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blah the Prussian

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Everything posted by blah the Prussian

  1. Debatable, actually. One of the reasons Japan was able to modernise was because they weren't plagued with Opium; Opium did a number on China's economy, so they could t afford modernization. They very possibly would be around today had Opium not fucked them over.
  2. Opium? Really? You do know that the Chinese government were the strictest about fighting opium, right? Opium pretty much destroyed the Qing Empire.
  3. Yeah, count me out. I love hard games, but I hate punishing games. If I already beat something, I'll play it again because I want to, not because the game forced me to. ...no, that would be pushing too hard on redemption for me, and I generally hate it when villains are redeemed.
  4. I would feel terrible for the poor dog, being saddled with the name of one of the worst Presidents. I would still likely love the dog.
  5. Fiddler on the Roof isn't exactly a reliable source. Believe me, I know that Tsarist Russia was terrible, and I am not disputing pogroms. But there is a difference between Siberian prisons (which Russia still has, btw) and camps where people were sent to die. People got released from Nicholas's prisons. Not so with Stalin's prisons.
  6. I can confirm that he is not a Nazi. If it's because of his username, Rommel was to Germany what Camus was to Grust.
  7. Uh, no, that's not why the Russian Empire collapsed. The Russian Empire collapsed largely due to the Russians getting bitchslapped by the Germans. Nicholas also didn't have gulags, and the Red and White armies only started going at it after Nicholas was dead. I'm also not talking about protestors, but rioters.
  8. Oh, it's not as bad as you make it seem. The truth is that in virtually every country in history the civilian authority, whether they be a King, Emperor, or President, have had authority over law enforcement and defense. Certain elements of law enforcement don't believe that the law applies to them because it doesn't; what is needed is to punish them; remind them that they are subservient to the law, enforcers of the law, not the law itself. The same goes for civilians; the law is still the law, and I don't care how justified a riot may be, its perpetrators should still be punished.
  9. This weekend works for me. Keep in mind I'm 5-6 hours ahead of you Yanks.
  10. Having Gangrel awaken Grima as a desperation play is actually a really cool idea. Cooler still is if he retains control of himself after awakening Grima. I always wanted a genre savvy FE antagonist like Yuga in a Link Between Worlds who makes the evil God his bitch, Übermensch style.
  11. I'm actually getting pretty scared because depending on what happens this could be the beginning of a divide between civilians and law enforcement. Actually that divide has already happened, arguably. Essentially the sheer amount of mutual distrust building up over the years cannot lead to anything good. Civilians believe that police are out to get them, and police believe that civilians are out to get them. 20 years might be a bit hyperbolic, but I think we could see a second Civil War, if the military becomes grouped in with the police.
  12. I fucking love the Pokemon Company for putting Pokemon and Gyms in Prague. This game has exceeded my expectations. I always thought the Pokewalker was a criminally overlooked element of HGSS, and this is to some extent a similar concept.
  13. How about making the Ice Tribe the Aleutians Campaign and Cheve the Confederacy? I mean, Cheve are even led by someone named Scarlet. It fits perfectly.
  14. You go to K the 2 Brothers? Your life is not complete until you eat there. Same goes for Dish, da Ezio, etc.
  15. Just how do you make it more Medievil than it already is? Have everyone die of the Bubonic Plague? Have women be treated as subhuman? Have all the art for like several centuries be nothing but stained glass?
  16. Ah well, I never did one of these when I first joined, so I might as well now. The name's Prissian. Blah the Prussian. I am probably SF's only outspoken Monarchist; gotta beat back the Republican menace! (I mean Republican here as someone who likes Republics, although I don't particularly like the Republican Party) When I'm not beating back the menace of Republicanism, I'm playing Pokemon, Total War, Paradox Games, and of course Fire Emblem. I love dogs and hate cats. This is because in my experience cats are assholes. I also absolutely despise Woodrow Wilson. It's a long story. My favorite cuisines are Turkish, Indian, and Vietnamese. I also quite like Czech food, but then I live in the Czech Republic. My one true love, however, is history, as anyone who has seen even one of my posts can attest to. I'm mostly a European history man, though I know a lot about the Mughal and Ottoman Empires. I'm also getting more and more into Roman history. Team Caesar for life. Domitian is underrated. My favorite movie is The Godfather, my favorite book is 1984, my favorite anime is Monster, although Legend of the Galactic Heroes is a close second. My favorite tv show of all time is Fawlty Towers. I fucking hate Zack Snyder. The man is a talentless hack who probably masturbated to that destruction scene in Man of Steel. My least favorite film, then, is 300. So there you have it: everything you ever wanted to know about me.
  17. Okay, fair enough I guess its just that there's the popular perception of Roman history of the "democratic" Senate being good and the Empire being bad when in reality there were good Senators and bad Senators and good Emperors and bad Emperors. More often than not, though, the Emperors took the side of the common people and the Senate were more elitist. Its good to see a fictional equivalent of the Roman Empire (I could write a whole essay on this, trust me) get this aspect right. You are correct, though, that its hardly unique for FE. So something like Cromwell in England, then? I had an idea myself for a French Revolution type war where the protagonist's allies commit atrocities too. Good references for conflicts like this would be the Vendee Rebellion, the Rhodesian Bush War, and absolutely the Arab Spring. It would be a good coming of age story as the protagonist realizes that both sides are horrible.
  18. Well, shit. Sorry. In any case, yeah, Bagnion felt the most real in that there were different factions with different intentions. It also has my favorite Tellius character, period in the form of Sanaki. As a Monarchist I also like that the Empress is the good guy and the Senate are bad; its pretty rare in modern fiction.
  19. Why yes, as a matter of fact, I have. Ashnard isn't really being manipulated by Sephiran, though, since his goal is to awaken the Dark Goddess anyway. He's more unwittingly allied with Sephiran, but since he likes chaos anyway if he found out what Sephiran wanted he'd probably be fine with it. Well I'd actually call Sephiran one of the most despicable villains in the series, but yeah. It has real issues, and the whole recovering from slavery with an aristocratic class that supported it spoke to me as an American. Begnion is basically a mix between the Roman Empire (which I am currently obsessed with) and America at the dawn of the Civil Rights Movement; slavery was banned a while ago, but the minority group still faces a ton of problems. Change is beginning, though, and the future is bright. Begnion also plays the Soviet Union in POR's WWII, doing most of the work defeating Daein, but having the credit taken by a guy named Ike. That basically means Begnion is simultaneously the USA and USSR.
  20. Currently waiting for the software update for it to stop being a little bitch. I do hope there are Pokemon in Prague at all. EDIT: NVM, about to get it on my iPad, lets see how Prague is for Pokemon.
  21. Right then. By far the best part of POR was Ashnard. I like him because he wasn't in it to revive some dragon, he wasn't being manipulated by some shady sorcerer, he was in it entirely for himself. I also think Begnion is the best portrayed FE nation ever, with its nuance and its intrigue. I want more Begnion and less Gallia, basically.
  22. 1. Alas, my house has a huge ass wifi password that I can't be arsed to enter. 2. Sounds really interesting, will this be a mod or something?
  23. Oh god, did I have Tel Aviv here? Sigh. I'll have to purge the story of all the bad stuff like that one day.
  24. I wou;lent mind seeing an FE with a more East Asian setting. No weak ass Hoshidan shit, I'm talking China, the Khmer Empire, the Monglos, the real good stuff. Also, insane Romanophile that I am, I would adore a Roman setting. The main hero could be someone like Caesar, first leading a Revolution against a corrupt aristocracy. Then the second Generation could feature a fight for supremacy Antony and Octavian style. There are also so many cool cultures to work with; you have the Guals, you have the Seleucids, you have the Parthians, etc. Nohr came close to a Roman setting, but then pussed out and decided to go back to a more generic Middle Ages look. I don't want Steampunk, though. That's overdone.
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