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Posts posted by LordFrigid

  1. No deaths on matches that counted, and -16 on defense finished in T27 (13656 Lift). I lost one ladder to a rematch this morning. The map was as interesting as I imagined it would be (the lead was a +10 Legendary Azura), but it turns out that I bit off a bit more than I could chew. I definitely rushed it a bit, though there’s a chance that it just wasn’t winnable with the team I sent in. I’ll have to check the recording later to see if I could’ve improved the outcome.

    1. At the absolute bare minimum, the alternate character appearances, and the 2 extra summoner supports. The former is a very obvious thing to put behind a paywall. The latter is, in my opinion, absolutely worth being a “premium” benefit (though obviously, I wouldn’t complain if it was free). That said, none of the stuff in the Feh Pass being locked to the Feh Pass really bothers me.
    2. The only thing I actively dislike about it is the fact that it’s so blatantly in your face. It’s going to take a while to get used to seeing a bunch of quests that I can’t actually claim. That’s the only place where it bothers me, that I’ve seen. Everything else I can live with.
  2. 19 hours ago, mampfoid said:

    Nice, congrats to Edelgard, even if it wasn't planned. Saw the fire blessing, aren't you using her in AR? 

    My spare Dimitri is ready for Edelgard, is this a bad thing? 

    Thanks! For AR, I was, then I decided it would be a greeeeat idea to start caring about bonus units when possible, and part of the effort to increase my raiding parties’ variety involved dismantling the team Edelgard was on (Peri+Velouria is just more consistent...though I sometimes find myself wishing I’d chosen a Red cav). On the plus side, she carried my poor Arena team pretty hard last week, once I actually looked it up and realized that she’s in the same BST bin as vanilla Hector.

    Just don’t tell any Dimitri fans and you’ll probably be fine. I guess it’s not bad, necessarily. It’s a 3H joke. She does miss out on HB4, by not inheriting from Ephraim, I guess.

    19 hours ago, TheSilentChloey said:

    Hey thanks for the idea XD I'd love to build my one up...someday 😕

    Also congrats on such a cool El.


    For performance purposes, I definitely recommend the Heavy Blade seal for Galeforce (or the tier 4 A Passive, I guess, but that doesn’t exactly grow on trees). For this screenshot, I really just wanted to keep the whole “red & yellow skill” vibe going.

  3. @SatsumaFSoysoy

    The way Cordelia went from 3 x4 to 24 x4 on the Sword Armor was hilarious. Close call on Hilda’s survival at the end there. Nice work on your clear!

    23 hours ago, Landmaster said:

    So Caeda’s your favorite character I’m guessing? I feel like the two +10 Caedas should have said something to me before this moment. Nice couple clear! Your B!Caeda is awesome. Now +10 Groom Marth~ I loved that Reciprocal Aid play, very big brained, husbando of the year stealing all his wife’s health

    I’ve been discovered, initiate evasive maneuvers!

    Yeah, the New Mystery translation patch was the first FE I put a significant amount of time into. Caeda always did well, and thus earned all of the favoritism. I’ve been thinking about making Groom Marth a merge project recently, if for no other reason than to shore up my “meh” green one-turn cast.

  4. Bit of an "oof" this week, as my Astra seasons continue to be inconsistent. It was fine earlier on in the season, but towards the end it became pretty obvious that my raiding parties' variety was too limited. I made some adjustments, but it was too little too late, and one final slip-up on the last battle put me 30 lift short of T26. RIP. I'm optimistic that those adjustments will help a lot next Astra season, though.

    On the plus side, the defense team continued to put in work, with a rare -0 performance. Two no-kill losses happened during lift loss protection, allowing me to fully enjoy the creative setups the attackers used to dismantle my team.

  5. 16 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

    You will lose Summoner Support for the slot 2 and 3, only keeping the slot 1.

    Hm. Good to know, thanks.

    10 minutes ago, Landmaster said:

    Have we got the Okuma tiddie fanart posted here yet?



    That one, right?

    And then all of it is on the main site here: https://fire-emblem-heroes.com/en/topics/index.html?id=detail-20200202-1

    The Idunn & Fae one is precious.

  6. The compiling manuals feature is absolutely wonderful. Assuming the two paths they showed will actually become reality, I will treasure my Kliff manual for ever and ever...or until the day I fodder it for Fort. Def/Res. Whichever comes first.

    Free stuff for the anniversary is nice, but I’m not so sure about choosing the “A Hero Rises” unit based on a Voting Gauntlet of the top 8. No idea who I’ll vote for. I usually try to pick the one unit that I consider a “must-have” at that time...but nobody’s really coming to mind.

    Feh Pass, eh, I’m apathetic towards it. As previously mentioned, I’m curious to know what would happen to the 2 extra summoner supports if one were to unsubscribe...though I’m not curious enough to try it (edit: someone answered my question). There’s maybe one unit that I might be interested in having a Resplendent variant of.

  7. 20 hours ago, Landmaster said:

    Thasir really went and betrayed Lif. I guess we had the same idea just yeeting in from the right. Though it’s probably smarter to do with Thrasir than a smol Loli. Seems like this was one of the easier ones for her, she must know Lif’s secrets.

    Idk, it seems like it worked out pretty well for Elise too.

    I’m not sure what exactly I was expecting your opening move to be, but I definitely didn’t anticipate Elise straight-up crushing the Bow Fighter. Nowi had a pretty close call with that blue mage, barely getting the one-shot. And she nabbed the boss kill too...what’s up with these dragons lately?! Nice work!


    One more(?) clear, inspired by Landmaster’s Alm & Celica Team from Travant’s battle.



    Was fun, would do again.


  8. @daisy jane

    Thanks! Seems like you had a pretty good experience with the battle. Now tell your phone to get with the program. That hat suits her.

    @Diovani Bressan

    Nice job on your clear, as well! The level of investment in that crew never fails to impress. Nowi eating Líf for breakfast was easily the best part, for me. +Style points for finishing the battle with everyone at full HP!


    The Lance Fighter annoyed me. Thus, a bit of revenge was in order. There were some tricky bits with positioning, and refraining from taking out some enemies, to ensure that Killing Intent was active, but Thrasir prevailed in the end.

    Celica succeeded as well, though I pray that the day they start giving DC to enemies like that Lance Armor never, ever arrives.


  9. 16 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

    I think her quirk is goofing up words when she’s nervous like her summon quote

    I considered that for a bit, but from what I’ve seen, that tends to manifest as switching the first letters of words. This is the wrong word entirely. Given that the right word is “stationery”, which is pronounced the same, I’m more inclined to believe that the mistake is not hers.

  10. Had a good Astra season after two straight bleh ones. No-death offense (at least, for the battles I didn’t Escape Ladder out of) and -37 on defense yielded a T27 finish. Alfonse & Sharena were really fun to use. Setting up one-hit Galeforce was pretty awesome.

    The big surprise came from a L!Celica/Phina/Alfonse & Sharena team I that threw together because I had nothing better to put in the slot. I was resigned to the thought that I wouldn’t even touch that team, but ended up using them for more than half of the week’s matches.


    That first person almost gave me a heart attack, with Eir breaking that building below Alfonse almost straightaway. I thought they were going to leave her there (yes, I’m still traumatized by that Donnel user). I feel for the person who didn’t notice Windsweep on Raven...I actually got caught by that myself, once. Needless to say, I felt very silly afterward.

  11. Pulled some blue, basically just wanted 1 copy of Tsubasa. Notable results were: Nailah (+Res/-Def), Perceval (+Def/-Spd), and Tsubasa (+Res/-HP).

    Nailah’s probably fodder. I was already thinking of giving my spare to Flora, to be mean to Dazzling Staff. I’m leaning toward it a bit more now that I have another. I have no idea what to do with Perceval. I don’t actually know who he is, or even what game he comes from. I’ll have to look him up sometime. Tsubasa will probably get WoM+Galeforce, which is maybe overly high investment, given that I currently have no plans to pull another copy of her, ever.

    1 hour ago, mampfoid said:

    Oh, nice. Many pity breakers? 

    3 from her initial banner, 3 pity breakers.

    1 hour ago, mampfoid said:

    What boon did you choose for her?

    In AR/AA who does she need to evade? Do you have CC on her?

    At this point, it’s probably easier if I just show you.


    Just imagine that she has +10 HP & Def in AR. I rather like the idea that she’ll have 55 Atk and 40/50 defenses (in AR) when she’s finished. Such pretty numbers. Leave it to me to focus on something weird like that.

    For AR, melees, generally, unless they have DC and she’s the one attacking them. Bows kinda suck to deal with too, without Naga.

    For AA, definitely Blues with DC, and probably Reds with DC, since I strongly doubt you’re planning on putting in that same level of investment. She’s great for the (Axe-toting) Hectors and Grimas of the world, though. Actually, for minimum-investment Flora, it would probably be best to just deploy her to deal with them.


  12. 7 hours ago, mampfoid said:

    Thanks! Is she a merge project of yours? 

    I don't have Naga, only double Altina for Astra.

    Well, she wasn’t at first, because I had no idea what I was going to do with her. She definitely is now, though...5 more copies to go.

    Oh, then maybe don’t do what I was talking about =P . She’s actually pretty great in AA as well: I ended up finding a team with 2 green DC armors, Brave Micaiah, and Zelgius today, and she demolished all of them.

  13. 47 minutes ago, BoaFerox said:

    I made one of these one turn clears as well this time! The video isn't edited or anything so nothing special, but it was pretty fun to figure out the solution, so I might start doing this more often!

    That was a nice debut for Tana! Brave effect is also a nice way to get around that Miracle.

    The world needs more one-turns.

  14. 3 hours ago, mampfoid said:

    I'd give you this one (my first, +RES/-SPD), because I don't know exactly what to do with her. I'm happy though, I think she'll get some use in TTs. 

    Astra season. Double Naga. Brave Lucina backline. Make 2-range enemies regret their life decisions. ...That’s what I use her for, anyway.

    Congratulations! I’m jealous, I haven’t seen a Flora in months =( .

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