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The point is, Naddy, that you're probably doing this just to piss everyone else off. Congratulations, you've succeeded, now quit it.

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Well,if Viveka talks to Damian,you can get her to comply with his reasoning,and bring General Jackson.That would likely be a good way to speed things up.

As for Halton interference,it seems pretty implausible to have them pop up here. Now if the group is captured and a pardon is not granted,Halton will likely tell Elyisima to STFU and let Damian/Aiya go,and Damian would appeal to have the whole group released.I'd rather not cause something as large scale as a potential war,so please,Phoenix/Lightning,don't have them resist reconciliation to the point where that becomes my only option to keep the group alive. >_>

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Well,if Viveka talks to Damian,you can get her to comply with his reasoning,and bring General Jackson.That would likely be a good way to speed things up.

As for Halton interference,it seems pretty implausible to have them pop up here. Now if the group is captured and a pardon is not granted,Halton will likely tell Elyisima to STFU and let Damian/Aiya go,and Damian would appeal to have the whole group released.I'd rather not cause something as large scale as a potential war,so please,Phoenix/Lightning,don't have them resist reconciliation to the point where that becomes my only option to keep the group alive. >_>

It's not that they'd be dead set on offing the group. But the only way to get them pardoned now is to throw away plausibility, because by all accounts, we should be dead already.

The only thing I can think of is for them to have to kind of do Jackson's bidding for awhile, and that's not me just trying to give Lightning more power, I'm being dead serious and as realistic as possible.

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If you didn't want to be captured, there was absolutely no reason why you couldn't have escaped. As for your firing at the NPC's, I did nothing about that, though Phoenix is right in that you should have discussed it with him first (FYI, same applies to TISME people, except to me). Additionally, Phoenix came to me first with his plans and discussed it with me, and I gave permission. Not necessarily to capture the group, but certainly to try. Had you come to me first as well, I not only would likely have been willing to allow a modified version of your plan (no forest fire, but otherwise good), but I would likely have been willing to work with you on it in the RP as well. As for throwing Kamillia into a burning forest, though I disapprove, it is your character and your right to do what you will with her and I would not have intervened unless you asked me to.

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Not planning to make them resist reconciliation nearly as much as Naddy would like me to. It'll still be enough.

Also, those random kills Nady made will not lower the percent of Conrad (and by extension, Viveka) joining more easily. Because Viveka would've noticed that wasn't the groups fault.

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Now I've issues to address ... and all because I wasted time sleeping :facepalm:

...Don't even start on "shit happened while I was asleep." Just don't even start.

@ Iso, Irina, and Viveka (Character management)

Nobody's asking for anything extravagant, as far as I'm aware. They're just asking for something. Just as the latest example, when Tessa was freaking out in the caves you were more interested in playing with random NPCs, than even mentioning what sort of reactions Isotov or Irina would have to someone they're travelling with going completely and unexplainedly bonkers, right in front of them. Now I admit, a lot of times you can't always react to everything, and some times there are very good reasons for this. But on the other hand, not all interactions have to be geared for support interactions either. Don't let that system shackle you, or keep you from working with characters outside your top priority list. Anyways, I'll just drop this for now, as I doubt anything further would be constructive, and I try to only bring things up every so often.

@ Damian's optional surrender

I would expect Damian to come up with a decent way to keep the group safe, rather than worry about fighting two different groups of people. As always, Nady's meddling puts us in TOO MUCH DANGER. When I was writing that up, Iso was the one that was going to say it initially. My OOC comment about authority was just a joke. More so to calm myself down than Ether, who has a way of bouncing back from stuff like this anyway. The intent of that post was to get the group away from the entrance so that Jackson's troops wouldn't steamroll right over them when they moved into the fort to attack Nady's shady folks.

You guys keep saying that our survival rate is ridiculous, and that's absolutely true. We should have actually had several characters killed if not KO'd simply from being caught up in a storm of arrows and cavaliers rushing by. Several cavaliers got skewered, but our party made it away from the fortress untouched?

The Damian post was only an attempt to keep the group from being attacked by the army while they moved away from the fort and out of the army's way. Whether Ether wants to actually stand down, and surrender, or somehow defeat an entire platoon is up to him.

Also for the sake of realism, how is the rest of the group actually supposed to escape? The army isn't concentrated in the forest I know, but they have enough horses to run practically everyone down who escapes on foot, and they can track anyone else for quite a distance.

If we'd just surrendered in the first place, this whole mess could have been avoided. Now the group has to get blamed for this.

There's a large difference between unconditional surrender, just walking out with your hands up and your weapons down, and trying to call in the enemy leader so as to negotiate from a position of (modest) strength, trying to leverage a favorable conclusion.

Then there's also the fact that I find it hilarious that the person who set up whole cavalry fleets of elite units to surround us is accusing someone else of putting the group in too much danger. It's like the guy who thoughtlessly stacked kegs of gunpowder near the entrance to the blacksmith's shop trying to put the blame on the blacksmith.

I can't comment on the parties current safety, because at the moment I'm too damn confused to even know what happened.

If we were going to just surrender in the first place, we should have done so chapters ago. Trying to force everyone's han now because you suddenly decided it's the best idea is just not cool.

@ Phoenix's sinister plot advancement

It's been noted several times that I'm only interested in furthering my own plots. That's not entirely true, but I'll gladly explain why I am most definitely interested in furthering plots at this point.

A: The longer it takes us to reach the capital, the more complaints I'll get about Irina's irrelevance. She's as important to my plots as Iso is, but she's stuck in the backseat until we're out of the villages and forests.

B: The longer it takes us to advance the plot, the longer we have to deal with faceless villians and totally unnecessary Nady battles that a group of people shouldn't even be able to survive, yet alone, god mod their way out of. If these were stat battles, I wouldn't complain, but this is just Nady's attempt to put more garbage on our heads, and the smell is starting to bother me.

C: Once we reach Ilyphina, we'll be close to the main road of the story. We'll be closer to getting more context on the world we're in. More info, more context, more material to work with. We might also find a main goal other than just gathering up cw wielders. Maybe the group might try to find a way to prevent the demon king from returning. Maybe they'll fight helenos(and lose XD ).

See. The thing is. We don't even need to go to Ilyphina. At least not immediately. Any sane group would be turning back and investigating the perfectly interesting mesh demon, or gathering their own army of mooks before attempting to recruit a high-ranking enemy general. Especially after a bad brush initially ruined their chances. The only reason we're still here is because OOC some player decided their next character would be here. The ONLY reason. There's plenty of opportunities for good plot elsewhere that are not dependent on whatever string of events you may have up your sleeve for what could happen when we get to the capital.

@ Anarchy (Nady)

We were maybe two or three posts from the situation being resolved peacefully. Four at most. I can't tell you how much trouble that would have saved us in the long run. Remaining in character for rp's sake seems foolhardy at this point.

@ Bal's specific comments

At tar comment. You're more concerned about the likelihood of an explosion in the fortress than the group's chances of survival? Snowy's trying to save us some fire grief. Let'em have his 0.3 kiloton explosion.

Remaining in character is NEVER foolhardy.

Making sure things are factual, or at least plausible is also valued. Now maybe I have twisted priorities, but hell, I want my deus ex machinas to at least make sense. Sorry.

@ Conrad Jackson, Viveka, and the Bolivian guys

I'm terribly sad to say this, but being realistic, that attack singlehandedly pushed back recruitment indefinitely, and made us enemies of the state so to speak. There's no way either Conrad or Viv would up and join the group now(unless they got some serious benefits ... like sex or something :facepalm: ). Nearly half of the soldiers sent to the fort were KO'd or killed. The only ones left to blame are the party members. The rest of the soldiers are trying to apprehend the entire party. If they capture everyone, there's a good chance that they'll get out of the situation alive, though I don't see a pardon in their near future.

If they split up, the captured ones will be put in prison. Breaking them out doesn't seem to serve any purpose other than to piss off the Elyisimians even more. Forget the fact that none in the group seem equipped for jail breaking anyway. Now if the plan was to appeal to get them out (the legal stuff), then it would make sense, but jail breaking is insane after what we've done. Also, rescuing them before they get put in prison in the first place is a horrible idea(no offense), because it's just going to add the biggest crime to the list yet(assaulting the army, which you would have to do in order to rescue them). You can't possibly believe that we could actually get cleared of a charge like that do you?

If so, then I don't see the point in questioning plausibility any further from here on out, because it clearly is not a real issue.

You know what? Oddly enough, I'm OK with that. Plot doesn't revolve around this avenue, and while Conrad's Crimson Axe will make him necessarily relevent eventually, there's no pressing reason the group has to deal with it now. Screw Elysimmia. We're branded criminals, fine. Complete our Defend mission here, retreat to Halton. Explore around either Halton or Septimus, defeat rot monster mage, find info, earn fame and renown. Come back with mook army, take care of Elysimmia later. ??? Profit!

I was kinda unsure on this for a while, too, but Chase will definitely be out of the group for a while. What I have right now is a negotiation that would involve time being spent for the crimes after the immediate threat of the LoAF (which, in turn, would require a good deal of convincing.) Just to clear things up, by the way, Chase lied a few times. We can't have a completely honest criminal, can we now?

There's an interesting connection between Chase and Shanice I've been working on with Phoenix a bit that would connect Chase's so far separate plot with the main plot. I think I have this all worked out.

See, the thing is... the LoAF isn't an imminent threat. For all the general populace is concerned, he's good and domesticated, and there's no significant evidence to the contrary.

The fuck is this? If that's supposed to by Conrad it's an awful use of him. There's several major problems with this.

A: He can't use magic. That's instantly an issue.

B: I don't appreciate my characters being turned into tyrants, thank you very much.

C: If you're going to make someone else's characters be in some sort of deal, tell them.

LOL. That was pretty abundantly clear not to be Conrad.


Did Nadesico make a mess? Yes.

Is she solely to blame? No.

Are things unfixable? No. Plenty of options exist.

Did another 20 posts pop up while I was typing this? Probably.

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Okay, fun fun fun, where to start.... hmm well I guess I'll start with your final question since you seem to deem it the most important.

Why can't we work together

Hmm, explain to me how I'm supposed to work together on a plot I'm not aware of? And then explain why I should accept a plot which seems unlikely? You two can argue and make things up as much as you want, but a pardoning of crimes is in there somewhere, perhaps it's been altered now due to this, in which case that would make for a very happy Naddy, since her objective was reached.

Why can't we work together? Hmm probably because when I express concern over an issue the concern I show through Feedback is blatantly ignored, and the concern I express through Kamilla is passed off as "That annoying wench is ranting again."

I'm not the one demanding people listen to me though, I'm just saying if you're not going to listen I'm going to go about doing my own little thing, and if that screws up your plans, well that's your problem, not mine, not ours, This Conrad/Viveka thing is essentially you and Lightning, and frankly, the plot doesn't require the group travelling to the capitol, Conrad could come out himself if he's so important (CW). But instead you've decided to hole him up at home, and force the group over.

Again, I expressed my concern regarding this issue in a PM with you, your response was... uhh let me get it.


Am I being stupid? yes, but if he misses that, then he has issues

Fine, do what you will ... just don't get Viveka hurt -_-

I admit I didn't mention shady archers in the PM but

The fact that the fort is abandoned is more then reason enough for me to get irritated


Secondly such a location would prove useful to bandits, criminals, outlaws. I don't know the reason why the soldiers abandoned it completely.

Was more then enough indication of what I had planned.

Why can't we work together? Because I don't like your plots the same way you don't like mine, If you're going to preach friendship, I have yet to see anyone attempting to work with Kai/Helios to do something. I remind you you're doing something "wrong" and you're response was the above quote, to me, that seems like a go ahead to intervene. I admit I didn't have an okay to set fire to the forest, however I did have an okay to stir sh*t with your soldiers from you directly.

I find it impossible to "help" people who aren't willing to listen, I've provided various points throughout feedback, and seldom do I get an answer, how do you expect me to "help" with anything when my comments are ignored?


... And what divine force is preventing you from giving her more character? Something to keep her occupied until her main story can be unraveled?


As I keep saying, You brought the inn fire on yourself, any previous explosions were caused intentionally by you and I have no reason to answer for your actions/explosions.


Okay, so the people trying to arrest us, are actually allies? Or are they neutrals wanting to arrest us cause they're bored? I know their role in this RP is not to be enemies, however their current allignment is against the group.


You don't need effect. Clearly, some characters didn't follow Damians order, and if authority is your reason, by using Damian you were essentially trying to power-play the entire group, not just Damian.

@Chase calling

I don't have too big an issue with this, and it was just used as an example to illustrate.

@My entertainment

Okay, remind me why I'm participating in this or doing anything at all if it's not for my entertainment, cause I'm pretty sure this isn't paying me, helping me, or feeding me in any way other then in the form of entertainment. Do I care about anything else? Hmmm, well no, not at all. I expect you and everyone else as individuals to find their own entertainment, if someone can work together to create entertainment for eachother, great, that's their business. But I doubt I have an obligation to make this fun for everyone, I satisfy myself thanks, don't have enough skill to help others with their fun.

@Party Member

.... Are you honestly suggesting I bring back Reika into the picture at this stage? Cause if you're absolutely sure, then she'll rejoin at the capitol. But you'll probably wish you killed off all your characters in the explosion if I bring her back in her current state.

Edited by Nadesico
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I think this 'kill-em all' method provides enough ammo for my designs. Mainly, the misfortune of my main character. Anyways...

Does saving someone count as life-changing? Also, no soldiers on the side Eric came out, so please don't force-cap them. >.>

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Okay, so the people trying to arrest us, are actually allies? Or are they neutrals wanting to arrest us cause they're bored? I know their role in this RP is not to be enemies, however their current allignment is against the group.

Doesn't matter for now, because the explosion basically made negotiating with them out of the question at the moment.

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Doesn't matter for now, because the explosion basically made negotiating with them out of the question at the moment.

That is good, I'm happy to hear it.

So they're still enemies, unless Damian pulls out a miracle.

Like Bal said, And as I've been saying for ages I'm not very happy with going to the capitol, and therefore see no reason why we need to get along with Viveka/Conrad right this moment. If anything it's your impatience at wanting to hurry up and get them to join.

If Damian can come up a realistic deal then I'll comply, but if it's got the same amount of planning as you have put into this at the moment, chances are I need to do something at the capitol to cause more trouble.

If you're going to complain that you're having to god-mod your characters, that's not my problem, and I'm not forcing you to do anything.

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You did force the person called "Jackson" in one of your posts to kill someone important, though, so looks like I don't need to god-mod my on characters because you've basically god-modded us out of the situation.

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You did force the person called "Jackson" in one of your posts to kill someone important, though, so looks like I don't need to god-mod my on characters because you've basically god-modded us out of the situation.

...No. Nadesico did no such thing. If you're still talking about General Upson, dig your head out of your own sense of self-importance, then go back and reread that post. Seriously.

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@ Nady

Everything Kamilla says comes across as annoying. The best way to get an issue addressed is PM. Not even feedback. PM works best. The only reason I told you to do what you want, is because I knew that even if I didn't say go ahead, you would still figure out a way to mess everything up anyway.

I tried, but this is just a waste of time. You're making this rp a burden.

At this point, you can do or post whatever you want, but any of your posts aimed at my characters(both good or bad) are going to have to be omitted(non-canon/not acknowledged). If you blow up any of my soldiers, I'm just going to ignore it(as in it didn't f*cking happen). I'll be careful to not allow situations like that to come about. If someone else posts an incident, that may be fine if we talked about it first, but anything you post I'm disregarding unless you come to me first or AT LEAST Snowy first.

@ Bal

I instigated a situation that was meant to have a multitude of solutions. Nady limited the solutions, something I hadn't anticipated.

Going to the capital isn't necessary, not even for my own subplots(just needed a big city), but the group was heading there anyway. At this point, I just don't care. I'll simply adjust as needed.

With that, I've got to get going. Be back later.

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Because I can't shut up:


In Elysimma's Capitol


???: General Upson, good evening.

Upson: You! I thought I told you not to come here.

???: I'm terribly sorry sir, but we had an agreement.

Upson: What? You supply me with.... the stuff-

???: -And you permit our use of fort Selizara, it's now burning in flames thanks to your soldiers.

Upson: What? I haven't, wait, Jackson! That incompetent.

???: I'm terribly sorry but our contract is over goodbye.

It's not the most uncommon of names though... I dunno. It could well be someone else.

Now, back to my actual concerns:

Regarding current events: Is it godmodding if I make the soldiers disarming Kelas and Arrin make a decision about what to do about the horse?

Also: Rain. The best idea. So much. (No, this isn't sarcasm.)

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You did force the person called "Jackson" in one of your posts to kill someone important, though, so looks like I don't need to god-mod my on characters because you've basically god-modded us out of the situation.

Todays lesson kids is idiots who only see what they want to see!

???: General Upson, good evening.

Upson: You! I thought I told you not to come here.

???: I'm terribly sorry sir, but we had an agreement.

Upson: What? You supply me with.... the stuff-

???: -And you permit our use of fort Selizara, it's now burning in flames thanks to your soldiers.

Upson: What? I haven't, wait, Jackson! That incompetent.

???: I'm terribly sorry but our contract is over goodbye.

An aura of darkness eneveloped the man and he was gone, along with Upson's head.

The former generals lifeless beheaded body lying before in the center of his office.

I admit the writing may not be as clear as it could but one would think but after reading

As for Quote, re-read it, I'll let you read over it and think of any other possible interpretations.

@Lightning, read my posts again.

LOL. That was pretty abundantly clear not to be Conrad.

And you still don't get it, then you're an idiot.

Now that I've said that, ??? isn't Conrad.

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His last name's Jackson...

I see what you're talking about, though. I misinterpreted it because I thought Upslon was calling that person Jackson. I get it now, though.


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@ Nady

Everything Kamilla says comes across as annoying. The best way to get an issue addressed is PM. Not even feedback. PM works best. The only reason I told you to do what you want, is because I knew that even if I didn't say go ahead, you would still figure out a way to mess everything up anyway.

I tried, but this is just a waste of time. You're making this rp a burden.

At this point, you can do or post whatever you want, but any of your posts aimed at my characters(both good or bad) are going to have to be omitted(non-canon/not acknowledged). If you blow up any of my soldiers, I'm just going to ignore it(as in it didn't f*cking happen). I'll be careful to not allow situations like that to come about. If someone else posts an incident, that may be fine if we talked about it first, but anything you post I'm disregarding unless you come to me first or AT LEAST Snowy first.

Why can't we work together?

Cause you're acting like an immature little brat?

So much for

You keep saying it's my problem like it's actually true. It's not. This is OUR story, not mine, not yours, OURS. ALL OF OURS.


I don't understand why you antagonize yourself. We should all be working together. Again ... we SHOULD ALL BE WORKING TOGETHER ... EVEN with individual character subplots, but some people want to be left in the dark about future plans, while others want to take it as it comes,

Why can't we work together?: Cause now you're not making any sense. XD

@Lightning, thank god that got cleared up then.

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Because I can't shut up:

It's not the most uncommon of names though... I dunno. It could well be someone else.

Now, back to my actual concerns:

Regarding current events: Is it godmodding if I make the soldiers disarming Kelas and Arrin make a decision about what to do about the horse?

Because there's no point in obfuscating it further, and apparently it wasn't as clear cut as I'd thought upon first reading it.

Balcerzak's interpretation of Nadesico's passage in question:

Mystery man is allied with shadow group in the fort. Mystery man accused Upson of betraying him. Upson is like, "Wut? I did no such thing." Upson has a flash of inspiration. Jackson must have attacked the fort. "Jackson, that incompetent" is not directed at the shadowy figure. It does refer to Conrad, but Upson is cursing a man who is not present, yet had foiled his plans.

Further tangent: Why is it god-modding, not god-moding? You're not modifying god. You're engaging in god-mode/invincibility hack/etc. *grumbles and mourns the ghost of the English language*

Also, Lacuna, I hope that question was rhetorical. (Please.)

Also, I may have almost deciphered where Tessa may be ending up. Maybe. :S

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No it doesn't. Mainly because you blew my eyeballs out.

Serious answer: Dunno if I will approve or not. Dinner be coming up in a few moments and I would rather post then think about permissions ATM.

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It was (a rhetorical question). More of a poke to people who do control the soldiers to do something about it, since I went ahead and disarmed my characters (in the same way that other characters had just been disarmed.)

...Until something happens with that, I can't really do anything. >_<

restrains self from going on tangent about more serious maimings of the English language that have been engaged in by various people, some of whom aren't even here

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restrains self from going on tangent about more serious maimings of the English language that have been engaged in by various people, some of whom aren't even here

That wasn't meant to be a slight against you at all. It seems widespread across all forum RPs I've seen. This was just the most recent mention, and I finally got around to pondering out loud.

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@Bal: I know, I know. Mine was entirely a mention of unnamed parties. None of which were you. (I have to kill my inner Grammar Nazi daily, but it keeps coming back to life...)

Yay we're back to arguments that aren't massive or pressing again? XD

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As for Damian's plans,right now he wants to try to appeal to Jackson as someone who can understand the Crimson weapons.At this point,having them join is not something Damian is even going to try for,just trying to get the group out of hot water.

Chase,well,Damian can't do anything about him,but so long as Conrad is reasonable,then Damian should be able to atleast keep the group out of bars.(The volatile nature of Proxima has a 95% chance to be shared with the axe,so Jackson should have experienced hiccups like Isotov's inn-torching,albeit on a smaller scale.With Damian taking responsibility for the mixup and having the Halton military pay for the damages,that should be decently cleared up.

As for the soldiers lost,since they didn't really listen to the group at all,he would likely have some knowledge of their...brash nature...and Damian should be able to put up enough of a case for "They charged at us recklessly,with no regard to try to listen to our explanation",which is pretty much true,and a Self-Defense plea is pretty much undeniable once that is established.This would be enough to get the military to stop harassing the group,although they would likely need to leave Elyisimia for a while. Conrad and Viveka's recruitment can come later,once the demons are a little more established(or they can end up in Halton for some reason,and need to appeal to Damian,with him agreeing to pardon them of whatever in exchange for Conrad's assistance with Earthshaker,and Viveka naturally follows,of course that is only one potential scenario)

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