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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. Apparently Wartales has gotten great critical reception from those who've played it, so that's another strategy title to look at again because I didn't take it in during the direct. Farm Sims got replace by strategy titles this time for sure. See, I'd know that if I played it before, I assumed you didn't control Bowser in it at all. From what I recall it's something of a homage to Suikoden I/II and it's looked solid over the years but only now do we actually get a date for it.
  2. I missed Trombone Champ having Local multiplayer. Game of the decade folks, calling it now. That's just it, what would replace seasons or jumping between two times?
  3. Oh, we got an RPG that was made by the Moon devs that seems to by continuing down that road exclusive to Japan by the looks of it. (Also Hatsune Miku Fit Boxing, shh) I jumped to that too, but I mean this looks like a lot itself. Musketeer Peach was not what I expected, but neat. Me too! All good, you saying this makes me think what could be the equivalent gimmick to the Oracle titles for her to be dealing with regularly? We saw some Bowser platforming in it, but I couldn't say what else could be.
  4. Well, we have another one. Will it be any good? TL;DR: So Mario fans be eating a lot today. Some pleasant surprises in the strategy genre though (Seriously, Wargroove 2, Unicorn Overlord and Eiyuden Chronicles all in one is pretty solid offerings), I'll admit I expected SV wave 2 to get promoted here but it didn't really, SaGa getting a new title is also surprising. The amount of remakes in this one don't quieten down the idea that the next console is on the horizon imo either and fewer ports from other consoles kinda says the time is nigh to me.
  5. So, we get one after all. I was wondering if the Wonder Direct spelt the sign there'd be nothing at this point in time. Guess the September Direct is eternal. Honestly, no particular wants myself, considering how June went I think that's for the best. With all the talk going on lately, I though of something. Considering Switch 2 supposedly coming, it supposedly being backwards compatible, Nintendo's willingness to release a title or two on older consoles after the new one comes out (3DS being the easiest example, though not exactly the most regular one) and the Switch's large install base, I have an idea relating to FE remakes and I think this could make sense regardless of Genealogy, BinB or PoR: they might release one of these as the next title and push backwards compatibility with it and make it's interquel/prequel/sequel 2itch exclusive as a sales pitch (or not, this is me spouting rubbish). None of this means that it's revealled tomorrow either. And with the news of Unity trying to charge for every copy of games made with it ever, are we about to get the mass response of the studios delisting everything made witth it? Engage included. NEO TWEWY included. This idea can't be let live. In before DKLC Any particular genre?
  6. Apologies for taking so long, a combination of stuff going on irl (like my headache being tooth based and needing some direct work or getting stuff sorted out for some work involving talking with a bunch of people) and a bit of distractions. And a sin I must confess. Moving on from the sin, let's play a great game! I'll reply to everything I haven't next post, it's late here and I wanted to prove I hadn't died. TL;DR: We shoot for the stars, reach the mainland and get some future versatility for the team.
  7. Playing over Lang, it probably feels wrong. I'd prefer FFVI's victory theme. That's the thing, this is probably the only case where that was true, as boxart wasn't why I picked up any of the FE titles I did get and this was 2009 or so, when I'd no idea about FE or much of an inkling to look up game info online then (though I'd have been more likely to use it than before that point). That menu screen is pretty dope.
  8. From this very chapter: Nyna: “That hunger for danger worries me, Marth. Humanity’s hopes rest on your shoulders. I would sooner not see them crushed.” Marth: “Which? Humanity’s hopes, or my shoulders? …Have a little faith, Nyna. The enemy ballisticians can strike from afar, but they’re powerless up close. All we need to do is move in and silence them before they do too much damage. Watch!” It tells me that they likely spent a bit of their dev time from at least 2009 on the 3DS as well, which would of course make sense given it'd be the next console. Ah that's annoying. Don't like that, especially the sense that they just won't let it go. And it's the only one where you fight a dragon that isn't Anankos #fuckAnankos With the difficulty of EP in DSFE's higher difficulties I get the feeling my head would have melted. Because yeah, what tanks would do? FE wasn't even on my radar back then, the SD boxart in the used section didn't work at the time unfortunately. (Would have been €25 better spent than Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night)
  9. It's an (inactive) run where I spun a wheel to pick my units. The only royals I got were Sakura and Kiragi. I have never been fond of BR lategame from my other playthroughs, this looks to be the same. I guess I was not fully counting how well liked they are, but I do think there are those who'd be bothered by Robin anyways. As for Palla, I found that map in MotEII a dreadful experience, seeing as the aim was to just be using the units who couldn't promote. And I had to use her because of the cavs and thief. And she was awful to keep alive. Fuck Chapter 3. Parthia is stupid powerful for him to have that much Atk on 13 Str. What difficulty's this, curious how viable the stats are. Considering the names aren't far off, I get it. There's a dozen or so titles in between the releases of the DSFE titles, but it's all small downloadable titles and the bigger ones were co-developed. I feel like they picked a scope and stuck to it.
  10. Me, whose Lunatic run without Ryoma is stuck on Camilla: Yeah, I suppose I'm not anticipating a playthrough using just this lot, but it's good to get a bit more perspective. RIP Beck I guess, SD is truly his peak Kris, the unit too good to bench despite people wanting to. Who else would we say? I feel like Camilla and Robin come to mind, but who else would we argue? It'd be nice for units that get effectively nothing (e.g. Feena not being able to use Rapiers in NMotE does remove that potential what if, but imagine if we got somewhere with that instead of two sets of convos of her teeheeing all the time, or Horace getting any time with anyone), but obviously not the priority. I realise what Kris's blankness provides for the others potentially, but that potential is not shared equally at all, alongside how little there would be. Some of this could be due to how little they expected the game to sell, but I think that's a bit too pessimistic to be acknowledging. (And wait, I thought Dolph and Macellan were Archanean) And apparently the Hammerne can't fix the legendary weapons. Kaga was a coward in SDatBoL He can't do a thing in his joining chapter, something SD fixed to our horror. Much like his future namesake, stumbling at the start. Wait, did they seriously raise their level by 9? I can only assume they don't expect them to gain enough levels by the end for it to matter, but it's an arbitrary decision on the face of it.
  11. Well I think Boah- is fine where he is. Much of that is fair, I get it, though Est did get done dirty in SD compared to SDatBoL, none of that changes that availability and the potential of reclassing in DSFE. Little surprised they're on the lower end of difficulty for the "Free Silvers" retinue though. And why don't I hear more about Krisless runs? A game with such a large cast could have a wide variety of options to interact with or expand on seriously minor characters. NMotE supports: Fuck you, 75% are Kris and most of the others are very obvious ones that don't give those character a chance. Thanks S. Kaga
  12. I don't blame you. On the one hand, you kill Himmler. On the other hand, Godwin's law risk and who wins there? Julian to an unsuspecting foe: Domz and Michellin, bad class, bad stats, bad availability. You know what you must do /s What game are these guys viable in? Tomas, well we all know what the plan is with him, so no point in debating it. Bolted on, will kill all the foes, right? As for Boah, I feel like not being on side with the others in this thread is a call against hats, which will end poorly. And RIP Midia, I forgot before you've said it that promos in this game are baselines, unfortunate for her.
  13. Linda be Linda, Jake be in his weakest form. But Jake ain't in MotE, so maybe him and Beck? USE 👏 TOM ...... I am curious and afraid for why.
  14. I think I'll agree with the Tomas opinion, Darros is too perfect not to pick and I don't have any comments on the others. Fallen Maria: Kidnaps you I don't know if I'm the best judge, but I feel like neither of the two could be fittingly described as such. If one of you makes a joke about Marth dashing in Smash I'll- This comment has been censored in the name of decency.
  15. Okay, that's fair about this map. Maria be like: How it affects Marth: This has not worked with modern FE Her character seems to fit the stereotype of how people see the BinB cast to be honest. Yeah, my experience with PoR Jill was messier. What do you mean -6 Spd from average for most of the game? Waitwhat And she's one of the lucky ones.
  16. Hey, you articulated clearly, I wanted to go into specific details, we cover more ground, that's cool. Jorj Yep. Considering MotE, Kaga hates Wrys apparently. And Maria. And Elice. Even Lena, considering Hammerne's now exclusive to Mallesia. HATS Holy Arcanists Terminate Soldiers Such power, much hat.
  17. Darros after this game: Imagine if the patch called him Giorgio I could joke about Balance being Kaga's passion, but I do think there's some degree of intent with that. Both Merric and Linde come with personal tomes that do larger damage in a game where magic has set damage all the time, compared to Pope Hat and Cardinal 'Stache, until Chapter 12 where the boss drops Bolganone and it still does 1 less than Excaliber and has 30 less hit, Thoron ties it in Chapter 14 but neither have flying effectiveness, giving Merric that niche and Linde still hits for 20 each time. Bolganone only gets buyable in Chapter 16, Thoron only exists in Camus's hands, Gotoh's inventory and Chapter 17's secret shop and Swarm is effectively like Thoron in that it's in a secret shot, Gotoh's hands and a Bishop in Chapter 17 and exchanges 30 hit for 4 might. Now, these are all still fine. But I can see where the intent is here in Merric and Linde having these specific powerful options that have more uses than Bolganone and Thoron, with Swarm tying with Aura and the weight being also a factor (Aura is 7 weight, but that's one more than Bolganone and 2 less than Swarm and Excaliber ties with Thoron for all but having 10 more crit and 8 more uses). Oh no, the Archanean dragon lore got more confusing. I've already got a headache (in reality), I don't need more.
  18. We're Sail-ling, we're float-ing, There's not an Isle in the ocean that we can't reach Darros cares not for your probabilities, he will smash his way through. I don't think BinB complainers (as an occasional one myself) have a leg to stand on there when there's no Bishop's Ring before Chapter 19 in SDatBoL. He's still too early He won't be if those growths pan out, though he might want a dracoshield.
  19. Silly me indeed. All according to Kaga. 10 Def Caeda is certainly not the number I'd have been expecting.
  20. Roshe, hero of RNG subversion. Well, looks like Rickard will be staying benchbound. 😞 I will inconvenience the player on purpose.png
  21. Oh good grief. Julian once again griefing the enemy. Caeda as an exception is funny to me.
  22. Lena's one of my favourites from Archanea and should have been allowed kill Gharnef in MotEII/NMotE Just because she's a favourite doesn't mean I have to be pushing her for this. No bother. Speaking of, it might be worth giving the Seraph robe to Rickard instead, he never gets recognised. You're not wrong, the Vulnerarwrys is a sad thing.
  23. Still cool to see the arguments for that too. All good observations, RIP Boah I guess. RIP Roches. Also a fair point, the SM doesn't do well in SD at all, so it doesn't help him out either. And this is why we're pushing them. I'll say the boring option of Julian, just because I expect Marth to get levels and HP. Also I like best cleric and her boy toy. The bad cav relay is set. Glorious. The purple spikes are so because they're really red units in disguise on the blue Jeigan.
  24. It's a Wrysk I think we're willing to take. RNG bases: Kaga did it first. It has been a long time since I played, so I can't say much on that. I wonder what led to that decision. Great, an answer the other way around. Could Roshea benefit from focusing on SM or is this a bridge too far?
  25. Huh, I'm surprised there's a thief there. That's unique to this game right? I don't recall one elsewhere. Really swashing then buckling the enemy there. That thus far says it all. (Off topic, who's the worst cav in SD with reclassing?) We should Wreflect on our abuse of Wrys word, try to use the proper name and not Riff so much on it. I'd expect nothing else. Wendell is funny in how good he is, for being a old man in this series showing up early. Wendell is rapid. (Also, as an aside, pretty much none of the FE sites have recruited allies' Luck bases uploaded, just a blank. I have no idea why none of them bothered to alter it after SDatBoL came out. FE Wikia is the only one I found it on! and even then it only gives it for some and says it varies for others? What the hell's going on?)
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