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Everything posted by Sasori

  1. I understood the wind gimmick as well and you where right it was a fun map after that....until 3 Kishin riders spawned behind me and placed themself in such a way that I could't get rid of them in one turn. Just as I was getting to Fuga.
  2. I believe I said it before in the last unpopular opinion topic, but i'll say it again here. I found the Black Knight to be a complete scumbag who did't deserve even half of the praise that the game throws at him. Killing a man just to prove yourself better then him is the act of a petty killer and not one of the last true knight. I thought Fire Emblem 6 was a good back to the basics game and I found Roy to be one of my favorite lords.
  3. My Corrin wil never marry the Hoshido siblings. They should be his family and i'm not going to reward Is for throwing their own premise under the buss. The Nohr siblings aren't high on the list either, but thats slightly more ok. Peri with anyone other then Arthur and Laslow. Peri/Laslow makes sense considering their support, but other then that I would think that bad luck is the only valid reason for falling in love with a mass murdering lunatic. Leo/Nyx, Leo/Azura, Xander/Azura, Xander/Hinoka aren't high on my list either. Its not really because of the supports, but because I think their kids look bad with that hair colour.
  4. Your right. So far i'm up to chapter 10 and untill then its been challenging, but not unfairly so. Chapter 10 itself is giving me a hard time, but I almost made it in my last try untill some jerk decided to critical hit Camilla in one of the last two turns. The skills where somewhat surprising. I've seen lunge in chapter 10, but so far i'm mostly worried about defence seal or other debuffing skills.
  5. My copy of Fates should arrive this afternoon and i'm still not entirely sure which difficulty I should start on. I want to start on conquest and continue my recent streak of doing hard mode, but i'm hearing that conquest is quite a bit harder then most hard modes. Should I be fine with a conquest hard run if I did Awekening and Fe12 decently well on hard mode?
  6. Its a very big shame that the Corrinsexuals have so little going for them when it comes to supports. Especially because they're almost all a bit older and actually have had a whole life and carreer going for them. Gunther and Reina are veteran knight, Scarlet a rebellion leader, Yukimura a strategist and Izuma and Fuuga are leaders, but they barely have the time to bring that across because they all only have one or two supports.
  7. I wasn't expecting a Hawaii setting. Its not my first choice, but I can get behind it. I don't have too many idea's for pokemon or the story, but I do hope they change some of the mechanics this time around. My first hope is that Gamefreak will stop being so annoying with HM's. Wasting either a team slot or a movement slot on a usually worthless move is pretty annoying. Not being able to remove those moves normally makes that small annoyance into a far bigger one. I hope they'll decide to make HM's deleteable now since I believe they fixed whatever is was that made that needed. My second one would be that they stop limiting every trainer to 3 pokemon. It made some gym and rival fights in XY very anti climactic, especially since leveling was made much easier with exp share. They did fix that in ORAS, but thats a remake so I don't know if they'll continue that with a new game. And finally I hope they finally include multiple save files. My brother usually can't start with the games since that means deleting my teams.
  8. I must admit I was a little bit annoyed with how special Micaiah was. She had special powers, she's a special kind of branded, has a special bloodline and a special endgame revelation. However I did like her as a character. Mostly because the plot doesn't hestitate to push her around when needed. She has to compromise herself in part 3 and even Izuka of all people actually managed to make a valid point against her in the part 1 finale. a self serving and needlessly agressive one, but still one that Pelleas and the plot accept as at least somewhat correct. I haven't played Fates yet, but I get the impression that Corrin is a perfectly perfect character and every character who doesn't share that opinion is a big meany who can never ever have a valid point because Corrin is such a perfectly perfect example of goodness. I might change my mind once I get the chance to see him in action, but so far that is what i've been hearing a lot. So I think I prefer Micaiah because she's actually allowed to be placed in more interesting situations.
  9. At first glance I did consider Popplio's design to be completely awfull. I'm actually somewhat charmed by it now, but i'm still firmly on team Rowlet. Its the fire starter who i'm not impressed by so far.
  10. I dismissed Saizo as just the boring stereotypical ninja at first, but after reading his supports I think he's one of the better character in the game, instead of being just alright. My opinion changed negatively on Keaton and Velouria. I really liked their designs and I thought I would like them as characters as well, but I did't think their obsession with garbage was either funny or intersting and those are the aspects of their character that seem to come up a lot.
  11. I do like that they finally decided to gave the cast a personality and the supports did make me appreciate characters I dismissed previously. In Shadow Dragon I could't care less for Ceasar for example, but I liked how they portrayed him in his conversation. The only thing i'm not fond of is how few characters can interact with units other then Chris. Most characters only have one of such conversations at most, with I believe only the whitewings, Minerva and Gordin sidestepping that issue. A lot of obvious choices where left out as well such as Wendell and his students or Marth who's supposed to be the leader of the army.
  12. I think most of my opinions are pretty in line with the general opinion, but I do have a few that I don't hear often enough. 1. I consider the Black Knight to be a massive scumbag who doesn't deserve any of the praise the game showers on him. I don't see the last true knight, I see a common killer who murderered a man and orphaned his kids just to boost his precious ego. Sure he gave Greil a chance, but that did't matter. He intended to prove his superiority by seeking him out and killing him. If that was his side goal I would't mind so much, but his boss made it quite clear to Ike that Greil's death was not in his cards and that BK acted on his own that time. 2. Another fe10 related opinion is that i'm not that fond of the character design in fe10. For some reason returning characters like Titania, Soren and a bunch of others just don't look right to me. 3. I actually like Roy as a character. Its not that unpopular here, but hating on Roy seems common in other places
  13. Siegbert turned out to be my favourite of the second gens. I like his design, he's nice, well spoken, reasonably intelligent and his insecurity isn't played as a gag, but is instead used as an actual personality with him having trouble being the prince he thinks people expect him to be. Shiro's probably me second favourite. nice as well and like Siegbert his personality isn't really a gag or a gimmick. Kiragi is also a character I like mostly because's he's just so cheerfull. Least favourite would probably be Soleil for the reasons most mentioned. I thought I would dislike Nina and name her, but some of her supports where she's not a creepy stalker are actually not that bad. I liked her support with Shiro, where it was just the two of them bonding over liking a thing for different reasons. Nina for the subtext and Shiro for the action.
  14. Camilla's support having a big avatar focus is a bit annoying, but I actually liked the Ryoma/Camilla support for what it was. The writers seemed to know those two have absolutely no chemistry with each other and they show it quite well with them struggling to find something to talk about. The avatar bit mostly seemed to be talking about the one subject they had in common. Camilla interupting Ryoma's long winded confession and telling him to just get on with it was also something that made me smile a bit.
  15. I always thought it was funny that you can make Rahjat crush on her own adoptive grandmother if you decide to marry Fuga. Imagine how ackward family dinners would be with her and granny Corrin in the room. Other then that there are also the groans of increasing discomfort, especially when taken out of context.
  16. The Japanese version of the Rinkah/Jacob support is pretty bad. Basically saying "screw your culture, now marry me before I kidnap you." is not something that sounds very romantic.
  17. I'm fine with the Onmyoji class, but I would very much like the sage class to return. I miss their fancy cape twirling while attacking. So far the new dark mage design doesn't really do much to me either. I don't know how the Hoshido classes will return in the next games, but I do think Fates made way for a lot more class variety by having different countries use special classes. I'm not quite sure how many would fit in the Fire Emblem world though. I can see Arabic/Arabian nights themed classes, but other then that i'm not entirely sure.
  18. Roy might go for a Litleo. He is known as the young lion after all. Henry is usual seen with crows so the murkrow line would work nicely with him.
  19. My best one would probably be one of the dlc maps where you fight all the villains of the previous games. I gave my avatar vantage in my first game because I thought it would come in handy. Robin being a god never got a chance to activate that skill in the main game. This time however he did and he spended his time Ignis/Crit/normal killing several bad guys who tried to finish him. Worst memory would probably be the chapter in which you need to escape from Plegia's castle. I always forgot that assasins could carry bows and they where happy enough to remind me when they killed of my flying units.
  20. Xenoblade Chronicles X is probably my biggest one. I got a good 30 hours in and I did like the game. The battle system is good. It has a lot of resemblance to Xenoblade Chronicles, but it changed things up enough to keep things fresh. It also gives you a gigantic and quite nice looking world to explore. On the other hand the game has many things that annoyed me to no end. Forced parties, the mute player character, long stretches of exposition while saying nothing of vallue, a weak story, switching targets and changing your party. The giant enemies that are build for Skells are also pretty annoying if they are hostile. I dropped the game a few weeks ago and i'm now taking a good break on it. My breaking point came at the mission where you have to enter some tainted area and examine a mech. During the trip I was repeatedly killed by a giant scorpion tyrant and there where some other annoyances I came across. So the game respawned me pretty far from my objective and I had to walk the entire way back again. I finally made it and examined the mech after which I was instantly killed when one of the three bosses jumped on me. This became a bit more of a rant then I originally thought
  21. I'm a bit more mild on Shadow Dragon then I used to be. I replayed it recently and actually had a lot of fun. The gameplay is solid, Marth gets a lot of charactirisation and the map narations are amongst the best in the series. My original complaints still stand though. What story there is, is good, but there simply isn't enough with no supports, a great deal of the cast being mute and the clear stage scenes are almost always extremely short. Shadow Dragon being more of a remake also made it miss many features seen in later games such as rescue, map objectives and stuff like that. Reclassing is the only new feature and I don't really like the way Shadow dragon handled that.
  22. Most games don't get translated into Dutch so we usually play all our games in English. The only exceptions I know of are sports games like Fifa and recently the more high profile Nintendo games such as Mario or Smash. It feels very ackward playing a game in Dutch so I always have English as my default.
  23. Is there anything in particular that you are struggeling with? My main advice would be to pay close attention to the enemy range. By clicking on them you can see how far they can move and which unit will be in their range of attack. Its pretty handy to see if your frail units are in danger. Another one would be to use Frederick. Have him weaken the enemies with weaker weapons such as bronze weapons or hand axes. That way your weaker units can finish them of without eating a counterattack.
  24. I think fe4 is my favourite implementation, but all 3 pairing systems had their own shares of problems. Fe4 made it work very well as a story element. The first generation failed and it is up to their kids to set things right. The pairing itself however is tedious to do and you can easily mess up your pairings if you don't pay attention. I often found myself with a pairing I did't even try to make. Another issue I have is that some of the kids themselves are kind of boring. Gen 1 made great use of the limited text available. You immediately knew what characters like Lex, Azel and Ayra where all about. I can't say the same for gen 2 characters like Delmud and Lester for example. Awakenings kids wheren't very relevant to the story, thanks to them being sidestory characters, but fortunately future past made it work for me. My main problem with the fates kids is that I just did't like many of them. Gerome, Nah, Yarne, Kjelle, Severa and Noire are all characters I don't care for. Laurent, Inigo, Lucina and the Morgans are the only ones of the bunch I actually like. Fates has the opposite problem. I like most of the kids characters, but their inclusion was just embarrassingly bad. It did't fit in the story at all and it just reeked of desperation.
  25. I'm currently in chapter 6. I do like the story and the moments you mentioned certainly count, but what I meant was that the story is still a bit more tame. There aren't too many moments like the first game with the Khamer and profiteur scheme, Mephillia having two kids kill each other, Derossa being Derossa and the somewhat detailed description of the poison gass attack. It gave a somewhat grim feel to the game. The new Asterisk holders are pretty good though. I especially like Rev, Geist and the holder of the Bishop asterisk.
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