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Pre Banner Discussion Thread: Summer banner june 2024

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We're getting close to our first Summer Banner of the year! The date is still not confirmed but on the previous years these have dropped in 7-10 days from the day it is today so I'm already gonna start the thread, we'll get the exact date in a couple of days when the new Event Calendar drops.

 Also, I'm gonna start putting tags on this sort of thread so they'll be easier to find, later I'll edit the previous ones and put tags on them too (I apologize on advance if the tags are shitty, hard to look up or if I put too many/too little of them, I'm not used to put tags in threads at all, but I figured that it'd be a good idea to do it since there's so many of these now).


 Anyway, without further ado:

 You know the deal, what are your expectations, theories and wants (or not wants) for the upcoming banner? Drop them here!

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I want Summer Njordr. He's a sea god, and these banners are usually beach banners. I especially want him to hang out with Summer Freyr (and maybe Summer Freyja?), trying to do the dad thing of taking his boy fishing in order to bond with him (and show him the wonders of the sea in order to convince him to stop being so much like his aunt in her love of humans.)

I kind of expect Summer Nerpuz, though, actually. That said, I'm not really sure who else to expect. These tend to be a little random in their character choices (until you know at least 1 character from them, since there's a good chance that they'll have some sort of relationship with one another.)

In addition, I've said it before, but I would love a banner for a lady's muscle beach (with a harmonic of the pale, lean, sickly boys who dream of being strong and muscular, Alfred (Engage) and Reyson (Tellius), getting help from them after happening upon this beach without realizing that it was a ladies' club.)

That said, Alfred's situation and ideology actually line up VERY WELL with how Eik does things (not that he'll be available for summoning until at least sometime next year) so I'd love to see a harmonic of them someday, whether or not it's on this theme. Both are all "Physical training cures all ills and injury!" (To which I respond "what about broken bones or going comatose?" I expect something like "the training would have helped if it had been done as a preventative measure" as a reply from Eik if he's thinking it through. But the best argument? "How does exerting oneself cure overexertion?")

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Posted (edited)

I'm still rooting for the perfect beach banner with Niime, Oliver, Jedah and Candace. 

More realistically I think Alear is a lock. Either male or female with the female option being more likely. Ivy did directly state they were present on the beach after all. For Engage Alfred is the most logical beach boy since he's both a main character and things like swimming and volleyball can be counted as ''working out''. 

I kinda expect an Engage banner with Alear, Alfred, Celine and dev favorite Chloe with maybe Clanne as the freebie. 

Summer has been official Three Houses territory but most of the cast has already been taken. Seteth and Flayn would be an ideal duo hero for summer. Its good for a family outing and it combines well with their love of the sea. Alois would be both a great meme pick and canonically a great life guard, and Petra is an official beach princess. Personal preference would be Ignatz. I think his shyness would lead to fun reactions when on the beach.


Edited by Etrurian emperor
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I'm expecting Engage, and maybe a sprinkle of Three Houses and/or Sacred Stones, and some Heroes OCs. TH, SS, and Heroes all seem to consistently get summer stuff, and Engage is the new kid on the block that they'll want to continue cashing in on, just like they did with Ivy last year. Maybe Annette and Felix will come to round out some more Blue Lion characters, since we already got Sylvain, Ingrid, Mercedes, and Ashe. Maybe we'll get Hrid to finish off Fjorm's family. Maybe Colm and Neimi will come for the Sacred Stones side of things.

As for what I WANT? Eh, I dunno. Marth? Ike? Summer has never been my favorite theme.

Edited by Fire Emblem Fan
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On 6/9/2024 at 6:41 PM, ARMADS!!! said:

 Also, I'm gonna start putting tags on this sort of thread so they'll be easier to find, later I'll edit the previous ones and put tags on them too (I apologize on advance if the tags are shitty, hard to look up or if I put too many/too little of them, I'm not used to put tags in threads at all, but I figured that it'd be a good idea to do it since there's so many of these now).

We could just have a pinned thread about the upcoming banner each month. Kind of surprised that wasn't done years ago.

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Honestly the first summer banner has been THs for years and I expect that to be the case again this time with Felix and Bernadetta as the most likely and maybe Petra, Heroes OCs tend to be on the second summer banner so I think that will be the one with Heroes and Engage.  As to who I want?  SoV could use some newer units so I would really like Mae and Boey maybe Saber too, though they aren't likely to do that.

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Bernie, Lysithea and to a (much) lesser extend Annette are among the more popular characters remaining for the beach banner. Still I find it noteworthy that in all the years since Three Houses IS hasn't shown much of an interest to put any of the ''smol girls'' on the beach banner. Perhaps they think more mature looking ladies are a better fit for it. 

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Oh IS, you really shouldn't have with Summer Hrid, a male FEH OC so unspectacular and forgettable that he apparently wasn't even worth killing off.

Anyways, I can't wait to end up pulling on this banner anyways if it happens to have Gullveig and/or some other favorite of mine.

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2 hours ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

The teaser for the summer banner is out. To me, the figure on the left kinda looks like Hrid, and the one on the right looks like it's either Vaike or Gerik.


I could see it. I'd kind of given up on Hrid ever joining his sisters/goddess as a summer unit. I'm a little gobsmacked that that could even be an option. I'm sure that if it's true, the excitement will kick in. Love that guy. He really needs a lot more attention since people seem to think he's boring or whatever when he actually has a very compelling story. It's just too bad that IS only gave hints about it/it happened primarily offscreen. I'd love it if Book 2's events ever got highlighted from his point of view (not that IS would do that.) He basically single-handedly stove off the Muspellian invasion until the CHOSEN ONE (+Askrans) could intervene. Honestly, Fjorm had the most boring story of her siblings. All she did was play delivery girl. Gunnthra had a mission of self-sacrifice, Ylgr was captured, and Hrid had to quickly evacuate who he could from the Niflian capitol, put together an army while fleeing and protecting stragglers, keep a strong front in spite of having just lost his parents and suddenly had the weight of Nifl (country) fall onto his shoulders, and desperately try to save as many lives as possible. He even clashed with Surtr and managed to escape during these struggles (hence why we find him in such rough shape when we get around to meeting him and those who remain fighting at his side.) Dude handled all that pressure, life-or-death situations, and suddenly needing to adapt to all these horrors really well.

As for the one on the right, what if it's Echidna or someone? The billowing towel/cape/whatever really obscures a lot of the identifying features.

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I am actually not surprised that it could be Hrid, because we got Fjorm last year. SInce then, I thought he could be an option. Although, I can easily see him being the 4* hero or the TT hero... unless they want to make him a better version of his Legendary self, with an improved Freezing Seal skill.

The other sillhouette, however... I kinda see Saber there. And considering the next season of Resonant Battles will have Echoes as the Harmonized Hero's title, Valentian characters are possible. (it's pretty easy to go from "Saber: Driven Mercenary" to "Saber: Diver Mercenary")

It's also fair to mention that Saber's Japanese VA did some voice acting in FEH recently: Validar in December 2023 and Kagetsu in February 2024.

So if we consider these 2 titles, could the Harmonized Hero be Echoes & Heroes?

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Posted (edited)

Oh, the silhouettes! I'll respond to the previous posts on the topic a bit later, haven't even read it all yet.

 Well, I agree the left figure looks like Hríd, with those shoulder pads and two small portions of hair on the front that are a bit longer than the rest, it sure looks like him! Glad he wasn't forgotten.

 The other one... I'd guess Sully, maybe Equidna. Looks like a (buff) woman (please, tell me that they're doing a buff women summer banner) but It's equally possible to be a man (not sure if they tend to care about height positioning when placing the figures besides one another but this one on the right being taller than Hríd tells me it could be a man too).

 EDIT: I agree with@Diovani Bressan that it looks a lot like Saber too (also, nice one on the ephitet), the silhuette seems to have an utility belt and something on the forearms just like him. Man, if they do Valentia here it'll be a hell of a banner (+ Hríd!), and summer is pretty far from being my favorite banner theme.

If it's NOT a women then... Gerome? 

 Man, now that I thought about Gerome, I realized I'd kill for Summer Cherche using a bathing suit that has a hole on the back like her dress...

 Also, let's see if someone finally gets a volley ball as weapon this year or not!

Edited by ARMADS!!!
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While not on this banner per se I think Arval might be a good candidate for a beach banner. Perhaps not for fanservice since I'm not sure where their outfit ends and skin begins, or if they even can put on a bathing suit, but in terms of character he'd fit well with Summer Shez and other Summer Shez.

Shez and Arval are close so the idea of him spending time goofing off on the beach with their partners in destiny is actually pretty cute. Heroes Arval mentions that unlike his Fodlan self he actually has a body so it be in character of him to be super giddy about getting to hang out with Shez. 

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Hrid being here would be nice since I like him, and yeah I kind of see Saber which would make me happy since like I said I could do with some newer SoV units and Saber would be my top pick.

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I don't think the figure on the right is Jeorge

But for some reason I keep on seeing Jeorge

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I’m pretty confident that’s Hrid on the left. Given the rest of his family has had summer alts, it makes perfect sense that he would as well. But it doesn’t always work out that way… *looks at the last spring banner and the lack of Karel*

I’m much less confident about the figure on the right, but I suspect it is a man. I REALLY hope it Vaike. It’s about time he was added to Heroes in some form.

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After seeing someone in Reddit compare the right silhouette with Vaike's portrait... I'm more convinced of it. It's more or less the same pose.

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19 minutes ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

The two mystery characters were revealed, and...


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They were Hrid and Vaike.


That means every member of Awakening's playable cast is in Heroes in some form, considering Kellam and Noire have alts.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, I know the new one's for July, but I figured I'd post it here. I saw the silhouettes and the one on the left might just be Clanne (in a hat. You can see his little braid on the right side of his head, our left.) As for the right, it looks like Petra to me. I can't think of anyone else off the top of my head who has a giant side braid ponytail like that.

Man, if it's Clanne, then I'll need to summon him...and Celica. Because Warp Ragnarok Clanne was my absolute go-to for a while in Engage (then Soren's bracelet got fused to his wrist.) and I want to recreate that here in Heroes. Okay, so, first step: summon Celica. In progress on that front.

(I also still need Valentine's Lyon+Eirika, another copy of Summer Hrid, and Summer Nerpuz. Ugh, my orb supply...)

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1 hour ago, Mercakete said:

Well, I know the new one's for July, but I figured I'd post it here. I saw the silhouettes and the one on the left might just be Clanne (in a hat. You can see his little braid on the right side of his head, our left.) As for the right, it looks like Petra to me. I can't think of anyone else off the top of my head who has a giant side braid ponytail like that.

The left silhouette is very likely to be Clanne. Leonardo was given Clanne’s Japanese voice actor, and I doubt IS contracted that voice actor to only voice a random Tellius character.

These days, IS tends to have voice actors (in either language) double dip whenever they can. ENG Leonardo & ENG Eikbyrnir have the same actor, and so do JAP Arlen & JAP Edward and JAP Yukimura & JAP Jarod.

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Posted (edited)

That's definitely Clanne. Not only does he get the braid but we also see a pickle jar on his belt. 

The other one is just as clearly Petra. I'm surprised it took this long for them to give a beach alt to the literal beach princess. 

Given who we see its likely the banner is going to be an Engage/Beagle one. Bernie and Monica are safe suggestions as the only females remaining, and Hubert could be a joke pick ala Lorenz. For Engage female Alear is definitely the main Engage representative. 

The dream summer add


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Posted (edited)

Well, I predicted that the summer banners this year were gonna have Heroes OCs, Engage, and Three Houses, and here we are. The first one had Heroes OCs, and the next one is pretty clearly getting Engage and Three Houses, if those silhouettes they posted yesterday are anything to go by. What a shocking surprise.

Edit: The silhouettes were indeed Petra from Three Houses, and Clanne from Engage.

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