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FE7 HHM Ranked Tier List

Colonel M

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Florina's hair looks like it's a wig.

Karla's hair is actually pretty boring, she's just hot in general.

Same with Lyn's ultra-long pony tail.

Louise should be top tier imo. It clearly has more durability than Ninian's. Good choice.

I guess I'll just go back to lurking. :newyears:

Edited by Crysta
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Name me a JRPG that doesn't have ridiculous hair.

I'll have to get back to you on that.

Florina's hair looks like it's a wig.

Lies! I'm a sucker for the curls though; if mine curled like that naturally I would be happy.

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I really think that Vaida is just going to go down. Aside from VoD where she can be a ferry unit, there isn't much reason to field her. I guess you could contest it with her being durable to be used in Chapter 31, but I doubt it. Thinking that Louise might have a case because of that.

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Note to everyone in this thread:

I'm getting a bit sick of Inui getting trolled constantly. I won't tolerate seeing any more of it, or getting reported any more of it. If you disagree with his statements and views, that's fine, but that is by no means a justification to start trolling him (calling him Horio which he doesn't want, or whatever other thing that's intended to either provoke him into blatantly insulting you, or which is simply a blatant insult to him. This seems to be the only thread where this happens, but if it happens/happened outside of this thread as well, I also won't tolerate it in any other threads (that was probably obvious, but I wanted that to be clear).

If you are not one of the people participating in this, don't worry. But if you do, you know who you are and that you're doing this, so stop it.

I could have PMed some of you, but I don't think that would have reached everybody.


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I vote that we ban Tino from the tier list. He can still participate in my hair tier list though, he is welcome in the land of hair.

I really think that Vaida is just going to go down. Aside from VoD where she can be a ferry unit, there isn't much reason to field her. I guess you could contest it with her being durable to be used in Chapter 31, but I doubt it. Thinking that Louise might have a case because of that.

Jaffar should be bottom of lower-mid then.

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Speaking of 50K on Farina, who the hell says we even HAVE 40K just on us in cash when she arrives? She's 40K+whatever we have to sell to get 40K just to recruit her with+10K from promotion item.

It's 20k in liquid cash that we need to recruit her, which is definitely within means, with plenty to spare for weapons (I would have had around 15k left at that point after spending 20k on Farina). The 40k is from doubling her purchase cost because we can double the value of everything else in the game with the Silver Card.

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Okay, going to respond to some of the arguments. Sorry for being sidetracked guys:

) What's the reasoning behind Dorcas > Geitz? I think that one should be the other way around but I'm not willing to argue it if the evidence behind Dorcas is too strong.

2) Athos > Heath. I've posted before that Athos is basically your Tactics ranking in Light, shaving off almost a turn by himself (sharing the top left room with a Peg Knight and ticking off half of Lloyd/Linus's HP without eating a counter). Heath is subjected to nothing more than Exp unit use because of him being underleveled and just too slow. Also, here's a little blurb that I've previously said about Athos.


Athos is basically the only guy who is doing proper damage to Nergal and the Dragon. He has his own free tomes that hit extra both enemies and beats the 37 HP requirement of surviving the Dragon. He has fantastic stats and is fantastic for healing or using Luna, even better than Canas because of his maxed Mag stat.

Can Heath's help to the Exp rank really be better than what Athos brings to the table in Light?

I think the problem is Heath is too low. Looking at the list, he's under Hawkeye. Heath's flying utility is pretty good, but I guess being trolled in some chapters (joining chapter: Mediocre, but I guess usable. Desert chapter: good, but he has to avoid Archers as much as possible and carry Pure Waters to protect himself. Genesis is pretty meek to him. Linus's map is probably where he gets comfortable for a while after). I think combining what I've said about he can mooch off of the Monks to the west and such can help him a bit.

I might wait though. Dorcas vs. Geitz and Vaida + Jaffar thing is kind of taking priority atm (since it's contributing discussion). Tier difference on Jaffar and Karel seems a little difficult to see, but then again like Mekkah said Tier differences aren't "big" in this game. It could be possible if we give him credit for 32X.

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2) Why do you want the Brave Sword? I'm not asking "why do you want the Brave Sword instead of the Wo Dao", I'm just asking in general.

The Brave Sword is really only better when you consider it for the Funds Ranking. The Wo Dao is actually better as a used sword because it has more Crit than a Killing Edge, less weight than a KE and is only -1 Mt (which really doesn't matter when you consider that a critical does 3x the regular damage), not to mention the exact same uses as the Killing Edge. Granted, it's only for Guy, Lyn, Karel, Rath and Karla, but Guy will (probably) be in play and Lyn still has a couple of forced chapters, not to mention a possible (not probable) promotion which has her seeing something like 40 Crit without a weapon in her hands (I did the math in a previous debate on GFaqs).

PS: Just checked and it's about ~35 Crit.

Assuming that we stick the Brave Sword in our storage the minute we get it, that's 3k we've saved. If we were to use the WD instead of a KE, we save 1.3k in actual Funds (using 1 less Killing Edge), making it a 1.7k difference.

Now let's say that we use some of the Brave Sword... About 10 uses sounds right. We still have 2k saved from the Funds of the sword but now there's a 700G difference between the two swords. That's basically nothing as only 3 swords cost less than 700G (Iron, Slim and Steel). And that's after only 5 attacks (2 shots per attack before doubling).

I'm currently leaning towards the Wo Dao as being the better practical sword.

3) I'm not trying to argue Karel > Harken. I'm not an idiot. I'm just pointing out what I think is wrong with your post. I don't think that Harken is underrated at all.

The Brave Sword lets you guarantee a kill on things before taking a counter, which is better than boosted Crit. Killing a Valk without a counter gauranteed? H4x. Letting units double things they normally can't? H4x. That is better than Crit.

Okay, you asked for it.

I debate all day on places like this and even on Smashboards against more people that are more intelligent (high-level fighting game thinking >>> crunching numbers for a 1-player game) in the Brawl Back Room. This is quite simple and easy to me.

CATS and you =/= Tier List. I run the tier list.

For some reason, you think that puts that you above everyone. Even if you don't say it, you show it. Even when things get proven, you'll ignore it if you don't agree with it and refuse to make changes to the list. The tier list should be ran as a group, not by a single person that just makes decisions based only what they like or believe.

CATS doesn't even come here anymore.

I'm not surprised. He hates elitism and he wants to debate instead of flame/troll. This place is so full of elitism that even my elitist ass finds it kinda gross.

Furthermore, that's besides the point. Watch me use the Silver Card. Now Farina is worth 50K in gold. Whoops.

That's fine. I provided ample evidence to, at the very least, create doubt about how much the cost matters. I did so in a polite manner, and I have completely refrained from trolling or flaming any of you, yet you seem to be unable to post without being angry or flaming. I showed even evidence to create doubt; that is enough. There is no longer any reason for you to strongly feel that Farina actually hurts Funds badly and that she should be penalized so much for her cost.

Oh if only he could bring his dearest Isadora support with him.

Naw, she'd get raped too. You said I advocated some random azz warp, but I clearly didn't, and this is your only response instead of "I'm sorry for being a jerk, I was wrong." Sigh.

She can only contribute "mediocre" when we're wasting our asses recruiting a 50K Est. Man if only Est were in a ranked ga- oh wait.

No, that performance is simply not mediocre. I already posted the numbers. She outperforms Karel by a lot for your rankings. She's matching or beating Eliwood in BBD. Her statistical power is great. Have you seen her averages? She is quite powerful. Her only problem is her cost, which I have sufficiently created doubt about at the very least, and her starting power being mediocre.

She's not the Est of this game. She's more like Carrion except she costs money.

Hrrdrr. Missesd the point: you overinflate levels ridiculously.

Perhaps I did in that post. I just kinda threw numbers out. The numbers I'm using here? They make perfect sense. Frat proposed Farina coming out of Crazed Beast at 15/0, I tested it, and she came out between 15 and 16. There was no inflation there. It makes sense. Go do it yourself.

Sounded like it to me.

"Isn't Hardin's Str growth a bit iffy? I'd keep him as a Cav/Pally for his best Str growth" was all I posted. I wasn't really asserting anything or trying to debate. Indeed, 30% is kinda shaky, and anything else makes it lower.

Reminds me of someone else. "Hey, let's forget about Farina's cost".

If the cost is not significant, it can be ignored. I have shown enough evidence to create doubt about it, and it should be looked into further, but I don't know how.

Solide and myself addressed the biggest problem with sending Sain and Kent ahead with your eyes closed in comparison to Lowen is that Sain and Kent still have CoD. If Sain is ORKOing everything in sight, it is quite possible for him to see those 8 attacks that send him to his grave As addressed here, Here, Here, Here, and also here. Oh and here. This Post also doesn't address what Kent is ORKOing and Lowen is missing. Doubled by Valkyries? I don't recall how "ridiculous" their offense is, but after a Pure Water Lowen has 13 Res. He can probably escape that rut quickly. There's some of the higher end ones, but you said that most of them carry staves anyway.

I'm aware of that. Sain seeing 8 rounds of combat in one enemy phase? I doubt the validity of that. Enemy density isn't that extreme and he's not your only unit on the map. I doubt the efficiency or usefulness of being able to blindly send out Lowen versus actually playing intelligently and getting everything killed quickly. Attacking Kent and Sain's very passable and good durability isn't how you get Lowen >= Kent/Sain proved. Lowen's offense must be proved to be passable, because it doesn't seem to be. I showed that he failed to one-round Crazed Beast Cavaliers often, which is pretty bad.

Staves and weapons, btw. Mostly Thunder.

He used Pent to compare Karel's durability to Pent's which countered your argument about Karel having "0" durability whatsoever.

But Pent doesn't take counters and does healing stuff. Karel can have better raw stats by a bit (he kinda doesn't), but still be less durable due to that. Take Karel and compare him to...hey, a 20/1 Farina beats him in HP, Def, and Res by several points, lol.

And that's why Isadora rose a tier.

"Comparing her to Lucius does."

Well Lucius isn't raping your EXP rank for starters. Uh, well he's not the worst in combat but "shrug".

The fact that she can compare to a high tier unit like that is pretty good. That was my point. dondon (the most sensible, unbiased, and logical guy here as far as I'm concerned) agreed with me about Isadora and we both showed that she has a period of time where she is really good, including Genesis, where she's outperforming an unpromoted Kent/Sain/Lowen for sure. She beats or ties them in her joining chapter. She is good for a few chapters after she joins and then has hope due to supports. Karel and Jaffar? Always bad. Always contribute little. Never have a "I'm one of the best units on the team" period of time. Please consider this when you think of where to place Isadora.

Just uploaded Chapter 20. She can miss some of the AKs, 16-6 x2 =/= 21, which is a Mage. It's also 16.5, which if it rounds down means she fails to KO a little bit more. Looking at C22, assuming it rounds up to 18 Atk, this can safely KO a lot more units.

Okay, I concede it. I was proven wrong on Serra's offense. I can actually admit a mistake.

I'd wager that she's 20/2 in the Dragons Gate, anyways, so the rounding thing isn't a problem. I looked at all of the Knights on my file, and she got them all with 17 Atk, but stats can sometimes vary. Yours might have had 1 more HP or Res. Either way, her offense is definitely pretty good.

Assuming Chapter 25 (w/Nosferatu's 10 AS), this doubles every Pirate barring a Hand Axe and the Iron Axe dudes, and only misses out on Pascal and the Warrior.
It really doesn't matter. Advocating any support on Serra MIGHT AS WELL BE A JOKE. Let's review:

Hector - 15 + 1

Matthew - 5 + 1

Florina - 0 + 1

Sain - 0 + 2

Oswin - 10 + 1

Lucius - 0 + 2

Erk - 2 + 1

This. Is. Fucking. Stupid. It takes 80 points for a C support, and that's assuming Hector is next to a FUCKING HEALER the ENTIRE TIME. Hector has better supports. Eliwood is one. Oswin and Matthew aren't bad, though the latter brings issues (but it offers +Crit so Matthew might stick around) and they're at reasonable speeds - 20+2 and 20+3, respectively. Lyn is 0+3, but in about 5 turns it becomes 20 (Hector and Serra) vs. 15 (Lyn and Hector). 10 turns it's 30 (Lyn and Hector) and 25 (Hector and Serra). Yeah, forget it in other words.

Serra can get C's. How can she not? A C with Hector is very far from impossible a bit after she promotes. They have the same Mov, Hector is frontlining and needs to be healed, it has a 15 base unlike her other supports... Seems totally viable to me at or around New Resolve or something like that. That's all I suggested. Yes, her supports are slow as hell, but saying they are all jokes and she never gets a support ever? She's a good character with a great affinity that is around forever to build those supports.

I'll take that as you conceding. Moving on.

No, I just didn't want to post the same thing again. I provided evidence to call this "FARINA IS EXPENSIVE, THUS 4TH WORST UNIT IN THE GAME!" stuff into question. How can you deny that? Don't be so stuck in your ways. I guess when I decide to get Priscilla out of top tier you're all going to have a stroke, huh?

Even Reikken's post with Rebecca wasn't very convincing in my eyes. I even question Rebecca > Louise because Louise doesn't require training + Bolt to become marginally useful. Add onto the Pent support and we're in business.

You know what? Me too. Reaver, Solid, Reikken, and others like Rebecca and make pretty good points about it. I used to think Louise was definitely better. However, I'm not overly stubborn. Reikken and the others created doubt. They made me think about it and question my own ideas. Why are you not open to the same thing?

Rebecca's supports include a Cavalier... who doesn't give two shits about Rebecca IMO. He prefers his mobile support combo (B Eliwood / B Marcus). He also has *gasp* Isadora and Harken who can actually come along with him and raep shit on the Enemy Phase. After that she has Dart (Ocean Seal), Wil (rofl), Sain (rofl some more), Louise (though Erk might not mind her. +Def / Crit), Raven (0+2), and Nino (...). No, all of her support options don't want her. Why? She can't be carried around with the lack of Enemy Phase. While Lowen has 3 combat phases, Rebecca has one. Lowen can have a lot more than this too. How can she even beat Lyn? LYN CAN BE USED IN 32X AND PAD YOUR EXP RANK GUYS!

Rebecca gives him the best possible bonuses. Dart...you should probably look at my Funds rank arguments and not automatically assume he destroys Funds. He does provide the best offense in the game if used.

"Troll harder". Quit insulting the SF members, they see through the truth obviously that you can't concede points easily and you haven't really proven much, not to mention your questionable methods to raise characters.

I'm pretty sure I'm proving stuff, lol. It's not my fault it gets ignored and not addressed. I am explaining how I raise characters, and it all makes sense. Just load a file and do it yourself. I've been doing that with Mekkah's save files, and it's pretty handy.

There are 3 Assassins and 5 unit slots. Lyn can comfortably join in my opinion if she's still 20/1.

Agreed. Jaffar shouldn't join in, though. Hector, Lyn, Matthew, Legault, Lucius is probably the best set-up to reap the most benefits for the Experience rank. You've found a method to make Lyn not suck horribly since she's actually quite good at this. Use her while she's good in the earlygame for her Spd and Mani Katti, ditch her when she sucks, and then use her again for this. That actually makes her look pretty useful in my eyes, at least above low tier.

Also with Assassins you want Silencer to activate since it yields more CEXP. So ORKOing is still important.

Silence is. Other ORKOs are not, like Lyn and Hector's. If they enter combat, don't kill, and then activate Silencer the next round, that's awesome for EXP.

I am not adamant. Ask Mekkah, Paperblade, dondon, Grandjackal, Cynthia, FE3 Player, the belated bblader, Seven Deadly Sins, nflchamp, Kirsche, Red Fox of Fire, Interceptor, Narga, Sol... many others within my caliber (as in friends that debate with me) and, of course, many of the people at Smogon University. I can be reasonable. I can provide arguments. I can provide logic. Am I the best at them? Do I admit to it? No, I don't. I am, what is considered, "a human being". These people can attest that I do not try to be elitist. Perhaps others like CATS will say that I am now, but in the same vein, I do actually apologize to him. I had no right to really "call him an idiot". I can admit to my faults.

You should be apologizing to me, too. I've been pretty calm in this thread beyond going ALL CAPS sometimes or something and I haven't really thrown around any insults beyond stuff like "you're being elitist, it's not good for discussion" and stuff like that.

I think before you raise judgment at Serenes Forest, you should really look at yourself in the mirror and think about it. You are calling us out and saying that we are elitist. Yet, who are you to do the same to us? We did not think that HJ and others were elitist either. Did we disagree? Yes, and that is what happens within FE Debating. No one is a "God" at debating no matter how you look at it. It's fine to respect opinion from other members more, but I do not completely degrade others. I won't lie: I hate GFAQs (the website). Yet, I accept Life Admiral, Tangerine, Jaffar7 and co into our community to discuss things.

I don't need to look in the mirror. I know that around two years ago I was horribly elitist and arrogant and that I am still elitist and arrogant, just not as bad as I used to be. I've been hearing from people that have known me for 3+ years that the elitism here exceeds me at my peak; that is quite scary. I don't really pretend to not be elitist. I will openly tell you I view myself as more skilled and knowledgeable about FE 7 and a better debater by varying degrees than every single person but dondon and I find it cool that Solid and CATS agree with that. If that bothers you, oh well. Clear differences in debater skill exist. Even if someone is horrible, I will address their points. I don't ignore stuff.

Finally, being able to call yourself a "Master Debater" shouldn't be up to you. THAT should be up to everyone that views your arguments.

I'm no master. Reikken, CATS, and Solid are better than me and then Mekkah, Paperblade, dondon, HJ, and Reaver are pretty good too. I guess smash fanatic is also all right. A lot of Interceptor's stuff makes me wonder and he flames/trolls too much, but when he's not flaming/trolling he seems pretty good. smash fanatic, unlike what you guys probably think, is certainly not bad. That's about all I can think of. I don't know everyone, so other good ones could be out there.

Could see Dorcas over Geitz just for the exp rank.

Speaking of 50K on Farina, who the hell says we even HAVE 40K just on us in cash when she arrives? She's 40K+whatever we have to sell to get 40K just to recruit her with+10K from promotion item.

Dorcas's contributions to the Experience rank are pretty minimal. Geitz pretty much destroys him in combat and Funds. Well, I think you guys overhype the Experience rank and Funds rank. I kinda found a good way around the Experience rank that makes sense and worked in practice when I tried it.

Funds should be questioned now based on what I brought up. At least questioned. Having 20k on hand at Crazed Beast has never seemed problematic to me. Why would it be? Are you really spamming Silvers/Killers or something when Iron usually gets the job done?

Even just disagreeing with Inui can be interpreted as trolling, by his reactions.

Nope. I did report every single post ever that insulted me or called me Horio, though. :)

Disagreeing with me is fine. Just keep civil. I'm civil, so why can't you be?

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"Isn't Hardin's Str growth a bit iffy? I'd keep him as a Cav/Pally for his best Str growth" was all I posted. I wasn't really asserting anything or trying to debate. Indeed, 30% is kinda shaky, and anything else makes it lower.
Regardless of what intentions CM had in posting that event, I still feel the need to correct you on his Strength growth.

Every 10% growth is an average of one stat point over ten levels, meaning that you will not see Hardin falling behind very far to due his Strength base having him start out a point ahead of the other characters.

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Regardless of what intentions CM had in posting that event, I still feel the need to correct you on his Strength growth.

Every 10% growth is an average of one stat point over ten levels, meaning that you will not see Hardin falling behind very far to due his Strength base having him start out a point ahead of the other characters.

I know the number stuff. I just find 30% a bit shaky since RNGs hate me (I've had stuff like a 20/1 Erk with 11 Mag, lol) so I've been RNG-raped with Hardin's Str but never Cain or Abel's. I would try to avoid reclassing him due to that. I think Cavalier/Paladin is awesome, so I usually don't change him anyways. :P

Fuck FE 11. I don't know shit about it. I just remember starting on H5 and never playing any other mode. First time around I used all top tiers, then I got bored and used all prepromoted units and bad stuff or whatever and Jeigan in the final chapter, rofl.

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I know the number stuff. I just find 30% a bit shaky since RNGs hate me (I've had stuff like a 20/1 Erk with 11 Mag, lol) so I've been RNG-raped with Hardin's Str but never Cain or Abel's. I would try to avoid reclassing him due to that. I think Cavalier/Paladin is awesome, so I usually don't change him anyways. :P
The answer to the RNG is to compare both characters as being RNG screwed or RNG blessed. This makes having a better base even more important.
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No wonder Tino is pissed off, then. The queue must be full. >_>

Isn't Farina the fifth worst on our list, though?

I've never been this busy : D

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I debate all day on places like this and even on Smashboards against more people that are more intelligent (high-level fighting game thinking >>> crunching numbers for a 1-player game) in the Brawl Back Room. This is quite simple and easy to me.

I'm not surprised. He hates elitism and he wants to debate instead of flame/troll. This place is so full of elitism that even my elitist ass finds it kinda gross.

The fact that she can compare to a high tier unit like that is pretty good. That was my point. dondon (the most sensible, unbiased, and logical guy here as far as I'm concerned) agreed with me about Isadora and we both showed that she has a period of time where she is really good, including Genesis, where she's outperforming an unpromoted Kent/Sain/Lowen for sure.

I don't need to look in the mirror. I know that around two years ago I was horribly elitist and arrogant and that I am still elitist and arrogant, just not as bad as I used to be. I've been hearing from people that have known me for 3+ years that the elitism here exceeds me at my peak; that is quite scary. I don't really pretend to not be elitist. I will openly tell you I view myself as more skilled and knowledgeable about FE 7 and a better debater by varying degrees than every single person but dondon and I find it cool that Solid and CATS agree with that. If that bothers you, oh well. Clear differences in debater skill exist. Even if someone is horrible, I will address their points. I don't ignore stuff.

I'm no master. Reikken, CATS, and Solid are better than me and then Mekkah, Paperblade, dondon, HJ, and Reaver are pretty good too. I guess smash fanatic is also all right. A lot of Interceptor's stuff makes me wonder and he flames/trolls too much, but when he's not flaming/trolling he seems pretty good. smash fanatic, unlike what you guys probably think, is certainly not bad. That's about all I can think of. I don't know everyone, so other good ones could be out there.

I'm not going to begin taking you seriously until you stop saying things like this.

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Isn't Farina the fifth worst on our list, though?

Probably. I've yet to actually prove the Funds thing, I just created doubt and now wonder about it.

I'm not going to begin taking you seriously until you stop saying things like this.

Your loss. :(

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About the horio thing:

Since I will continue to refuse to call him by the name he has chosen, I'm wondering what to stick in the quote tags for "name" if I quote him.

So, I'll ask the man himself:

Will you throw a hissy fit if I stick "He who shall remain Nameless" or something similar in the quote tags, or will you report for that, too?

And I really want to know what Mori posted a few pages back that she edited out. PM me, please.

And RF, he believes:

"Disagreeing with me is fine. Just keep civil. I'm civil, so why can't you be?"

So since he thinks what he is doing is civil (when to us it clearly isn't), I highly doubt he will ever stop posting stuff like that, so I don't think you'll ever take him seriously.

It's similar to when Mori first came to SF and posted in the fe6 (or was it fe7?) efficiency tier list, only she is now aware that none of us (including her) looked good in that topic. The similarity is that at first she didn't think she was being hostile. Mori = good. ***** = bad.

(I think we all know why I used 5 asterisks instead of 4)

Honestly we should probably report every single post in which he insults us given how he is willing to dish it out but is incapable of taking a little ribbing about his name choice. But then Tino would be more annoyed at us, given just how very many of that guy's posts we'd have to report.

But honestly, that alternate name is perfect, given the bragging and the other similarities. Oh well. End of an Era.

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^ That post surely contributed positively to FE 7 tier list discussion, was on topic, and clearly had no intentions to instigate me or continue the flaming/trolling that has been going on.


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And I really want to know what Mori posted a few pages back that she edited out. PM me, please.

Are you sure you want to see that?

It's similar to when Mori first came to SF and posted in the fe6 (or was it fe7?) efficiency tier list, only she is now aware that none of us (including her) looked good in that topic. The similarity is that at first she didn't think she was being hostile. Mori = good. ***** = bad.

Actually, you guys are still wrong. My friends Jaffar7 and LifeAdmiral (who are better than you also) say that I'm the best and was actually right in that situation, so I'm going to go ahead and say that you're wrong here also.

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You guys are seriously getting your panties in a bunch because Inui thinks he's better at this than you?

Sounds about right, lol. I have thrown next to 0 (or actually 0) insults at them and have remained civil. Am I arrogant? Yeah, I am. Is that against the rules? Is that flaming/trolling? Nah.

I just wish to debate about Fire Emblem, not about this stuff, and I don't want to deal with flaming/trolling.

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