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Green Poet

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Everything posted by Green Poet

  1. To be frank, I don't think that their in-universe fighting styles are going to be quite as exactly replicated in SSB4, if both Chrom and Lucina make appearances. Marth has only had a few movement animations, and was given a notably stylized moveset in Melee and Brawl that IS probably just took the liberty to invent for him. It seems to be a trend that IS has been giving Fire Emblem characters movesets based more on their physique, such as in the case of Ike; he's actually very agile, as seen in his short CG scuffle with the BK in Radiant Dawn, but swings his sword with much more pronounced motions in Brawl. That being said, I think it's likely that Chrom will move similarly to Ike because of their similar build, while Lucina will play more similarly to Marth. (If it means anything, an event match description in Melee describes Marth as "lithe.")
  2. Good lord, this is amazing stuff! Thanks for sharing this; I'd never heard of TAS before today. *Proceeds to look up TAS matches on YouTube.*
  3. Oh, they confirmed that there's only going to be a trailer shown at E3?
  4. Don't push yourself if it's dangerous; that's the first rule of dealing with physical disabilities. Naturally, there's no need to solve "every single problem," as not everything is essential. But if your disability prevents you from doing something that's crucial to your health or prosperity, then of course you'll want to ask your physician to see if there's anything that can be done. In short, the "if there's a will, there's a way" mindset can't apply to everything with you, but you should try to make the circumstances as comfortable as possible. But that's just my view, and a conservative outlook may not apply to your situation. This might explain it better. One of my friends had to amputate his left hand per some medical condition, and was offered a choice of prosthetic hands as a replacement. The problem was that the intuitive replacement with five fingers was much more high-maintenance, heavier and generally more obstructive, than a two-fingered claw sort of replacement that was purportedly much more convenient. I suppose the dilemma here resembles your question in that he would have to choose between limiting himself or not, which would come with according levels of stress for the rest of his life. Clearly there's no "best answer" for this scenario, much in the same way as there's no way for anyone other than you to determine the best lifestyle for yourself.
  5. Generally I'll start up a new game on the default normal difficulty, as I reason that that must be the level of challenge the developers intended most of the players to start with, and that they tailored the experience from that ground. Then it's on to the hardest difficulties for the inevitable achievement-focused runs.
  6. Hi and welcome to the forest! Hope you like it here, and please make sure you get around to reading the rules. I see you've been introducing yourself on all the other threads too :3
  7. Green Poet


    Welcome to the forest! Hope you like it here. Please make sure you get around to reading the forum rules, if you haven't already.
  8. Hmm. . . are we still using this thread? In any case, I was reminded of one contender I don't think anyone's mentioned yet. There's a pretty cult JRPG that was Japan-only until last year, I believe, called The Last Story. Anyway, the player character in that game is called Zael, and I think he's got a fair shot at a seat in SSB4 because of the Western popularity of Last Story and the large Japanese following. In terms of his chances, I'd say he's in about the same niche as Shulk.
  9. Time to jump on the hype train. Please don't disappoint, Nintendo :P
  10. Lucina Chrom Ghirahim Isaac Mega Man A 5th gen Pokemon/trainer (Victini if I had to put a name to it) A 6th gen Pokemon/trainer (likewise, the new Mewtwo form) Shulk Toon Zelda/Tetra Zael (protagonist of The Last Story, a recently ported JRPG)
  11. Awakening's timelines are flawed in more ways than one. I guess it's easier simply to accept it for how it's presented and not question it logically. Of course, this paradox is covered under the Avatar = Morgan theory.
  12. Ah, thanks! Might be worth checking out if it's really one of the best Gamecube games.
  13. As an opinionated girl myself, I must agree.
  14. Iirc, a Nintendo finanical report stated that these were its top five GC titles. 1. The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker 2. Super Smash Bros. Melee 3. Animal Crossing 4. Super Mario Sunshine 5. Kirby's Air Ride (I've never even heard of this game) My personal list: 1. Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance 2. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess 3. Sonic Adventure 2 ("Battle" remake) 4. Metal Gear Solid (MGS1 remake) 5. Super Smash Bros. Melee
  15. Welcome! Hope you like it here.
  16. Most attractive male: Camus, hands down. Runner up goes to Seth. Most attractive female: Leanne. Wings + voice = win. Runner up: Astrid . . . just something about her design.
  17. In a case like that, where it's not even jaywalking, I'd do the same. I consider myself to have a fair amount of integrity, but there's really no point in standing around waiting for the light when you're certain a car isn't going to be approaching. :P
  18. Welcome! Hope you like it here :D Since this is your first time on a forum, I'd recommend taking the time to read over the rules, just to be safe.
  19. Quite a bit of unfounded hominem in this, but I'm not going to argue over that. I share partially the same stance as you on this.
  20. This. Now that I think about it, it's a disconcerting possibility. As aforementioned, you're not particularly needing for the narrative effect anymore, either.
  21. As you said initially, everything a person experiences affects their behavior to some degree, and if one is exposed significantly to violent video games, chances are they'll be influenced accordingly. Considering that the human psyche isn't all that predictable, it may not even be the case that such influence causes violent behavior, or is even negative. Nevertheless, I think we can agree that video games are partially responsible for whichever action is in question. To what extent this applies, and how the games should be introduced to the individual, still seems to be up for debate.
  22. Really, the best defense for Marth staying is that he got into Brawl despite representing nothing at the time. Clearly he's protected by his representation of the franchise as a whole, plus for SSB4 he's directly representing the DS titles as well as his "lore cameo" in Awakening. . . overall, he's got an objectively high chance of returning. As for Roy, it's safe to guess that he's not; not only was he booted out for Ike, he wasn't a base character in Melee, which puts him quite a bit far down on the priority list as far as that trend has shown.
  23. Welcome! Hope you like it here.
  24. I completely sympathize with this. It's disappointing to see a parent that isn't mature enough to do her job, though it's her business and we ultimately have to respect that. I feel compelled to address this, as I do occasionally play games that are objectively violent. I believe that there's more to the experience than simply virtual slaughter, as that alone would imply that the act of killing itself is what brings about the enjoyment - which is clearly unhealthy entertainment. But most games don't focus on this specifically. Modern action movies are a testament to this, as the plot that justifies and contextualizes the violent scenes make them enjoyable, as opposed to a film comprised entirely of violence, which is the distinguishing difference that I'm trying to convey. The argument is sound, but you're brutalizing the identity of the analogy. PETA's Pokemon abusive parody is more of what you're looking for, as Pokemon's animated "cock fights" are euphemisms suited for children, as we all know.
  25. I think he mostly means from a gameplay standpoint, as Brawl's Ganon was pretty underpowered. Smashboard's tier list even has him at dead last.
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