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WTF is up with the release date?

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And it's not like it's the first time Nintendo (or other companies) has done something seemingly only to piss off their customers.

They do it because it's not profitable, not because they want to anger customers.

Unless you're referring to them being ambiguous, but that's standard fare.

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This just doesn't make sense, though. By not localizing those games (as well as others, such as FE12) Nintendo is just losing millions of dollars both from purchases of those games and from purchases many offended fans will not make in the future.

Grandkitty is right. They wouldn't make a lot of money. Even in an ideal environment where the 3DS isn't sucking up all the attention and all consumer's money, a game like FE12 would be expensive and risky to release. Not only would the boatloads of text be annoying to translate, but then the game would have to actually be made (there is a cost associated with making cartridges, you know), and it would have to be shipped and so on. And when you think about it, niche games like FE are a huge risk. Nintendo is going to have to send copies of it to every Game Stop, every Best Buy, every Walmart, every Toys R Us, etc in the world, knowing full well that there may only be two or three FE fans in that entire area. So that leaves only a few consumers who go to the store, and will for whatever reason pick the game up by random chance. Those are not nice odds. And add on top of that the fact that we Nintendo gamers are broke from buying 3DS's and would be looking for games for that system intead, you have absolutely no incentive to translate anything.

The only real reason to release any of the OR games or FE12 would be to appease the fans they claim to be focusing on with their new system. But they know that when they show Zelda in HD we'll all come crying back to them anyway, so why bother? And even if we didn't, they earn so much money off the casuals and Mario/Zelda gamers that they can afford to lose part of the JRPG crowd.

I still think OR has a shot though. At least with Xenoblade and Last Story the games will already be in English, and NoE at least thinks they are worth the risk. Plus the Wii U isn't soaking up all consumers' money yet. So they have something to argue with. We, however...

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They do it because it's not profitable, not because they want to anger customers.

Unless you're referring to them being ambiguous, but that's standard fare.

I'm pretty sure the games people are pushing for would turn a profit. It's obviously not done to anger their customers, but that seems to be the biggest effect. Unless Nintendo actually isn't making a disgustingly large amount of money.

*long post about FE12 that I cut for space*

I'm not just talking about FE12, though. Games simply sell more in America than other places, and there is money in that. Besides, how much energy has to actually be put into translating casual games? It seems to me that a company should be more than just a money making machine.

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And Nintendo can't do that while not pissing off their customers? I understand Nintendo's reasoning, I just wholeheartedly disagree with it.

keep in mind also that nintendo's stocks are extremely low right now, lower than they've been for a long time. the prices dropped with the announcement of the wii u, so they prob. simply just can't afford to do anything even remotely risky without making even more investors bail.

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I'm pretty sure the games people are pushing for would turn a profit. It's obviously not done to anger their customers, but that seems to be the biggest effect. Unless Nintendo actually isn't making a disgustingly large amount of money.

Again, you are ignoring the fact that the timing is simply off due to the whole 3DS explosion. Nintendo wants the most out of what it can sell, and selling it now with the 3DS blowing everything up is a bad idea, especially since that's an entire system vs a few games. If you have the chance to sell a system over a game, you totally would since that ensures you have an entire system to make games and thus get more money out of. If a few games have to take a backseat to it, that's exactly what would happen. It's especially true for niche games, of which FE for the states is.

The only issue I have is that they straight up said it's just not going to happen, since as stated, you could just wait till the 3DS calms down and squeeze out the last bits for the DS and Wii. But again, I'm not gonna cry over it.

I'm not just talking about FE12, though. Games simply sell more in America than other places, and there is money in that. Besides, how much energy has to actually be put into translating casual games? It seems to me that a company should be more than just a money making machine.

I dunno how text heavy those other games are, but it's lunacy to think translating can be done quick. There's interpreting the text itself, having to make it come out in an interesting way so that it doesn't read in a boring fashion, double checking to make sure the translations align correctly as to not cause plot incorrectness, double checking interpretations so you didn't just screw up the translation itself, spelling errors, programming it into the game over the original dialect, bug testing that so that text doesn't end up glitchy, copying that onto the many many carts you would be selling to the customers, I'm sure I'm missing some things...You also have to note that translators work like anyone else. As in, they're not gonna spend whole 24 hour days night and dawn just to translate this quicker. They will take their time with it unless a deadline is approaching quick.

If these games are text heavy (we know ours is, FE12 has a ton of text in it), the interpretation alone would take quite a damn good while.

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I don't know if anyone has brought this up yet, but know that a while back, there was an online petition to get Fire Emblem 6 released in the States. It had no effect on Nintendo. So I don't think a petition will work this time either.

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So... Operation Rainfall. that's exactly what they're doing. A letter-writing campaign starts soon for all the titles, alongside the existing spam on facebook, twitter, and Amazon. And good luck getting 10,000 people to support any cause like this. Even OR only has a couple thousand, and they've been spread through virtually every resource on the internet. Which is exactly the problem. We core Nintendo gamers are just not a big enough faction to cause significant risk for Nintendo. All these threats of not buying Nintendo are useless, since Nintendo is in no way reliant on hardcore gamers for their money. What do you think those days of waiting for a statement were for? They were calculating if they could afford to piss us off. And the answer was obviously yes.

Also, since FE12 was much less publicized than Last Story and Xenoblade, I have no doubt that we would have even worse results than OR, which at the moment is not so appealing (though they're not done yet).

I thought OR was only for the games? What I would like is to attack the basic issue. Which is also why I think we should have ten thousand people, because it would encompass more.

@JosefLior: I think 10,000 people sending them letters, calling, and e-mailing would be more than enough to piss them off.

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Why piss em off? They're the ones in the position to give us (or deny us) the games...

Because they're denying it to us. :P

It's easy for a core gamer to want to piss off Nintendo. Titles like Mario, Zelda, Kirby, Donkey Kong, et cetera, will ALWAYS be available. But the games that WE want are always a hits-and-miss type deal, like with Ace Attorney Investigations 2. It sucks that the Japanese make all the games that I like. :/

Quite honestly, I think regions should be gotten rid of, and every game cartridge/CD has all languages --needed-- included in it, with the developers from all regions working on the game. But, I don't know what that would do to the industry and its resources.

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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No. They were to remake the game, usually to cash-in, little for fan-service, little more for nostalgia's sake. Dragon Quest V (PS2) already states that, as did Fire Emblem 3 itself. Neither of these remakes were make just for the intent of selling internationally. Dragon Quest IV... hell, a good chunk of the Dragon Quest remakes didn't make it overseas until very recently, with only the latest iteration on the DS (one of which was a port from the PlayStation Dragon Quest IV update).

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I don't really know how to do that since I've never really tried. I DO have a Club Nintendo account though. Maybe sometime tomorrow, I'll see what I can do about that. I can't be sure that I'll be a (part of a) loud enough voice that reaches NoA's ears though.

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One problem is that Nintendo of America basically tricked us.

Up until E3 2011, most of us assumed this game would come out in America, and we had no reason not to. If we'd known immediately that they had no plans to release it, campaigning for it then would have been a slightly less futile gesture.

We waited until the DS was dead in the water before we got off our asses and did something about it.

I signed the petition, I'm embarrassed to admit, but the number of signatures is pitifully small.

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Now who other than NoA could anyone possibly blame for the game not being localized? It is not the incumbent duty of fans to campaign for every game they want released as soon as it is announced in Japan, regardless of how likely an American release seems at the time.

Your post was accusatory in an entirely unnecessary manner.

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It's also not NoA's jobs to release games if it won't make a profit, in which case it wouldn't considering the 3DS's explosion and that this game is a very niche series in the states, all just to appease a small fanbase. They didn't surprise us with tomfoolery. They didn't announce they were ever going to give this game attention, and it's not like they were promising they would and just didn't (and nor did they have to, they're not obliged to please our every whim). The timing was simplyhorrible, and that's what they decided would be the case.

I said this topic went through the 5 stages of grief, but it seems that Denial had been skipped over.

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