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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. Seems like so far Iron lances and Javelins are horrible, at least Franz has a good weapon, shame about his bases. He actually does have use for it though, because it improves his attacks too. Ah yes, that newfangled randomiser rage. Least you haven't seen Shadowshot dancers (I'm not sure what you have to do to pull that off, but it's frankly ridiculous.
  2. Tacticians! Let's see if I get lucky. The crap half (B) first) 2 each Red, Colourless, 1 Green 4* Nino (But she can't read! This is no tactician. +Res/-Def) Now the actually interesting half. 2 Blue, 1 each Red, Green, Colo- Wait, I was wrong. Apparently it's 3 Blue, 1 each Red, Green (More colourblind than I thought?) 4* Raven (I'd rather be able to pull Linus. +HP/-Res) And now the guaranteed legendary. It's a 1/4 chance I get Lyn again. 4 Yellow (AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-) 5* Duma II'm okay with this. I guess. +Atk/-Def. I wish he wasn't -Def.) I didn't get a Lyn dupe at least. I'd have preferred Myrrh, while Azura is cancer honestly.
  3. I will say it took me more tries than I anticipated. Hard cleared with low HM units. Lunatic cleared with NY!Gunnthra, Camillonsen and 4* Clair and Camilla. It says a lot what Hikami does for me in these that Camilla and Clair could contribute. Infernal cleared with Lewyn, Nephenee, Marth and Lyon. Sadly because my Lewyn's -Atk I had to go with Atk/Spd Bond, but it got Panne and he did enough to the blue mage as a result. Lyon with QR ate the mage, but I wasn't so certain with the archer as his vengeance is actually powerful enough to hit him and possibly kill, the Manakete was mostly an issue because of its proximity and the armour was no trouble.
  4. On Nuibaba, I meant like the devs didn't really try to make Nuibaba all that similar. It's made quite explicit for instance that Nuibaba doesn't even worship Duma, while her interactions with Berkut pretty much tell us they wanted a more prominent minor villain and while Nuibaba got a unique introduction in Gaiden there wasn't much else done in the original. In SoV, Nuibaba's actually interesting, if not nuanced. Even if your only interest is because of those changes. On Barbarossa, that was the exact person I was comparing to. Being elected King of Germany wasn't too surprising because theirs was an elective monarchy which was chosen among the ducal electors. He also got elected over Italy though,
  5. Alright, I didn't think that was. So I guess that just gave way then? Indiana Jones is superpowered after all? I'm not sure the devs got it either. Considering that's a possessed spirit rather than a corpse, not quite in the same ballpark. sen-eh (like in French how et is pronounced like that's not a t at all). Well it's Camilla, what did you- Wait, I'm sorry. You only learn this in her supports. So there's some subtlety. Not much at all though. "Must...... resist....... urge to........ pummel." ......... I'm making the case that he's not quite strictly a Camu (No, that's not a typo. Thank Heroes) Well, after he got burnt by the dragon it both turned more green and spiked upwards..... Ah who am I kidding, I just wanted a dramatic statement. (Seriously, how can you win with that range?) She's going to be that kind of Est. I guess her and Sasha are taking this game apart at this rate. He could do with some defence. Still good otherwise. A little worse? She'll have more defence than Runan before long! Honestly, I'm not a fan. Which doesn't seem like the thing I should be saying. Yeah, she at least has some bases. It's the one way to ensue he doesn't get benched. Jeez, that's always something that annoyed me with the dragons and pegasi in the same promotion line. Still no Barbarossa sadly. If that's wrong, what's right supposed to- Oh yeah, that. Oh look, it's Draco. Runan has a chance of just smashing the opponent now. I guess Holmes will have to do something to catch up. What's funny to me is that they had the winners stay behind. They could have had it as "winners" make it home. He's getting away, he's stalling the game! It's the Cowardly Bishop! Actually, this face is pretty bad. Like someone just updated a portrait from NES FE here. Had to start some time. To be fair, I was kind of thinking he'd be removed only to come back later on still against you. His way...... A sprite that mighty couldn't be in the player's hands. That's why. Thus Rubenio had to sit down and cry for a second as Barbarossa fell. The saga was ended. It's Parity, but it gives crits. Are you kidding me, I'm all on board with this. And there it is. This chapter was all for nothing. True, true. It doesn't mean that Better Douglas couldn't have done things differently. It is clear he wouldn't have though. She got Strength again. Good. I mean, I'm tempted to say 10/10, ut she doesn't have higher defence than Runan yet. If it had move, then I'd be tempted to say 10/10. I thought you said you didn't want a Hero Crest you got earlier. Guess you may have been mistaken. "I mean, did you save someone from execution lately?" Mintz got what he was looking for, now was not the time to keep talking with a whole castle exploding and all that. There we go, it's that guy! I was wrong there indeed. Wait, he decided to leave for Wrys. Is this the time for a crackship? I'm going to be honest, I'm more on board with Arran's now than I was when I first saw it honestly. I'm mostly not sure what improvements should be made (like, is his hair meant to be this uneven at the end?).
  6. It's a shame I'd like any of the units on the Blazing Light banner. 3 Blue, 1 each Red, Colourless 3* Tharja (Tharna. +HP/-Spd)
  7. Well then, Libra. Owain becomes a Dark Knight through the Dark Mage Route.
  8. Mainly just compiling stuff that I might miss on a computer (like the items I still hadn't dealt with in SoV), though I've also made out unit lists as well for more out there concepts. I'm quite able to look into something online if need be, but it doesn't hurt. My most complex is my attempt at ranking the Genealogy pairings by gameplay utility, though I haven't done much with the most complicated listing, hence why I haven't shown it.
  9. Can we all agree that we need to refer to him as Dougie Bowser? Just please, I need to do this. All that aside, we say farewell to the face of Nintendo who wouldn't bother to announce Mother 3. I mean, when that's the blackest mark on your career (Unless someone has a more serious one) there has to have been something right. I have to say he's been a good representative for the Maison de Mario, though 13 years was something of a surprise. I expect he's not going to be out of work for all that long personally. May our bodies be ready for the Bowser welcome.
  10. Bad news is you can't get links to roms and you'll have to sort that out yourself. Worse news is that the only "finished" Thracia patch is crummy and old and there's no recent project that's done yet. Genealogy is better, with Gharnef being a solid patch even if a bit older and Project Naga being more recent and more complete than Gharnef's. All these patches are available on SF in the usual places, but I can't really give rom links.
  11. I hope this is the climax of Alfonse the dipshit. (Book 3 Chapter 4 spoilers obviously)
  12. I got the tokens, time to see if I get anything out of a banner I don't really care about pulling for. 2 each Red, Colourless, 1 Blue 4* Matthew (That's disappointing. Neutral) 2 each Red, Blue, 1 Green 3* Beruka (Beruna. +HP/-Atk) 3 Colourless, 1 each Blue, Green 3* Effie (I could do with a lot of other units. +Spd/-Atk, especially with that IV) 2 Green, 1 each Red, Blue, Colourless 4* Marth (Meh. +Res/-HP) 2 each Red, Blue, 1 Green 4* Nino (A merge? +Atk/-Res) I really do not care enough to break the pity rate. Change my mind.
  13. It appears that he tried some more normal archaeology. But then forgot to make his section large enough for him to not get stuck. Oh I did. Except when Nuibaba happened (That fucking boss forced a reset. In the game with the turnwheel. I was a bit pissed off after that.). And something related to the postgame. I mean, not really. I am pretty sure I don't. I didn't think it was right there either. Then again, I swear Lang is Jiol's cousin. And we all know how cancer multiplies...... I would not call that mercy. At this point, she might as well actually kill them. I never thought Sennet was pronounced like Senate, so that doesn't really work for me. Besides, he's not evil enough to be the Senate. About right. I mean, with Eugen's recent actions, are we sure he hasn't been affected by the same phenomenon as Bad Merlinus in BB? Maye it somehow survived the event and is even now using old advisers as hosts. Why is it always the concubines? Also, another for Kaga did it first bingo: Camilla's background involved concubine wars where the kids literal died in the attempt to get themselves noticed by Groans himself. There were three survivors. Bararossa, now that's a man who looks like his name fits. Not at all like Holes or Pavlov. Poor Marshall in particular. This man is an absolute unit. He's like Douglas but good. Shirou, why do you do this? Wooden Bow. At base. Apparently the crests are to blame after all. And the hints that the rest of Kaga's notes are now being used in FE keeps growing. Honestly I wish, then she could never be lost. Matthis just looks to the distance, disappointed at how that had turned out. Hence why he didn't get involved with Eugen and Albertus arguing. I have to assume that every time he visits Lena he just gives Julian the silent treatment. ..... That implies that Eugen could these days. Dragons are pretty immune in Lieberia after all. Man you're really helping make Eugen more of a jerk. What point is there to the bitter bellyaching indeed? I know right? Right out of nowhere that was. I mean, it is him doing it for reasons other than "My country, right or wrong" though, isn't it? He wants Barker to survive to improve Canann, reversing recent actions and throwing out the cult that's grown in Canann's back yard. He does question the nation and unlike plenty of Camuses does something with the intent of provoking change. That action of course being against the heroes and also implies that he's certain that Barker will be able to make those changes. Turns out I wasn't as far of as I thought. I guess he took his former employer's hood with him. Well, it's that time again.
  14. Claw (what beast he is I leave to the rest of you)
  15. Get yourself an Owain. Class will depend on what his dad gives him access to.
  16. It's clear that Zenith is a world where beasts were killed off long ago, hence why we've only seen them and the flying dragons now. The character beasts are under a similar contract to what Embla pulls though. (Spoilers)
  17. Horse Leif and Seliph or riot (I just want Leif and Finn to support, best knight and lord finally working well together. I think I'd be more than alright with alts for Leif and Finn). We didn't get a lance Chrom, so his great lord design would be an excuse if he ever gets CYL or IS get bored. I will say yeah Lord Ike would be neat, but can he please either not use swords or at least not Ragnell? He's 2/4 Ragnell and 3/4 Swords right now. Come to think of it, we never did get a sword Hector, it would be nice to fix that. Neither Robin or either of Corrin's promoted classes are in the game yet, so those have to counted honestly, could give us some excuses for broken weapons.
  18. I think I have to say the Smash one, though this is slightly marred by his leg guards, I am not liking those personally. Einherjar Roy's got a lot going for him but feels a little too off colour personally, If Heroes' leg guards were on Smash Roy I think we'd have the best one personally and I say all this knowing I'm not the biggest fan of Roy's design to begin with.
  19. I'll leave the link to it on SF here. I find it interesting that the B support hints at Sigurd also being an ancestor of Chrom, though it's kind of weird to have an avatar character be compared quite closely to Marth personality wise (hence why maybe avatar character isn't accurate in FE) from early on in the conversation, almost like Tiki has some attraction to Marth still that lingered and then kind of passes on to Robin, even if she can differentiate pretty clearly later on as she becomes more attached to Robin. It's interesting as well to see Robin talk himself down when he funnily enough he is the intended vessel for Grima and thus has some exceptional and draconic heritage and could know this by the time the conversation's triggered. Her mention of Gharnef sadly doesn't go much anywhere either sadly. Also, I kind of hope Tikiwiki makes it into Heroes somehow. Not a pairing I dislike, but not exactly up there for me.
  20. The Ogma is just beautiful. I understand not wanting to smash the game in half with him.
  21. I see we're really never going to agree on all but Kristoff's then. Not to worry though. Also, no awful description for Kristoff's song? I only gave one because I couldn't find the title when I was briefly searching. Don't count Pixar as it's a separate studio if owned by Disney (And there's more than a few sequels there) and I'll admit I've not seen either Fantasia and tend to forget both exist.
  22. Huh, I mean yeah Let It Go has been overplayed to the point of no return, but I guess we'll disagree on the others being trash. I'm a bit sad you didn't have an awful description for Do You Want to Build a Snowman?, First Time in Forever or the one where Kristoff sings about people sucking. Then again, I haven't seen Olaf's 40 minutes of apparent annoyance either. It's not the first cinematic sequel, what with Ralph breaks the Internet, Winnie the Pooh 2011 and the Rescuers of all things got cinema sequels. It is quite clear however that this is a bigger deal as an explicit No. 2 (considering all the direct to DVD ones are..... mostly terrible). Mulan (which counts?) did, never mind the non-princess movies that did. Also some of those do get more than 1 (Little Mermaid definitely did) Also, yeah at least the Aladdin ones weren't terrible. Actually have both on video tape, though I'd pick the 40 thieves as the better one. Me, I do like Frozen. I will say I wish Hans could have been better handled in the finale because the reveal itself is honestly one of the better villain moments in Disney but with they bits I've heard I do think it's possible that we'll see him get more in this sequel. I'll also say I doubt that part where Elsa's having to run across a sea has anything to do with her parents though.
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