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[OUTDATED] Elibian Nights


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It reminds me a lot of Elincia in FE10, how some of her actions angered some people in Crimea, how she abandoned rule over Daein then supported its reconstruction.

Also, paralleling Shakespeare a bit, when Dawson says "People of Ostia! Lend me your ears!" That's a reference to Mark Antony's famous monologue from Julius Caesar. Caesar was assassinated by Brutus because of his fear for the future of Rome and how he believed Caesar was ambitious. In a way this is similar to how Dawson and Yorick (lol more Shakespeare, "alas, poor Yorick, I knew thee well") feel about Hector.

That's what my interpretation has been, at the very least.

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I'm glad someone picks up the Shakespeare references :). I read a lot of Shakespeare, so references crop up in my writing at random points.

But yeah, one of my disdains for the tale is its similarity to Elincia's story in FE10. However, there's not much that I can do about it at this point. The tale feels acceptable, and I'm not going to scrap the entire thing at this point.

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Thanks for the clarification of it. I figured it was something like that, but never could get confirmation.

Other than that there's the problem that I saw a few other people note, how Florina and Louise's inventory and levels don't reset. I've read if you reset the game it will work, but it hasn't for me. I'm sure you're working on a solution if there is a need for fixing. It's just a minor problem for me anyways.

Also, I was wondering if Erk is supposed to be in 4x. You see Erk and Canas talking and notice something wrong, but when the battle starts Erk is nowhere to be seen. I was wondering if that was intentional or not.

Edited by Taku
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I'm glad someone picks up the Shakespeare references :). I read a lot of Shakespeare, so references crop up in my writing at random points.

But yeah, one of my disdains for the tale is its similarity to Elincia's story in FE10. However, there's not much that I can do about it at this point. The tale feels acceptable, and I'm not going to scrap the entire thing at this point.

I'm a theatre major, Shakespeare and I are quite the pals.

It is quite similar, except that it's Hector-style. I don't mind the tale's writing, I think it's fine. Part II of FE10 is the best written part anyway. :3

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Same here about Shakespeare. High school I didn't care much for him. Now in college and taking a class or two on him I like him more.

As for the Florina and Louise problem, it's fixed now after taking a break from the game. Perhaps I must turn the game off completely for it to work.

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The problem with Louise and Florina is likely a problem on my part. Due to the nature I use to remove characters from the party and reset their data (setting to NPC at the end of a tale and wiping their data when the tale is beginning), it's possible that one of these two steps missed a given character. Louise and Florina will be looked at, as will Erk in 4x (because he is supposed to be playable, and I'm thinking he got killed in Tale 4 and then you went to Tale 4x).

Taking AP Literature in High School this year really made me appreciate Shakespeare more. I read King Lear, Hamlet, Othello, and Macbeth as part of the course, then I went on to read Julius Caesar, Cymbeline, Taming of the Shrew, and Antony and Cleopatra on my own. Hamlet and Caesar are the ones that get referenced the most, though. Hamlet was the entire inspiration for Tale 1's remake, and the reason that Eliwood gets to soliloquy up the tale.

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Nah, Erk didn't die. I had the same problem replaying Tale 4, as while the cutscene of Canas coming into battle showed, he did not appear.

As for the Louise and Florina problem, I was replaying each Tale to find others, and I noticed the same thing happened to Natalie. There's probably something in the coding wrong there.

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Can you be a bit more cogent with your error reports? Was the patching set to "abort" if the patch doesn't match the ROM? Using the FE7 (U) ROM (it MUST be the American version of the ROM, not the European or Japanese) it shouldn't abort, but try setting the patching option to "Ignore" in NUPS and see what happens.

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It's been a while since I've actually shown you guys something new, hasn't it? Well, I've started working on the eighth tale today. What's it about? That's information for a later date ;).


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If it wasn't for that speech bubble I'd be tempted to say that it might be going back to that hit and run idea that was scrapped for Raven's tale:

So the carriage is trying to get to a spot, and your guys have to rush in and intercept it.

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I personally would like to see something worked on about the whole 'Dieck saved Klein's life' imo.

High hopes? Yes. Could it work? Maybe.

That'd be interesting, though most likely short.

I've got it. It's about wear-wolves isn't it.

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I personally would like to see something worked on about the whole 'Dieck saved Klein's life' imo.

High hopes? Yes. Could it work? Maybe.

Apart from having to make lion animations I can't really see much creative freedom with that, it will peak at Dieck vs Lion

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Apart from having to make lion animations I can't really see much creative freedom with that, it will peak at Dieck vs Lion

Maybe Klein was just too young to remember properly, and Dieck had to fight off 12 lions, 3 wolves, 10 zombies, and 24 assasins with the help of some random axe fighters.

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Maybe Klein was just too young to remember properly, and Dieck had to fight off 12 lions, 3 wolves, 10 zombies, and 24 assasins with the help of some random axe fighters.

Hell you've got my backing

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There are more opportunities for creative license in that than you guys are implying.

For example, who said that it was really the lion who went berserk? How do you know it wasn't, say, planned, like some organization was trying to kill Pent's son. Then Pent could "unofficially" hire Dieck to go chase them down. No? Tell me that's not plausible...


...I got nothing.

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There are more opportunities for creative license in that than you guys are implying.

For example, who said that it was really the lion who went berserk? How do you know it wasn't, say, planned, like some organization was trying to kill Pent's son. Then Pent could "unofficially" hire Dieck to go chase them down.

Add 3 wolves, 10 zombies, another 11 lions and some more assassins into that and I'm sold

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There are more opportunities for creative license in that than you guys are implying.

For example, who said that it was really the lion who went berserk? How do you know it wasn't, say, planned, like some organization was trying to kill Pent's son. Then Pent could "unofficially" hire Dieck to go chase them down. No? Tell me that's not plausible...


...I got nothing.

Tale 4 pt.3: Considering Arch doesn't hate pent, we can totally convince him to do that.

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