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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 14: The mental limit


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"Of course I worry about you,Esphyr. I care about you,so I- ohh...speaking of Morgan..." Damian said,trailing off.

"Just a second." Walking downstairs,Damian saw the shamaness.

"Sorry Morgan,but Esphyr is feeling ill,and needs to rest. We're not going anywhere until she feels better." Damian stated adamantly,walking up to Morgan.

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"She'll live." said Morgan curtly. "It's not as if she has to walk, get her on a mount. We do not have time for Esphyr to take a sick day." Morgan said admantly.

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Arrin had just finished packing his things when he heard Morgan shouting: "Time to go everyone!" He lifted the cat up to his shoulder and headed outside.

Kelas had already gotten Francis ready, it appeared. Arrin led the gelding out of the stable, seeing several others in the yard. "Are we almost ready?"


Hearing Morgan's shouting, Kelas stopped. "Well, we do kind of need to get moving," she admitted, even though she didn't much like agreeing with the shamaness. "More later, I guess?" she asked Aiya, walking over to Amari and mounting up. She turned Amari back towards the main yard where people were starting to gather.

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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Helios' horse appeared in front of the inn following Amari and Francis quietly. He glared at Kelas for locking him in.

Edited by Solf J. Kimblee
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"Very well," Eric said, passing the dark blue bottle to Alf. "Keep the rest. Might as well use it later," he said, hopping down out of the window. "Go the other way. Three's a bit too big a group, and our eyes don't match up." Helping Charlotte down, the swordsman nodded at the guide, and led his charge through the streets. Approaching the gate, he whispered to the princess, "Just pull your hood up, and if we're stopped, let me handle it." That said, Eric took her hand and pulled up his hood, hoping to pass through the gates without incident.


"I would have, if not for the Captain and that wyvern lord," Derek replied, pulling up one of his gauntlets. "After they showed up, I didn't go in fear of leading them to Charlotte. Plus, my sister's with them. I'd rather not have the blood of my family on my hands." As he said this, Tessa approached the two. "Something wrong, Miss?" the cavalier asked, adjusting his helm now.

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"Yes,and that healer said she needed rest." Damian replied to Helios,before hearing Morgan's reply.

"You always have this sense of extreme urgency Morgan. No one is going to listen to a supposed leader who doesn't give a fuck about their comrades." Damian retorted,nearly glaring at her.

"Regardless,Esphyr is under my employ,not yours. You can rush to Septimus all you want, but both the lance and the sword, as well as the person Jace wants to see, are staying here."

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"Damian." said Esphyr. She had gotten up from her bed and made her way down the hall, one hand leaning upon it for support. Though her face had been drained of color before, a faint tone of health now surrounded her. Yet, it was clear she was still recovering from her stress assault. "I'm fine... I can ride. We can go, like Morgan wants."

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"I care about our success, and we're going to have a difficult time achieving our goals if we allow Naelia to continue to steal our things. The longer we delay, the more important things she is going to steal. Time is a luxury we do not have." Morgan said to Damian.

She saw Esphyr approach. "Very well then, we move."

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"Esphyr... you aren't fine,that much is obvious. Now go lay down." Damian said,as Esphyr approached.

"Putting results above the health of your comrades and lording over them as if you were superior to them will only cause desent and failure. Fatigue causes mistakes, and mistakes cause casualties. Sooner or later, you're gonna be all alone and realize everyone died due to your own disposition. And y'know what? I'm not even sure you would care."

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"Nothing's particularly wrong..." Tessa replied to Derek. "There are a couple of things that I could maybe get a little help with, though, I suppose. I'm not sure if you'd be able or willing, but since you're asking, I guess you'll at least listen, right?"

Tilting her head thoughtfully as she looked up at the cavalier, she continued. "The first isn't particularly important at all, but it would also be the easiest. You wouldn't have happened to see who healed me yesterday, would you have? I owe it to them to thank them quite properly, but must confess I was pretty much wholly out of it for the entirely ordeal. I only brief swirls and snatches, nothing definite. I was going to ask Damian but I didn't see him..." At that point, the man in question just stepped out of the inn, and started to engage Morgan in a bit of a shouting match, "...and it looks like he's too busy now anyways," she finished, casting her eyes down a bit.

"The other thing I was hoping, was to get some shopping in for some replacement supplies for what I'd lost. I know you helped out last time, with the staff, but maybe you'd be willing to help again, taking me along this time, so I knew what to do in the future? Though, that too might not work, as Sis seems to want to press on urgently..."

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"Thanks," said Alf, pouring it in his hair, blinking a little more rapidly than normal. Idiot. You should've been more careful administering the dose.

"OK guys I'm ready."

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"Damian, I'll be fine." said Esphyr, approaching the arguing pair. "I understand Morgan's point and she-UNG!" Esphyr suddenly pitched forwards towards Morgan, as if her legs had suddenly given out under her. In truth, she had intentionally let her legs go limp. She didn't care so much that Morgan was telling her to move, but wanted to be sure that she was considering Esphyr's state. It was a bold move, but she was doing something no merc had done that she had heard of. Standing up for herself.

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"Everyone dying would obviously not be beneficial to our goals." Morgan said, waving her hand dismissively at Damian.

"Lev! Irina!" Morgan called out. "Take Esphyr and put her on a wyvern."

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Irina and Levski

Hearing Morgan call out to them, the two riders stood up, and their wyverns looked down over the edge to see what was going on!

Lev: Ah screw it, let's just get down there!

Levski leaped from the roof followed by Krinkov! The wyvern used his arms to grab Levski by the legs and pull him up to his abdomen! The wyvern did a quick barrel roll just before they hit the ground, and Levski landed right in the saddle as they touched down!

Lev: What's wrong with Esphyr?

Irina looked over the edge and slowly backed away.

Irina: ... stairs.

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"Esphyr!" Damian grabbed her as she pitched forward,hoping to help support her.

Hearing Morgan call for a forced movement,Damian grew fed up.

"Enough of this. Irina,you are to ensure that Esphyr isn't flown off,understood?" Damian said,before leading Esphyr back up to her room.

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Heinz raised an eye slightly at his response. He was talking to that pegasus knight earlier, but for his friends to have left without telling him is suspicious. "I guess I can see why you wouldn't go along then," Heinz shrugged. That fire mage told those two bounty hunters she was going towards Septimus, he could probably leave if he wanted to. Nodding his head at Tessa's arrival, he listened to her inquiries. "That would be Esphyr," Heinz commented. "She picked up your staff and started chanting words to heal you. I was surprised she knew how to heal at all." Didn't seem like she was used to it. "Charlotte finished up after her, and eventually people stopped running around and panicking."

Assuming the healer's second inquiry was directed towards the other mercenary, Heinz waited for him to respond. Wouldn't know where to buy a staff or these supplies you're asking about anyway, watching the argument between Morgan and Damian. Didn't seem like Esphyr was that weak before, Heinz frowned. A mercenary should not be in relationship with an employer, but it seems she enjoys getting coddled.

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"No, I was busy finding everyone else, and scouting... It was the Serph? Huh," Derek said, shrugging. " The more you know. I can help you restock, at some point, however. But, uh, it looks like Colonel Kleine is arguing with Ms Morgan. I'll just go see what's going on," he said, walking over to the inn entrance, where Morgan was standing. "Alright, so, something is up. Colonel Kleine, mind coming down here and letting me know why you moved Ms. Serph back upstairs?"

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Xenia and Travis had camped outdoors the following night and woken up bright and early the night morning undeterred by emo mercenaries. Svetlana flew high in the sky, and Xenia and Travis looked downwards.

"So, you thinm we're in Septimus yet sweetcheeks?" Travis asked Xenia. "I've never had a job outside Halton before."

"Doubt it." said Xenia. She looked down below and saw a mass of brown figures. "Septimian soliders, eh? Let's see what they're up to."

Svetlana flew down and Xenia held her lance in a threatening position. She spoke to the man who seemed to be the leader, who was wearing silver armor. "You there! Have there been any reports of the Jerdonian princess crossing the Halton/Septimus border recently? I have received word that this was her destination."

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