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(Mafia Sucks) SF Mafia: The Revival - GAME OVER, Town Wins! - Post Game is up!


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5 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Still not caught up, but why is there is much Shinori and Makaze arguing on page 32

Does this actually help the game state at all???


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You either get people like me and makaze though who actively post and interact in real time with people.


You get the other side of the spectrum like snike who might only make a couple of posts at a time but they are all massive in comparison to others.

People hate reading walls, people hate reading lots of posts.  But you are probably always getting stuck with one either way.


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1 hour ago, Iris said:

Iris™ Votals: Day 1.8 (~3.5 hours left)

Refa (4): j00, BT., Makaze, Bluedoom
Rapier (3): BBM, Refa, Shinori
Makaze (3): Elieson, Sunwoo, charlie
WeaponsofMassConstruction (2): Rapier, Prims
Bluedoom (1): Snike
Prims (1): WeaponsofMassConstruction
Not Voting (4): Bluedoom, BT., CT075, Percivale

The player with the most votes at the end of the Day phase will be Eliminated! With 16 alive, it takes 6 votes minimum to Eliminate a player and 10 votes to Hammer the phase early! Day 1 ends at 8:00 PM EDT on May 28th.

(FYI I am on and off working until deadline, so I will try to check in every 1-1.5 hours to provide updated Votals. Please don't ask as I am somewhat busy,  but will try my best to pop in, thanks!).

  Reveal hidden contents


Page 2:
Rapier votes for Prims
Snike votes for Rapier
Sunwoo votes for Snike
Shinori votes for Elieson
Prims votes for Snike
Refa votes for Makaze
Prims votes for Shinori

Page 3:
BBM votes for Makaze
Makaze votes for BBM

Page 4:
WeaponsofMassConstruction votes for Prims
Shinori votes for WeaponsofMassConstruction
Rapier votes for Makaze
Sunwoo votes for WeaponsofMassConstruction

Page 5:
Shinori votes for Elieson
Bluedoom votes for Refa
Rapier votes for BBM

Page 6:
WeaponsofMassConstruction votes for Sunwoo
Rapier votes for Bluedoom

Page 7:
Refa votes for Sunwoo
Bluedoom votes for Sunwoo
Sunwoo votes for Refa

Page 8:
BBM votes for Prims

Page 9:
Makaze votes for Bluedoom
Shinori votes for Prims

Page 10:
Snike votes for Bluedoom
charlie votes for Shinori
Prims votes for Snike
BBM votes for Snike
Shinori votes for WeaponsofMassConstruction

Page 11:
Percivale votes for Bluedoom
j00 votes for Refa

Page 12:
Elieson votes for Makaze

Page 13:

Sunwoo votes for Makaze
Bluedoom unvotes

Page 14:
charlie votes for Rapier

Page 15:
BT. votes for Refa
j00 votes for WeaponsofMassConstruction

Page 16:
WeaponsofMassConstruction votes Rapier
Prims votes Makaze

Page 17:
BBM votes WeaponsofMassConstruction

Page 18:
Bluedoom votes charlie
Refa votes Makaze

Page 19:
WeaponsofMassConstruction votes Elieson
Prims votes for Refa

Page 20:
j00 votes for Refa
Percivale unvotes

Page 21:
Bluedoom votes for Refa

Page 22:
Rapier votes for WeaponsofMassConstruction
Shinori votes for Percivale
CT075 votes for WeaponsofMassConstruction

Page 23:
Refa unvotes

Page 24:
Makaze votes for Refa
WeaponsofMassConstruction votes for Prims
Prims votes for WeaponsofMassConstruction

Page 25:
Refa votes for Rapier

Page 32:
Shinori votes for Rapier

Page 35:
CT075 votes for Refa

Page 36: 
CT075 unvotes
Makaze votes for WeaponsofMassConstruction

Page 37:
Bluedoom unvotes
BT. unvotes

Page 40
BT. votes for Refa
Makaze votes for Refa

Page 41
charlie votes for Makaze

Updated with marth's vote.  Phase end is like just under 3 hours if I'm going by the proper time listed of 8pm EDT? 2hours and 52 minutes or so.

I'm not gonna update the spoilered vote history but I'll try to keep posting votals while we progress through the day.

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@WeaponsofMassConstruction town!Prims does this because I have had you as a slot I'm struggling to read and not comfortable with and feel like you won't produce anything readable left to your own devices

I just got here, there is too much going on to catch up on in a timely manner. Reminder that sometimes not posting when you don't have to post is pro-town.

##Vote: @Refa

Have preferred Refa lynch over Weapons even since switching but left vote on Weapons because I wanted him to have additional pressure on him when posting if he was scum.
Claim is null I think.
I do think there's likely scum in Refa/Weapons. Rapier VT claim I don't think is scum!Rapier's move here

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??? at the people speculating I'm anon lurking, I was and asleep and my computer was in sleep mode and I should have showed up as offline (or away, I don't really know how it works) on discord too, so ???????????? kind of pissed off at the accusation I am switching to logging in as anonymous to LURK IN MY SLEEP

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1 hour ago, charlie_ said:

1000 fucking posts. Guys.


I feel like my brain is leaking out my ears but wrt wagons my priority is probably Makaze > Refa > Rapier > Weapons atp. I'm going to be real I still don't like Rapier's content that much BUT I do think the VT claim is unlikely to come out of mafia in this position unless someone is pushing it as a gambit? Or if he is being super bussed. It's such a bad way to actually save them. I agree with Weapons that these wagons feel dead-endy and don't think writing off counterwagons here is good maf play. I think giving Refa a day is fine but realistically they are just going to get/claim Roleblocked right? Regardless of what alignment they have so it's kind of a whatever lynch at this point. The only thing really in Refa's favour here is like, the calmness they have is maybe unrealistic for mafia with how long they've been a main wagon but idk if I have any other point of hesitation. Like their content's fine but I don't townread them. This lands with Makaze at the top but idk if this is just where I want to end the day just by default. I will say that the way they are backtreading on their Weapons read after Refa claimed a power role makes me nervous though.

Cam's initial catchup was fiiine but the Refa vote=>unvote is really throwing me - mostly because I can't see why they went for Refa in the first place if not for a reaction and then uh, unvote to nothing. Cam where are you at now? Would you still be voting Weapons here?

My read on Snike is souring ftr. Snike, even if you can't finish an ISO on Rapier I really want to know what your read is on him right now because it looked like you were still townreading him like, 12 hours ago and now you're down to consolidate on him off of what I think is one post? Is there more I'm missing? I'm also not super keen on the extended Marth push and think I might've given this slot a pass for too long? Admittedly I skipped the Makaze ISO because it made my eyes glaze over to try and catch up.

I am pretty sure that I got pinged for a bunch of stuff but I am kind of wiped out and just want to get this post out. 

I was reevalling Rapier in my head and I feel like that list post is bad. I also read Shinori is T V T in the argument with Makaze, read him in realtime with the argument around when I updated. I still am at Weapons over the slot in no small part because Makaze reads the slot as V.  Why are you attacking Makaze?

Re: j00 If you think my post is a "collossal waste of energy and not a good post" then vote me or push me! This is the fourth time you've sniped at me and at least fifth I've noticed you dismissing someone from the sidelines. Why is Weapons claim more believable when Universal Backup is a common scumclaim? What's so wrong with going off-wagon when no one was at consolidation at the start of the hour? Yes three claims is bad, four would be worse but is that not technically the case already? Makaze crumbed lproof and ai haven't seen a complete dismissal of that claim;

I hate it here; Refa wagon is j00 (quickly souring) bt (I've been at differening opinions with all day, don't know meta but doesn't seem scummy), Makaze (TOWN) , Marth (WEEEWOOOWEEEWOOOWEEEWOOO).  Rapier wagon has BBM (working on; atm would say just don't know), Refa (I believe the claim), Shinori (I read the rage as real and this feels different from champs. Makaze wagon is Elieson(flaking), Boron (not caught up), charlie (?????). Weapons wagon is Rapier (feeling worse about) Prims (feeling better about from looking at Makaze ISO). Is this a crazy take?


##Vote @WeaponsofMassConstruction


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Re: Shinori spoiler

I'm not really trying to change your mind or anything but I do think people who joined what is essentially a nostalgia trip game kind of want the gameplay/threads to resemble the way things were back in The Good Old Days. Especially when everyone presumably has far less time to play it than they used to.

I can get why it's annoying when people complain, but I think expressing frustration with it is valid.

Kinda dead irl so this is me dropping off. Good luck gamers.
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Cut by prims: I just don't get why scum!Refa would claim such a limited role and I can't shake my feelings of unease with thise bandwagoners

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very unsure at all which of the 3 wagons I think is most likely to flip scum with what I've gathered from today 😕

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ew I didnt know that was gonna default to an emoji

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I guess scum!Rapier VT claim is possible if another wagon is a scum member they see as more valuable, but idk.

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6 hours ago, j00 said:

Worst case scenario is SF being SF and scrambling during last minute deadline claims to turbo someone who turns out to be Doc.

I would love to not start off this game with yet another D1 doc lynch thanks

5 hours ago, Makaze said:

Take a step back and stop interacting and a lot of things may start to make sense

I have the same advice for Sunwoo

What the actual fuck even is this

All right, so let me see if I have things straight here.

Refa: JoaT
Weapons: amnesiac
Rapier: vanilla

Response to Shinori's spoiler'd post on 41

I will say "holy shit 10+ new pages" if I want to, and you will not stop me.

Also, it's less the sheer amount of posts certain people have and more the quality of them. The person who has the most number of posts in this thread arguably does not have enough useful content to justify that number of posts.

I feel like the above claims are pretty non alignment indicative, although Refa's specific abilities seem more useful for town if they're truthful. I'd at least be willing to let Refa live past D1 and reevaluate this slot with some more info, even if I don't feel wholly better about their actual play and stuff.

The back-and-forth between Makaze and Shinori wasn't what I wanted to read through first thing after logging in. It reinforces my town read on Shinori because it just feels like town Shinori tonally. But it's also not making me feel any better about Makaze. Again, a lot of the same issues I've had with them before just keep cropping up, where it feels like they're not actually contributing to moving this game forward but is talking too much semantics/theory/whatever you want to call it, which I don't think is helpful. Like, all of this makes it hard for me to keep track what is actual reads are and why, and makes himself a pain in the ass to ISO (I commend you, Snike). Which yes, I do see scum intent in for someone who knows they can get away with it.

Honestly, my two consolidation choices for the end of the day are Makaze and Weapons, whom I still don't really feel better about, although I would be okay with Marth if the former two were not an option. I'd prefer to not lynch Refa on D1, but I can't say I'd be opposed to it either? I won't consolidate on Rapier today, I just don't see him as scum right now.

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Ugh, SF always fucks up things written after you include a spoiler tag I forgot about that. I guess that's a heads-up for the rest of you. If you write something after a spoiler tag that's supposed to be on the outside, it'll put it inside the spoiler.

You guys will have to click that spoiler to see the rest of my post, I'm afraid

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Guys can we settle on one of the three wagons already? And preferably not force another claim on a fourth player? No one else seems to care about lynching Makaze, so it's just wasting a slot.

For everyone not voting one of the three, who would you like to lynch, between the three options?

Turbolynch is a terrible idea.

As for longer posts,


I don't mind having more posts as long as those posts are productive and contributive somehow. I don't like huge bloated posts that get nowhere or with self-contradicting logic (self-critic here), and while a qualitative analysis benefits from people interacting more and speaking more, in the end of the day less is more for judging content and enjoying the game.

Shinori had been bloating the game on RVS and early D1 and Makaze has been bloating the thread since a minute ago. You don't need to be that verbose.

Although this amount of posts in this pace is inevitable since we have 16 players that have played Mafia for over 10 years or so. I think this game was doomed from the start by having 16 players.


14 minutes ago, Prims said:

??? at the people speculating I'm anon lurking, I was and asleep and my computer was in sleep mode and I should have showed up as offline (or away, I don't really know how it works) on discord too, so ???????????? kind of pissed off at the accusation I am switching to logging in as anonymous to LURK IN MY SLEEP

Insomniac Prims confirmed

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tbh I dont care if people post a lot, I'm prob one of the most behind players rn but I love active mafiagames so much legit the more active the better imo I dont think this game has been too spammy relatively


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  Iris™ Votals: Day 1.9 (~2.5 hours left)

Refa (5): j00, BT., Makaze, Bluedoom, Prims (L-5)!
Rapier (3): 
BBM, Refa, Shinori
Makaze (3): Elieson, Sunwoo, charlie
WeaponsofMassConstruction (2): Rapier, Snike
Prims (1): WeaponsofMassConstruction
Not Voting (2): CT075, Percivale

The player with the most votes at the end of the Day phase will be Eliminated! With 16 alive, it takes 6 votes minimum to Eliminate a player and 10 votes to Hammer the phase early! Day 1 ends at 8:00 PM EDT on May 28th.

(FYI I am on and off working until deadline, so I will try to check in every 1-1.5 hours to provide updated Votals. Please don't ask as I am somewhat busy,  but will try my best to pop in, thanks!).



Page 2:
Rapier votes for Prims
Snike votes for Rapier
Sunwoo votes for Snike
Shinori votes for Elieson
Prims votes for Snike
Refa votes for Makaze
Prims votes for Shinori

Page 3:
BBM votes for Makaze
Makaze votes for BBM

Page 4:
WeaponsofMassConstruction votes for Prims
Shinori votes for WeaponsofMassConstruction
Rapier votes for Makaze
Sunwoo votes for WeaponsofMassConstruction

Page 5:
Shinori votes for Elieson
Bluedoom votes for Refa
Rapier votes for BBM

Page 6:
WeaponsofMassConstruction votes for Sunwoo
Rapier votes for Bluedoom

Page 7:
Refa votes for Sunwoo
Bluedoom votes for Sunwoo
Sunwoo votes for Refa

Page 8:
BBM votes for Prims

Page 9:
Makaze votes for Bluedoom
Shinori votes for Prims

Page 10:
Snike votes for Bluedoom
charlie votes for Shinori
Prims votes for Snike
BBM votes for Snike
Shinori votes for WeaponsofMassConstruction

Page 11:
Percivale votes for Bluedoom
j00 votes for Refa

Page 12:
Elieson votes for Makaze

Page 13:

Sunwoo votes for Makaze
Bluedoom unvotes

Page 14:
charlie votes for Rapier

Page 15:
BT. votes for Refa
j00 votes for WeaponsofMassConstruction

Page 16:
WeaponsofMassConstruction votes Rapier
Prims votes Makaze

Page 17:
BBM votes WeaponsofMassConstruction

Page 18:
Bluedoom votes charlie
Refa votes Makaze

Page 19:
WeaponsofMassConstruction votes Elieson
Prims votes for Refa

Page 20:
j00 votes for Refa
Percivale unvotes

Page 21:
Bluedoom votes for Refa

Page 22:
Rapier votes for WeaponsofMassConstruction
Shinori votes for Percivale
CT075 votes for WeaponsofMassConstruction

Page 23:
Refa unvotes

Page 24:
Makaze votes for Refa
WeaponsofMassConstruction votes for Prims
Prims votes for WeaponsofMassConstruction

Page 25:
Refa votes for Rapier

Page 32:
Shinori votes for Rapier

Page 35:
CT075 votes for Refa

Page 36: 
CT075 unvotes
Makaze votes for WeaponsofMassConstruction

Page 37:
Bluedoom unvotes
BT. unvotes

Page 40
BT. votes for Refa
Makaze votes for Refa

Page 41
charlie votes for Makaze
Bluedoom votes for Refa

Page 42
Prims votes for Refa
Snike votes for WeaponsofMassConstruction

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@ Sunwoo How do you feel sitting on a wagon w/ charlie and Elieson?

I'm not agreeing with the Makaze argument; My riposte would be Makaze is not a conventional player in terms of interaction/pushing players but if you look at the iso it's fairly consistent on pushing and developing reads. The lines of inquiry into reads feel natural to me. Not going to discount the amicability at points as I can see elemnts of that argument but I believe they're explainable outside of Makaze is scum. 

On posting: Do you think I want to wall? I just got out of a high effort social game; I wanted to vibe here; I hate that I'm like this sometimes. 

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6 minutes ago, Rapier said:

For everyone not voting one of the three, who would you like to lynch, between the three options?

genuinely I dont know

I want to leave refa role claim alive for them to at least use the cop and I don't think weapons is scum 

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sorry for unvoting and vanishing, I was planning to re-vote ASAP on a re-read but I got dragged away by something else and never got around to it


Current vote priority is Weapons > Refa > Rapier, not gonna bother justifying this super strongly because it'll take too long. On actual play, I still think Weapons' posts are easiest to fake as scum, and IMO I'd still rather give the JoaT a chance to go off even though I agree that it's NAI. Did Rapier claim?


##vote: @WeaponsofMassConstruction

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1 minute ago, CT075 said:

sorry for unvoting and vanishing, I was planning to re-vote ASAP on a re-read but I got dragged away by something else and never got around to it


Current vote priority is Weapons > Refa > Rapier, not gonna bother justifying this super strongly because it'll take too long. On actual play, I still think Weapons' posts are easiest to fake as scum, and IMO I'd still rather give the JoaT a chance to go off even though I agree that it's NAI. Did Rapier claim?


##vote: @WeaponsofMassConstruction

I claimed VT

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Automated Votecount

Refa (5): j00 (37), BT. (40), Makaze (215), Bluedoom (80), Prims (53)
WeaponsofMassConstruction (3): Rapier (73), Snike (35), CT075 (26)
Makaze (3): Elieson (4), Sunwoo (60), charlie_ (34)
Rapier (3): BBM (43), Refa (61), Shinori (143)
Prims (1): WeaponsofMassConstruction (81)
Not voting (1): Percivalé (37)



Page 2:
#28: Rapier voted for Prims
#29: Rapier voted for Prims
#32: Snike voted for Rapier
#36: Sunwoo voted for Snike
#41: Shinori voted for Elieson
#47: Refa voted for Makaze
#49: Prims voted for Shinori

Page 3:
#56: BBM voted for Makaze
#62: Makaze voted for BBM

Page 4:
#78: WeaponsofMassConstruction voted for Prims
#80: Shinori voted for WeaponsofMassConstruction
#82: Rapier voted for Makaze
#90: Sunwoo voted for WeaponsofMassConstruction

Page 5:
#109: Shinori voted for Elieson
#120: Bluedoom voted for Refa
#123: Rapier voted for BBM

Page 6:
#127: WeaponsofMassConstruction voted for Sunwoo
#135: Rapier voted for Bluedoom

Page 7:
#161: Refa voted for Sunwoo
#171: Bluedoom voted for Sunwoo
#173: Sunwoo voted for Refa

Page 8:
#182: BBM voted for Prims
#192: Makaze voted for BBM

Page 9:
#222: Makaze voted for Bluedoom
#223: Shinori voted for Prims

Page 10:
#230: Snike voted for Bluedoom
#234: charlie_ voted for Shinori
#245: Prims voted for Snike
#248: BBM voted for Snike
#250: Shinori voted for WeaponsofMassConstruction

Page 11:
#251: Percivalé voted for Bluedoom
#263: j00 voted for Refa
#266: Rapier voted for Bluedoom

Page 12:
#289: Elieson voted for Makaze

Page 13:
#312: Sunwoo voted for Makaze

Page 14:
#349: charlie_ voted for Rapier

Page 15:
#365: j00 voted for WeaponsofMassConstruction

Page 16:
#387: WeaponsofMassConstruction voted for Rapier
#391: Prims voted for Makaze

Page 17:
#424: BBM voted for WeaponsofMassConstruction

Page 18:
#441: Bluedoom voted for charlie_
#448: Refa voted for Makaze

Page 19:
#462: BT. voted for Refa
#470: Prims voted for Refa

Page 20:
#477: j00 voted for Refa
#492: Percivalé unvoted

Page 21:
#506: Bluedoom voted for Refa

Page 22:
#527: Rapier voted for WeaponsofMassConstruction
#545: Shinori voted for Percivalé

Page 23:
#571: WeaponsofMassConstruction voted for Refa

Page 25:
#616: BBM voted for Rapier

Page 27:
#668: Makaze voted for Refa
#673: WeaponsofMassConstruction voted for Prims
#674: Prims voted for WeaponsofMassConstruction

Page 28:
#680: Refa voted for Rapier

Page 31:
#766: Shinori voted for Rapier

Page 36:
#876: Makaze voted for Refa
#890: Makaze voted for WeaponsofMassConstruction

Page 37:
#920: BT. unvoted

Page 40:
#996: BT. voted for Refa
#997: Makaze voted for Refa

Page 41:
#1002: charlie_ voted for Makaze
#1023: Bluedoom voted for Refa

Page 42:
#1029: Prims voted for Refa
#1032: Snike voted for WeaponsofMassConstruction
#1045: CT075 voted for WeaponsofMassConstruction

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4 minutes ago, Snike said:

@ Sunwoo How do you feel sitting on a wagon w/ charlie and Elieson?

It makes me sad because Elieson flaked harder than Rapier on a bad day and SB has been hard for me to figure out the entirety of this phase.

I can accept that Makaze isn't happening today though, even if I'm not thrilled about it.


##Vote: @WeaponsofMassConstruction

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18 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

I would love to not start off this game with yet another D1 doc lynch thanks

What the actual fuck even is this

All right, so let me see if I have things straight here.

Refa: JoaT
Weapons: amnesiac
Rapier: vanilla

Response to Shinori's spoiler'd post on 41

  Reveal hidden contents

I will say "holy shit 10+ new pages" if I want to, and you will not stop me.

Also, it's less the sheer amount of posts certain people have and more the quality of them. The person who has the most number of posts in this thread arguably does not have enough useful content to justify that number of posts.

I feel like the above claims are pretty non alignment indicative, although Refa's specific abilities seem more useful for town if they're truthful. I'd at least be willing to let Refa live past D1 and reevaluate this slot with some more info, even if I don't feel wholly better about their actual play and stuff.

The back-and-forth between Makaze and Shinori wasn't what I wanted to read through first thing after logging in. It reinforces my town read on Shinori because it just feels like town Shinori tonally. But it's also not making me feel any better about Makaze. Again, a lot of the same issues I've had with them before just keep cropping up, where it feels like they're not actually contributing to moving this game forward but is talking too much semantics/theory/whatever you want to call it, which I don't think is helpful. Like, all of this makes it hard for me to keep track what is actual reads are and why, and makes himself a pain in the ass to ISO (I commend you, Snike). Which yes, I do see scum intent in for someone who knows they can get away with it.

Honestly, my two consolidation choices for the end of the day are Makaze and Weapons, whom I still don't really feel better about, although I would be okay with Marth if the former two were not an option. I'd prefer to not lynch Refa on D1, but I can't say I'd be opposed to it either? I won't consolidate on Rapier today, I just don't see him as scum right now.


I don't think you have been able to read the game outside of scum reading me, and you and Rapier have the exact problem with "I don't get Makaze" = "I can't solve with them in the game"

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