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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. What with the next legendary banner having Chrissa, I think I'll be holding off for the next week. Free summons do not count though. I don't have Leo yet, disappointing he may be as a unit. 2 each Blue, Green, 1 Colourless (So, Elise chance?) 5* Elise (YOU FUCKING BET YA! Best Fates royal #3! Neutral, is this better than +HP/-Def or is it worth the merge on her? If I get Maribelle I might just wait for this SI instead) FREE PULL YAY!
  2. If this wasn't Rinkah, this would be frustrating. Now that is brutal. Zola has no idea what he's unleashed. The rest of Nohrhido might be in danger because of him.
  3. Hard cleared with Minerva, SummerCorrin, 4* Ares and Katarina (Low HM is why) Lunatic took a sec but M!Robin, Rebecca, B!Ike and D!Ike cleared. M!Robin is the MVP by being positioned to take out Elise, Leo and the archer. The cav is tanked by B!Ike (Who can be replaced by any green axe with Reposition) but M!Robin can steal the kill and Rebecca (Hone Atk and enough speed and attack to kill) takes out the flier. Infernal cleared by the Old Reliable of Witch!Nowi, Newzura, Newmilla and Valter. Nowi takes out the axe flier on turn two and is danced out. On the next turn she takes out the other flier, is danced and repositions Newzura so she takes out the lance cav. The other three are going for the bridge, so I take out the archer and Leo with Nowi and Valter, leaving Elise to do little damage to Newmilla who finishes her on player phase.
  4. But do you have a problem with Genaeolgy? Eh, carrying a Wyrmslayer could still be useful imo. The BB isn't infinite. It's a shame you won't let him return last minute. Someone has to be y the king's side though. Oh man I am going to be that guy. Vandal Savage: I may only know him from the DCAU, but oh my is Hereafter one of my favourite episodes because of him. It's not like I'd expect Yahn to do something int- Wait, now's not the time. First I'll see the bastard dead. Don't care if the saying's to respect the dead, I won't be for him. And she's a Trial Map unit too. With Anima and Light! She'd be really useful here. If he knew what happened to all his family though...... Its a shame that hair that nice was utterly worthless. I don't feel guilty. It's just a shame that I doubt I'd ever get that lucky. Honestly, I think you missed an opportunity to get Boi levels. Also, he got speed. Get more you red-capped bruised mushroom. His name is not as appropriate as it should be. And thus the exp was taken by Miredy, running off with both it and the enemy. Also Gale. Out of context this makes no sense. Really, Humphrey? Just pick a random general to cause trouble- Words spoken moments before disaster. HE HAD A CLEVER PLAN ALL ALONG? Had to happen some day. Don't you dare plan to die. They really did come prepared (probably imported armour effective bows). But does that mean they didn't account for the others? Either way, soon I'll be able to tear into Yahn. Next time?
  5. I'm pretty sure you can. ....How unfortunate .....Asshatis close. Oh no.
  6. Man, if they ever have to localise Thracia I assume they'll keep the translated name instead of naming him that again Also, it appears the king of Nifl got leaked.
  7. It'll have to wait for an alt considering the refine. Also, I think I have to ask what is going on in this. It's likely neat but it's too fast. Ironic considering the stereotype of armours.
  8. Well, Maribelle's in Heroes now. While I still have interest in two other banners. Sheesh. Maribelle's first. 2 each Green, Colourless, 1 Red 4* Klein (I have been waiting for this fodder for a long time. +Res/-Atk), 3* Matthew (Hone Spd? +Atk/-HP), 3* Henry (Fodder. +Def/-Res) So, time to try for a Frelian summer. 2 each Green, Colourless, 1 Blue 5* Minerva (FOR MACEDON! +Atk/-Def, could be worse. All that's left is Linde from launch.), 5* Sonya (YOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY FOR SONYA #2! +Res/-Def, have better, Does anyone in particular want Res Ploy or Mirror Strike?) Today was a good day. I might try Frelia again, maybe not. But even with 0 focus units, far better than the Nohrian banner.
  9. I honestly would be unsurprised if Sumia ends up demoted as well. Maybe I'm wrong. Also yes, that would be an amazing plan. He'd totally be a TT reward though. So, I'd like to pull Maribelle. If Olivia didn't have Sword Uror I wouldn't have anything else to be focused on this banner. Either way, C > R > B > G.
  10. It's a Feh Channel. No CLY this time, let's see what we get. TLDR: Maribelle's here, Walhart's to fear, More BK coming in TT, Hero Rises maps to beat(beat), Askrtrio refined makes warping Anna, Minor updates for GC and Arena and I have no idea what to think about Forging Bonds.
  11. Michele is now a ghost translator. To be fair, it is something that could pay dividends. "We want to destroy a third kingdom that's unrelated to Nohr or Hoshido" ".....What are you talking about? RIP random unit. Edit: Or apparently not, well we'll see who then.
  12. Who out of Anna and Alfonse would get a horse Feh?
  13. Ah yes, the FF I completed in 12 (recorded) hours with a level 50 party. It's surprising how easy it is to get into combat once you really get going in this one. You also get Duncan the monk
  14. I think that this needs a military march playing in the background. It's picture-perfect propaganda! Well, they're not waiting inside the throne room are they? "But what if justice is not an illusion?" Meanwhile Odin and Ophelia are huddled arguing who's the more prodigious mage. Rallyman: the hero we didn't deserve but got anyway.
  15. He has to be level 7. Also, @Dinkiniensis Pontifex, you'll have to pick one, at least for now.
  16. If Duma's not gone crazy, Duma hands down. Even then, still Duma, mostly because the world itself isn't a zombie apocalypse with a giant Frankenstein's Dragon killing everyone else. Would you rather debate with 1 man-sized ant or 100 ant-sized men?
  17. Honestly, I kind of want a link given so that I avoid spoilers for this Feh Channel. It's been a while since April, would like to not be spoiled but it's on while I'm asleep so.......
  18. I sent it in game through the enquiry section in Customer Support under Broken Features (the closest thing I could find to a section for issues in game) and got a generic filler response about the message being passed on. I don't think I would have expected this to be possible until it happened.
  19. Calling this back up because I sent an enquiry and got essentially nothing in response. Who do I contact about this?
  20. So, I've had banner burnout lately. Who knows, maybe a detour would be nice? 2 Green, 1 each Red, Blue, Colourless (More Neph Neph?) 4* Oboro (....... +Res/-HP) Back to Summer Salt. 2 each Red, Colourless, 1 Green (Of Course) 4* Gaius (....150 feathers. +HP/-Atk) 3 Blue, 1 each Red, Colourless 5* Summer Corrin (I can't even be excited I got her. Just, this has been miserable, especially after Sketchy Summer came out. +Spd/-HP is really pretty good at least), 3* Rebecca (Am I going to be getting decent fodder for once? +Res/-Spd), 3* Mathilda (Man, if only she hadn't been dropped to 3* +Def/-Spd), 4* Cordelia (Man, I am regretting deciding to try this. +Res/-Def), 3* Lilina (Well, meh. +Atk/-Spd on the other hand is great.) Nohrian summer has been miserable, I wash my hands of it.
  21. Let's get that salt revved up. 2 each Red, Blue, 1 Colourless (Is this it?) 3* Jagen (First I get lots of Gunter, now more Jagen. You know what I'd like? MORE USEFUL FODDER. +Atk/-HP), 3* Oboro (I think that's +10. Fuck. +Spd/-Atk)
  22. Pretty sure Azura was born before Aerte was married to Garon, but still. The way things are written, they wanted to appeal to incest audiences but didn't want to get called out for actually doing it so did the letter trick for Hoshido and acted like the whole situation with Nohr wasn't just the wrong side of awkward. As for Azura, it's fine if you're their first cousin in some places so that's their out. TL:DR: They put more thought into trying to get the incest appeal than they did for Valla.
  23. Man, Anankos couldn't get intent worked into the vaguely overpowered spell that dissolves people talking about the country he devastated to prevent loopholes. That is the mark of a stable genius. I am unsurprised at this.
  24. Just get her to put money in the jar every time for using such filthy language. Problem solved.
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