeration. So I think it's also an exaggeration to call Baldrick's response and vote "very scummy" Though the question Baldrick asked (directed to Eury): seems oddly worded. To take Eury's rvs vote and interpret it as "well I want to lynch Elie now" feels jumpy. Also Baldrick, why vote for someone who votes in a way that's different from their usual? Like was it different from Eury's usual town or scum meta specifically? I didn't really get anything that indicated exactly which it was.
  7. ##Vote: Poly mm, it read like a joke to me. I think Baldrick's vote was the first genuine attempt to get out of rvs 24 hours for some particular reason or is that just like a generally random number?
  8. If it ends up allowed, I'd be happy to, Mitsuki!
  9. hai everyone! Haven't been around in a while due to general business but I think I have time for a game now, and a Code Geass theme sounds like it'd be fun. I'd like to hydra if possible, it would help for if I'm not able to post at some times.
  10. I'm going to have to /out of this game. Really sorry about this. I know I haven't played here in a while. A lot of inconvenient things going on right now, and the earliest I think I'd be able to sign up for another game on SF and actually commit to it would be in another two months. Apologies, again.
  11. Tentative /in, if the game starts on this Friday, the 10th, or after. My activity may be a little inconsistent, so if after signups fill there's anyone who would really like to join and/or it's not yet the 10th, please let them in instead. Rescinded.
  12. Bleh, feels like I've been finding myself in these difficult 1v1 *YLO situations for like the last three games I've played. . . GG kirsche. Really wasn't expecting anyone to CC, least of all my top townread.
  13. That's probably my last post for a while. Good luck, I've tried what I can.
  14. Well. . . I beg to differ. This is what consituted his original Kinumi case. The second line reads like coaching; the first is explicitly sheeping your case. He doesn't point out how she's scummy, just that she was waffling. Literally his only other mention of Kinumi until her lynch is: So. . . kirsche's reason for voting Kinumi is that she's not committing herself to her reads. Is that even inherently scummy? kirsche doesn't even seem to consider that a newb!town player could be hesitant about committing. Whereas I detail more than a single qualm that I have with Kinumi's play, which aren't possibly seen in newb!town play, and why they're scummy: I point out how her Randa suspicion is actually based on proof she doesn't have, which questions whether or not she's really uninformed. I point out how her suspicion with FFM is likewise baseless; she's casing people without substance. I invite town to ISO us for themselves. It's up to you to decide who's contributed more to scum lynches and who's contributed more to mislynches, just try to make an impartial decision.
  15. I mean to say that it contradicts kirsche's theory that I intended to distance myself from Kinumi but messed up in getting her lynched, because I had an ideal way of stopping her lynch. Yes, kirsche could have done the same, but it's irrelevant in his case since he wasn't the one initially pushing Kinumi and thus his interactions with her are not the ones in question here.
  16. Huh, I completely forgot about that. Kinumi did sub out. That would've given scum!me the perfect excuse to halt her wagon and call for the lynch or reconsideration of someone who could claim or offer defense. Somehow I doubt that scum!me would fail to notice Kinumi's absence both in-thread and in scumchat, and not bring it up in any of my posts so far this day.
  17. Did I just double post, or is that just me. . .? Sorry if that's the case. Anyway. . . If there are three scum left, and kirsche is guaranteed to be one of them: FFM is almost certainly one. Ace or Elie may be the last one by PoE, though I'm personally doubtful about either being scum. Randa is as close to obvtown as FFM is obvscum. By extension, SB is obvtown. It comes down to whether or not you guys want to lynch kirsche or myself today. If the game goes on, I'd advise turboing FFM D5. I will inevitably be the N4 kill, then SB or Randa will die N5. It'll probably fall upon whomever's left to make the call then.
  18. FFM is probably scum. I've explained it before but essentially, a lot of people were pushing FFM D3. Recall how you were pushing him the most, and how Randa continued to insist that he was sheeping you. So assume with me for the sake of discussion that kirsche is scum. Looking at his play at the end of D3, you can see that he successfully moves everyone's interest and votes from FFM to Beli, like I'd linked earlier. Then look at D4, where FFM sides with kirsche. I think the interactions point to FFM being very likely scum. By extension, Randa is most likely not scum. If scum was going to bus FFM, they wouldn't disclaim credit for it by saying they were following SB's lead on it. Furthermore, Randa has maintained a neutral position on the 1v1 so far; if he were scum, I think he would have joined FFM in supporting kirsche. So that leaves Ace. I'm not as certain if she's scum, but she is likelier than Randa to be. Consider this post. She says that FFM and I are likely scum, but her reason for thinking I'm scum is that I'm. . . bussing? That relies on circular logic (I have to be scum in order to bus, I can't be bussing for certain because you don't know for certain if I'm scum, etc.) so I'm unsure if this is a genuine attempt at sorting out the 1v1 or lines fed by kirsche in scumchat. The vote on FFM isn't much of a tell because scum would know that a townie would be quick to tell her to unvote. By PoE, Ace would have to be scum. I'm just not as convinced of it as I am with FFM.
  19. FFM is probably scum. I've explained it before but essentially, a lot of people were pushing FFM D3. Recall how you were pushing him the most, and how Randa continued to insist that he was sheeping you. So assume with me for the sake of discussion that kirsche is scum. Looking at his play at the end of D3, you can see that he successfully moves everyone's interest and votes from FFM to Beli, like I'd linked earlier. Then look at D4, where FFM sides with kirsche. I think the interactions point to FFM being very likely scum. By extension, Randa is most likely not scum. If scum was going to bus FFM, they wouldn't disclaim credit for it by saying they were following SB's lead on it. Furthermore, Randa has maintained a neutral position on the 1v1 so far; if he were scum, I think he would have joined FFM in supporting kirsche. So that leaves Ace. I'm not as certain if she's scum, but she is likelier than Randa to be. Consider this post. She says that FFM and I are likely scum, but her reason for thinking I'm scum is that I'm. . . bussing? That relies on circular logic (I have to be scum in order to bus, I can't be bussing for certain because you don't know for certain if I'm scum, etc.) so I'm unsure if this is a genuine attempt at sorting out the 1v1 or lines fed by kirsche in scumchat. The vote on FFM isn't much of a tell because scum would know that a townie would be quick to tell her to unvote. By PoE, Ace would have to be scum. I'm just not as convinced of it as I am with FFM.
  20. My reasoning for this was already in the post you're responding to: and also prefaced in my last post of D3. I had reasons to doubt SB, so he was no longer my strongest townread. Really? I'll explain FMPOV: It's a 1v1 and it's beyond obvious to me alone that you are scum, so I need to demonstrate how I've genuinely tried to get scum lynched while you have only pretended to do so, etc. So what can I do other than bring up the best example of where I have contributed in getting scum lynched? Naturally, your best defense is that I'm being over-defensive about it, that I'm trying to too hard to look townie, but that's a ridiculous issue to have. It's LYLO and if I'm not vocal, town will lose. If I did what you prefer and did not talk about Kinumi, I'd be handing scum the win. Your proof is that someone in a game-deciding 1v1 is being "too repetitive," despite reiteration being a given for any townie in that position. There's nothing scummy about repeatedly saying how I'm townie when it's LYLO. Your point that I chose to continue bussing Kinumi because I would rely on that towncred is fundamentally unsupported - it is a theory that does not explain how I am scum rather than simply a townie that actually succeeded in getting Kinumi lynched. And that brings us to the original flaw in this theory: There's no reason for scum!me to suddenly start calling Kinumi scummy when neither of us have been previously called scummy, and when both of us can or already are pushing cases against other people that are popular lynches. It'd be completely unnecessary and basically playing against a scum wincon. And as a townie, I naturally mean to play against a scum wincon.
  21. [spoiler=self meta. take this with a grain of salt.] I didn't play in or follow Conspiracy, unfortunately. I did see Prims bus FFM in FFTA, though, but the former was still killed and ended up losing that game. I don't think I would take a chance to bus anyone or get bussed with this precedent, and in the one game I've rolled scum, I hadn't known what bussing was. tl;dr - I have no experience nor comfort with bussing as scum. But this is explicitly self meta and I do not aim to disguise it as anything else, so this is up to others to believe and consider.
  22. Probably not as good an idea as lynching either kirsche or myself. We know that scum definitely exists between one of us two, but FFM being buddies with kirsche isn't as certain as that fact. To those thinking that kirsche and I are both scum of different factions, I would advise at least lynching kirsche today, and considering myself or FFM tomorrow - an SK being able to reclass as doc is ridiculous, so from a setup standpoint I'd be less likely to be SK. Bold is correct. You'll recall I commented on how townie you were looking somewhere in the middle of D1. You were my biggest townread going into N3, since Elie had introduced a possibility with Kinumi-SB interactions that made me slightly less certain about the latter; protecting you was the optimal move. Obviously my ability to perceive genuine towniness is flawed. I'm not an investigative, so that I thought you were town doesn't preclude the possibility that you are scum. Mentioning this doesn't help your case; you're simply stating the obvious. Arguably so, but I'm not going to debate semantics. The fact remains that I placed the first vote on Kinumi and cased her initially, and the other votes, however influential, came afterwards and their cases shared elements with mine. As for failed wagoning - all I can say is that it's simply not the case? I can see a situation in which scum!me pushed Kinumi too hard and made her a wagon, but in what world would scum allow it to continue? Look at you and FFM; you got yourself out of a situation where you had to bus FFM and you got Beli mislynched instead. You managed to save a buddy easily; scum!me would've at least tried the same to Kinumi, even if I weren't as successful. Look at the situation now. People don't consider the "towncred" that I've built by getting Kinumi lynched to be sufficient to clear me. If I were scum, why would I bargain that Kinumi's life would be enough to save me in the very situation I am now? That people still think I am scum now proves that even scum!me had no incentive to bus Kinumi. The only reason I could have had to lynch Kinumi was that I truly thought she was scum. If you can come up with anything more, I'll oblige.
  23. And naturally FFM is supporting kirsche. What you're thinking of is essentially bussing. But in the context of D2, with little to no suspicion on Kinumi and no votes on her beforehand, scum!me has no reason to introduce a good case on her that will probably her lynched. I have furthermore no reason to commit to this case after I see it can potentially go too far and actually get her lynched. By virtue of common setup numbers it's not worth sacrificing a mafia member for pretty much anything. Empty words. "Putting too much stock" into something is a criticism that's vague and meaningless in the context of this game. You could find subjective things to voice qualms over with anything; what does "putting too much stock" into something entail, and why is it scummy? Is it over-defensiveness? Is it something that's not warranted in LYLO? You're assembling words in the hopes that they look like a case.
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