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In the Calculations for Fe6 it says that the Weapon Traingle adds accuracy bonus, it does not add any accuracy bonus, only just damage. (Unless if I'm mistaken.. because I recall sending Lance against a mercenary and he had more chance to hit him with a sword than a lance.)

Iron Axe: 65 Hit

Silver Lance: 65 Hit

Steel Sword: 70 Hit




The Sword in your example may have been one that has more than 10 hit over the Lance.

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Thanks, everything should have been fixed now ^^

I haven't fully checked it, but here's my explanation of why Ephraim's Level was lower than 15:

Also if the other Lord (who you did not choose after Chapter 8) is under Level 15, they will have their Level raised by 6 (up to a maximum of Level 15) and their stats adjusted accordingly when you get them back in Chapter 14.

I should be able to check if it holds true for Eirika soon (she's still Level 1 on my current file).

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The calculations of the averages of the laguz HP of FE9 don't include the decimal fractions, it only assumes and calculate as if they only have 100% growth.

Not that many people give a crap about laguz in that game anyways (though some are awesome :3 Mordy).

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In the FE6 section, it claims one of the chapter 20A chests contains the boots. I just checked and found all the chests I was supposed to, except the boots were replaced by purge. Is this a HM only thing? Do the chp20A boots get replaced if you found the ones in 14?

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I think it's supposed to be a Purge. I only remember getting one pair of Boots without going to the Secret Shop.

Boots and Purge look a bit similar in Japanese (ブーツ vs パージ) so I probably misread it ^^;;;

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I removed the move bonus of every character on my save file and still got purge. I can't see the chest being conditional either since no other chest in the game has such properties. Seems like a very good chance you made a translation error :(

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I'm not entirely sure this is a mistake, but I found this:


I'm Lana. You're Fin, right?

FE4 chapter 7 script

Edited by Celice of Chalphy
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys, Brilliant site! not sure if i'm posting this in the right place, anyway under the mythology section i spotted something "Tir na N'Og" litterally mean "country of the young" in Irish, Apparently where the fountain of youth is located. once again great site, thanks

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In the Fe6 item location section for chapter 11A it says you have to keep all Tate's pg knight alive to get the elysian whip when in fact she must be recruited as well not just an NPC.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Okay, now this is really some minor nitpicking here...


Since when does 251 + 80 = 321? Do you mean 70?


...And a little suggestion. A separate table explaining levels in FE5/6 would be good, I guess. (E = 1, D = 51, C = 101, B = 151, A = 201, S = 251 in FE6, not 100% sure if this is for FE5 as well)

Perhaps explaining what will happen to the weapon ranks on promotion? (You get the class base rank difference, therefore it's an effective +1 for FE6, but effect varies in later games - except in FE10, where you get nothing at all if weapon ranks are above the minimum promoted ranks; don't know about FE11 either)

Edited by nocturnal YL
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Whoops, evidently I don't know how to add up properly... That should be 331, from adding 80.

I'd rather not add tables for FE5 and 6, since they're the less common variants. Besides, it shouldn't be hard to consecutively add 50 ^^

Not too sure if promotion is really relevant. The page is mainly about WEx obtained from fighting.

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I just checked the FE8 item location page, and I spotted a few errors. Regarding the Hero Crest, while Gerik does come with one, you listed it as 12B when he doesn't join until the following chapter. Plus, you have the Angelic Robe and Master Seal in the final chapter listed as being in teh SE and SW chests, respectively. However, those (and the enemy positions, for that matter) are switched if you chose Ephraim route. You also forgot to mention that the Dragonshield that the enemy Berserker has in Chapter 17 must be stolen. You also listed "End Priest" as one of the Physic locations. What's up with that? :newyears::Sara:

Edited by Richter Renard
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