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Story Recruitment

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Hello everybody!

Sooo me and Lyle are going to co-write a new story and we're looking for volunteers for characters. For the most part we're recruiting ally characters, but we will admit a few members as villains by request.

This story will be:

-CHANGE: PROSE Please note that I made this change NOT because people wouldn't quit arguing but because I started to write the first episode and it just wasn't working.

-Based off various series, and including various familiar characters (as in-character as possible)


-More plot than jokes (though there will be jokes.)

so if you don't like any of those things don't bother volunteering.

If you don't like character insertion, remember that you do not have to read it, and if you do read it, you may criticize, but not just "It sucks because it's not all your own characters".

If you'd like to be in, please post:

Character name (if different from your username)

Species (For the most part, Beorc/Laguz/Branded for this one unless you really want to be something else)

Class or Weapons and fighting style (Either a FE-style class, or you can invent your own class like me and Lyle sort of did)

If you want to be included as a villain or have any other specifications or questions, just PM me.

Thank you! :D

So far:














Edited by Kiryn
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Character name: Bizz

Species: Beorc

Class: Swordmaster


Thought about being Branded, but nah

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If you'd like to be in, please post:

Character name (if different from your username)

Species (For the most part, Beorc/Laguz/Branded for this one unless you really want to be something else)

Class or Weapons and fighting style (Either a FE-style class, or you can invent your own class like me and Lyle sort of did)

If you want to be included as a villain or have any other specifications or questions, just PM me.

oohoohoohoohoohoohooh I think I wanna be... well I'd like to be a vampire but I can't really imagine myself being one... And I don't think anyone else would either XD ... Might be hard to work with also... I'll consider longer about vampire, but if not, then for now:

Name: Ameryll I suppose...

Species: Beorc if not Laguz

Class: Myrmidon if not to be Vampire... If I choose vampire I will describe how I invision the way they battle.

Hmm... If I were a vampire... I know that wouldn't have to be evil, but... I think evil would be the only way for it to fit, so... hm...

I guess that's it then.

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I most certainly concur! Not to mention this whole forum member insertion business. Kiryn, on this new year of 2009, you have awakened a nasty foe indeed.


Edited by Man of the Year!
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It won't be a problem if they enter and leave the story at different times. (Not everyone will be present for the duration of the story.)

This part of the post no longer makes sense

I'd also point out that if anyone starts to spam the story topic, I'll close it with each new post.

Edited by Kiryn
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If you don't like it don't volunteer, don't read it, don't complain.

When someone says this is really annoys me, because you want me to ignore it. If I don't like it, I'll complain if I want to, and I'll read it if I want to. Just because you don't like it it doesn't mean you won't want to read it. Let's face it, if there was a fat, naked person standing in the middle of a room you'd have to look once. You know it's bad you'll look anyway.

Not that I'm comparing your story to a fat, naked person, I'm just... using it as an example.

Aaaanyway, just make it a -good- script-fic if you're going to make one. And make sure you don't have people saying "squeee! that's totally what i'd say!" in your topic


I don't see how there's a problem with script...

I don't like scripts because they're somewhat easy to make and have self-insetion wirtten all over it. Not to mention half the characters are mary-sues and the dialogue is cliche. If you're going to make a good one, great! Good for you.

I might also add that scripts are quite boring to read since it's (almost) nothing but dialogue, and the description of the actions is often very poor. Example:

Char1: *swings sword at Char2*

Char2: Argh!

Whereas it could have been:

Char1 swung his sword at Char2, hitting him in the chest with great force. Char2 yelled in pain.

Joint prose projects can work, as well. Australian authors Paul Jennings and Morris Gleitzman have done two books as joint projects. They each took turns in writing their own chapters, from two characters' point of view. This way, writing styles do not have to match AND you can write in prose.

Again, if this is going to be good, then fine.

Edited by Wander
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Three Myrmidon/Swordmasters in a row.


.............. In that case....... Okay, I'm putting down my final decision soon. I just need time to figure out all the info I need.

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If by "good" you mean it has a decent plot rather than being a collection of gags, yes.

And well written, with close attention to spelling and grammar, and proper writing technique... and yes, there is a proper way to write a script, which most people fail at doing (Which is funny).

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And well written, with close attention to spelling and grammar, and proper writing technique... and yes, there is a proper way to write a script, which most people fail at doing (Which is funny).

I had to write a script in reading class one time in sixth grade on a quiz.

After it was graded, the teacher pointed out that I was the only one in the class who knew what a script was.

... :D

So, scripts help out in life sometimes~

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