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Everything posted by Mekkah

  1. You should really try to do more planning ahead before recording. It would save you so much time. Also map animations.
  2. You're not minimizing RNG abuse, you're minimizing RN burning. You're taking advantage of a seeded RNG. What you're doing can be replicated from A to Z, but not just anywhere in the middle. If I were to try your Ch14 strategy it wouldn't work because I'd have to use your Ch11-Ch13 strats as well. That doesn't mean it's not impressive and it's certainly easier on the eye than a TAS. But there's no denying you are heavily abusing the RNG.
  3. Since tough enemies do not show up for ages and the bad enemies are in the vast majority, it's better to just recognize that Jeigan is a fine unit for most of the game with no investment whatsoever. I didn't say better than Hardin, Marth, Shiida, Minerva, etc. But not using him is a mistake.
  4. "Potential" doesn't give you any actual advantage until later in the game when Hardin has put his growths to use. It also does not negate that Jeigan still has a lot of utility because he is still in a very good class with high enough stats that he can contribute against this game's horrible enemies.
  5. Hardin > Jeigan doesn't make Jeigan bad. Both of them are really good.
  6. This doesn't sound like balancing them to me. You're just slightly tinkering them but there's still a large gap between them. Sometimes your changes don't even really change anything at all. For example, Aran's best part 1 weapon is a forged Iron Lance, so increasing his weapon level does nothing.
  7. Tana is never better than Cormag. Eph!Cormag is like what, 4th best unit in the game, probably your best unit after promotion? And Eir!Tana is like arguable vs Eph!Cormag.
  8. As long as Tethys is above Tana I think she's fine, lol. But Cormag and Franz are definitely better.
  9. Calling it: this list is going to be almost the same as the subreddit one, except maybe this time Tana won't be turbo overrated
  10. Horace isn't arguing Farina is better in a tier list setting or anything, he's just arguing against the notion that her bases are (too) bad. I actually think Farina is a decent recommendation for someone trying to complete HHM for the first time. Training Florina/Fiora can be kind of difficult if you're not familiar with safe ways to do so, but Farina comes at a point where it's very easy to train her up: your other characters don't need handholding anymore, there's a bunch of defend maps, her joining chapter has really weak enemies, and so on.
  11. That's a big improvement. Definitely shows you've incorporated the feedback. A promoted mounted unit can reach the throne within about 8-9 turns now assuming he's not held back too much by enemies.
  12. If Lyon comes with Naglfar then he's broken, period, and didn't need his growths buffed.
  13. Finished an FE7 run today. Things I noticed: - Pent (or whoever replaces him) can die in the desert map if he turns out to be the wrong class. The only way around this is to cheat or get really lucky. - The same goes for Nino and Jaffar. - Victory or Death turned glitchy ( http://imgur.com/A6pkuy6) and reset at some point right after one of the cavaliers moved. - Athos does not mesh well with the randomizer - not his character slot, and not his replacement. I had Athos replace my Hector (since I did reverse recruitment) and he kept his original growths (AKA 0%), buffed to the minimum I had set (5%). This makes that character practically unplayable. I guess it's part of the randomizer, but it really sucks that this is what your lord will always be if you choose reverse. - As for his replacement, Hector happened to be the only unit on my final team who could survive the Fire Dragon, who spawned with 42 atk and a bunch of extra speed. Hector himself couldn't do anything since he only had Cs in his weapon ranks. Suggestion: Add an option to leave Athos out of the randomization process, so that he's always there to beat the Fire Dragon and none of your characters get stuck with his growths. - Speaking of the Final Chapter, I noticed all the morphs with dropped weapons had an Elixir. I assume this wasn't random. Maybe it was part of the "buff bosses" option? Either way, this has the side effect of that Elixir becoming dropped over the S-rank weapons, so to obtain those you have to kill the bosses without them ever attacking you on enemy phase. I guess it's only an issue for perfectionists or people who are insane enough to play ranked, but I'm having my doubts on whether this was intended. - I promoted my main lord (Mercenary) with a Hero Crest into Hero and when he got his story promotion he "promoted" into Mercenary again, losing 2 con and 1 mov in the process, not gaining any stats. I guess I deserved it for promoting him to begin with. - My Matthew turned into Renault, Thief, but he had ranks in both swords and light magic. - I had two Legaults: one replaced Lucius, and the other was in his original spot. Lucius was nowhere to be seen.
  14. I don't think Roy is all that bland. His portrait just doesn't really show any emotion and he never blinks because it's FE6.
  15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wIr7pDj-S2I Here's a video.
  16. The map design and enemy placement is really well done and I didn't mind the dialogue too much. However, the fact that your characters seem reliant on their growth rates along with all the other variance is somewhat concerning. I wonder if they have some 100% growths? Either way, with some touching up I think this cold be one of the better submissions overall.
  17. Don't listen to these fools, I go to the holy city on a daily basis.
  18. If you play with growths I like Fergus just a tad more than Othin. Fergus seems like a much bigger standout combat-wise in the Manster chapters than Othin is in the pre-Manster chapters. After that, I reckon Othin wins by a bit in indoor maps cause he has a personal 1-2 range weapon and more move, but Fergus has so much mounted utility in outdoors. And he is pretty good at using magic swords when you do need 1-2 range out of him.
  19. So I guess the word missing my sentence was "realistically".
  20. With those bases, especially the 3 speed? She'd probably get a bit of credit for her ferrying possibilities and end up better than most crappy characters, but nothing more than that.
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