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Posts posted by LordFrigid

  1. @daisy jane

    Nice job on the clear! Ophelia really rips this map to shreds (my initial clear used her as well), and having Veronica and Xander keep the lower half in check was definitely useful...almost makes me wish I had one.


    I usually don’t record these, but I was bored and wanted to try one without Ophelia. I actually got to dust off the ol’ Corrin, I haven’t put her on a team in...at least months, if not a whole year.


    Triangle Adept is the one true path.


  2. @Diovani Bressan

    A one turn clear? I like it. You don't see Abel all that often, so that was pretty nice. The Saizo clear was great, as usual. Plenty of 0-damage dings. Nice work!


    It took me a second to register that there was only one Galeforce user for that clear. Bartre eating a 56 from Petrine was pretty nuts...his Res really is that bad. Nice job!


    Nice job on your clear! There were some pretty close matchups this time. RIP Sword Dragon, Elise didn't even need her Bond skills active to take him down, and then she immediately laughed off Flame Lance's Res-targeting as well. Summer Elise OHKO-ing Petrine was pretty great, I found it strangely entertaining that that same Elise let loose a Glimmer on the healer later for +1 damage...it was just such an odd contrast.


    I'm pretty sure I spent more time fine-tuning the clear so Caeda stayed over 50% HP than I did on coming up with the actual strategy. I would've tried to figure out a way to have her finish at full HP, but the manakete is blue, the healer has Fear, and the Sword Dragon has the highest Def stat...oh well.


  3. 1 hour ago, Landmaster said:

    I'm running Despacito on mine, but I hear Guard and Dull Ranged are both pretty good on him~ 

    Why Pass when you can run Obstruct?

    Mostly because Obstruct isn’t a reference to Leicester Lineage+.

    I might just roll with Dull Ranged. Maybe try out some mock battles to see if I miss the automatic follow-up.

  4. 3 hours ago, Landmaster said:

    I'm thinking about running B!Claude with Dancing Ishtar and Dancing Reinhardt for support on his Bonus Season. I'm just not sure whether to run Fortify and Hone or stack Wards/Goads. I actually think Ishtar's natural Air Orders could be pretty clutch so I'm mainly concerned about what to put on Reinhardt

    I would lean towards Goad Fliers, myself. You won't have to worry about Panic (particularly Sudden Panic), and with an HP pool of 62 and decent defenses he should be fine to take most non-special-boosted hits without Ward.

    Hm. Looking at that, I might run Claude next week myself, actually. I'd really just need to figure out what to throw in his B slot...Quick Riposte, maybe, or Dull Ranged. Or Pass.

  5. 48 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

    Wings of Meme is always strong indeed. It seems a disappointing surprising amount of people have already forgotten about the Corrin-Arceus jokes.

    Not gonna lie, I didn’t even realize there were Corrin-Arceus jokes. I thought it was a reference to the fact that he uses Gravity in Smash Bros.

    Edit: also, for the pre-charged Negating Fang follow-up question, no. She can deal with one activation, since switching Naga’s seal to Chill Atk would take enough punch out of Corrin’s hit to survive, and Guard in her B slot would prevent Corrin from charging up a second one. I was just saying that if I’d wanted to try going for a no-Guard “you mitigated (30% +5) of both my hits and still died” flex, that probably wouldn’t have worked.

  6. @Maaka

    I was wondering what was up with Fir’s Spd before I realized it was a Brave Axe set. I’m still wondering what’s up with Bartre’s Spd, though. Nice work!


    Re. no pre-charge on Negating Fang, it looks like it would only be a couple small adjustments: switching Naga’s Hone Spd seal to Chill Atk, and Caeda’s Live for Bounty to Guard. Unfortunately it doesn’t look like the math works out on brute forcing through 2 activations...even with Fury 4 + Pegasus Flight, then [xxx]/Res Link  and Chill Def on Naga, she would fall 3 damage short. Curse you, Shield Pulse.

    Anyway, nice job on your clear. When in doubt, open Wings of Mercy.exe. I had to stop and think for a second to figure out what the Arceus thumbnail was about. Nanna MVP.

    @daisy jane

    Huh, it never occurred to me that Sophia totally obliterates this map. I mean, I guess there’s the lance fighter, blue manakete, and Watersweep mage, but other than that, she’s basically free to rampage. Nice job!

    @Diovani Bressan

    So, what I’m getting here is, Dragonslasher is more useful against Desperation than it is against actual dragons. Seems legit. Marth had a lot of fun with those poor enemy cavalry units. +Style points for that ending formation, nice work!


    Nice job on your clear, those Annas really tore the place up. That Brave Bow + Infantry Flash + Special Spiral + Glacies setup was nice, as was the Pulse Smoke, getting rid of Negating Fang.


    ...but...Elise is a troubadour 😧 .

    Nice work on that clear! I see Elise has the Palm Staff back. I guess if the Green Mage had a winning matchup against Summer Elise, he would’ve attacked before the staff Cav healed, but it was still funny that the heal forced him to attack HS Elise...out of the frying pan and into the fire, as they say. I wasn’t paying attention to Elise’s skills and was super surprised when her 1x 19 on the red mage turned into 2x 32 on the player phase. Poor Corrin gets destroyed by Dazzling Staff eating her Negating Fang for free...I like how she totally ignored Mirabilis and ran straight to her demise.


    They sure put a lot of Celica-unfriendly stuff on this map...Hardy Bearing on Corrin, Dragonslasher thief, Sapphire Lance fighter, Pulse Smoke blue Manak...er, never mind, the Manakete was actually really useful.



    Surprisingly, Thrasir did not immediately go for the boss’ throat this time. I actually ended up having her borrow Celica’s opening, which worked out quite nicely.



    I’ve been thinking about using team “Alone Together” for a while, but never could get it to work. Earlier iterations of the concept used Sirius and Lethe, but Corrin and Bernadetta work well too. It ended up becoming the Edelgard show, with a strong side act by Mareeta, but honestly, I don’t really mind.


  7. 38 minutes ago, SuperNova125 said:

    She is a slaying breath that gains +5 to all stats and gains extra cooldown. I just don't like her special at all. If they wanted damage reduction they could have given it to the B slot that has the same skill as the first legendary for some reason. If I don't get her it doesn't really matter however, as I don't have any B slot fodder (Lul Atk/Spd or Null follow up). About the element it might not make as much sense as water however, wind easily has the weakest roster with only Eliwood. Not that Corrin herself is that crazy with her special. Are there any ways to spam it consistently? 

    I’m confused. What about her kit makes the special lackluster or not spammable?

    It’s 30% mitigation on activation, and effectively Draconic Aura for her next attack. It’s on a 2-charge cooldown after her weapon’s Accelerates Special Trigger effect. So, if she meets the special charge acceleration condition on her weapon, it activates on her opponent’s attack, and then she full-charges it on her own attack unless the enemy has Guard (or similar).

  8. @Landmaster

    I didn’t see the Steady Stance seal are first, and was super surprised when Elise survived a special from Python. Honestly, it’s still a little surprising even after realizing she has it. I see hot spring Elise flexing that Carrot+Windsweep without actually needing either. Nice job!


    Trying to get Caeda to take out that blue manakete was pretty annoying.


  9. Ok, I’ve procrastinated on this for waaay too long.


    She has Witchy Wand, woo! I’m conflicted, though, because she has to drop the Palm Tree to use it...I see Summer Elise still hasn’t been told about the weapon triangle. Nice work!


    Huh, I’ve never actually seen the Book of Orchids animation. That’s kinda nice. It’s always cool to see refined Beloved Zofia in action. That refine really turned it from bleh to amazing. Nice job!

  10. @Maaka

    I don’t care if it’s a low-Def tome flier with color disadvantage, Brave weapons hitting 2x 60 is terrifying. Close call on the blue manakete with red Bartre, I’m a little surprised he managed to cut through there. Nice job!

    @Diovani Bressan

    Ooh, using Reyson to get Marth’s HP up to survivable levels was neat. I like how Yune responded to the B Tome Cav’s Iceberg with “How endearing!”...savage. Nice work!


    Nice job on that clear! T3 looked pretty intimidating as well, imo. I liked that you made the enemies trip over themselves on two consecutive turns.


    Elise is really loving that Palm Tree. Poor Hel, forced to attack Mirabilis with her massive Res stat...though I guess she was screwed either way, since Mirabilis’ Def is also quite high. Nice work!

    @daisy jane

    Wow, that Myrrh. Norne too, tbh...Spendthrift Bow is fun. I’ve been saving my Norne copies in case I ever want to build her up, but it’s a bit hard to justify when I already have Faye. Nice job!


    Trying to work with that cramped space at the bottom was a little tricky, but Celica and her refresher crew managed it in the end. Gentle Dream is dumb.



    Thrasir went for her tried-and-true strategy of “just walk at the boss and beat the tar out of them”.


    She has finally gotten her revenge.

    This month’s theme team is the Archanean Air Force. Because I’m feeling lazy and wanted an easy win Palla and Minerva haven’t been getting the screen time they deserve.


  11. 6 minutes ago, XRay said:

    Can someone double check my calculations? My YT!Olivia keeps getting killed in one shot by Hel despite having enough bulk on paper.

    Abyssal Hel:
    66 Atk

    38 HP
    27 Def + 4 Steady Posture + 5 Spd/Def Bond - 4 Inevitable Death = 32 Def

    Battle Calculation
    (66 - 13) - 32 = 34 damage

    In battle though, Hel keeps one shotting YT!Olivia with 38 damage with or without Spd/Def Bond, Steady Posture, Fortress Def Sacred Seal, etc.

    Is her damage fixed to 38 or something?

    Hel targets her Res.

  12. I managed to finish the chambers with Mist, Soren, and deadweight. Ok, deadweight’s a bit harsh. Ike actually rolled Ruby Sword+ pretty early on, which was nice for hitting the occasional green. Greil’s huge Atk stat actually let him finish off some low-Def enemies, even though he was still Lv 20+.

    Soren carried most of the battles before Mist got fully online. Mist was apparently allergic to any weapon not named “Spectral Tome” or “Hibiscus Tome”, which was annoying, but she was still pretty consistent, especially after replacing Brazen Atk/Spd with Atk/Spd Solo.

    “Final” builds:

    • Ike (Lv. 37): Ruby Sword+, Rally Def/Res+, Ruptured Sky, Chill Atk/Spd 2
    • Soren (Lv. 40+2): Juicy Wave+ (Def), Reposition, Growing Light, Spd/Res Solo 3, Lull Atk/Spd 3, Joint Drive Atk
    • Greil (Lv. 24): Silver Axe+
    • Mist (Lv 40+3): Spectral Tome+ (Spd), Smite, Ruptured Sky, Atk/Spd Solo 4, Lull Spd/Res 3, Drive Spd, Spd Tactic 3
  13. 46 minutes ago, SuperNova125 said:

    One question though, does the miracle effect apply only to non Magic and staff foes or to everyone?

    Based on the wording, it only applies to non-Magic & staff foes.

    You can somewhat confirm this by fighting Hel in Book 4, Ch 13-5, and OHKO-ing her with a magic/staff unit. Hel Scythe and Hel’s Reaper are technically different weapons, but I’d be surprised if that part of the effect changed.

  14. Colorless looks really nice. I’m tempted to try picking up a copy of Leila for AR purposes, and I wouldn’t say no to Corrin (probably Sudden Panic for someone) or Eir merges either. On the other hand, I’m not particularly enthusiastic about the other colors (especially Blue), so...we’ll see, I guess.

    I’m very glad Hel isn’t Astra. Now I can keep hoping the next Astra mythic has a 2-range weapon, and some support utility beyond Divine Fang.

  15. @Diovani Bressan

    Saizo the fifth strikes again. I like use of the ruse to stop Miracle from charging. Nice work!


    Nice set of clears! I was wondering if you were going to take advantage of Eremiya hiding out in the corner for the Elise clear. Shambhala was a nice theme for the BL clear, plus some nice Galeforce action, always nice to see that. Guard Bearing is nuts, too. Some close calls in the Reinhardt and Dancers clear, but they pulled through in the end. Nice work!


    Dang, all that T3 out-of-combat damage. I like how it was almost a Kronya-kills-everyone clear, but then Takumi swooped in to steal the boss kill. Nice work!

    Edit: I totally forgot.

    On 7/23/2020 at 7:39 AM, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

    What do you think about Guard Bearing for Caeda? I guess since she has an actual Res stat Pegasus Flight might be better in her case. I've been thinking that Guard Bearing might just be better than Belief in Love for YCaeda though, since it lets her safely activate the HP-based Vantage against enemies that she doesn't counter.

    For Caeda, I like the Def penalty and the consistency. The former because her Atk is bad, and the latter because of the way I use her. Obviously Pegasus Flight is better for Player Phase, and on EP she's usually either fighting nobody or everybody (I'm also including AR usage for that assessment, since I use her as a hybrid Galeforce/tank unit in Light season).

    For Young Caeda...I'm not sure. My initial suspicion is that losing the -5 Def penalty hurts. She has high Atk, but I'm not sure if it's high enough to not need that for enemies she doesn't have effective damage against. That's a neat use case, though.

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