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Phoenix's Sprite Gallery.


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Cain Fletcher

Cain is a lieutenant in the Ursium military and serves under Colonel Langley as a sniper and negotiator. He's polite, respectful, has a British accent, and likes to solve problems for people.

The lighting on this sprite is messed up due to a thing I tried and failed to do with the outer edges but know this, I'm done with Photoshop for good. The interface will make you put a pistol in your mouth. I'm better off with PhotoPlus.

Reduce the color saturation on that face young man.

And the other one.

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As for spriting FE9s and 10s the best way to do that it to just start doing it. It takes practice to turn up anything decent but it's well worth it in the end.

Speaking of, where do you get the FE9/10 pictures from? Or what do you use rather...I tried to find them but couldn't. I found the "large" portraits on SF, but I don't think that is what you used...


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Speaking of, where do you get the FE9/10 pictures from? Or what do you use rather...I tried to find them but couldn't. I found the "large" portraits on SF, but I don't think that is what you used...


I'm pretty silly. I'll use any material I can get my talons on, even jpg art(though that's only because I love making full bodies :P ).

Notice the BK official art base I shamelessly used.

Dragon Armors in progress


Source materials

FE Planet Archive

Favorite that link cause you'll be going there a lot :lol:

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Okay I was going to wait til I'd finished some more stuff but realized that my next things are kinda huge in scale and time I have to put into them. In other words this thread'll be on the dreaded second page again by the time I finish anything else so just posting some things I managed to do relatively quickly.



Okay Loki's actually an FE9 style sprite. I was curious -_-

The wings are actually FE10s(the only wings I could find that would be large enough were Rafael's and all the other FE9s were just too small to begin with). I tried and failed to downgrade those down to FE9ness. Ah well. The shirt had the sleeves torn off(erased) and I did a bit of custom design on the chest area just to see if I could ... I could. Lastly is his highlights. Simply inverted area selections and screwed around with the airbrush a few times. As for that cut across his shirt ... eh, I was listening to that Iron Head song by RZ & OO at the time. Probably got barely nicked by a Kigenese warrior or something. He's reminding me of a seagull but otherwise I think he's pretty menacing :)

Anyway Loki is another Fallen like Norn(Yes they can have radical feather schemes like this XD ). Loki's a caster so it's mostly ice and wind magic with rare reliance on brute strength(though don't be fooled he has it). And yes ... he has Treize brows -_-

Norn update:

Okay I know the first one hit with some positive reviews but there were some things I hadn't done, one of which I had actually forgotten to do which was giving Norn her tan. It slightly makes her irises less bright looking but that's not necessarily a bad thing. Also wanted the blouse to not look so pieced together so I painted out the white parts.




Just wanted to see if Vika could get any hotter. She can -_-

Also I wanted to try that particular set of lips to help with the next sprite.



Sooner or later I had to use that interesting pic of Leila as a base for a character and I finally did :)

Well like Chance, she's a character for an upcoming rp(though not guaranteed to be a PC). I know she's dressed like a thief/myrmidon but that's just flexibility preference since she's actually a (class polarizing)lancer wielder(I'll sprite the lance in later once I figure out what I want it to look like). Made the outfit blue so she would more closely resemble the character she was inspired by, which would be Oerba Yun Fang. And don't ask me about the tattoos. Haven't decided if those are backstory related, or the same type brand Chance has on his chest(meaning that they aren't there in the beginning). Oh and lastly if you can't tell, that bundle of cloth around her neck is a hood. I was going to completely get rid of the cape wrap thing she was wearing but while I was erasing it I stopped to notice that with what was gone already, with the right hue adjustments it could serve as part of the shirt and be hood. Took some work and it's not a perfect color match but it's close enough to function. Why a hood? Helps with her job sometimes I'm sure :)

Okay now that my topic has been successfully bumped, I'm off to scheme in the night.

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@ Loki: Yeah I wanted a more normal/realistic looking set of feather colors but trying to get it in FE style didn't work out too well. Who knows. I may try again later.

@ Gabriella: Fun Fact: If you recall my little hotness outburst on IRC that one time, you may remember that I once put Morgan's head on Gabby's base to see how it would look. Probably obvious how it looked XD

Okay I need to stop being an idiot and post this in the gallery. Note: IRC is not the gallery.


Snow Villiers

Snow's Profile

Okay this is officially my FIRST non-FE related sprite. Wanted to see if I could sprite a few video game characters I like ... and it looks like I can. Jorge was the base and the head was Shinon's. The tear crystal isn't that great but I just kinda threw that in there so the hand would look like it was doing something relevant. I can't remember how much of this thing is full custom, but IIRC the collars are, and so is the chain below the belt, and the shirt.

Anyway I'm working on sprite requests right now but Vanille, Fang, and Lightning are definitely next on my personal To Sprite List.

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Hmm ... was hoping for more comments on Snow :(

Oh well, thanks, Piko ^_^




Another try at making an original looking character which seems to have worked. I actually used one of my older sprites as a base for this one. That base being Viveka's nightgown sprite. Of course this new sprite is also my all time favorite thus far :3

I'm VERY likely to add more detail and custom design to her costume in the near future but I needed a basic sprite for her finished ASAP.

Raquel is going to be a very central character in the upcoming rp, especially as far as the items are concerned.

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Hmm, probably one of your better works in the last few pages, the only thing that seems off to me is the bottom right hair. (OPV) It's probably from another characters (hair) but it seems to bright in comparison to the other hairs. Possible to dim it down a bit?

Not sure how much progress you've made with your "Upcoming" Rp. Or if you've fixed your overcrowding issue, but I assume it'll be "upcoming" until LoAF finishes.

You've most likely got an arsenal of NPC's planned, but can't spriting them wait until you've actually got an RP? XD I don't know about Raquel, but you surely don't intend to start the RP with NPC's being so frequent, to the point people can't work out which characters an NPC, and which one's a PC.

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Don't assume too much :lol:

Not all that important to mention here but the rp's ready to start at virtually any time. OP's finished and everything. I'm just fiddling around with dates now. I'm not too concerned with holding off on a character sprite just because their world doesn't exist just yet. Just consider it concept art ^_^

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*wonders why the hair remark was left alone*


I assume whatever I want, and if I'm wrong, in most cases it's a good thing since I've most likely assumed something negative. (Eg Assumed too many NPC's, assumed LoAF will live a long time). so being proven wrong isn't a complete loss.

I'm not saying "don't sprite." It's just that looking at past examples/ideas, your "ready to start at virtually anytime" RP is probably flawed in the mechanics department XD Though you don't intend to change that so I suppose it's meaningless to argue otherwise.

I suppose you'll be spriting all the PC's gradually as the RP progresses (like you did for LoAF) But that aside, how many "planned stable NPC's do you have at the moment?"

And will you be splicing all the Legends? (Cosmos and ... Island Legend(forgot name) might be a wee bit hard with FE character halfbodies XD)

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*wonders why the hair remark was left alone*

Well I already took it into consideration. Seemed like enough.


"Okay Cuddles, I'll get right on that."

I suppose you'll be spriting all the PC's gradually as the RP progresses (like you did for LoAF) But that aside, how many "planned" stable NPC's do you have at the moment?

One. Unless exotic animals or wagon horses count.

And will you be splicing all the Legends? (Cosmos and ... Island Legend(forgot name) might be a wee bit hard with FE character halfbodies XD)

Only ones I'd even consider spriting(and I'm not terribly focused on them right now regardless) would have to have some kind of humanoid form.

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My gosh, Phoenix, let me know when you update this place.


Loki is AWESOME. I love black-and-white contrast stuff and the maroon is nice and not eye-stabbing in the least. I don't know why people are complaining.


Cool updates. This is a nice character design. I like the large eyes and how you've got (again) contrast with the yellow and purple.


I knew who it weas right when I saw him. I was all "Dude! That's Snow!" And I've never even played FF13 (though I am planning on it someday). I'm going to have to show that one to my sister.


I agree with Kanami on the hair thing. However, she's very pretty. Detail suggestions: small, sewed-in, golden patterns going down the outfit. Placement and ellaboration are up to you, but I think that would just make it better. Great job with translucency.

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Nother fallen. This one based on a vulture. All he's missing is something to go around his neck I guess XD

No relevant details on this one yet, just needed to sprite something on the side while I was working on requests.



Another fallen(one of these days ... I dunno when ... I'll sprite an avian). I couldn't quite get that menacing stare I wanted without swapping out the eyes which I didn't want to do >_<

This one's not quite finished yet since I may try out another pair of wings or may actually go ahead and change the face around a little.



New sprite, no relevant details yet.



This one's been done for awhile I've just neglected to show it to anyone in favor of spriting more stuff. Just needed a red sword master.



OMG it's a sith ... with TREIZE BROWS :blink:



This is Raquel's father. That's all I can really think to say about him atm.



My RoTE PC character. First one at least. He's basically a color swapped El-Ray with minor edits.


She's now carrying a double-sided retracting lance courtesy of Weyland Enterprises.

The lance is completely full custom cause ... well I really didn't have a choice. Couldn't find decent parts and I wanted the blades to look a certain way. Also added little nicks and scratches.


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Just finished this like ... twenty minutes ago or something. Decided to post it. Took off the transparency for now out of a sense of random. Also her outfit looks expensive enough as is methinks.

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All that red looks really awesome! =] But that's cause I like it when colors are made real dark (well not all of them but most definitely red)

Heehee Gunnar =D Good job on him!

The silver looks pretty good on the girl with the real hard to spell name... Brynhildr. There does seem to be something about the eyes, but I'm not entirely sure.

Caterena looks very very good!

As for Hayato, I like how you put the transition from white to red.

Sardis is definitely my favorite xD

Jethro idk but it looks to me like a lot of stuff mixed together which I find it very hard and rare to do. Idk if it really was like this or not, but anyway, great work.

Amon: It kinda looks like the clothing has a bit more... idk brightness or saturation? One or the other, but comparing it to his skin and hair, it just seems to contrast too much. I'm not sure how easy it'd be to make them look like they fit though.

And finally, I think Gabriella looks very much improved! Cool outfit.

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This is Elle, a character from LoAF. Originally based on Dani's sprite. It might need a bit more work maybe but for now it seems good enough to actually post.

Don't worry, Snike, I'll figure out the Alex helmet thing soon-ish XD



Decided to sprite a random NPC from Rex-Avaz to help better portray the people there. This is an RoTE character. Wyvern rider. And yes if you're wondering about in the rp he knows Amon and vice versa. Probably doesn't look like it but the neck was at the wrong angle so I tried my hand at full customing a neck.



Decided to redo Shanice with a similar look but a different outfit. The tattoos on the chest aren't new, but couldn't be fully drawn before since it was wearing a vest last time around. The scar on its chest is from when Ixion ripped its heart in half and used one to make Miranda's core. I decided to have the hair down this time because I kind of liked the semi-Rajaion look. You know I added nipples originally and they were there for the longest time, then I got nearly finished, realized in this form it wouldn't have any, and just erased them again :lol:



Mia's base had more potential than I thought. Anyway this is an RoTE character, potential PC, and one of two classes. Originally she was just going to be an ice mage but I'm leaning more toward fire mage for several reasons. Also she might end up as a troubadour depending on what the group really needs or doesn't need at the time. Other than that, I just messed with the eyes a bit, altered a different set of lips, and jacked Calil's arms. Part of her right arm and some of her left arm are also full custom cause I really didn't have a choice there if I was going to use those arms. I think she's cute :)



It's Morgan. Cloaked and uncloaked. Not sure what else to say really. I may fiddle with the hairstyle more later to get it to look more like Idouns but for now these seem fine. Was going for the crimson weapon wielding druid look. If you're a fan of Gundam Wing you may notice something familiar about that cloth patter on her abdomen.


A couple of things to note.

I decided to go with red armor with golden trim cause it looks cool and such.

I once again was unable to find the right weapon so I just made one out of scratch. Took two days but it looks pretty nice methinks. Though I may edit things later on. The inscriptions on the blade are actually there for a reason, just like that orb on the tip of the hilt mind you >:)


Anyway, General Bosconovitch is an RoTE character, and Neviskotian general with a near legendary reputation in battle. Like anyone who's particularly good at surviving ridiculous odds, he's rumored to be a Guardian. Can't say much about the sword that wouldn't be a spoiler so eh -_-

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