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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. Normal and Hard cleared with low HM units Lunatic cleared with L!Lyn, Shiro, Seigbert and L'Arachel. Infernal not done yet.
  2. BUT WHO'LL BE BY THE KING'S SIDE? Ah, I guess he'll be by himself then. Dammit all Douglas! Jerrot needed something to do. So why not be king? "Why should we have to toil under the yoke of a foreign land?" "FOR THE PROLETA- MONARCHY!" "..... Fuck that guy!" I feel like that should be Eliwood saying this. Has he just started hugging himself madly? Well, he tried. UI could be worse to be fair, it's still improved from previous titles. Balance and map design though? No disagreements there. Also, there's a good chance those names won't stick. Beisdes, Ruminant has already said what's what. I didn't see you being nice to Percival coming to be honest. Kinda, yeah. "Numbers didn't work last time, so I'll just get more numbers. I can't possibly lose!" Still not sure I could trust her surviving long, but eh what do I know. Yeah, I'm unsurprised by her having that much speed. It's the reason I'd rank her pretty highly. So would I. The fact that so few units have as high speed is something ridiculous from this LP. That moment was so dumb. With what happened in Sacae, why bother- Oh wait, we'd have missed the total shitstorm. Igrene is one of those units who is surprisingly solid. The one thing Klein gets is higher starting weapon rank, and I don't think that's a big deal by the end and the only benefit he gets is starting with silver bows. I WILL NOT BE SILENCED! Wait, even I was singing his praises by the end, what are you talking about? Should have been here instead of Dougy though (notsorry). Maybe in a remake he'll get assassin, prompting people to main him and Igrene and giving him Durandal. I'd take him over OJ. I'd still argue his use, but support bonuses matter this time around. Best unit this LP, no complaints. He's carried a Lot on his shoulders and done it well. Of course Percival is a spectre of death in your eyes. Did he wipe out one of your BB playthroughs? This LP did not prepare us for this image. So he got plunged into the pit instead of plunging the dragons there then. :P Now I'm more convinced that Fae being mandatory is worse. No, I don't disagree. The bosses are pretty limited in the Archanea titles, but the maps are still some of the better ones. Why didn't BB copy them on that front? The fact this is being said is still one of the more notable things in this LP. Man, Roy could have been even a tiny bit better and this Marcus would still be better. Too good for Jahn imo.:P And this is how Rubenio gets dragged into the next LP. I just assumed being from another world messed with his magic a bit, it's not the first time that would be the case. Roundabout intensifies OKAY, UPDATE OVER. It is time to give my ranting elegy to Jahn and why he of everything was just the worst (subjectively, opinionatedly) before Anankos just smashed through the bottom of the barrel. Either way, the end is nigh and my rage has been put to sleep for a bit. I wonder if that'll work for them?
  3. You can just paste the link from youtube itself (the one which includes watch=). Also, I have to say I prefer it in Japanese. There's more where that came from too:
  4. Happy birthday from the DARKNESS Overflowing Rezzi! "NEVER!" It's only making Ryoma stronger!
  5. Legendary Lucina? Nah, give Chrissa please! 2 each Red, Colourless, 1 Blue (Of course, when you want a colour...) 5* Ishtar (THUNDER GODS ABOVE! +Res/-Spd sadly, While she at least can get around that that's a shame.), 3* Athena (It's Moonbow. +Spd/-Res, any better than +Atk?), 4* Seliph (Bad fodder. +HP/-Spd, bleh.) 2 each Blue, Colourless, 1 Red (REALLY?) 4* Mathilda (Man, that's a shame. +HP/-Def, why?), 4* Subaki (Well, it's QR. +Spd/-Def, fodder.), 3* Laslow (Disappointment: the unit. Neutral.) 8.5%. 3 Red, 1 each Blue, Colourless 3* Nowi (....Bleh. +Res/-HP, could be much better), 4* Selena (Well, Reposition. +HP/-Res, have better), 4* Ares (Fodder? +Def/-HP, guess he is.), 4* Seth (Womp womp. +Def/-Res) 4 Colourless, 1 Green (Finally) 4* Beruka (Glimmer. +HP/-Atk, man.) 9% 3 Colourless, 2 Blue 3* Est (NO, NOT BEST. +Spd/-Def, BACK OF THE LINE), 3* Shanna (GOOD FODDER FINALLY +HP/-Spd Desperation 3 at last) 3 Blue, 1 each Red, Green (This banner. I fucking called that this might happen last time. CURSE YOU LECTOR!) 3* Fae (Renewal 2. +HP/-Res, nah), 3* Nowi (Really nowi? I mean, I don't want her for anything but 5* fodder. +Spd/-HP, better boon/bane please), 4* Peri (Glimmer, from the worst. +Spd/-Atk), 3* Subaki (QR2. +Res/-HP), Lilina (Fodder I guess. +Res/-HP) 9.5% 4 Red, 1 Blue (REALLY?) 4* Florina (Well, she's fodder. +Atk/-HP, not really worth it), 4* Lilina (Really? Again? +Def/-Res), 5* BKhrom (BK in the hous- Wait, wrong BK. +Atk/-Def, not the best bane but nice boon.), 3* Chrom (You're not BKhrom. +HP/-Res, meh), 4* Laslow (Disappointment. +Spd/-Def) 3 Red, 2 Blue (This fucking banner, am I right?) 3* F!Corrin (Not bad fodder. +Spd/-Res, might have already), 4* Odin (good fodder. +Def/-HP), 4* A!Tiki (Bleh fodder. Neutral), 4* Chrom (I'm not building +10 Chrom. +Def/-Atk), 4* M!Morgan (Hey, not bad! +HP/-Res) 8.5% I called it when so many greens showed up last time this might happen. THIS FUCKING GACHA. On the other hand, I'm not as salty at what I have gotten
  6. Knew this song would be playing. The final cutscene in Revelations becomes a marriage arrangement.
  7. So, I did guess Blue Bow. Shame it wasn't Alm. Lucina had been waiting for a while and her skillset's not bad at all. Her weapon grants more stats against Physical opponents (probably not a magesmasher), Future Vision looks a bit meh.... until you consider how it syncs with WoM (WoNM indeed), Swift Sparrow is Swift Sparrow and granting nearby allies Distant Def 2 is also nice. As for the others, Red has Ryoma, BKhrom and Newmilla, which is pretty good despite me already having Newmilla.Blue has Legcina, Azura and Ishtar, which is all good barring Azura. Green has L!Lyn, LAlina and CHRISSA, so obviously I want another Chrissa. Or 10. Colourless has F!Grima Kinoka and B!Lyn. If this were a banner where others were less interesting maybe. Not today though. CHRISSA > Red > Blue > Colourless.
  8. Hard cleared with low HM units. Lunatic cleared with my tactics team of L!Lyn, Shiro, Seigbert and L'Arachel. Infernal cleared with L'Ephraim, MagEirika, Titania and Ursula. Mostly a series of dealing with enemies as they approached, though at one point Eirika and Titania have to take an enemy hit without being able to respond late on and it was a bit touch and go with getting around the fact more of the team was badly hurt by the end. Took at least 5 tries. All three started by wiping out (or trying) the armour, then dealing with the two mages to the north. Crowd control was the main issue with clearing on higher difficulties, but I figured it out.
  9. Well, it was building up to that I see. There are more long-drawn predictions than that.
  10. I guess she threw the book to the ground. Because Daddy Garon doesn't like children being disobedient? He's not in the mood to listen anyway. You have to wonder if Garon actually had issues with Hoshido before then. I have to assume Garon was jealous of Sumeragi's locks of hair. And that is why future events will happen. :P
  11. Distant Def is tempting, because I have none of these units. 3 Blue, 1 each Green, Colourless (No Celica) 4* Cherche (I had been looking for Atk +3 as filler on Genny. +Atk/-Res, it's a good thing I got one already then.)
  12. The pun name given to Pent already? I have no idea either.
  13. Jeez, I was expecting someone else to say they have more than me by now. I'm at 720 or so arena crests, I want a shop where you can trade stockpiled stuff already. On topic, I think that I'll need a lot of grinding for Summer Corrin, who never got as much of a grind as she might have needed because I stuck with the team that had worked consistently up to that point. Also, I didn't even break 100k because I honestly don't care that much in practice. Also, Floatiki is adorable as usual and if it weren't for the legendary banner next week I'd already be summoning on that banner.
  14. See this? This seems from personal experience more likely on her than Hinata. You can understand why I don't have much of a positive impression of the guy, though I don't want to be comparing him to Subaki. Why would I? First male pegasus rider letting everyone down. You know, the self-combustion principle. Yon'd think that Michele would have learned it considering she was home-schooled. @Shadow MirHonestly, is Krillin a better comparison(Michele isn't completely sidelined)? Asking as someone who's never seen the actual show.
  15. TT+: IS seemed to take a look at TT Mini and say "But what if we made it longer?". Thus TT+ was born. More time allowed for clearing, so it pips TTm on that alone. That and having all units be boosted during bonus runs, Finn was ridiculous in the one that just passed. TTm: This was already a massive improvement over the original. Halving the score total was enough of a benefit that it wasn't something I missed at all for scoring. Naturally, regular TT just looked worse and worse with each iteration. The changes over time also made it more palatable in general. FB: I'm surprised I've gotten into this event as much as I have. It's very simple in structure with the 1 map rounds and how basic the fights are making it satisfying and quick to clear. . It might help that Maribelle is in this one and I at the very least don't dislike anyone else on it. If we ever get a Peri alt......... TB: So, it's simple, to the point and we get good tracks (and Roy's Journey) on it. How could you go wrong? It's main issue is that it's too underutilised. For most of the time it just sits there unused pretty much entirely. I have to assume that's noticed by IS and I have to ask why nothing's changed on that front? GC: This is a mode I could see working if it was tweaked. The Rival domains isn't a bad idea in concept, though we'll see if the new changes fix its issues. Personally, if I get into the swing of things it's a pretty enjoyable time. If I'm not focused with this mode however it is sheer misery to look at. I burned out on the last one so hard I had 14 lances unused, which is shoddy from me. VG: THE SALT MUST FLOW. It's not that well implemented a mode and frankly it never was in a perfect place. We've gotten more upset winners than could be expected from a straight popularity contest and the way things are makes it pretty unenjoyable when you're asleep in the last few hours. Enjoyment is still higher than GB or TB though because those lore dumps from each one have been nice to see (the most recent being a reconstruction of Lyon through facing his insecurities by fighting the person he has a massive inferiority complex with, a renowned champion repeatedly referred to as the strongest in the series and someone similar to himself in being corrupted by dark forces). Why no summer gauntlet #2 though IS? TT: OG TT was kind of the worst. Very grindy and the further along it was the more burnt out you felt. The original was one of the lower points in this game for me, not even getting the 5* copy of M!Marth and all (Capping off an awful 6 weeks with the game to be honest). The reason it's the lowest now is because it's been utterly supplanted by now. Think I only bothered to fully clear once, in February.
  16. I don't know about the OnPent reference if that is one. Closest I could work with sorry.
  17. Well, we'll see when it happens. In the meantime Hinata can try to prove himself a great unit for once. Man, the capturable bosses were wasted in Fates.
  18. Honestly, I was leaning towards Saizo. Or Kagero somehow. Just watch him disappoint, I just know it'll happen. Weed implies a negative connotation though. Go big or go die.
  19. I'm honestly jealous of how good a pun you gave for him. Did he just confess to his monstrous ways?
  20. This is exactly what I expected from Betrayal. Framing his hatred of Corrin like a degree is not you average hatred after all. They both lose with Xander and Ryoma in the picture.
  21. Oh.... I thought I was trolling. Well, win win anyway, I assume Chikorita's non-combat moves will help out. Either way, are the levels higher than HGSS?
  22. Let's look at the bottom two tiers here. Finn: Might as well start with one of my favourite characters. While this is a tenuous placement, I do think Finn actually has a pretty decent spread. I hope he gets a personal weapon at some point. Mathilda: Another questionable one, her and Clive are pretty decent at least. Mathilda is alright enough in offence, though she only works well with cavalry. Takumi: Man, the mighty have fallen hard. His stats could be worse, though the real shame is how disappointing the Fujin Yumi is at this point. Selena: Never was too relevant, but she was part of my arena core when I didn't know how arena worked and just used the four units I started fighting with. Still gets used on occasion. Alfonse: The Askrtrio will likely be out of the bottom by the time the refines happen at least. Norrin: I am glad he's there for B!Lyn countering in AA and he can actually alright thanks to the speed boost from Fjorm's blessing. Rebecca: Amazingly, Rebecca can actually do things. What's more, she can actually do them pretty well, despite the apparent issues she has at base. When Reinfleche IS?. Ursula: So, she isn't Reinhardt. That's alright. The wolftome might be a bit limited in applications, but she's not as weak as she was because of the refine and she's a bit stronger on the enemy phase than Rein. My first cav mage, I did not regret promoting her for the Genealogy TT. M!Robin: This guy was the first 5* I got. The lynchpin for a long time, still used to this day and totally the first unit who'll inherit QR3. Mention F!Robin here, who would likely have been discussed if I got her to 5*. Canas: Gamepress, Gamepedia, what are you on rating him lower then Summer Leo? Canas's more middle of the road stats are not in the worst shape with his Owltome (especially with the tome Leo has in comparison), he's got better skills and stats overall imo and I think he'll be better off in the regular pool.
  23. Monster in Heroes, useable in BS and powerful when promoted, is mother to two good boys in BB. Of course she is.
  24. How does that even happen though? Isn't that nice of him.
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