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Everything posted by Sasori

  1. I never realised there where so many Dutch people on here. I just preordered the special edition from Nedgame as well. I usually don't do that, but i'll make an exception for Fire Emblem.
  2. I don't think it was. The rest of my internet worked fine. Perhaps it was just the European version or I could't acces the stream correctly or something. As for Colour Splash. I'm sure it can turn out to be a good game, but its just not what I want to see in a Paper Mario game. I loved the rpg series, thought Super Paper Mario was great as well, but Sticker stars was a game that did't feel like a Paper Mario game and Colour Splash seems to follow the same course.
  3. I agree that the special edition is pretty nice. And your right there is a very big spoiler in the artbook so you might want to be carefull. Other then that i like this game about as much as the previous one. The new classes are nice, magic got a bit of a boost and I like the party more then in the orginal even if the story is doesn't pack as much as a punch.
  4. The trailer did't do much to convince me on this Paper Mario. It looks like Sticker Star with a paint theme, instead of being the return to form I hoped for.
  5. Well this direct has been a bit of a trainwreck. Constantly pausing, skipping ahead and even skipping backwards for entire segments. It was quite annoying to watch and I missed everything they said about Fates because of it. I suppose the release date could be worse.
  6. Well this direct has been a bit of a trainwreck. Constantly pausing, skipping ahead and even skipping backwards for entire segments. It was quite annoying to watch and I missed everything they said about Fates because of it. I suppose the release date could be worse. Edit: Oops wrong topic
  7. My least favourite character by far is Peri and thats mostly because she's just evil. She's a mass murderer who's allowed to get away with it because she's on the good guys side. Yeah Henry was morally questionable, but he did't threaten to go on a killing spree because someone would't give him some cookies. Another reason is that I think she makes the rest of the cast look much worse in comparison. No good guy should willingly let an insane luncatic carry weapons and yet she's Xander's chief retainer?
  8. Probably not since the BK is a pretty popular most of the time. I did like him for being pretty cool untill that one moment happened. The Black Knight being a good character or not also doesn't neccesarily make the tellius series have a better or worse story then the GBA games. I thought the Tellius series had a far more ambitious premise and it did pull a lot of it off pretty well. It had a good world, lots of actually relevant characters and it juggled a lot of good idea's. However I also thought some of those things just did't work out all that well in practice. The GBA games tell a simpler story so its easier for those games to avoid misstakes
  9. Well my reason is mostly because I don't believe the Black Knight deserves any of the good things the game throws at him. I'm not seeing Ike's final teacher or the last true knight. I see a murderer who sought a man out and decided to kill him just so he could satisfy his ego. Wanting to see if you are stronger then your teacher isn't exactly a valid reason to kill someone even if your being 'fair' about it.
  10. My unpopular opinion is that i'm not the biggest fan of the Black Knight. I used to be, but I lost pretty much all respect for the character after Radiant's dawn endgame. I also think Fe10 has a bit of a bad reputation when it comes to the story. I won't go as far as to call the story of fe10 good, but I think it several interesting idea's behind it and that it pulled most of pretty well. I'm mostly talking about part one and two.
  11. Ganondorf is probably the most popular answer. I like the fact he feels so powerfull, but he barely has anything from his own games. I also hope Little Mac gets a bit of a change next game. Not so much in his moveset, but by making his strong points and his flaws less extreme. The whole terrible in the air, but godly on the ground thing works good in theory, but i'm just not having any fun when i'm playing against little Mac. I either fight him normally and get utterly destroyed or I have to do nothing aside from sitting on the edge of the stage and waiting for a chance to throw him off.
  12. I'm actually quite surprised they did't alter the whole hyperbolic time chamber concept. Mostly because a different explenation would fix some troubles with the current paring system. I assumed they'd change it into something like alternate dimensions or time travel again so they could avoid "Like the adult you technically are" kind of scenario's. I never though i'd see the day when a lord yell about soaking the field with the blood of his enemies, but that was a pretty nice dad moment for Corrin.
  13. Its a bit hard to explain, but I think it goes against the role a unit is meant to play. If your character is a very fast, very strong, but extremely fragile unit, then he'll be kept in check. Sure he one rounds a lot, but he gets killed quickly too. such a character hitting the speed/strenght cap very quickly would make him lose that problem. Bexp can then be used to also buff up his defense, resistance or any other crappy stat that unit has. More balanced units who don't have a strong reliance on any particular stat can't really do that. They'll take longer to reach their caps so bexp can't be used to rid them of whatever bad stat they do have. So the above mentioned unit weakest stats grow closer to the balanced unit, while the balanced unit can't reach the fragile units strong stats for quite some time.
  14. I rarely hear anyone talk about that Secret of Evermore either. The most I hear about it is how it wasn't Secret of Mana. Its a shame since I thought the game was amazing when I was a kid. I played it again recently and I still had a good time with it. A special mention goes to the great soundtrack. Anyway I don't know if Final fantasy 4: the after years is unknown, but I hardly ever hear anyone say something positive about that game. I actually liked it. Giant playable cast, bond moves where a nice little addition to the battlefield and I thought seeing the older versions of the characters was pretty nice. Age of wonders 3 is a bit of a flawed game, but I still greatly enjoyed it. I never hear anyone talk about that game though.
  15. In theory yes. Its a good way to give exp to underleveled units or units that did't get any chance to shine in a chapter. However I don't think either Fe9 or Fe10 used the system all that well. Fe9 had a lot of bonus experiance in an already easy game. It allowed for easy promotions when you dumped all exp on a single character and the system could be rigged too, even if resetting is somewhat tedious. Fe10 tried to to make Bexp more fair, but the way they implemented it just caused cap ramming later on. Perhaps and automatic save system after every round of Bexp and a limit on how much bexp you can give a character each chapter would work?
  16. I do think cavalries need a bit of a change. They're generally amongst the top units with many advantages such as being one of the only classes with tier one weapon triange controll, great move and sometimes even great stats to go along with it. I don't know if I like the idea of horses as recourses though. It sounds like a bit of a radical change and it would remove the horse classes we have now. Personally I would change horses by focusing on their weaknesses and perhaps adding one or two. Deserts, forests and cavalry slaying weapons aren't common enough to give horses any trouble so more horse unfriendly map design might help. Perhaps an anti cavalry class would also change a thing or two? A hoplite or camel based class could get skills based around giving horses a hard time. It would give them something to look out for when they charge ahead with their surperior movement.
  17. Nothing during these days, but after that i'll probably get annoyed that I still don't even know how long I have to wait before I get my hands on the game.
  18. I do think the 'bubble curse' is a bit more solid when compared to to the blood pact, but I still prefer the blood pact. Both are contrived, but the blood pact as least leaded to an interesting situation where your two armies clashed against each other. The bubble curse seems to exist just so they can neglect to tell you stuff. I can suffer through contrived stuff as long as long as the results are somewhat good, but I don't get that impression from the blood curse. I also can't get over just how silly it sounds. I mean a curse that can make any person suddenly drop dead and one that becomes worse as time goes on sounds somewhat intimidating and creepy. Dying by turning into bubbles sounds a bit laughable. I know they have a water thing going, but still.
  19. If I had to guess I would say that the Nohr siblings react in that way because IS was scared to push the possibilities. I think they where scared about the Nohr siblings looking too morally questionable if they supported the Nohr/Hoshido conflict for ideological or pragmatic reasons. So to portray the Norh siblings as fundamentally good people they made them all against such things and are only your fighing against Hoshido because of their father. I hope i'm wrong with that though and I still consider it a waste.
  20. Ah that makes more sense. I never really though about voice actors receiving extra pay when their work is used in more continents. I just thought they received a set amount for lending their voice to the game.
  21. I can live with just a dubbed version, but i'm quite confused about this? What added benefit does not having subbed version give? I mean the voices are already there and Awakening shows that they're at least aware that there are people that want to play their Fire Emblem with subs.
  22. My opinion may not be 100% accurate since its easy to get soured when you read things on the internet, instead of experiencing something yourself, but my irritation doesn't come from the story being bad, but rather the story being a complete waste. I can deal with contrived and stupid things like the crystal ball plotpoint as long as it leads to interesting stuff later on. Bravely Default for example had a story filled with idiots and bad descisions, but I still grealty enjoyed it. I don't get that impression with Conquest yet. Conquest has one major problem that soured me on the story a bit. Garon is such a black hole villain that he manages to suck everything interesting out of the story completely. Why do the Nohr siblings fight? Because daddy wants. Why does Nohr invade? Because Garon wants it. From what i've read I never got the impression that either the Nohr siblings or Nohr itself are allowed to have any sort of stance on the war. They fight because of Garon and his two mustache twirling buddies. There's some lip service to Nohr being dirt poor, but Garon and the story doesn't really seem to use it as a motivational tool for either the siblings or his country. Leon's a pretty pragmatic guy so could't he at least be somewhat on board because Nohr could use the spoils of war, even if its through gritted teeth? Xander desperately needs some non daddy related stance for supporting the war as well. Anyway some nuance would be nice. I'm fine Hoshido being more in the right, but at the very least I want Nohr to be wrong with some motivation behind their actions, instead of just being wrong
  23. One of my little irks is that i'm not really fond about the way gender determines stuff in the game. I'm not very fond of Felicial, but i'm stuck with her from early game simply because I'm picking the male Corin. Thats a bit bit annoying, but I think its worse that you can't pick the gender of the avatar's child. I don't see any reason why you should't be able to have a mom and daughter or father and son team. The female cavalry design is also something that I consider to be awfull looking.
  24. True and that would be fine, but my dislikes comes from the fact that I always thought Radiant's dawn's endgame treated him with a lot more respect then he deserves. The game paints him as the last true knight and Ike's final teacher, while I'm just seeing a common killer.
  25. I would like to see Fe6 get a proper remake, but i'm also a bit concerned for that one. If the avatar returns he'll likely be Mark again and a tactician is the last thing the story needs. Roy's intelligence is the only thing that sets him apart from the standard lord stuff so if MU takes all the credit for the things Roy did then we'll be left with a very dull lord. I do like to see Fe4 return as well, but i'm wondering how they'll even do that. Its a game thats so different from the usual fire emblems that we have that I think they'll do some heavy restructuring on it.
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