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Green Poet

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Everything posted by Green Poet

  1. Wait, what. . .? Where is it said to be for revenge?
  2. Agreed. Though this does bring to mind the "de facto discrimination" argument, that the main obstacle of widespread acceptance of all orientations is not based on what laws may effect but rather the mindset of the majority. It's true that, in an honest court, individuals may be spared from discrimination, but history seems to suggest that it'll take a civil rights movement collective effort to make any tangible progress.
  3. I'm sorry. If you need someone to talk to, I'll be here. If I may say, this community is more forgiving than others you were ridiculed by, and I hope that you can find the companionship you deserve.
  4. Same as the others, really. Navarre joins in chapter 3 while Radd joins in 9. Unfortunately, Radd's bases aren't good enough for him to hold his own in his debut chapter without arena abuse or the like. If you want another Myrmidon after Navarre, I'd much recommend Athena over Radd.
  5. Is it wrong that I don't understand anything that's going on here?
  6. Ah, thanks. I'm kind of new here so I didn't recognize the two people Wist mentioned.
  7. Thankfully, they actually let you skip them this time around (when playing, outside of the cutscene cinema).
  8. Yes, indeed. One question though, who's this Nightmare? Is he another forumgoer?
  9. I think it needs to be said that FE12 keeps Marth "recent" (albeit only in Japan) enough that he's technically representing both the franchise and a recent game, which makes his inclusion highly likely. As for Chrom, MU and Lucina. . . in my mind, Chrom probably has the priority. MU is customizable, and I don't think most people use the default appearance, or at least not as frequently is done in games such as Mass Effect. Thus the only other way to implement MU is to have him/her hooded and voiceless, as in the Awakening opening CG, which rather kills the character. Then we have Lucina. Awakening may not be old enough for her spoiler-ish identity to be free game by the time SSB4 releases, which casts a little doubt on whether she'll be included. It's possible that she'll appear as "Masked Marth," but then I hardly see the need in that case, as it would make much more sense to have Marth himself playable with a masked skin option. Another possibility is that Fire Emblem gets a niche like Star Fox did when Wolf got into Brawl, so that Chrom, Marth and Lucina all get into SSB4. That's certainly my ideal scenario.
  10. I suppose its value is subjective. To a pragmatist such as yourself, confidence may be insubstantial, but to each their own. Take this statement, for example. It holds truth as well.
  11. I think the statement does stand; all leaders die.
  12. It does sound unlikely when you put it that way. . . I would propose that it's too much of a stretch to say that everything we know to be true could be false, so that we have a basis with which to go about separating facts from myths with civility. As for unicorns and the like, I think that these are thought to be fictional simply because of the way religious history has ended up; even though the existence of God and the Bogeyman are equally incompatible with the scientific method, only the former's case has garnered a respectable following. From an atheist's point of view, this historical deification is arbitrary, but by nature it's a considerable argument from the position of a person of faith (as in, along the lines of "Christianity is prevalent because it is inherently correct").
  13. Hmm. . . I personally apply a sort of mental filter to see if I should be concerned about a poor test score, which runs along the lines of: 1. Does this score have a chance of impacting my GPA? If no, forget about it and derp on. 2. Did I prioritize my studies beforehand and decide to allot time to studying for another activity instead? If yes, then I'd already been mentally prepared for a lower score and it's not a problem. I think it comes down to managing which exams you know you need to score well on. If there was one that I knew I had to, and did, invest a lot of time in that didn't work out so well, I usually just comforted myself with the "what's done is done" mentality. That might not be the best attitude to adopt if you're not otherwise particularly studious to make up for it, though, as you could start getting ambivalent with your studies. In any case, good luck!
  14. All that's actually handled in the post-fight cutscene; you can kill Grima with anyone and decide who gets the "final blow" outside of the actual battle. It's so that players who haven't used Chrom or MU at all still have a chance at completing the game. You will need to have raised Chrom and/or MU a few levels so that they can take down Validar in chapter 23-ish though.
  15. We're still fairly on-topic, despite the professional digression.
  16. There's a fairly comprehensive list at TV Tropes: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheBadGuyWins Edit: Found a better link.
  17. Probably been quoted already, but Morgan x Gerome's C Support: "No, calculus is complicated. That's a mask." Clever little kid.
  18. Whoa. Um, good luck with that. At this point, I would try to avoid "evacuation." You seem to be pretty invested.
  19. Probably a good idea. . . "experimental kissing" sounds shady.
  20. Brevity of speech, I suppose. There's also the fact that general statements have a lesser chance of being politically incorrect, which is usually an issue in a discussion of such a depth that one re-examines how specific their statements are.
  21. Hello to you too. Er. . . just checking in, I guess.
  22. DLC is stored on your SD card, so it likely wasn't affected by the save corruption of files on the game card. Wishing you good luck on getting this fixed.
  23. Yep, I'll probably come back in a few. But for now. . . sleep awaits.
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