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Style doesn't really matter to me so long as the story itself is good.

If you'd rather Kiryn, I could go for normal format instead of script. I was thinking about doing the shift after my current story anyway.

*Signs up. Even though it goes without saying.*

Also, it doesn't matter if everyone is a swordmaster. At least not to me.

Edited by Lyle Dayek
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Style doesn't really matter to me so long as the story itself is good.

WRONG! Style is important. After all, how can you convey a good story with using the right style? On the other hand, what is the point of having a good style without a story to tell. Story and style both need each other.

Just sayin'

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WRONG! Style is important. After all, how can you convey a good story with using the right style? On the other hand, what is the point of having a good style without a story to tell. Story and style both need each other.

Just sayin'

Not really. Style is a side effect of the story. Finding which style the story works in is more important. Some stories are better suited for script, some are not.

The style is not as important as the story.

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Not really. Style is a side effect of the story. Finding which style the story works in is more important. Some stories are better suited for script, some are not.

The style is not as important as the story.

Plays, films and TV shows are where scripts belong, and more importantly, what scripts were designed for. Written stories need to be written in a style that can accommodate the necessaries. And though you go on about the importance of story (Which I agree with, but bad style can hamper the story)... judging from the fact this story is doing forum member insertions, I highly doubt the story will be that good... you cannot just get good, well developed characters by making a topic asking others to do it for you.

And without good characters, the story cannot be good. (Since characters are the core of the story.) Hence why forum member insertion in this case is a very bad idea.

Edited by Man of the Year!
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Plays, films and TV shows are where scripts belong, and more importantly, what scripts were designed for. Written stories need to be written in a style that can accommodate the necessaries. And though you go on about the importance of story (Which I agree with, but bad style can hamper the story)... judging from the fact this story is doing forum member insertions, I highly doubt the story will be that good... you cannot just get good, well developed characters by making a topic asking others to do it for you.

And without good characters, the story cannot be good. (Since characters are the core of the story.)

Who says that we're only using characters from this topic though?

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Who says that we're only using characters from this topic though?

Well then, prove me wrong. Let's have a peek of your main protagonist.

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Quit arguing everyone please.

(section deleted from post because it no longer applies)

There will be a main group of protagonists that the story will follow, a few of whom will be SF users. Before you make any accusations, neither Lyle nor I will be in this core group. There will be original characters on both ally and enemy sides.

Edited by Kiryn
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I'll just say this now that in writing, style and story go together. You can have the most awesome story evar but if you don't convey it right then no one's going to like it.

Side Note: I'm not with Shuuda in this but I am in agreement in many of his views

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I'll just say this now that in writing, style and story go together. You can have the most awesome story evar but if you don't convey it right then no one's going to like it.

Side Note: I'm not with Shuuda in this but I am in agreement in many of his views

That doesn't mean that one style is better than the other though. Who's to say that our story will not work script style?

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1. Bianchi isn't around.

2. Masu is being lame.

3. Princess is offline.

4. I don't have the current money to pay Fireman.

Those are the most likely reasons for the lack of them right now.

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I'm gonna have to semi agree with Shuuda and Wander. Script format is not good for Written Works. It was designed for things such as TV shows, with the inherent assumption that they will have the visual props. That is what a script is for. Ever wonder why you never see anyone release a novel in script form?

And forum member insertion is just lulzy.

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-pays Fireman-


You put it in FFtF, so I think you'll have to live with the consequences of your actions now. :D

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You put it in FFtF, so I think you'll have to live with the consequences of your actions now. :D


There. Deal with those consequences.

*Gets arrested.*

*Sings Bohemian Rhapsodhey.*

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Okay, let's see if I can get this now... hee hee, I'm back! =)

... The description may be long...

Name: Ameryll

Species: Laguz

Class: Vampire -

Of course, vapmires' fangs will be their (my) weapon. Vampires will have more advantage when in their human-like form because their fangs never leave them. The strength will be weakened slightly when not as bats...

I was thinking that since vampires would probably hold their prey after their bite, that once they have bitten someone, they hold them. To describe this FE gamewise... When they actually bite into the prey, that is when they do the most damage. Then when in the next "turn," comes, they may still hold the prey, depending on one factor. If the vampire's strength (which, again, differs between which form it's in, stronger in bat form) is stronger than they prey's strength, then they will hold it for the next turn. But the strength of the vampire... I guess you could say, decreases by 1 each turn. If the prey's strength is higher though, the vampire will not be able to hold it and they prey breaks free. If the vampire is able to keep hold of the victim, it will not be able to quit unless it is attacked. Then the victim will be released. During each turn it holds the prey, it will do less damage than the first turn. It will do one-third the strength of the damage it did the first turn.

They will be similar to normal vampires, but different in a way. They will be bats when they transform, but unlike the typical vampires (and more like FE laguz) they will have bat wings when in their human-like forms...

... I have a certain detail, but that is describing how they look, so... if it's script I don't think it will be needed, so...

Do you think you will be able to include this in the story or does it seem... too complicated?

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Okay, let's see if I can get this now... hee hee, I'm back! =)

... The description may be long...

Name: Ameryll

Species: Laguz

Class: Vampire -

Of course, vapmires' fangs will be their (my) weapon. Vampires will have more advantage when in their human-like form because their fangs never leave them. The strength will be weakened slightly when not as bats...

I was thinking that since vampires would probably hold their prey after their bite, that once they have bitten someone, they hold them. To describe this FE gamewise... When they actually bite into the prey, that is when they do the most damage. Then when in the next "turn," comes, they may still hold the prey, depending on one factor. If the vampire's strength (which, again, differs between which form it's in, stronger in bat form) is stronger than they prey's strength, then they will hold it for the next turn. But the strength of the vampire... I guess you could say, decreases by 1 each turn. If the prey's strength is higher though, the vampire will not be able to hold it and they prey breaks free. If the vampire is able to keep hold of the victim, it will not be able to quit unless it is attacked. Then the victim will be released. During each turn it holds the prey, it will do less damage than the first turn. It will do one-third the strength of the damage it did the first turn.

They will be similar to normal vampires, but different in a way. They will be bats when they transform, but unlike the typical vampires (and more like FE laguz) they will have bat wings when in their human-like forms...

... I have a certain detail, but that is describing how they look, so... if it's script I don't think it will be needed, so...

Do you think you will be able to include this in the story or does it seem... too complicated?

I like it.

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