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Everything posted by Sasori

  1. Usually I never bother with rng abuse because I don't think its worth my time. The only exception was in fe12 with Gordin and Ryan because their bases where just horrible and I needed something till they promoted. Not a whole lot, but just something to make sure they gained some speed once in a while. It helped that the ds emulator was easy to work with multiple save files.
  2. But wasn't Merlinus pretty sucky as an advisor. All I can remember was him sometimes explaining stuff and being rude so Roy had to reign him in. If I recall correctly Roy made a lot of the more smarter decisions himself like exposing that shaman boss and calling in Ertruria to defend Ostia. And Ephraim was fairly successful in fighting Grado on his own even if the strategies he used in game where fairly questionable.
  3. Definitely sages. I always liked magic and elemental magic is my favourite as well. Having staves makes them even better in my opinion.
  4. I do think that Ike is the strongest lord physically, but I don't think he's the best lord. Ike always seemed like a fighter first and a leader later in my opinion. I always got the impression that he relied more on his advisors then lords like Ephraim or Roy.
  5. I remember a picture of Hubba shipping Eirika and Ephraim as well.
  6. Come on people stop being so Sirius. God that was awful.
  7. Me: Probably Gordin. I'm a little shy and timid and lack an imposing presence. Twin brother: Same I guess. Older bro: Vaike or Boyd. Nice, but a bit of a meathead. Also huge.
  8. I do wonder why they keep giving archers horrible bases. I mean why does someone like Wolt start out with the worst bases AND no enemy phase, while the horses have better stats, movement and an actually existing enemy phase? I know the idea is that archers can safely chip away at the enemies so the others characters might not risk an counter, but the enemies in most fire emblem games are just so sucky that you hardly need it. It doesn't help that in most games mages are better at everything then snipers. This game was even unkinder to archers. Horrible skills and there was no reason to use bows. Javelins and hand axes are weak like in fe12, but one range weapons work in duel strikes at two range as well, which makes hand axes and javelins just as good.
  9. No I usually don't bother. For example when a characters already has an A rank in lances I won't care if that units gains axes because the power loss for switching back to Iron or bronze weapons is not worth it for me since A rank lances do the job just fine most of the time. The weapon triangle is usually not that big of a deal at higher levels.
  10. I see Donny the same way as I saw the trainees. Not good for efficiency, but reasonably good if you spend some effort in him. Its a shame that he has very little classes to choose from with villager taking up a spot and Mercenary and hero having a class overlap. I do agree that he's pretty adorable.
  11. Alright guys thanks for the help, but I do need to say that I probably won't grind every mom until they learn galeforce. Probably only Lissa and Maribelle.
  12. I'm sorry for yet another pairing topic, but i'm wondering what your opinions are. In my first game I decided to play it mostly safe with my pairings, but this time i'm thinking of mixing things up a little. My previous pairings where. Mu/Miriel Chrom/Olivia Lissa/Donnel Sully/Stahl Sumia/Freddy Maribelle/Ricken Cordelia/Gregor Gaius/Panne Libra/Nowi Cherche/Virion Henry/Tharja So far I've decided to do these pairings. Chrom/Mu for two super children instead of one. Ricken/Miriel for some extra magic Sumia/Henry because I did't know who else to pair her with since her list is rather small. Cherche/Lon because I thought it would make a good pairing. There are few other pairings for which I have an idea, but I don't really have a clue about how good those pairings are. Maribelle with either Vaike or Gaius. Both of them give similar classes, but i'm think that Brady gets slightly more out of the barbarian tree then the Myrm tree. Sully with either Libra or Donny. I was thinking about Libra for easy access to Luna and Renewel, but perhaps Libra is better with a magical child instead of a physical one. I'm still not entirely sure about the rest. Especially Nowi and Panne since I never cared much for those two.
  13. Sasori


    I thought he was a girl as well when I started the game. I remember laughing a little when I heard that extremely manly sounding death cry when he's defeated in the prologue.
  14. Perhaps this is a little of topic, but since its a topic about pairings i'll ask anyway. How is Libra/Sully? I know the mods aren't much and Kjelle and mages don't look like a good combo, but Sully can get Luna easily and Libra has an easy time reaching Renewal. This gives a knight with both self healing and a kickass offensive skill without much trouble since Libra is among the first who gets his lvl 15 promoted skills because of his high level and staves and Luna is only a lvl 5 skill.
  15. I liked fire emblem on a console, but I don't think that its the smartest thing to do. Fire Emblem isn't exactly the best selling series and was on the verge of cancelation before awakening came alone. I think handhelds will be the safest place for Fire emblem, simply because they can't afford another bad selling game.
  16. I agree that Roy is a little bit meh. His bases are alright, but nothing special and he has the dlc problem of having no supports at all. Having access to all male classes is nice and Aegis on an unpromoted unit is pretty good as well. Duel strike is alright even though Roy can't make the most use out of it. He's also the only Coy character without something special. Marth has good growths and Micky comes with shadowgift which are both nice things to have. 3/10 with an added bias point since the poor guy is pretty disliked and I actually like Roy. His dlc art is also pretty well done.
  17. Yaaaaay free money.......that I can't get considering that Europe won't get SMT for a while longer.
  18. Its a shame they did't put in some of my favorites like Azel, Niime and Tauroneo. Some look pretty nice, but some look awfull. They could have at least use the kid Mu for characters like Lugh and Ray for example and others like Nergal just look awfull.
  19. I married Miriel because I wanted a magic based Morgan and because of her looks. Its a shame that she is such a one trick pony and that they rarely ever go beyond the science person who talks with big words. Having Morgan come in with high stats, Ignis and tomefaire was pretty nice though.
  20. sometimes when i'm playing trough infinite regalia there is a problem with the soundtrack. It changes from Alvis battle theme and the song of his chapter to just the normal map and battle themes. Am I the only one with this problem or does it happen with other people as well?
  21. Life taker might not be the best healing skill (sol) or the most reliable (renewal), but healing is always nice to have and 50% is a pretty big amount of your total health. It also has the benefit of making things just a little safer. Units with lifetaker have less to worry about in the players phase since they will heal 50% after their kill making sure that they will enter the enemy phase with enough health. 8/10 sounds good to.
  22. Well I've only played trough the game once, but my Ricken and Cherche turned out great. Cordelia on the other hand did't turn out so well for me. She was still quite good, but she wasn't the goddess on wings that she seems to be with most people.
  23. Its a shame that Waly forgot how to use aegis after he fought you. But anyway Walhart joins with some pretty good bases, which coupled with his weapon ranks and special weapon make him usefull right out of the box. His levelling speed is pretty good as well since he only had his conquerer class. The downside is that Walhart only has one skill when he joins and not a great one either. He does learn some good skills like Pavise, Luna and deliverer and some alright ones in the breaker skills, but he needs a few levels to gain those, which won't happen until post game. I actually have no idea how i'm supposed to rate Waly since I haven't played everything in post game yet and i'm wondering how I should rate him in comparision to characters who where there the whole game and have a reasonable postgame as well. .........uh 4/10?
  24. I don't mind gender restricted classes that much, but I do think the males got the more boring classes. Fighters and berserkers are a little boring when compared to flying horses and people on ponies using magic and staves.
  25. I was always a little annoyed that I couldn't choose the gender of my Morgan. I wanted a dad/son mother/daughter team up. The other thing which annoys me is counter warrior reinforcement. Ugh nearly killed all enemies in fod 1 and just wanted to go to kjelle and then those jerks spawn and have one of my units commit suicide.
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