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Green Poet

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Everything posted by Green Poet

  1. I'm one of those that are guilty of that, admittedly. Chances are, no one here's able to recognize me. I do find this forum's community very likable, though, and have recently been moved to start posting a bit more often in chance threads such as these.
  2. Well, it's an understandable concept. I've heard a few arguments on nihilism that base their rejection of reality on some assumptions of faith, such as that everything one can perceive is adulterated in some way, making all of that person's experiences questionable. Hmm, Esau seems to have put that thought better than I already.
  3. I've never really gone to this section before. . . so this is what FFTF is like. Interesting.
  4. I think I'll look into and consider it. I've yet to work on any independent writing projects this November so far, but it sounds interesting enough that I could be moved to begin now.
  5. Green Poet


    Welcome to the forest! Hope you like it here.
  6. Welcome to the forest! I see your favorite FE's also Path of Radiance ^.^
  7. I'm not too sure myself, but from what I've been reading in the past hour it doesn't seem to be something that'll affect a majority of US citizens, and only concerns federal reorganization. I could be completely mistaken, though; I hadn't even been aware that policy for such a contingency existed till today.
  8. Still, that was effectively nullified starting Roosevelt's administration and onward. While drawing the line from the Cold War probably probably isn't the most relevant course of discussion, there isn't much ambiguity surrounding whether or not the United States' imperialistic phase could be considered "intervention." From the definition of intervention as presented by Dieselpunk, I would assume that these are qualifying examples. Naturally, the Presidents of the time would be disinclined to publicize their domestic affairs as "intervening."
  9. Do you know if you're suffering from clinical depression? As Eclipse said, we aren't anywhere near the best source of help for your troubles if this is the case. You've said you're poor, but does this disqualify you from earning higher education? It may help immensely in curbing your dissatisfaction with lacking employment or skills, and I find that the experience does direct you somewhat in life, and provide some personal satisfaction. (Sorry if you're already studying at a collegiate level; from what I've gathered, you've only talked about up to your high school years.)
  10. I'm of the same opinion. One can usually come up with their own personal purpose in life (i.e. directed by religion, zealous investment in occupation), and is motivated by that. And, in accordance with our natural instinct, we are inclined to self-preserve and disinclined to self-harm. Then there's the point that others have suggested, that the individual contemplating suicide may feel some sort of obligation to those that have attachment to him/her, causing some hesitation for fear of appearing selfish and leaving a detrimental legacy. This one in particular is what has personally steered me clear of seriously considering suicide for any significant time.
  11. Yep, looks fake to me. I'm in no way an authority on graphic design, but her lighting seems to be different from the other seven or eight SSB4 confirmed characters we've seen so far.
  12. I'd be fine with seeing any kind of variety added to the Final Smash mechanic, really. It's not exactly balanced to begin with, and adding a potential backfire isn't going to validate it in competitive play anyway. It could make for some great fun and laughs, which are rather the purpose of Final Smashes.
  13. One thing I've noticed about what may be the new Battlefield. In the Mega Man, Wii Fit Trainer and Villager reveals, we saw a lot of gameplay on a stage that looks similar to Brawl's Battlefield. The stage was slightly smaller and didn't feature the usual three platforms though, which is kind of odd considering that Nintendo has long been aware of the pattern's significance in competitive play. Recalling Brawl, however, we saw Battlefield gameplay for both Sonic and Snake's announcement trailers, which seems to suggest that this new SSB4 Battlefield we're seeing is here to stay. Thoughts?
  14. I think they'll just keep an ambiguous "Snake" like they did with Brawl, if a Metal Gear rep does return. Last time they credited the "Snake" character trophy with MGS4 and MGS3, which featured different people.
  15. Welcome to the forest! Hope you like it here.
  16. Don't tell me I was the only one who thought of Heavy Rain when I read the title. . .?
  17. From talking with someone who allegedly played at an E3 booth, it seems that Mega Man's Ftilt is actually the same as his jab, the series staple cannon-ish thing whose name I can't remember off the top of my head. There's a first for the series, at least.
  18. Good point. Has anyone seen the Nintendo Direct feature without the translated voiceover?
  19. If dashdancing is returning, I hope tripping doesn't. . . Agreed.
  20. I'm also of the opinion that Smash Bros. fundamentally isn't a hardcore fighter, which makes me rather detached on the whole "Melee vs. Brawl" subject. I prefer Brawl simply because of the improved graphical quality and online features, and really don't care too much for the mechanics. When compared to actual fighters, Melee's pace pales in comparison, and the animosity surrounding Brawl seems insignificant.
  21. No hard feelings. Actually, I think some thanks are in order for your being so methodical and timely about this.
  22. Just going to pitch in my condensed thoughts on the matter. It's the societal norm to play "the game." Rushing into a relationship is certainly a bad idea in the long term, and so the frustrating courting process is somewhat justified. I don't have much of a liking for it either. This pretty much encapsulates my view. Trying to tie the knot preemptively may suggest that the relationship desired is of the "impure" sort, at least in contemporary society's eyes. By indulging society in playing "the game," you are excusing yourself from this.
  23. Probably won't be an issue. They've done a good job so far in balancing conceptually overpowered moves, such as Kirby's neutral B.
  24. And. . . yep. I think just about no one saw Villager coming.
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