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Everything posted by Mekkah

  1. Wow, this matter sure seems to be so significant that the rudeness must be scaled to a whole new level.
  2. Just RNG abuse if you want that sword. Or if your Lifis has gained a couple of Bld points he can steal it. Try to weaken him with your old Fire Sword or the Light Sword or something so that Dagda only needs one hit.
  3. His stats are actually really good, but his class is the worst. He can do the work if you make sure to put him behind someone else, but he's superfluous if you can ORKO enemies on their phase. 4.5/10
  4. I don't really believe in giving units credit for what they pass down. It's hard to explain why but I find it kind of equivalent to giving units credit for recruiting another character. That leaves Dew as a money machine for generation 1. Money is of very low value to efficiency overall. Not so much in ranked, but he still takes so much favouritism to get more than just his initial load. Dew is just so awful at combat. Even after promotion, he is worse than Ayra at fighting contributions, and I already didn't value Ayra very high! 2/10, he gets Aideen the money to keep Warping I guess
  5. I dunno man, CrashGordon is pretty bad. I can see him arguing with August and Dorias about what his units should actually do.
  6. Other than in Ch1, Aideen can do absolutely nothing on the field since she has 5 mov in an army where people effectively have twice as much, and often spend 4 turns just traveling from one enemy group to the next. Her value completely hinges on on Warp, which can save turns but can also be done by others occasionally, which cuts her credit in half or worse. Warp value can also be replicated with the Return Staff if you bring people home, but then again usually Aideen will be at the home base to begin with. Ch2: She can Warp Ardan I guess, but he can get to the Pursuit Ring himself if he just moves every turn I think. Healing people when they come home from the two castle rush is kind of cool but you also have Deirdre who can do that. Can't really think of anyone else to Warp. Fury or Levin maybe. Ch3: Actually pretty useful here. Without a promoted Lachesis (which I guess is unlikely), you can Return people from Silvail to Augusty, and then she can Warp them to Madino. She can also Warp low move people stuck at home to Madino to defend against incoming enemies. Deirdre could do it as well, she does have some money from arena and selling Silence/Aura. But then again I believe she gets napped right when you seize Madino, so probably not. I'll give Aideen full creds here. I don't think the Ichieval event counts, or any talk event really...if anything she should be slapped for holding those powerful items back when they could have helped. Ch4: Well, Claude replicates everything she can do, Lachesis probably promoted, and even though Ethlin left you also should have a promoted Fury to Return things with. Can't think of a great use for her. Like, she can Warp a couple of people not positioned well but for the most part the turn saving comes from people teleporting TOWARDS the home base from Thove castle. Ch5: She can Warp people who stayed at home closer to the action, that's kind of ok. There's the universal utility of Warping people to any castle after they used Return Ring/Return Staff, but it's kind of rare when that happens. She can have a 5.5/10 I guess.
  7. What part of them is statistically awful? They're not as good as Franz but they have an easier time leveling, and again even if they could only 2RKO they would still be better than 90% of your options (and not just cause most of those also can't ORKO reliably).
  8. 8/10, his joining chapter is like an EXP pool exclusive to him in a lot of playthroughs (Eirika route + not using Forde), and from there it doesn't even matter if he doesn't double reliably since he's mounted. I'll never understand why people keep saying his growths are "suited for Great Knight". The guy has good stats, but even if he didn't, Paladin is the better class. He should be a Paladin. Like, what kind of jackiechan.gif reasoning is this? Available in like 13/20 of the game (roughly), prolly more cause later maps are longer. Okay? Yeah man, you need team diversity. Let's use scrubs like Gilliam and Lute instead of Forde. Why would you use two of the most broken class when you can have only one broken and one mediocre class?
  9. 3/10 Overkill offense with bad durability and movement on FE4's enormous maps. A candidate for most overrated FE unit of all time. There is just nothing she can do that your mounted units can't get done sooner, and you get a LOT of those. In addition everything more powerful than an Iron Sword 2HKOs her, and dodging in FE4 is pretty unreliable, and she's hard to position properly after attacking since she has no canto. Resources she can take to improve this are much better used on people with mounts since they get into combat more often, meaning you get more mileage out of them. Also the Hero Sword is not her Prf weapon.
  10. asks for advice argues against it with bullshit acts like a victim dreams of mist
  11. No unit is underrated because as soon as you post an underrated unit everyone else will chime in saying they've always thought that unit was good!
  12. We aren't, that's the whole point. whase was trying to pass Lute off as a 9/10 simply because she solo'd his game.
  13. He shouldn't get a pass under the "his score is very far from the average so he better have some good justification" rule. Even under his narrow minded playthrough rules, Lute isn't even good at solo'ing because she needs meatshielding to get going for the first 2-3 maps and until promotion her move isn't that great. After promotion, yeah, she's great, but I can't think of any (growth) unit that cannot solo this game with 20+ levels and promo bonuses under their belt.
  14. She's alright if you go slowly (like 10-20 turns per map) but for anything resembling efficiency she takes too much maintenance, and all you get out of it is a 10/1 mounted staffbot that can Torch and Barrier I guess. 3/10
  15. The most satisfying thing to put Pursuit Ring on in Gen 1, even if it's only for 1 map. 8/10
  16. What is this? A boss with a backstory?
  17. He's very balanced in a vacuum. Amazing offense with terrible durability at first, with the durability getting better over time. Terrible move that turns good after promo, and perpetual 1-2 range. But the only vacuum worth considering in FE4 is the enemy density vacuum that stops Azel from promoting at all if not given 10 Kilomias of favouritism. 3/10
  18. Hero Axe takes quite a lot of turns you're never going to get back. But if you don't care about that, Lex is a solid 8.5/10. Not really worth anything more since before the Hero Axe, he's actually not that great.
  19. For me all the Pursuit Ring does for Ardan is saving him the gold to buy it, but he can't really do anything worthwhile with gold anyway. His arena performance is being vastly underrated though, having swords alone does the job for him versus a lot of enemies, you just need to give him something better than the Iron Sword he starts with. Still, he contributes absolutely nothing on the field. 1/10
  20. If you're going for efficiency then it will basically be just like a normal pt, but with no Holsety, and more incentive to level up Leaf. Maybe let Leaf inherit as many expensive things as he can to make up for him not having Bargain?
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