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blah the Prussian

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Everything posted by blah the Prussian

  1. Embarrassingly enough, I thought Awakening looked pretty neat. Admittedly I probably wouldn't be a monarchist without it (long story Jesus Christ) but whatever.
  2. There was also a missed opportunity for them to have Bat,an's character development make him less of an asshole. Instead, the main point of comflict, that being differing methods, never really gets resolved, the characters just stopped caring about it.
  3. Interestingly enough, you and I have the same birthday. Who knew?

    1. Original Alear

      Original Alear

      You're in good company IMO, I dunno if you know rein since he's not as active anymore, but he also has his today.

  4. Ahoy, fellow dweller of Europe! Its okay, you can be in Serious Discussion, we'll protect you.
  5. You're comparing this to the OJ Simpson trial? In that trial, the Prosecution had all the evidence, they just fucked up with it. Here, they did not have enough to work with from the get go.
  6. It's a tie between Legemd of the Galactic Heroes, for its monarchism and the fact that both of the main Heroe's win by using their brains instead of firing off so,e stupid Kamahamaha attack out of their anus, and Monster, because firstly the story is just generally awesome, and secondly I love how much detail it puts into depicting Germany and the Czech Republic. Almost all of its settings in Prague at least are real, and the level of research put into it is amazing, especially when you have a certain OTHER piece of shit anime involving East Germany that shits all over history.
  7. And so blah the Prussian makes his triumphant return to Write Your But Off, with yet another WWII piece. Jesus Christ, I don't know why I write so much about WWII, but as the saying goes, write what you know. I'm quite happy with how this turned out; it is short, but I feel it shouldn't need to be long. This is, by the way, Alternate History, and how it is alternate history will be explored in the piece. Title: Death of a Demigod Fandom: WWII, Alternate History Words: 1293
  8. The Leviathan trilogy is about a Ateampunk WWI, and it was pretty neat. There would definitely be an opportunity for some really cool visuals in it.
  9. No, it's his earth mom, not his Krypton mom. Also, I don't care how psychotic you make Batman, torturing a defenseless sex trafficker and then branding them is something no hero should ever do. Batman, no matter how dark he is, is fundamentally a hero, and I don't know what is more disturbing: that Batman tortured someone, or that Snyder apparently thought torturing someone let you keep your title of hero.
  10. You actually think Daredevil is worse than this? The story in Daredevil is boring, but it at least makes an ounce of sense, and Bullseye and the Kingpin are a lot of fun to watch.
  11. Let's have a chat, you and I. Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice is the single worst superhero movie I have ever seen. I am hard pressed to put into words how furious this movie makes me. The movie focuses on director Zack Snyder's efforts to perform the classic parlor trick of "how many plot threads can I cram into one movie?" Let's do a rundown of the plot threads: -Batman is both a murderous sociopath who uses guns and kills people in cold blood, and a whiny bitch who fights Superman because the plot demands it -Lex Luthor's relatively interesting plan to turn Superman evil miraculously gets changed into "create Doomsday" -Wonder Woman is in WWI, for some reason. She isn't even fighting in the Macedonian theatre (to be fair, no one gives a shot about the Macedonian theatre), she's in fucking Belgium. Why the flying fuck did Wonder Woman haul her ass to Belgium? -Superman is boring -Batman and Superman make up because their mothers are both named Martha. I cannot put into words how stupid this plot point is. Jesus fucking Christ. Right, so why is this so bad? In a word, it's a mess. The movie needs to establish Batman's origin story and him as a character, which takes 20-30 minutes, time that could have been spent on character development if Batman had been established in a previous film. Hell, they reference Batman's previous actions. He references THE JOKER. Why was there not a previous film? It also has to establish Wonder Woman. Don't worry, though, as she might as well not be in this movie. She makes the Boba Fett seem like a starring character in terms of screen time. The only good parts of the film, really, are Lex Luthor and Jeremy Iron's Alfred. People have been criticizing Jesse Eisenberg's performance, but I do quite like it. Unfortunately, Luthor himself is criminally underdeveloped, hating Superman "just because". His plan starts out kind of interesting (use the people Siperman loves against him) but it's not really clear why he wants Superman and Batman to fight, and then he just creates Doomsday, a grunting Hulk ripoff who makes it impossible to get emotionally invested in anything. I will say that the fight between Batman and Superman themselves, short as it is, is well done, though the movie should have been called "Batman and Superman bitching at each other and then fighting Doomsday", given that the eponymous fight marks the MIDWAY POINT, not the climax. The reason that this movie makes me so angry is that there is all this good buried under all the shit that will never escape. Lex Luthor's plan seems interesting, and Batman could be interesting if developed more. Instead, it all went to waste in a film that, I am dead serious, made me wish I was watching Batman and Robin. For DC, this was Stalingrad. Marvel has won.
  12. Are asteroids even stable enough for colonization? That seems like a recipe for diasaster. I suppose you could use Mars as a base to collect resources from, but how long would it take to go from Mars to the Asteroid field?
  13. If there is not enough evidence then we must accept it. This may be controversial, but it is the dogma of every lawyer, Prosecutor or Defense Attorney, that it is better to let ten guilty people go free than it is to falsely convict one person.
  14. Do you think that, using the available evidence, the Prosecution had a decent chance at winning?
  15. Okay, let me jump back in. I don't doubt that space research is important. I see no benefit to space colonization. There are no resources on Mars. If we ever find a planet we can colonize with resources, I say go for it, but there is no actual benefit to colonizing Mars specifically.
  16. I don't know enough about the case, but it seems to me that Naugx was implying that the Crown should have won, when the impression I got was that the evidence pointed to a not guilty verdict.
  17. The Crown's job is to attempt to use the evidence they have to prove him guilty. They clearly did not have enough evidence. One thing I cannot stand are those who keep giving people who get acquitted for crimes shit.
  18. Yeah, yeah, yeah,whatever. Fortunately Venice no longer exists.
  19. Brussels is a powerful city, though. It's the Capitol of the EU.
  20. I think this more than anything shows that our current ideas regarding privacy are outdated in the face of new means of communication. Privacy is a nice idea, but, well, so is human life. There is a tendency in humans to be self centered; "I don't want the government to see my BDSM porn!" Newsflash: the government doesn't give a shit about your BDSM porn, unless of course it involves children, in which case off to jail with you you sick fuck. This debate is often misrepresented as being between freedom and security. In truth, the government being able to, say, unlock a terrorist's iPhone is not a threat to freedom. Freedom of speech will still be a constitutional right, whether the government can see what you're saying or not.
  21. The Ottoman government basically created a situation where it's fall became inevitable. Starting with Abdulhamid II and taken to the logical extreme by Enver Pasha, the Ottomans made their multiethnic empire a Turkish centered state. Yeah. Bad idea. Even if the French and the British had not colonized the Middle East, the Ottoman's racist policies would have led to their empire collapsing, and from there the rise of Islamic fundamentalism. The genocide carried out by the Young Turks against the Armenians made a continuation of the Empire morally unjustifiable. It's like saying that since Zimbabwe is so bad, Rhodesia shouldn't have been destroyed. Too often we let the bad stuff that results from our decisions make us forget what made those decisions necessary in the first place. Islamic extremism was born out of the lack of a central Islamic authority in the form of the House of Osman.
  22. Welcome to the forest, may I interest you in Monarchism?
  23. It is pretty obvious historical fact that, not necessarily the Ottoman Empire's fall, but rather the Ottoman Caliphate's fall, is to blame for the rise of ISIS. Which, actually, makes it partly the fault of the west, partly the fault of the Russians, but mostly the fault of a certain band of photo Fascists called the Young Turks. Islamic a Fundamentalism was a reaction to the secular Nationalism of Enver Pasha, Ataturk, Gamel Nasser and Saddam Hussein. I find it to be perfectly explicable that more of the younger generation of immigrants are turning to fundamentalism, because it is simply the latest counterculture for edgy teenagers to enjoy. Basically, white kids have Stormfront and Communism to be edgy about, and Muslim kids have fundamentalism to be edgy about. The problem is that the Fundamentalists find it much easier to actually do tangible harm, because there is an actual organization dedicated to their cause.
  24. Presumably he means that the terror attacks against Brussells have contributed to the feeling of fear that Trump thrives on. He didn't mean it literally.
  25. Then I say: Wait, you want half of France to be Communist?In all seriousness, this was mainly foreshadowing for what is to come in France.
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