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Advance Wars Mafia


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ho hum. We were indeed right about there being no mafia.

I suspected as much.

Score one for Fayt's intuition!

Anyway, since I've already mentioned that I've got a visiting role, I think that I can safely visit someone without giving away any more information. Cop might want to avoid investigating tonight in order to hide your identity.

If there's a doctor, stay low tonight. If you're a bodyguard though, I'd like you to protect me. I understand that I'm not clear by any means, but by claiming a powerful town role, I do believe that I've become a target for the mafia. Watcher might also want to take a look at my house tonight.

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I was going to say something as why they shouldn't move but then i forgot.... :unsure:

edit: a typo.

Edited by SlayerX
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If there's a doctor, stay low tonight. If you're a bodyguard though, I'd like you to protect me. I understand that I'm not clear by any means, but by claiming a powerful town role, I do believe that I've become a target for the mafia. Watcher might also want to take a look at my house tonight.

@Bold - I used 'mafia' out of habit. I meant that as a generic term for anti-town factions. Anyway, I thought I should clear that up now rather than later.

By the way, anyone got any lurking suspicions on who I might want to get drunk?

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@Bold - I used 'mafia' out of habit. I meant that as a generic term for anti-town factions. Anyway, I thought I should clear that up now rather than later.

By the way, anyone got any lurking suspicions on who I might want to get drunk?

I think you should make that decision.

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I think you should make that decision.

Since the lights are on and it's going to be revealed anyway, I can go ahead and say that I'm blocking Proto at the moment. If anyone has good reason as for why I shouldn't, now would be the time to ask me to change.

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I really see no point in mentioning what you are going to do, seeing as the cult or whatever ohter role might just do nothing and we'll blame proto for being and anti-town role.

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I really see no point in mentioning what you are going to do, seeing as the cult or whatever ohter role might just do nothing and we'll blame proto for being and anti-town role.

I think they can fake doing nothing anyway.

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Since the lights are on and it's going to be revealed anyway, I can go ahead and say that I'm blocking Proto at the moment. If anyone has good reason as for why I shouldn't, now would be the time to ask me to change.

I really see no point in mentioning what you are going to do, seeing as the cult or whatever ohter role might just do nothing and we'll blame proto for being and anti-town role.


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Since the lights are on and it's going to be revealed anyway, I can go ahead and say that I'm blocking Proto at the moment. If anyone has good reason as for why I shouldn't, now would be the time to ask me to change.

Well, I'm a Vanilla anyway so you'll be wasting your action there. If you think I'm lying, you'll know anyway if I use my action tonight. It'll be much better to roleblock someone else instead imo. But meh, I hate Town Roleblockers anyway (they usually do more harm than good in my experience) so idc.

Hmmm, if everyone's actions are exposed, I wonder if the effects of Bus Drivers, Nexi, and Lightning Rods would still mess around with the targets. Or maybe I eat tables made sure that none of them exist in this game.

Oh, yeah, I really like this whole idea of no Mafia existing. That was really cool, I eat tables. Life Admiral is probably facepalming at himself right now...

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A mafia game without a mafia.

What is this I don't even

Then it's probably safe to assume that there's at least a cult or something similar, as otherwise, some neutral dudes against an oversized town would probably be an unfavourable matchup for the neutral factions (and it would make lynching near pointless, as the town would be almost guaranteed to hit one of their own).

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... Of course not, yeah! :newyears: Also, to the person who said "it's town vs. 3rd party" no, not necessarily. Third-party doesn't really apply for this game... there's a lot more than three parties (who may or may not be in play).

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It was a particularly long 20 minutes.

Rachel: There were another two deaths last night.

Jake: Two? Aw, no, who was it?

Rachel: Commander Andy was the first...

Max: Andy? How... how could they?

Sami: Andy...

Jake: Who was the other then?

Rachel: Emperor Kanbei of Yellow Comet.

Sonja: D-dad? They killed dad?

Sensei: Oh, this could be trouble for us.

Grimm: You got that right! They're gonna pay for this!

Rachel: We have another day to find those who are against us. Let's use this oppertunity.

Dear Ether,

You are Andy, the incredible mechanic.


Andy was the hero of the war in Macro Land and in Cosmo Land. While he seems too stupid to be a real commanding officer, he's proved himself capable many times, and in fact displays no real weakness on the battlefield. His CO Power, Hyper Repair, involves repairing all of his units, which somehow also heals infantry. Go figure.


Talking: This is your most important ability. During the day and night, you may talk to other players. Use this amazing ability to ask questions, work things out, discuss who you suspect and who you trust.

Voting: During the day phase, you may place a vote for someone in the form ##vote: [user]. Similarly, you can remove or change your vote in the form ##Unvote: [user]. This format makes it easy for me, yourself and others to find the votes, by searching for the ## string.

Hyper Repair: During the night phase, you may reply to this PM saying 'Night X: Hyper Repairing user X'. If User X is targeted to be killed that night, you will work your magic and repair them, keeping them alive. You may not hyper repair yourself.

You are allied with the town.

"What's an airport?"

Dear Yossarian,

You are Kanbei, Yellow Comet Emperor


You are the most impressive commander in the world. Your units are the best trained and most powerful of anybodies, boasting superior attack and defence all around. Sure, the extra training costs a little more, but when you're the best, it's worth it. You tend to walk into traps and rush off on impulse a little easily, and as such Black Hole has tricked you into trying to collect as many votes as possible.


Talking: This is your most important ability. During the day and night, you may talk to other players. Use this amazing ability to ask questions, work things out, discuss who you suspect and who you trust.

Voting: During the day phase, you may place a vote for someone in the form ##vote: [user]. Similarly, you can remove or change your vote in the form ##Unvote: [user]. This format makes it easy for me, yourself and others to find the votes, by searching for the ## string.

Visit: Each night, you may send me a PM saying 'Night X: Visiting [user]'. You will then visit that person. Visiting them doesn't do anything, but maybe someone will find you suspicious?

Lynched and win: If you get lynched, you win. If you die any other way, or survive without being lynched, you lose.

You are allied with the fool

"Ohhoho, look what I have found: A base for Kanbei's troops! I shall deploy a mountain of troops!"

Lash: Are you allied nincompoops done talking about dead people? I have an amazing list of what went on last night! Here we go...

Fayt Zelpher: Visited Proto

Ninji: Visited nobody

Raymond: Visited nobody

Ether: Visited nobody

Cheezperson: Visited nobody

Sync: Visited WoMC

SlayerX: Visited Yossarian

Core: Visited nobody

Proto: Visited nobody

Psychout: Visited nobody

WoMC: Visited nobody

Yossarian: Visited SlayerX

Bizz: Visited nobody

Snike: Visited nobody

Pride: Visited nobody

Dracohon: Visited nobody

Lash: Looks like not much went on last night? Was everyone scared of being seen?

It is now day 2. You may now choose to no lynch (or not, as the case may be).

Edited by I Eat Tables
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Town people would also like to hide their action, so that the maf doesn't pick up on them. My visit only shows because I used you as an example >_> (so yes, I do have a night role.)

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