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And for FE9, a blue Laguz Stone appears on the item list without being referred to as unused. Is that a mistake, or do blue Laguz Stones actually exist?

I think so. I seem to recall you use a regular Laguz Stone once and it becomes blue.

Gaiden class growth rates page lists HP at 150, which I thought seemed suspect. Checking the Pegasus Knight page, it says instead that the HP growth rate is 100.

I was told by Nitrodon (who worked out the item drop rates and other things that require complicated hacking) that they have 150% HP growth. I checked a bunch of Level 5 and 7 Dracozombies and 150% HP growth seems to be correct (Level 5 ones have 46 HP and Level 7 ones have 49).

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Not sure if this has already been mentioned before, but here it is anyway.

I found the Silence staff in the square as highlighted in red in the following image:


- leading me to think that this image map is a little off, at least where the Silence staff is concerned. I'm not using an emulator so I can't savestate to do some more research into this.

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Guest Deu fan
:facepalm: In the fe2 class intro, you said demon fighters promote into villagers. call me crazy, but that isn't right.
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In the FE10 Talk conversations: http://www.serenesforest.net/fe10/script/talk.html

You have the following for Ilyana and Zihark in 1-5:

Ilyana and Zihark

Ilyana: Ah...

Zihark: Ilyana! It's been a while.

Ilyana: Too long, Zihark...

Zihark: So you remember my name!

Ilyana: How could I forget you, Zihark? Why, I think of you often! You treated me to food...glorious food... On separate occasions! But who's counting?

Zihark: Apparently, you are. And now, might I request something in return?

Ilyana: Well, um, yes. What exactly did you have in mind?

Zihark: For you, something sweet! You join our merry band, and together, we fight for Daein's freedom. I'm counting on you, my dear. You wouldn't want to disappoint me, would you?

Ilyana: ...Ah...er... What?

The bolded area should say: "On 23 separate occasions!",not "On separate occasions!"

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  • 2 weeks later...

Me? Die? Price Ephraim, you misunderstand me. I have no intention of dying. Madness though it may be, I will be the one doing the killing today.

Page: http://www.serenesforest.net/fe8/boss_convos.htm

Error: Should be "Prince", I think. *is ready for some crazy explanation as to why it's actually 'Price'*

Edited by Luffy
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Page: http://www.serenesforest.net/fe8/boss_convos.htm

Error: Should be "Prince", I think. *is ready for some crazy explanation as to why it's actually 'Price'*

Logically, it should be "Prince". However, game programmers aren't perfect. Can you confirm, in game, that it says "Prince"?

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I just checked the FE7 item locations page, and as for the Goddess Icon, it's not listed in order of chapter of acquisition. Chapter 14 should be listed first. Also, as for the chapter 30 Goddess Icon and Speedwings, they're only available on hard mode. Plus, the Dragonshield that is dropped by Sealen is only available on hard mode.

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I don't think Lehran has 8 movement.

Never mind, it's been fixed.

Edited by Kinata
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Oh yeah, that's something I was messing around with. I'll probably just remove it later. It's supposed to list the highest growth rate change and the most efficient BEXP increment used to obtain it.

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Jill's support with Mist... The "Part 2" of the A supports are switched:


[Part 2 (Chapter 21 and after)]


Jill: Mist...thanks for talking about my father like that. I appreciate it...

Mist: Jill...

Jill: Maybe I am a fool... Maybe you're right... Doubting even for a second the man who raised me with love and devotion...... Something must be wrong with me... But I... I have to choose my own path. I have to choose a path that I believe in! I'm sure... Father will understand me.

Mist: I'm sure he will, Jill. I know it.

Her dad's already dead by then >_>

This shows it:

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