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Advance Wars Mafia


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Well, I'm actually not really trying this game.


I think I'll just wait it out some more

see what happens

and then see who I want to place suspicion on

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I don't see what we'll gain by no lynching. All that happens is the Cult recruits a new member, the SK kills someone, and we start the next day with no more real info than we have now.

Edited by Dracohon
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I don't see what we'll gain by no lynching. All that happens is the Cult recruits a new member, the SK kills someone, and we start the next day with no more real info than we have now.

You don't no lynch to gain something, you no lynch to prevent something. I want to prevent us from killing a valuable town role. Although, I do suspect Bizz too.

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##Unvote Sync.

I'll wait and see how Levity responds

Slayer, tonight you should target Cocytus(Fayt) to kill, and we'll tell him to get you drunk. If he doesn't die then that means that he wasn't culted before tonight or you are both cult. If he dies then he was lying and is bad. Win/win situation.

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Slayer, tonight you should target Cocytus(Fayt) to kill, and we'll tell him to get you drunk. If he doesn't die then that means that he wasn't culted before tonight or you are both cult. If he dies then he was lying and is bad. Win/win situation.

I'm not going to waste my power to attempt to prove my innocence, especially since this gives a free out for the SK to kill me instead. In other words, we waste a kill chance and my ability, and then I still die. Sounds like Core should probably die instead.

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Slayer, tonight you should target Cocytus(Fayt) to kill, and we'll tell him to get you drunk. If he doesn't die then that means that he wasn't culted before tonight or you are both cult. If he dies then he was lying and is bad. Win/win situation.

I can see a few things why this wouldn't work. He can drunk me but the sk could kill him,

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Why would you vote for me because I claimed that I'm not trying? I'm not liking Dracohon very much, just saying. I'm not trying like I usually am, that's why I seem very sheepy lately. I normally don't like sheep. I thought maybe you guys would understand. Sorry.

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Yeah, I'm not liking Core for that idea he threw out, either. I'm sorry, but no.

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Well the reason i suspect you its because you are not your usual self in mafia.

I'm not, but that shouldn't mean anything. This game is just kind of confusing.

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I'm sorry i didn't understand what you are referring to in your sentence.

the thing about fayt

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Well i actually see how it works now so i supposed its not that bad.

Edit: this is mostly talking to bizz

Edited by SlayerX
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From what I recall, Bizz has played the "I don't know what to do" card before as mafia.

But I'm serious this time |:

I've played a lot of mafia lately and it's really altering my sense of thought. I'm not anything special, either; I pull the 'blah' thing a lot when I'm vanilla. I kind of did that in another game I'm playing, but to a lesser extent because discussion there is more active.

I noticed that SF mafia got a little more active as of late, however. I like that.

But yeah, I'm town. Don't know what else to say.

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IDK Bizz something about you certainly make me uneasy.

Are you branded? :lol:


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Bump. Lightning (who doesn't know this yet) will hopefully end the day phase, if he's online before me after the 72 hour mark has elapsed, since I'll be out for a long time after that (that's in about 2 1/2 hours from this post).

If it reaches about 4 hours after this post and Lightning hasn't had a chance to end the day, consider it night phase, and feel free to send in orders (but I won't start the 36 hour countdown until I get back, since some people will need to see they lynched's role).

Edit: Lightning, don't worry about Flavour, I'll fill that in. Just reveal the lynched's role etc.

Edited by I Eat Tables
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¬_¬ Nothing? Fine...

Levity: L-let go of me! There wasn't even a majority decision here!

Disguised 1: There were more votes than anyone else. We know you're not allied with us, so it's time for you to die.

Levity: But... who will take over Yellow Comet once I'm gone?

Disguised 2: ...Sonja? Ah, what a problem. We can change our minds can't we, behead someone else?

Disguised 3: I don't think so. What if they're pretending?

Levity: Please! Just let me go!

Disguised 2: Hm... ah, wh-what's that?

Disguised 1: Huh?

Disguised 3: Where?

Levity: Sensei... thank you...

Disguised 4: Wait... Levity?

Disguised 3: Where did she go?

Disguised 1: She's gone... but that means that she's out of the way anyway.

Disguised 2: Yes... that must have been Sonja. Hm, I think she might have something revealing that in her room...

Dear EmeraldFox Bizz,

You are Sonja, command genius


You are a complete genius. While you suffer from occasional bad luck, you can outpredict and manipulate just about everyone. By doing so, you have the impressive ability to conceal information from the enemy, as well as reducing their effective defences, making you a foe to be reckoned with. Unfortunately, your impulsive father tends to prevent your impressive strategies taking place.


Talking: This is your most important ability. During the day and night, you may talk to other players. Use this amazing ability to ask questions, work things out, discuss who you suspect and who you trust.

Voting: During the day phase, you may place a vote for someone in the form ##vote: [user]. Similarly, you can remove or change your vote in the form ##Unvote: [user]. This format makes it easy for me, yourself and others to find the votes, by searching for the ## string.

Prediction: Each night, you may predict who the town will lynch by replying here and saying 'Night X: Predicting a lynch of [user]'. If you guess correctly twice, you win. You may not predict a no lynch or your own lynch - you must be alive to win.

You are allied with the Warlock.

"Number of enemies... location of enemy troops... got it! This is so easy!"

It is now night phase. 36 hours for orders. Thank you.

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