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Green Poet

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Everything posted by Green Poet

  1. I don't drink very often, which is probably why my tolerance is terribly low. Two small glasses and I usually just take my leave, for fear of feeling sick.
  2. Hello there, and welcome to the forest! Hmm, I believe I've seen you in the Etrian signups thread. This'll also be my first game on SF mafia... Anyway, pleased to meet you, and good luck to the both of us on the coming game!
  3. May I join? I'm not a regular player, and have been randomly lurking mafia threads on SF for a while. I think I have a fair enough understanding of the game now to try it, though...
  4. Hardly ever. Most of my exercise comes from daily morning runs, and even so I'm still fairly weak. There we are, my first post in a while. Let's hope I can remember to return more often.
  5. Oh, these responses are golden. . . Anyway, welcome to the forest, Ninian!
  6. You're probably actually ready for Math II, as its tested content only goes up to algebra 2 iirc. It's dependent more on whether or not you remember all the old material from that class. I haven't heard of AP calc students scoring far below 700 on either Math I or II; you should be fine!
  7. Not really, as I spend more time frequenting a different forum. If I had never joined that one, though, I'd probably be much more prevalent here.
  8. Kill it with fire. Because, you know, fire. Oh, I'm terrible.
  9. Taking really long showers, long enough that the water turns cold even on the warmest setting and I start to think about all the productive things I could've been doing in that time.
  10. Neil Druckmann, the writer and creative director of The Last of Us. Anyone who can come up with characters like that has something profound going on in their head, and I'd very much like the chance to see it.
  11. Welcome to the forest! Be sure to give the rules a read, and enjoy your stay.
  12. I haven't really changed much, though that's probably attributed to how little I've posted. It's only in this last week that I've started to post on SF with any real consistency. So, still softspoken, I guess.
  13. Not entirely sure what would be considered "edgy," but a comedic or socially critiquing piece might be within your tastes.
  14. I thought it was a lot easier than previous Pokemon games, probably because of the new Exp. Share feature allowing you to build a party without ever having to be type disadvantaged. I think they probably made the games easier this time around to accommodate for the fact that no one would really be able to have a good grasp of the new roster's types and strengths yet, which did make the first portion of the game a bit more difficult.
  15. Definitely, sleep paralysis is terrible. I don't think I've ever felt anything scarier than being awake and not being able to move...
  16. Well, I donate occasionally to the local blood drives, but that's about it.
  17. Hello there, and welcome to the forest! Hope you like it here.
  18. Typically just one for email, and two for forums.
  19. Agreed, wholeheartedly. Though I suppose that the disparity there doesn't really work towards the OP's favor in this case, as he's still being pressured... in any case, forcing yourself to conform to an image that your "friends" want you to isn't right in any capacity. If you can't get them off your case, I'd also advise finding some more empathetic company.
  20. Speaking candidly, I don't know enough about you that I could rightly tell you what to value, or what stance is "correct" on this issue. Still, I do feel that, while it's healthy and admirable that you're reaching for a personal resolution, your priority here is first to assuage the bullying. You should try and distance yourself from those that are unreasonably intolerant of you instead of reconsidering your own beliefs. I mean, had they made fun of your hair, it likely wouldn't have made you reconsider your taste in hairstyles. Sometimes groups of people can be whimsically rude on certain matters, and the only impartial advice I can offer is to take their words lightly.
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