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Green Poet

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Everything posted by Green Poet

  1. Requesting that I be moved from the sub list to IO, please.
  2. Yes. . . yes you do, Refa ;~; Remind me never to try and read your meta again also I learned this game I hate AtE. That said Shinori/Euklyd probably still deserves maf MVP I can't read this scumchat for more than a minute at a time without feeling the need to run away from the monitor cringing every time I get to a "gp" uggh
  3. So you're saying all of D3 was basically scum and me chatting but in-thread uggh
  4. Forg et it Wh y amI eve n conside ring WIF OM ##Vot e: Eu klyd If u wer e tow n, yo u'd b dea d righ t no w.
  5. N ot taki ng chan ces wit h tabo o becaus e i t's GG ifscu m!Junk o targe ted me. N o har d fee lings.
  6. Ido n't bu y tha t ma fia deci ded 2 kil lan inact ive inf ormation giv er wh ose inf ormation eve n becom es inaccurat e afte ra certai n poin t ove r prove n roleco p. Woul d vot e Eukl yd no w bu t WIFO M potentia l.
  7. Kopfj ager tol d me tha t chang es t o rol es ca n b e revers ed. Eukly d, u r clea r asa rolcop, no t twn rlcop. Ify ou wer e ma fia, u still ha d reas on toki ll Re fa. Re fa's statemen t abou t Shino ri bei ng likel y ma fia does n't mak e sens e becaus e he coul d onl y hav e prim ed Shino ri N 2. Prett y sur e Shino ri, Darro s + Kopfj ager cleare d each othe r alread y. By Eukl yd's cho ice o f exclusio n inhi s possibl e scu mteam, Shino ri + Eukly d + Pol y ise ntirely possibl e.
  8. Why is this game making me laugh I don't even
  9. Okay. So we should stop talking now, and wait for a host to move things along.
  10. Hosts online or no? He's either WIFOMing through the roof, or he's waiting for his flip to clarify what it means. If he flips something that would allow him to act N2, we turbo Euklyd tomorrow.
  11. Junko. . . do you still not understand that we are not hammering Refa with a vote so that we can test your role? This means "we have reached the majority that would be needed to lynch Refa, so he should say the word now."
  12. Meant to say "if Refa and Junko are both town/not mafia" for the first scenario.
  13. If Wen states that he explicitly wants to vote Refa, Refa should say the word now. And then: Refa dies by voodoo and flips mafia ---> Euklyd is clear Refa dies by voodoo and flips town ----> turbo Euklyd D4 if we get there Refa dies by voodoo and flips SK ------> no one is 100% clear, but Euklyd is significantly less likely to be mafia Refa dies but voodoo is fake ------------> turbo Junko D4 Doesn't seem like a definite scumslip, since it's "potential" LYLO, after all. But yes, that is a pretty suspicious choice of wording.
  14. Are you not considering roles at all? This sounds like a terribly artificial reaction. I mean, you're the voodoo, and you don't recognize the phrase? After Refa's most recent use of the voodoo phrase. . . if Refa was scum and Junko was town, scum would have hammered Refa by now. If Refa and Junko are both scum, well, scumchat's probably facepalming right about now.
  15. Don't have terribly much time atm. @Euklyd - okay, I think I see what you mean? You're saying that Refa would have to lie for you to have a nightkill, so we should lynch him regardless of what you are, right? ##Unvote @Wen - I misspoke earlier when I said that Refa was at L-1. Junko unvoted him, so we would need you and one more in order to coerce a Refa self-voodoo-hammer. I guess I would be willing to do it, since my role has less utility than anyone else's.
  16. If Junko's voodoo is real, Refa's at L-1. If you must lynch Refa, you and Elie can force him to post the phrase whenever you want.
  17. Why would mafia choose to kill SK when the standard mafia wincon is to reach parity with town? If an SK exists, they've shown that they're willing to kill townies over mafia since N1, and that's not going to change in LYLO when every flip in this game has been a townie. And with all of the variations to roles in this game, why assume that SK can't win once mafia wins? Why discard the possibility that Euklyd is the mafia N1 and N2 NKer, or even simply a mafia rolecop? Yeah. . . that's what I said. We established a while ago that he claimed tracker; what isn't clear is whether or not the "indefinitely delayed result" thing is part of his role or something he assumed off of his permahook notification. In any case, why are you so intent on arguing this? Like, even if Darros is one-day-belated town tracker, all that that would establish is that town has slightly less powerful total investigative ability than they would have if Darros got his results every night. That level of rolespec isn't going to clear Euklyd. No worries.
  18. Yeah, which is odd, because Darros' first claim was one-day-late watcher, then tracker with ??? modifiers. So we still aren't sure what Darros' original role is. His claim doesn't mention the one-day-late bit. Oh, I see. Basically, mafia!Refa could have been shot by SK!Euklyd, which is why the former's not claiming shot, and is instead claiming bomb (which will help scum!Refa explain why he isn't dead tomorrow if we lynched Euklyd or another non-Refa scum today).
  19. We have no proof that you didn't get it. For all I know, you could be scum and could have gotten the medkit, killing eclipse with it. Your doc on eclipse can't be verified, your inno on Wen is easily faked as scum via eclipse flip, and your blocked commute is also impossible to test. Objectively, you're as clear as I am; to you, you have no idea if I'm scum and used the medkit. So rolespeccing is rather pointless, as there are so many ways to explain the kills: 1. Iris was the N2 factional kill. She gave the medkit to scum, who killed eclipse with it. 2. Iris was the N2 factional kill. She gave the medkit to eclipse, who didn't believe she was town and killed her with it. 3. Iris was the N2 factional kill. She gave the medkit to town, who didn't believe eclipse was town and killed her with it. 4. eclipse was the N2 factional kill. Whoever got Iris' medkit didn't believe she was town and killed her with it. And this is only when assuming that Euklyd is SK and visited Refa. Like, if Euklyd was mafia NKer for both nights, then we're getting into double-digit possibilities. Scum would know Wen is town. So regardless of what people think of your alignment, they can trust your claim that Wen is town, because the possibility that you and Wen are scumbuddies is precluded by eclipse's flip. Also. . . for Refa not to trust/act as if he trusted an un-CC'ed alignment cop claim because he was reading them as scum based off of content would have been suicide regardless of alignment. Apparently not, no. Darros first claimed one-night-delay watcher, then clarified it to be tracker. I believe that he then clarified that the "indefinite delay" result he got was based off of his being permahooked, which he initially mistook to be FFM's reflexive block. There's so much ambiguity regarding what Darros' claims actually are (from the post I linked, you'd think he was claiming standard tracker) that I'm not sure what to make of them. Shinori, do you actually think Euklyd is a town rolecop? You buy that he investigated, not killed, Eury, and that he got BPV on Refa by inspection instead of test?
  20. -Kopf being cleared is pretty much common knowledge. He gave info to confirmed town and was verified innocent by you. Him saying "100% cleared" after this was established isn't scummy at all. -Darros doesn't have a one-day delay. He never outed his result, and is claiming regular tracker that was permahooked. -Towncred. Pointing out Refa lied about his role >> Refa lynch; Refa flips scum and Euklyd goes free. It's also entirely possible Euklyd isn't SK, but rather the mafioso that was sent to carry out both N1 and N2's night kills. My theory stands in that it's far more likely he killed Eury rather than rolecopped her, and that he's claiming Refa is BPV instead of janitor or something incriminating because he tested it with a lethal action. It's possible that Refa is mafia and Euklyd is SK, but the way roles have played out give far more certainty to the latter.
  21. Rolecop!Euklyd can't have killed Eury, and would have a legit result on Refa. It's the ideal cover-up for SK!Euklyd because he can safely claim visits to NK targets. Mafia has no reason to NK SK over a townie in LYLO.
  22. I've come to the conclusion that Euklyd is basically guaranteed to be SK. Why? 1. We have no claimed vigs. Ergo, all NKs must have been from Iris' medkit, the mafia factional, or an SK. 2. We have a discrepancy in Refa's claimed role despite neither claim being an obviously townie or scummy role, which fundamentally does not make sense. Knowing this, consider: It's N1 and mafia decides to kill bearclaw. SK!Euklyd kills Eury. At massclaim, SK!Euklyd concedes that he visited Eury N1 because he knows there may be two trackers in this game, and it's too dangerous to claim otherwise. It's N2 and mafia kills eclipse. SK!Euklyd decides to kill Refa. SK!Euklyd is currently calling Refa out on having BPV instead of bomb because for whatever reason Refa isn't dead despite being shot. This explains why there's such a small contradiction between their accounts of Refa's role. It also explains why Euklyd allegedly decided to "rolecop" someone like Eury instead of me, the ideal rolecop target for N1. This line of reasoning does not clear Refa of being mafia, and arguably increases the chance that he actually is, but it explains perfectly why Euklyd would try to implicate Refa over a role discrepancy this small. Refa has no reason to lie about having bomb over BPV, and Euklyd has no reason to lie about Refa being BPV over bomb. . . except in this case. ##Unvote ##Vote: Euklyd
  23. Whoever received Iris' medkit should claim so. I got the train ticket last night, and didn't mention it till now in the hopes of drawing claims.
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