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Feh Channel, January 2024

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14 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

I feel like there are too many good units that were released in the last few months for troll votes to have much of a chance to really break through.

I hope you’re right because this definitely didn’t happen last time.

Fallen Edelgard got fifth last time and denied characters like Embla, Legendary F!Shez, NY Askr & Embla, Legendary Ninian, etc. a shot at the VG stage.

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I couldn't remember whether there were interim results for AHR last year, but yes there were, and there was also a truncated preview after one day. Just straight top 20, but listed alphabetically. I assume we'll get the the interim results, but I wonder if they'll repeat the day one thing. (EDIT: Interim results were Day 4)

I can be pretty out of touch with what the majority considers a "good" unit, so I'll be interested to see who the realistic candidates are. Probably more illuminating than CYL midterms could ever be.


P.S. As a reminder, just looked up last year and excluding 5th place Fallen Edelgard (~7000 votes) would have resulted in Embla (~5000 votes) getting in.

Edited by Humanoid
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9 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

I couldn't remember whether there were interim results for AHR last year, but yes there were, and there was also a truncated preview after one day. Just straight top 20, but listed alphabetically. I assume we'll get the the interim results, but I wonder if they'll repeat the day one thing. (EDIT: Interim results were Day 4)

I can be pretty out of touch with what the majority considers a "good" unit, so I'll be interested to see who the realistic candidates are. Probably more illuminating than CYL midterms could ever be.


P.S. As a reminder, just looked up last year and excluding 5th place Fallen Edelgard (~7000 votes) would have resulted in Embla (~5000 votes) getting in.

I voted for Embla and I still don't have her.

shakes fist "EDELGAAAAAAAARD!"

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After 72 summons I finally got Marth. I was going for Lumera (or Veyle) too but the fish just weren't biting. Seems Marth is in the Archanea section of the catalog with the other Marths and not the Engage section, which would suggest non Engage units could become Emblems. That being said, his description does specifically mentioned Elyos and Engage where they could probably have been vague about where he was summoned to.

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Ok, cool, I finally managed to read all the posts in the thread. So the rest of my thoughts in the feh channel:

 First off, the Emblem Heroes are a pretty cool idea but I really hope they'll use for non canon Emblems too, otherwise it'll be just the lords and acatars (and a few more of the most reconizable characters like Tiki), in fact, this really just looks like an easy excuse to do the lords all over again (while pushing back more mythics and legendaries candidates, or they'll put an Emblem Hero in every Legendary/Mythic banner now? for what I got they'll do a rotation but idk) and to powercreep faster but alas, I sorta liked the idea anyway, except that it's stupid that the target hero will get their stats increased based on the amount of merges the Emblem Hero has, this looks like such a whale bait feature that absolutely didn't need to exist. I was gonna say more about Marth as an unit (and about Lumeria too) but I think I'll leave it to the thread dedicated to their banner.

 Nice changes to the Heroes that'll be on the 4* pool, I always wanted V!Palla, Nyx and OG Marianne, also more merges of B!Marianne always come in handy. On the remix, I found Triandra's dance a bit underwhelming and certainly worse than Plumeria's, but to compensate she got Firestorm dance 3, I'm waiting to see her refine. GREAT that we can inherit 5 skills now, do the FEH pass owners get more or we all have the same amount now? They used to have more than the F2P players before, if I'm remembering correctly.

 I agree that Daisuke Izuka didn't have the right to go that hard on the art. I was stunned when I saw that.

 About the annual freebie, I can't fucking believe it that I have only 8 of the heroes there (3 red, 3 blue and 2 colorless) so I have a relatively low chance of screwing myself. Also I think this shows how little I've been playing the game on the past year too.

 I bunch of the things I had to say were already said so I spared myself from making a giantic post.


On 1/29/2024 at 5:20 AM, Jotari said:

Nemesis certainly deserves a do over. Not sure what they'd do to his design though as he only has the one, I'm pretty sure (being a thousand year old zombie has remarkably little impact on one's appearance it seems).

I think Loptous has always been a possibility, but it would have to be done like Fomortiis, using a puppet Julius body. Unless they wanted to give us a design for Emperor Galle (or Geir or whatever he's called now), that would be peak fan service for me.

It's probably gonna be the same design but shinnier and made by another artist like L!Sigurd and L!Deirdre, except that probably unzombifyed. I think Loptous would be great too, been waiting for him since some time after Formortiis (and I'd kill for a Galle design).

On 1/29/2024 at 11:32 AM, Mercakete said:

*grabby hands*

I don't dislike a single piece of news here. *w* I wonder if we'll get Emblem versions of heroes not in Engage! There's some great opportunity here for that! And maybe Emblem Ephraim will finally get to have a voice! I wonder if I should try collecting all the Emblems so that I can constantly have as many characters engaged as possible... (I like the idea of engaging Emblem Marth with Medeus for the lols.) Plus, 5 skills inherited at a time? Good! Been wanting that. Also, looks like I'll have a good opportunity to try to get Child Mark too! I hope I get him as a freebie, but at least I'll be able to try to summon for him with an 8% starting rate. ^w^ And Nifl's coming to the 4* special rate pool! Maybe I'll FINALLY manage to get her! Plus, pleasantly surprised to see that Alfonse won CYL for the men's side! I wonder what IS will do with that... Felix is cool too. I don't know Bernie well enough to care much about her and Robin winning again is a bit "meh" for me too, but only because I'm just not invested. (Watch us get another Grima.) Anyway, lots of QoL improvements! I love that you can read a quick and easy drop-down of the effects in play, too!

Man, all this is really making me excited for this year in FEH. I can't wait to see what comes down the line!

 Yeah, that sums a bunch of my thoughts too (also I cracked up at the bit of engaging Emblem Marth with Medeus, this reminds me of the AR map I saw once that was a whole wedding scenario dedicated to Deirdre and Arvis lol). The raise in skill inheritance is indeed one of the most notable things mentioned in the channel, I'm pretty excited for this year too.

 @DefyingFates and @Othin, Ok, thanks for the insight on the AHR's strongest candidates (and for the video), gave my first vote to L!Elincia (didn't vote on the second day, and today I might vote Elincia again). I'm not too fierce on who wins as long as it's someone that I don't have yet (so please, don't be Ninja Sanaki!), also as always, it'd always be nice to NOT have F!Edelgard on the banner.

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39 minutes ago, ARMADS!!! said:

Nice changes to the Heroes that'll be on the 4* pool, I always wanted V!Palla, Nyx and OG Marianne, also more merges of B!Marianne always come in handy. On the remix, I found Triandra's dance a bit underwhelming and certainly worse than Plumeria's, but to compensate she got Firestorm dance 3, I'm waiting to see her refine. GREAT that we can inherit 5 skills now, do the FEH pass owners get more or we all have the same amount now? They used to have more than the F2P players before, if I'm remembering correctly.

I don't remember anything about Feh Pass ever affecting inheritance slots.

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2 hours ago, Othin said:

I don't remember anything about Feh Pass ever affecting inheritance slots.

Oh, right, I went to check on the FE Wiki what were the benefits, turns out I confused it with Pass giving acess to more summoner support. Tbh, I find it strange that it doesn't affect inheritance, that'd bring more people for sure, I actually was about to consider getting it if the Pass owners had more than 5 SI slots (̶b̶u̶t̶ I̶'l̶l̶ s̶t̶o̶p̶ t̶a̶l̶k̶i̶n̶g̶ t̶o̶ n̶o̶t̶ g̶i̶v̶e̶ t̶h̶e̶m̶ i̶d̶e̶a̶s̶ i̶n̶ c̶a̶s̶e̶ t̶h̶e̶y̶ h̶a̶v̶e̶ a̶ I̶$̶ e̶m̶p̶l̶o̶y̶e̶r̶ r̶e̶a̶d̶i̶n̶g̶ o̶u̶r̶ t̶h̶r̶e̶a̶d̶s̶ i̶n̶ s̶e̶a̶r̶c̶h̶ o̶f̶ i̶d̶e̶a̶s̶ t̶o̶ g̶r̶a̶b̶ o̶u̶r̶ m̶o̶n̶e̶y̶)̶.

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It's not really comparable though because the Summoner Support perk is something you have to keep paying for to maintain, whereas SI is a one-and-done thing because you can just sub for one month and do all the inheritance at once. Only one provides incentive to stay subscribed, and you can be sure any future incentives attached to FEH Pass will be of this nature.

Hell, the last time I did a one-off resub to FEH Pass, I didn't even bother assigning Summoner Supports because they'd be gone almost as soon as I could blink.

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3 hours ago, ARMADS!!! said:

this reminds me of the AR map I saw once that was a whole wedding scenario dedicated to Deirdre and Arvis lol).

Oh man I love that. X3 Man, now I really hope we get Emblem Arvis. I'd totally engage him with Dancing Sigurd (which is a Sigurd+Deidre duo unit.) It would make the unit all "Okay, Arvis, Sigurd, you have to share for now."

Actually, that would be sort of fudging the dream Valentine's banner I planned out a while back: the whole family trying to make the Day of Devotion special for Deidre, where Sigurd and Arvis had to be civil with one another (being the fathers of her children) so that her whole family could be gathered together, and both were trying to pick gifts while knowing full well how things went at the end of FE4's first half. So there's this surface-level civility with barely-veiled hostility between them the whole time. Meanwhile, Seliph is trying to get his mom's kids to all get along. Julia's awkward because of the tension but trying to smile through it and Julius is barely tolerating the whole thing, being the most openly hostile one there. Deidre appreciates all the effort everyone's making to make the day special and peaceful, in the end.

So, the banner went like this:

Valentine's Arvis + Sigurd duo, Valentine's Deidre, Valentine's Julia, and Valentine's Julius on the banner, Valentine's Seliph as the TT+ unit. (Really, any of them could have been the TT+ unit besides Arvis+Sigurd, but I figured IS would rather give as many slots to female characters as possible on the actual banner.)

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21 hours ago, Mercakete said:

Oh man I love that. X3 Man, now I really hope we get Emblem Arvis. I'd totally engage him with Dancing Sigurd (which is a Sigurd+Deidre duo unit.) It would make the unit all "Okay, Arvis, Sigurd, you have to share for now."

Actually, that would be sort of fudging the dream Valentine's banner I planned out a while back: the whole family trying to make the Day of Devotion special for Deidre, where Sigurd and Arvis had to be civil with one another (being the fathers of her children) so that her whole family could be gathered together, and both were trying to pick gifts while knowing full well how things went at the end of FE4's first half. So there's this surface-level civility with barely-veiled hostility between them the whole time. Meanwhile, Seliph is trying to get his mom's kids to all get along. Julia's awkward because of the tension but trying to smile through it and Julius is barely tolerating the whole thing, being the most openly hostile one there. Deidre appreciates all the effort everyone's making to make the day special and peaceful, in the end.

So, the banner went like this:

Valentine's Arvis + Sigurd duo, Valentine's Deidre, Valentine's Julia, and Valentine's Julius on the banner, Valentine's Seliph as the TT+ unit. (Really, any of them could have been the TT+ unit besides Arvis+Sigurd, but I figured IS would rather give as many slots to female characters as possible on the actual banner.)

 Ha! Nice idea, that'd be gold. Also I'd engage Emblem Arvis with dancer Sigurd, give them an S support and make Sigurd dance for Emblem Arvis every turn.


 Also, does anyone know if the Emblem has to be taken to the map with the engaged target for the target to get the effects of being engaged?

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AHR midterms are out! And thankfully no one from the normal pool.

Color breakdown:

  • Red: 4 (Elincia, Sanaki, Byleth, Fjorm)
  • Blue: 4 (Veyle, Edelgard, Igrene, Seidr)
  • Green: 10 (Alear, Anna, Camilla, Dimitri, Ivy, Nino, Altina, Claude, Lucina, Peony)
  • Colorless: 2 (Gullveig, Yunaka)

Unfortunately for me, none of my favorites are among the greens. Maybe I'll switch course from Kvasir to Seidr.

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Doesn't look like there are any blatantly irrational picks, good to see. I haven't voted since Day 1 and now see no need to vote any further.

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Hell yeah, Fallen Edelgard is right where she belongs: in the trash. Nature may well be truly healing.

As long as some combination of the following makes it to the VG, I'll be content: Veyle, Nino, Seidr, Dimitri, Yunaka, Anna & Anna, Fjorm. The rest of them I already have (or had in Wind Claude's case).....except for Byleth & Byleth and Edelgard. If either of those two win the VG, they'll just be skill fodder.

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A case of two-and-a-half men (and all from 3H).

Of the top 20, I only have Alear, Elincia, Igrene, Ivy and Peony, so 15/20 would be new to me. Ideally would like to get a Duo/Harmonic out of this, but I wouldn't be upset at getting any of the 15.

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I'd like to thank IS (yes, really) for changing the voting layout to be exactly like CYL's layout. The options no longer being sorted by home screen tap counts (of all things) has unironically made a big difference.

Remember, we also had CYL Edelgard, in addition to Fallen Edelgard, get into last year's interim top 20. CYL Edelgard did finish in the top 20 last year too, at 20th exactly.

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As expected, all the heroes here are recent. The oldest one being Summer Fjorm and Summer Ivy, but that's just 6 months old.

I am a little surprised to not see the others two fairies in the top 20, but again... Peony could be at the bottom of the 20, with the others fairies just behind ther.

Honestly, I can't predict the final 8.

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The only units I have from the top 20 are Peony and Sanaki, so I'll hardly screw myself. Even if I don't end up getting one of the options I want the most, my chances of getting a unit I already have as the freebie are pretty low. also, it means that the banner with the top 4 will likely be pretty alright for me too.

 Does anyone remember who was the AHR freebie last year and in 2022?

 Also, who you guys got for the hero fest freebie? Or you didn't claim the hero yet?

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I've been mostly voting for wallpapers (even though I never use them.) =P So, besides Summer Nifl, I've also voted for Valentine's Ike and Rearmed Lif. Hmmm who else do I want a neat picture of...? I like that the sprite is included this time, but I'm not sure which sprite I want a pic of, especially since the sprite's just in an idling pose. Hmmm... Maybe a beast, if the transformed sprite is there. Nifl's sprite was her humanoid form, so that's what the dragons use. Hmmm....

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2 hours ago, ARMADS!!! said:

Does anyone remember who was the AHR freebie last year and in 2022?

The previous winners (from 2020 to 2023) were, in order: Altina, Ninja Lyn & Florina, Ninja F!Corrin & Elise, Fomortiis.

Though keep in mind, the AHR winner is only offered for about one month. Once they’re gone, they’re gone.

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13 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

The previous winners (from 2020 to 2023) were, in order: Altina, Ninja Lyn & Florina, Ninja F!Corrin & Elise, Fomortiis.

Though keep in mind, the AHR winner is only offered for about one month. Once they’re gone, they’re gone.

Oh, I recalled Yuri winning one year, think he was given away during some other sort of event then (or Im just tripping). Anyway, thanks for answering. I wanted to know to remember if the freebie last year and in 2022 were units I already had, turns out I'm 90% sure I always had them since Ninja Lyn (in 2020 I didn't play the game for some time during the time of the AHR, if I recall correctly, I didn't have a phone during some months there or something). I'm happy that my chances of not owning the freebie now are pretty good (now watch it be Ninja Sanaki...).

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41 minutes ago, ARMADS!!! said:

Oh, I recalled Yuri winning one year, think he was given away during some other sort of event then (or Im just tripping).

No, you are remembering correctly.

There was an offshoot A Hero Rises event that only featured Fodlan characters (but I believe it didn’t feature any War Phase characters) in June 2022, and Yuri was the winner of that. It was one of the things they did to tie into Three Hopes releasing that year.

Edit: Oh yeah, I think Duos and Harmonics weren’t featured in that either, so units like Summer Hilda & Marianne and Winter Lysithea & Lute weren’t options either.

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Ok now after seeing the midterms I am going all in for Veyle, I just want her on the banner so I can spark her she doesn't have to win though it would be nice.

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5 hours ago, Tybrosion said:

No, you are remembering correctly.

There was an offshoot A Hero Rises event that only featured Fodlan characters (but I believe it didn’t feature any War Phase characters) in June 2022, and Yuri was the winner of that. It was one of the things they did to tie into Three Hopes releasing that year.

Edit: Oh yeah, I think Duos and Harmonics weren’t featured in that either, so units like Summer Hilda & Marianne and Winter Lysithea & Lute weren’t options either.

Oh, ok. I also had Yuri too. So yeah, hope the winner is not someone I have, again.

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I can confirm that the sprite for beasts is the humanoid version. (Voted for Askr.)

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