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Green Poet

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Everything posted by Green Poet

  1. First time posting in this monster of a thread. Hello world!
  2. 1. I would give Naga's Tears to Morgan or Avatar just so that you make use of the boosts to both strength and magic, which could also work with a Levin Sword Trickster now that I think about it. I can't really give a good recommendation on who to give the Boots to. I gave my first pair to Avatar as a safe bet, as a lot of people probably do, but I've heard interesting theories about giving it them to Libra and Fred in L+ runs. 2. It's probably a safe bet to go for Galeforce, and Dark Flier makes use of Avatar's strength and magic anyway. 3. Tharja for Nosferatank, if you're allowing that in your run? I think you have everyone else. Giving Virion the tears is possibly a good idea too. 4. Yep. You'll want to consider resetting before each battle until you get a map with as few enemies with Counter as you can. The RNG isn't very forgiving with it, unfortunately.
  3. Yes, we do need more Tales fans in this world :) And welcome! Hope you like it here.
  4. I hadn't really thought about it till now, but Sirius does indeed lag behind lategame, and I remember changing him to Swordmaster just so that he wouldn't keep getting doubled. It's definitely arguable that he's overrated. Seems odd that the "official" tier list puts him ahead of Catria though; I'd assumed she was generally considered the best unit in FE12. I need to go reference that list again. . . I think that, since Sirius comes as a prepromote quite early on, he's much more useful than any of the three on a Maniac or Lunatic run, despite having worse growth potential than them.
  5. Welcome! Hope you like it here :)
  6. This; it's pretty much the same case for me. I suppose that I'd be more inclined to switching my last name in this case so that my full name meshes better and sounds decidedly more Western, which could be nice.
  7. Of course; I respect that.Hope I'm not coming off as too self-righteous.
  8. Indeed you could, but that jeopardizes its validity. Basically, if there is a means, the truth behind it is questionable if that method can't be replicated.In other words, because "God" is usually not a very corporeally active or observable force, it's logical to question whether or not it's true that He simply channelled his power through Moses. It'd be the same as me claiming to be able to part seas because I'm backed by the magic of the MacGuffin - the argument relies on one already having faith, but we're trying to debate that faith here.
  9. The parting of the Red Sea, for example.If I remember correctly, and I do not intentionally misquote, God instructed Moses (?) to raise a staff skyward upon reaching the strait, so as to signal Him to part it and allow Moses and his followers to pass. Logistically, this shouldn't have been possible, and is still not replicable today without some sort of massive backstage hydraulic pump or something.
  10. Alright, I'll try to disprove some of this from the viewpoint of a (hopefully amiable) agnostic. I'm not going to claim that the fundamental claim of Christianity is viably disprovable (that Christ exists and was the foremost creator) but I will assert that the Bible should not be taken literally, for some of the events detailed cannot be replicated on a corporeal plane. Instead, it should be interpreted metaphysically and followed as a discipline to guide one's behavior instead of as doctrine. That's all I can think of off the top of my head, though I don't mind arguing over a different theater completely; hopefully this stays clean.
  11. Welcome! Hope you like it here.
  12. Ooh, my bad. Gonna look over these again with that in mind, haha.
  13. I'll typically only turn it on for boss fight animations or CGs. I don't feel that there's enough of an effect on the normal dialogue or overhead map screens to justify its use there.
  14. I love the design and animations as well, I just wish that Brides retained some more movement because they don't seem to be on par with Dread Fighters gameplay-wise. And I very much wish there was a "Groom's Suit" bouquet item too, haha.
  15. If I remember correctly, the derivative of x^0 is factually 0 though? Reason 2 is out of the grasp of my comprehension, unfortunately, but I can see where the others are going. Interesting. . .
  16. Camus stays in Archanea! I'm in denial of everyone that tells me that Camus/Zeke's canonical ending is that he leaves after the original Mystery. And I've been feeding a theory that Avatar = Morgan, but I guess that's not exactly headcanon.
  17. Thanks! Yeah, I've been really wary of everything with Counter. Those guys are what have stopped me from progressing past chapter 3 on L+. . .
  18. Excellent. Now all I need to do is dye my hair so I don't stand out in public, and everything could go fine.
  19. I'd recommend getting your eye checked just to be sure. . . those things can leave lasting damage, considering how fast they can be hit.
  20. Wait, Gumshoe and Edgeworth are still UNCONFIRMED for AA5? . . .I'm scared now.
  21. That's not actually an example of slippery slope; you're saying it's fallacious for him to cite incest as something that may become "fashionable" because you personally believe it's not likely. What could be considered slippery slope is his implied assumption that the social vogue is determined by the law, but I don't see how that's embarrassing, as we all know that arguments that fall under some tenuous logical fallacy are generally still credible thoughts. Let's try to keep the conversation constructive?
  22. I don't believe so, just judging from how the avatars of your deleted saves still appear under the Unit Viewer. I'm not certain though.
  23. You can get away with marrying pretty much anyone to MU and still get an amazing Morgan, but it seems like you're more interested in the emotional implications of marrying your characters. I guess I'd go for Emm in your position? Oh, and start pairing up your other units! Chapter 17's kind of pushing it to not have any children other than Lucina. . .
  24. Happy birthday, Morgan~~ Got a Superior Bow. Unfortunately, I don't use Noire or Virion, or any reclassed archer. . . looks like I'm selling your birthday gift, kid. No hard feelings.
  25. It's because of Normal; on everything Hard and above, reinforcements get to move immediately. The only perks of Newcomer are battle saves and non-perma death, and (debatably) certain growth changes.
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