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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. -17C in Aberdeen(shire) Bloody hell has frozen over in Scotland. GET BUILT
  2. That's the thing, I'm not certain it isn't yet, but it'd be odd of the game to be using squares to represent where they are. In a gridless SRPG you'd have to assume a certain distance has to be maintained between units to minimise clutter that would be more suited to an RTS with massive amounts of bodies to kill and that area could represent boundaries, but it being square shaped is odd and would suggest to me it's square based gridding. Tales of Eden sounds like a title fitting for this series.
  3. Gridless, oh my. Curious to see how this actually plays, we get a depressing world with an orc army in the most generic sense and not much else here. ...... Wait, it doesn't look so gridless in the later gameplay footage? Now I'm confused. Two months out from release, it probably would benefit from jumping up a generation (Diofield has friggin music clipping in map cutscenes, so even I can see the Switch's age), but this is their second game and it turns out they're their own publisher? huh. Be interesting to see if we get more news and gameplay. It's surprising that we got more info this fast, almost like we'll hear everything before it comes out.
  4. I hate that it's 3 mov for most units to move 1 tile. That map took 3 hours for me, which while bad, is just in character for me when I took 60 to clear RD. The reinforcements also slow this map down, such a slog. Super? I dunno. Most of them are meat grinders and with a lot of reinforcements, but some appeal can be had in figuring out how to quickly deal with rout maps. And kill certain enemies.
  5. Should've seen DP/Turnwheel (what should we call this that isn't just referencing another series or just picking one game's name for it?) coming, though that doesn't preclude tight map design, I'd hope. And yeah, we were beginning to think news would run out for Engage. Second sounds a little 3H'y. Too short a clip to make any serious judgments.
  6. Christopher Nolan just wanted to do a nuclear didn't he? So it's open world nature just makes you feel like there's no structure to it? Is it a sort of decision paralysis? Pretty understandable critique, but it doesn't help that S/V is so successful already. Neither's Reddit. I wouldn't think so? Considering he's defected in the past and is thus caught in two here. I will critique Marth and Azura now: Marth: Is a prince before he is a son or brother Azura: Actually planning on taking over in the vacuum that arises from the chaos she enables I'll concede that with Petrine. (Even if I think she'd fit in the GOP ticket these days, I've only been proven right since I played PoR) Oh jeez, this track. This one kills me. It's the bloody foot marching beats that play through the whole thing, those are just a no. Me, getting Mist and Jill A rank: Let's go! Thanks Youtube, I hate it. Mostly because it's obvious you're searching for the band but it throws other topics up. I hate the algorithm
  7. Poor Dewey. Something about the fact that his name's Musk is funny. Like, you're okay with this. Being named after something that people take the piss out of. I'm disappointed people don't do it more. If we manage somehow, maybe.
  8. Ah yeah. I changed it to the SNES soundtrack from the start and kept it there, that's on me. Oh jeez, you know someone like Musk will do it for a month and claim he's innovating in the field. That there can be a tomorrow where it can actually happen is certainly something.
  9. This looks like it's art for the game, but I just don't feel it, like I don't feel that strongly for the region. And I played through it twice, how? Sounds about right. Then you have to pick something else for a second. Nuclear Fusion actually happened. It's happened in my lifetime. Sure, it's still early days, but it actually worked which can only encourage more interest in working on it and thus have more people working on it and it could already have a practical use: boil some kettles. Hey look, it's the party I used in my first playthrough Where's this version of the track come from?
  10. As we all should. Huh. What a coincidence. Nobody I knew got brain scans for diagnosis.
  11. I feel like there's been at least 5 posting at points. Several are open about it (I'd probably fit in this camp), others have mentioned they have it once or twice and some have mentioned the possibility while not being diagnosed. I wonder if a remake would do Golden Sun the world of good, the controls are about as good as they can get on GBA and it does feel clunky at points and as you said it's pretty beefy content wise. It could also do a remake bringing the two into one game as was the original plan. Thanks Tyrell
  12. The drive thing, I kinda get you, I need to get on a lot of things left undone. Ah Golden Sun, played those a long while back now. How do you feel about Dark Dawn? I swear Teehee is a secret autism magnet
  13. No idea, but hello anyways. I get the hyperfixation, least to some degree. What's up besides?
  14. That's a pretty easy assumption to make and one I could believe. (Watch the Emblem be Alear's dad as well) That Engage attack sounds like fun. Use it on Sombron Meanwhile chances are I'll want to check out of Teehee when the game's actually out, probably not picking it up right away and if I'm lucky something will have come up by then.
  15. With the ring polishing minigame it's perfect!
  16. The 13th Emblem may be real after all. Shanty Pete confirmed?
  17. Well, cool, you found the Spd form. (There's three forms and they all boost another pokemon with their ability, enjoy your sushi fish). Ah, you found out. RIP. Where's my Omnislash Engage Attack? Probably DLC
  18. Thankfully it's not a major fall, I can still walk on it (I kinda had to for the meeting I had), but my knee is still paining. Speaking of, ibuprofen, I should take some.
  19. Well, that was fun. Falling on my knee with all the ice. Such fun. When it evolves: Shiny Frickin' Goat! Gogoat! Gogoat! Gogoat! Least he'll have the Binding Blade?
  20. There's both here. I assume white cheddar isn't sold where you are then? In relative terms really, we're talking lidl cheap pack at this stage. Your mom sounds like she tries to do as much as she can for others and proactively help the marginalised. She sounds like a fantastic person in that regard. Is that a good way of putting it? And that's where we come to the question of systems. Personally, I can't see much of the current economic system as aiding much and capitalism as it stands and even in less inequal periods being where we should hang our hats in terms of systems of production and how they're arranged, but I'm also someone who's absolutely not sure what the fuck to replace it with in the specific.
  21. Don't blame you, Kerrygold be expensive here too. But I see mature, so you pass. The colour was a trick question, though I have my preference for white. I'm not what you'd call a cheese connoisseur, I don't go around eating the obscure stuff and the minute mould gets involved I'm out. I look at cheap dutch stuff and go "Sweet, there's a good amount in this". It'll turn out the chair will be the last one you sit in. Try all of them next time.
  22. TeeHeers the sitcom was cancelled after 2 episodes. Due to riots breaking out from FE discourse Take your bets which one. Man, that sucks. I feel for you. Listened away to it, for itself, but of course me being me I try to look into it. Trying to find context with this song was pretty much impossible, got nothing from searches, I think I learned my lesson. Probably for the best I don't, no way I wouldn't cramp on the whole thing. One of my cousins has converted a van into his surfer van so he can travel with boards easier to catch waves. No, he's not much of the surfer bro stereotype at all. What kind of dumpster fire is it? You as Benice is still legally not an adult.
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